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( Motivation matters: Autonomous motivation sustains the happiness from prosocial behavior.
Jun 30th 2024, 15:36

Motivation Science, Vol 10(2), Jun 2024, 100-109; doi:10.1037/mot0000319
Does performing acts of kindness always bring long-lasting happiness? Based on self-determination theory, the current study sought to answer this question by examining whether autonomous motivation affected the rate of hedonic adaptation for helping. Study 1 examined the correlation between autonomous motivation and hedonic adaptation for donations. In this study, participants played repeated rounds of games for donations to a local charity and then rated their happiness after each win. The results found that higher autonomous motivation was associated with a slower rate of hedonic adaptation. Study 2 manipulated autonomous motivation to examine its causal effect on hedonic adaptation and further explored the possible psychological mechanisms underlying this effect. The results showed that high autonomous motivation led to a reduction in the rate of hedonic adaptation through the satisfaction of basic psychological needs. These findings highlight the importance of autonomous motivation in maintaining sustainable happiness derived from engaging in prosocial behavior. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Most Americans don’t know that primary care physicians can prescribe addiction treatment
Jun 30th 2024, 15:09

Results from a national survey(link is external) indicate that many Americans, 61%, are unaware that primary care physicians can prescribe medications for opioid use disorder, and 13% incorrectly believed that they could not. 
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( Crime, culture or war? Justifying military responses to violence against civilians
Jun 30th 2024, 15:03

Acta Sociologica, Ahead of Print. Interpreting violence against civilians is necessary for eliciting appropriate protection responses, yet the structuration processes through which military personnel make sense of observed violence are underexplored. This article draws on the experiences of Norwegian military officers, applying Boltanski and Thévenot’s theory of justification to investigate how officers discern violence targeting unarmed individuals and justify their reactions. Although they frequently categorize violence into ‘war’, ‘crime’ and ‘culture’, employing civic, industrial and humanitarian logic structures, officers grapple with the realities that transcend such neat classifications. Rooted in the sociology of justification and violence, this article provides insights into how actors navigate plural violence in conflict and their struggles in making justifiable decisions that ultimately prepare the ground for action to take place.
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( The mental health-related barriers and benefits to exercise in adults with and without chronic pain
Jun 30th 2024, 14:34

Publication date: April–June 2024
Source: International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, Volume 24, Issue 2
Author(s): Madeleine L. Connolly, Michaela C. Pascoe, Stephen C. Bowden, Anita B. Amorim, Kusal Goonewardena, Nicholas T. Van Dam
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( Metamotivational knowledge of others’ achievement goals in a work context.
Jun 30th 2024, 13:34

Motivation Science, Vol 10(2), Jun 2024, 110-127; doi:10.1037/mot0000328
Achievement goals have been overlooked in the emerging literature on metamotivation. In the present research, we conducted three experiments (two preregistered) with large samples (total N ∼ 3,600) designed to test metamotivational accuracy of others’ achievement goals in a work context. We put participants in the role of employer and provided them with information on a job applicant’s primary achievement goal. Participants then indicated their likelihood of interviewing the candidate and provided their judgments of the applicant’s competence and warmth. We found clear and consistent evidence that participants were most likely to grant an interview to mastery-approach goal applicants (“Master tasks and improve in my job”) and least likely to grant an interview to performance-avoidance goal applicants (“Avoid performing worse than others in my job”), with performance-approach goal applicants (“Perform better than others in my job”) in the middle. These findings represent metamotivational accuracy when compared to existing meta-analyses and systematic narrative reviews of the literature. Perceived competence and warmth mediated the effects of applicant achievement goal on interview likelihood. The findings generalized across applicant gender, type of occupation, participant gender, and prior interviewer experience. We discuss the conceptual implications of the research, lay out avenues for future empirical work, and highlight the integrative nature of our work across prominent and promising literatures. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Engaging Families in State Initiatives: A Case Study of Lessons Learned
Jun 30th 2024, 12:36

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( Effects of brief family psychoeducation on family caregiver burden of people with schizophrenia provided by psychiatric visiting nurses: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Jun 30th 2024, 12:07


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a brief family psychoeducation (BFP) programme provided by psychiatric visiting nurses on caregiver burden of family caregivers of people with schizophrenia through a cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT).

