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( We found over 300 million young people had experienced online sexual abuse and exploitation over the course of our meta-study
Jun 29th 2024, 15:49

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( Harnessing AI as an enabler for access to mental health care services
Jun 29th 2024, 15:26

Asia-Pacific Psychiatry, Volume 16, Issue 2, June 2024.
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( San Antonio U.S. Rep. Chip Roy says he wants to ‘ethnic cleanse’ white progressives
Jun 29th 2024, 15:09

“Tell you what – I do want to ‘ethnic cleanse’ by deporting white progressive Democrats – with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree,” Roy (above) tweeted. “I really do not like ‘those people.'”
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( Basic income as a pandemic social protection instrument: Lessons from Maricá, Brazil
Jun 29th 2024, 14:27

This article explores the connection between two related but distinct models of basic income proposals in the context of a pandemic emergency. While COVID-19 appears to have increased interest in basic income, this often ended up taking the form of a temporary emergency basic income (EBI) instead of a permanent universal basic income (UBI). In this article we argue that the “dial up/dial down” model of basic income allows us to link EBI and UBI in a way that offers both a practical response to important implementation challenges in emergency policy making and a strategic argument in favour of UBI as a pandemic policy instrument. We illustrate our argument by contrasting the Renda Básica de Cidadania (RBC) in the municipality of Maricá, Brazil, with two comparable programmes in the same region.
Cet article explore le lien entre deux modèles apparentés, mais distincts, de propositions de revenu de base dans le contexte d’urgence d’une pandémie. Alors que la COVID-19 semble avoir accru l’intérêt pour le revenu de base, celui-ci a souvent pris la forme d’un revenu de base d’urgence temporaire au lieu d’un revenu de base universel permanent. Dans cet article, nous soutenons que le modèle de «modulation flexible» du revenu de base nous permet de lier le revenu de base d’urgence et le revenu de base universel de manière à offrir à la fois une réponse pratique aux importants défis de mise en œuvre dans l’élaboration des politiques d’urgence et un argument stratégique en faveur du revenu de base universel en tant qu’instrument politique de lutte contre les pandémies. Nous illustrons notre argument en comparant le revenu de base citoyen (Renda Básica de Cidadania – RBC) instauré dans la municipalité de Maricá, au Brésil, avec deux programmes similaires dans la même région.
En este artículo se examina la conexión entre dos modelos de propuesta de renta básica en el contexto de emergencia que plantea una pandemia. Estos modelos, si bien guardan relación entre sí, también presentan diferencias. Aunque la aparición de la COVID‑19 promovió el interés por la renta básica, en muchos casos se optó por crear una renta básica de emergencia (Emergency Basic Income, EBI) de carácter temporal en lugar de una renta básica universal (Universal Basic Income, UBI) permanente. En este artículo se sostiene que el modelo “intensificar /atenuar” (dial up/dial down) de la renta básica permite vincular la renta básica de emergencia y la renta básica universal de manera que se ofrezca tanto una respuesta práctica ante los importantes desafíos que plantea la puesta en marcha de la formulación de las políticas de emergencia como un argumento estratégico a favor de la renta básica universal como instrumento político en caso de pandemia. Presentamos nuestro argumento con una comparación entre la Renda Básica de Cidadania (RBC) del municipio de Maricá, Brasil, y dos programas de la misma región.
Dieser Artikel erkundet den Zusammenhang zwischen zwei miteinander verwandten, aber unterschiedlichen Grundeinkommensmodellen im Kontext einer pandemischen Notlage. Das Interesse an einem Grundeinkommen schien während der COVID-19-Pandemie zwar gestiegen zu sein, dieses nahm jedoch oft die Form eines befristeten Notfall-Grundeinkommens (EBI) an und nicht eines permanenten universellen Grundeinkommens (UBI). In diesem Artikel wird der Standpunkt vertreten, dass ein Modell zum „Hoch- und Herunterfahren“ des Grundeinkommens eine Verknüpfung zwischen Notfall-Grundeinkommen und universellem Grundeinkommen ermöglichen würde, die sowohl eine praktische Lösung für die großen Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung krisenpolitischer Maßnahmen wäre als auch ein strategisches Argument zugunsten eines universellen Grundeinkommens als politisches Instrument in Pandemiezeiten. Wir veranschaulichen diese Argumentation durch eine Gegenüberstellung des Bürger-Grundeinkommens (Renda Básica de Cidadania – RBC) in der Gemeinde Maricá, Brasilien, mit zwei vergleichbaren Programmen in derselben Region.
В статье исследуется общность двух связанных, но различных моделей введения базового дохода в условиях такой чрезвычайной ситуации, как пандемия. Хотя COVID-19 определенно повысил интерес к базовому доходу, часто этот доход принимал форму временного и экстренного (ЭБД), а не постоянного универсального базового дохода (УБД). В данной статье мы утверждаем, что подстраивающаяся «на ходу» («dial up/dial down») модель базового дохода позволяет соединить ЭБД и УБД, что становится практическим инструментом для решения важных проблем, возникающих в ходе разработки политики реагирования на чрезвычайные ситуации, а также стратегическим аргументом в пользу УБД в качестве инструмента реагирования на пандемию. В доказательство наших доводов мы сравниваем программу базового дохода для граждан («Renda Básica de Cidadania» (RBC) в муниципалитете Марика в Бразилии с двумя аналогичными программами в том же регионе.
本文探讨了大流行病紧急情况下, 两种相关但不同的基本收入模式之间的联系。尽管冠状病毒似乎提高了人们对基本收入的兴趣, 但最终形式往往变成临时性紧急基本收入, 而非永久性全民基本收入。在本文中, 笔者认为基本收入的“调增/调减”模式能够将紧急基本收入与全民基本收入相结合, 两者都为应急政策制定面临的重大实施挑战提出了现实对策, 且从战略角