The study was a two-arm, parallel-group cRCT. Forty-seven psychiatric visiting nurse agencies were randomly allocated to the BFP programme group (intervention group) or treatment as usual group (TAU; control group). Caregivers of people with schizophrenia were recruited by psychiatric visiting nurses using a randomly ordered list. The primary outcome was caregiver burden, measured using the Japanese version of the Zarit Burden Interview. Outcome assessments were conducted at baseline, 1-month follow-up, and 6-month follow-up. Intention-to-treat analysis was conducted to examine the effects of the BFP programme on caregiver burden.

Thirty-four psychiatric visiting nurse agencies and 83 family caregivers of people with schizophrenia participated in the study. The participant attrition rate was less than 20%. Adherence to the program was 100%. Compared with TAU group, the BFP programme group had decreased caregiver burden. However, this improvement was not significant at 1-month follow-up (adjusted mean difference [aMD] = 0.27, 95% CI = − 5.48 to 6.03, p = 0.93, d = 0.01) or 6-month follow-up (aMD = − 2.12, 95% CI = − 7.80 to 3.56, p = 0.45, d = 0.11).

The BFP programme provided by psychiatric visiting nurses did not achieve significant decreases in caregiver burden. This result may be attributed to the difficulty in continuing the research due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which prevented us from achieving the targeted sample size necessary to meet the statistical power requirements, as well as to the participation of caregivers with relatively low burden. However, the program had the advantage of high adherence to treatment plan. Further studies should be conducted with a larger sample size and a more diverse sample that includes caregivers with a higher care burden.

Trial registration
The study protocol was registered in the University Hospital Medical Information Network Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN000038044) on 2019/09/18.

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( Reviewing past and present consent practices in unplanned obstetric interventions: an eye towards the future
Jun 30th 2024, 11:59

Many first-time mothers (primiparous) within UK National Health Service (NHS) settings require an obstetric intervention to deliver their babies safely. While the antepartum period allows time for conversations about consent for planned interventions, such as elective caesarean section, current practice is that, in emergencies, consent is addressed in the moments before the intervention takes place. This paper explores whether there are limitations on the validity of consent offered in time-pressured and emotionally charged circumstances, specifically concerning emergency obstetric interventions. Using the legal framework of the Mental Capacity Act, Montgomery v. Lanarkshire Health Board (2015) and McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board (2023), we argue that while women have the capacity to consent during labour, their autonomy is best supported by providing more information about instrumental delivery (ID) during the antepartum period. This conclusion is supported by some national guidelines, including those developed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, but not all. Further, we examine the extent to which these principles are upheld in modern-day practice. Data suggest there is relatively little antepartum information provision regarding ID within NHS settings, and that primiparous women do not report a thorough understanding of ID before labour. Based on these results, and bearing in mind the pressures under which NHS obstetric services currently operate, we recommend further research into patient and clinician perceptions of the consent process for ID. Pending these results, we discuss possible modes of information delivery in future practice.
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( Ethical issues in residency education related to the COVID-19 pandemic: a narrative inquiry study
Jun 30th 2024, 11:59

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced new challenges to provide care and educate junior doctors (resident physicians). We sought to understand the positive and negative experiences of first-year resident physicians and describe potential ethical issues from their stories.
We used narrative inquiry (NI) methodology and applied a semistructured interview guide with questions pertaining to ethical principles and both positive and negative aspects of the pandemic. Sampling was purposive. Interviews were audio recorded and transcribed. Three members of the research team coded transcripts in duplicate to elicit themes. Discrepancies were resolved through discussion to attain consensus. A composite story with threads was constructed.
11 residents participated across several programmes. Three main themes emerged from the participants’ stories: (1) complexities in navigating intersecting healthcare and medical education systems, (2) balancing public health and the public good versus the individual and (3) fair health systems planning/healthcare delivery. Within these themes, participants’ journeys through the first wave were elicited through the threads of (1) engage us, (2) because we see the need for the duty to treat and (3) we are all in this together.
Cases of the ethical issues that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic may serve as a foundation on which ethics teaching and future pandemic planning can take place. Principles of clinical ethics and their limitations, when applied to public health issues, could help in contrasting clinical ethics with public health ethics.
Efforts to understand how resident physicians can navigate public health emergencies along with the ethical issues that arise could benefit both residency education and healthcare systems.

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( Evaluating trends in cigarette and HTP use in Japan and measurement issues in the National Health and Nutrition Survey
Jun 30th 2024, 11:58

Studies have reported that the rapid rise in heated tobacco product (HTP) sales in Japan accompanied an accelerated decline in cigarette sales. However, these studies do not distinguish whether those who previously smoked cigarettes became dual users with HTPs (smoking fewer cigarettes) or instead switched completely to HTPs. If HTPs present lower health risks than cigarettes, replacing cigarettes with HTPs is more likely to improve public health than cigarette users continuing as dual users.
To evaluate the role of HTP introduction relative to smoking prevalence, we examine trends in cigarette prevalence as related to trends in HTP use using Japan’s National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHNS) from 2011 to 2019. We develop measures of relative changes in smoking prevalence use by age and gender in the pre-HTP and post-HTP periods. We then analyse prevalence data by year using joinpoint regression to statistically distinguish changes in trend.
Compared with the pre-HTP 2011–2014 period, cigarette prevalence decreased more rapidly during the post-HTP 2014–2017 period, particularly among younger age groups. However, the changing format of NHNS questions limits our ability to determine the impact on smoking prevalence, particularly after 2017.
While suggesting that HTPs helped some people who smoke to quit smoking, this study also shows the difficulties in eliciting accurate survey responses about product use and distinguishing the impact of a potentially harm-reducing product in an environment subject to rapidly evolving patterns of use.

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( Embedding a novel screening programme for sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia and gonorrhoea) within an ambulatory emergency surgical assessment unit: an observational cohort study
Jun 30th 2024, 11:57

A number of females with pelvic inflammatory disease will present to general surgical services with non-specific abdominal pain. Screening for sexually transmitted infections (STI) as an underlying cause is not routinely offered. We therefore established an STI screening programme for young females presenting to a same day emergency ambulatory surgical clinic as part of the diagnostic pathway. Data outlining the incidence and prevalence of STIs as the underlying cause of lower abdominal pain were collected.
We conducted an observational cohort study. Self-collected vulvovaginal swabs for chlamydia and gonorrhoea were offered as part of a standardised diagnostic pathway for all females meeting inclusion criteria presenting with abdominal pain. Positive results were referred to our local sexual health team for treatment and contact tracing.
The cohort comprised 297 eligible patients; 259 participated, 20 patients declined testing and 18 samples were rejected as inadequate in the laboratory. 5.4% of swab results were positive (2 gonorrhoea and 12 chlamydia). All patients with positive swabs had presented with lower abdominal pain and of these only 21% had a documented sexual history.
Undiagnosed STIs are prevalent, with significant fertility and public health risks. Young females seeking medical assessment for abdominal pain provide an opportunistic screening cohort with a likely subset of patients presenting with abdominal pain as a direct result of an STI. Our results demonstrate a high incidence of positive tests, suggesting further training of surgeons to include a sexual history in assessment of females with abdominal pain is vital.

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( Within the sound of trouble: Do humans use pitch to correctly assess emotional arousal across species?
Jun 30th 2024, 11:57

Journal of Comparative Psychology, Vol 138(2), May 2024, 77-79; doi:10.1037/com0000389
Comments on an article by Jay W. Schwartz , Kayleigh H. Pierson, and Alexander K. Reece (see record 2024-19488-001). In this issue, Schwartz et al. (2024) tackle the pitch rule in humans by testing to what extent we use pitch alone to judge emotional arousal across closely and distantly related animal species. The findings of Schwartz et al. open a number of intriguing possibilities for future research: Notably important additional steps would include to further investigate the accuracy of the pitch rule across closely and distantly related species. Upon this, in order to study the evolutionary ancestry of the pitch rule, it will be necessary to study its applicability across nonhumans. Particularly interesting would be the inclusion of subject species that have been found to eavesdrop on heterospecific alarm calls. Previous research (see Hoeschele, 2017 for a review) as well as present findings on human ratings of macaque versus cricket calls also suggest that we should additionally focus on sound features that compliment emotional arousal rating beyond pitch such as spectral information. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Universal Credit receipt among working-age patients who are accessing specialist mental health services: results from a novel data linkage study
Jun 30th 2024, 11:56

In 2013, Universal Credit (UC) was introduced by the UK Government. Understanding of how UC provision is allocated among people with mental disorders, and its intersection with protected characteristics is limited. This study aimed to explore (1) how UC receipt, including UC conditionality regime, varied among users of specialist mental health services between 2013 and 2019 and (2) associations between sociodemographic and diagnostic patient characteristics and UC receipt.
Working-age individuals who had accessed specialist mental health services were included if they had their mental health record data successfully linked with administrative benefits data. Associations between sociodemographic, diagnostic patient characteristics and UC receipt were explored using logistic regression models.
Of the 143 715 patients, 26.9% had received UC between 2013 and 2019. Four in five patients were allocated to the searching for work conditionality regime during their time on UC. Females were less likely to have received UC (adjusted OR (AOR) 0.87, 95% CI 0.85 to 0.89) than males, and UC receipt decreased with age. Black patients (AOR 1.39, 95% CI 1.34 to 1.44) and patients from mixed and multiple ethnic backgrounds (AOR 1.27, 95% CI 1.18 to 1.38) had a higher likelihood of UC receipt than White patients. UC receipt was lower among patients diagnosed with severe mental illness compared with other psychiatric diagnoses (AOR 0.74, 95% CI 0.71 to 0.77).
One in four specialist mental health service users had received UC and a large majority were subject to conditionality. The temporality of UC conditionality and mental health service presentation needs further exploration.

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( Evidence for strong genetic correlations among internalizing psychopathology and related self-reported measures using both genomic and twin/adoptive approaches.
Jun 30th 2024, 11:56

Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, Vol 133(5), Jul 2024, 347-357; doi:10.1037/abn0000905
The internalizing construct captures shared variance underlying risk for mood and anxiety disorders. Internalizing factors based on diagnoses (or symptoms) of major depressive disorder (MDD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are well established. Studies have also integrated self-reported measures of associated traits (e.g., questionnaires assessing neuroticism, worry, and rumination) onto these factors, despite having not tested the assumption that these measures truly capture the same sets of risk factors. This study examined the overlap among both sets of measures using converging approaches. First, using genomic structural equation modeling, we constructed internalizing factors based on genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of internalizing diagnoses (e.g., MDD) and traits associated with internalizing (neuroticism, loneliness, and reverse-scored subjective well-being). Results indicated the two factors were highly (rg = .79) but not perfectly genetically correlated (rgp rg = .76, 95% confidence interval [CI] [0.40, 0.97]) and nonshared environmental influences (re = .80, 95% CI [0.53, 1.0]). Shared environmental influences were estimated near zero for both factors. Our findings are consistent with current frameworks of psychopathology, though they suggest there are some unique genetic influences captured by internalizing diagnosis compared to trait measures, with potentially more nonadditive genetic influences on trait measures. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Associations of schooling type, qualification type and subsequent health in mid-adulthood: evidence from the 1970 British Cohort Study
Jun 30th 2024, 11:56

Education is thought to benefit health. However, existing studies have predominantly focused on educational attainment—the type of institution attended has been overlooked, despite being an important indicator of education resources, quality, and future socioeconomic outcomes. In this study, we investigated associations between type of high school or university attended and multiple adult health outcomes.
The 1970 British Cohort Study was used (n=8107). Associations between high school (comprehensive, grammar, private) and university (classified as normal or higher status (Russell Group)) attended with 10 health outcomes that capture cardiometabolic risks, physical capabilities and cognitive function at age 46 years were investigated. Multivariable regression models were used, adjusting for sex and childhood socioeconomic, health and cognitive factors.
Both private school and higher-status university attendance were related to favourable health outcomes. After adjusting for potential confounders, associations between private school attendance and cardiometabolic risks remained; associations for higher-status university attendance and cognitive function remained, while associations with other outcomes were largely attenuated. For example, after full adjustment, private school attendance was associated with a 0.14 SD (95% CI: 0.04 to 0.23) lower body mass index and higher-status university attendance with a 0.16 SD (0.07 to 0.26) better memory recall.
The type of educational institution attended was associated with multiple health outcomes, suggesting it might be a relevant factor to consider in future health inequality research—particularly in contemporary populations which have high overall attainment levels. Further research is warranted to test the causal nature of this relationship and its generalisability to other contexts.

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( Editor’s introduction.
Jun 30th 2024, 11:56

International Journal of Play Therapy, Vol 33(2), Apr 2024, 65-66; doi:10.1037/pla0000221
Following in the footsteps of the previous editors in the time the present author has been of service to the International Journal of Play Therapy (IJPT) as a reviewer, editorial board member, and associate editor, Dr. Edward Franc Hudspeth (10 years), Dr. Stephen Demanchick (2 years), and Dr. Michael LeBlanc (5 years), inspires and intimidates her at the same time. Taken as a whole, the authors published in this issue challenge all of us to seek deeper knowledge and greater understanding of play therapy processes in multiple settings, position ourselves clearly to help caregivers support their loved ones and the therapeutic process, and meticulously and rigorously document client progress to advance scientific acceptance of play therapy. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Expressing and developing wisdom: A self-determination theory approach.
Jun 30th 2024, 11:31

Motivation Science, Vol 10(2), Jun 2024, 89-99; doi:10.1037/mot0000325
While wisdom is recognized as a key aspect of human development, it remains unclear how people may be motivated to express and pursue this cherished quality over the course of their development. Here, I investigate the promise of the motivational factors typically covered in self-determination theory (SDT) for offering insights into the expression and development of wisdom. I explore wisdom as conceptualized by the Common Wisdom Model (Grossmann, Weststrate, Ardelt, et al., 2020), which emphasizes moral aspirations and perspectival metacognition. SDT, with its focus on intrinsic tendencies and psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness), provides a unique lens through which to examine how these wisdom components develop. It offers a view of an agentic person as expressing and developing wisdom in a social context, while navigating life’s difficulties in an unbiased manner. Finally, it offers insight for educational strategies aimed at fostering wisdom, highlighting how an understanding of motivational underpinnings can inform approaches to nurturing wise thinking and behavior. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( The role of physical exercise on the brain and cognitive functions of patients in recovery from substance use disorder: A narrative review and recommendations for researchers and practitioners
Jun 30th 2024, 11:11

Publication date: March 2024
Source: Mental Health and Physical Activity, Volume 26
Author(s): Daniel A.R. Cabral, Wang Dongshi, Felipe B. Schuch, Vagner Deuel de O. Tavares
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( Social Work Values and Ethics, Sixth Edition
Jun 30th 2024, 10:33

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( Our manifesto for the future of alcohol harm
Jun 30th 2024, 10:23

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( Disinhibited attachment behavior among infants reared at home: Relations to maternal severe mental illness and personality disorder symptoms.
Jun 30th 2024, 10:12

Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, Vol 15(3), May 2024, 207-212; doi:10.1037/per0000653
Disinhibited attachment behavior (DAB) among infants is persistent and associated with behavioral and relational problems throughout childhood and adolescence. Little is known about risk factors for DAB among infants reared at home, although studies have linked DAB with maternal psychiatric hospitalization and maternal borderline personality disorder. The aim of the current study was to further assess the association between DAB, maternal severe mental illness (SMI; schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression), and maternal PD symptoms. Ninety-three mothers and their infants participated in the study: 46.2% with SMI and 53.8% with no-diagnosis. During pregnancy, mothers were assessed on the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 and the Standardized Assessment of Personality Abbreviated Scale a validated measure of personality disorder (PD) symptoms. Infants were assessed for DAB at 1 year of age using the rating of infant stranger engagement, assessed during the strange situation procedure. Infants of mothers with clinical levels of PD symptoms were significantly more likely to display DAB (OR = 3.44) compared to infants of mothers without clinical levels of PD symptoms. Maternal SMI was not significantly associated with infant DAB. Because most mothers with clinical levels of PD symptoms also had comorbid diagnoses in this study, further work is needed to evaluate the role of comorbidity. These results add to the emerging literature indicating that maternal personality symptoms may be a risk factor for indiscriminate forms of attachment behavior among home-reared infants. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Oregon Ethics Commission nixes investigation into Gov. Kotek, First Lady
Jun 30th 2024, 10:06

The Oregon Government Ethics Commission has decided against launching a full investigation into complaints concerning Gov. Tina Kotek and her wife, Aimee Kotek Wilson…. In late March, news broke that Kotek Wilson had an office in the governor’s base of operations at the state library and an on-loan staffer from the Department of Administration Services. With a master’s degree in social work, the First Lady was also known to attend official meetings regarding behavioral health.
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( Adverse childhood experiences and smoking status in children: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Jun 30th 2024, 09:42

Adverse childhood experiences are a factor that can have a broad impact on different dimensions of health in different eras. This research aimed to investigate the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and smoking in children through a systematic review and meta-analysis. Three databases, including PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus, were selected for manuscript searches. These three databases were searched until July 2022. This search was limited to English. For this study, the odds ratio or risk ratio and 95% confidence interval were extracted. The odds ratio pool was performed using the random-effects method reported. An analysis was done based on the types of adverse childhood experiences and an analysis based on sex. The year of publication of the earliest and last publication included in this analysis was, respectively, 2003 and 2022. After screening the manuscripts, finally, 39 studies remained for this study. Adverse childhood experiences are associated with an increased risk of smoking in children [odds ratio 1.69; CI = 1.55–1.85; z = 11.80; p < 0.001; I
2 = 92.6%]. Components of adverse childhood experiences, including emotional abuse, emotional neglect, physical abuse, physical maltreatment and physical neglect, were associated with increased smoking. The present study showed that adverse childhood experiences provide a context that increases the possibility of smoking in children. It is necessary to pay attention to the dimensions of health and behaviour in this group.
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( Associations between dieting practices and eating disorder attitudes and behaviors: Results from the Canadian study of adolescent health behaviors
Jun 30th 2024, 09:38

Publication date: August 2024
Source: Eating Behaviors, Volume 54
Author(s): Jingchuan Fan, Jason M. Nagata, Kelly Cuccolo, Kyle T. Ganson
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( The rural-urban political divide is mostly driven by white voters, and there are fewer divisions over policy than many think
Jun 30th 2024, 09:33

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( Overview of State Child Welfare’s Response for Trafficking Cases Involving Foreign National Children
Jun 30th 2024, 08:42

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( Emergency Medical Services Encounters for Firearm Injuries — 858 Counties, United States, January 2019–September 2023
Jun 30th 2024, 08:38

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( Yoga as a treatment intervention for anxiety-spectrum disorders.
Jun 30th 2024, 08:38

Practice Innovations, Vol 9(2), Jun 2024, 119-131; doi:10.1037/pri0000226
Yoga has shown promise as a widely practiced, readily accessible, low-stigma, and cost-effective means of managing stress and anxiety. However, mental health professionals and individuals who struggle with diagnosed anxiety disorders would benefit from evidence-based guidance about the effectiveness of yoga to manage these issues. This review of the empirical research literature examined the clinical utility of yoga as a treatment for anxiety-spectrum disorders, focusing on quantitative, comparison-controlled studies of yoga interventions. Studies eligible for inclusion either utilized yoga as the primary treatment intervention or as an adjunct to conventional treatment approaches, such as psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy. As a whole, the current research evidence supports the conclusion that yoga interventions are likely to be effective as both a complementary and stand-alone treatment for patients with anxiety-spectrum disorders. However, to further substantiate the use of yoga as an alternative to conventional, evidence-based therapies, additional research is needed to determine the relative efficacy of these treatment modalities. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Social Work and Society: Pathways Towards a Global Public Sphere
Jun 30th 2024, 07:49

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( Plans to move Falkirk social work services out of council control ongoing
Jun 30th 2024, 07:42

Work is ongoing to decide whether Falkirk Council should continue to run children’s and justice social work services or integrate them into the Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership. Above: Falkirk Council offices in Larbert
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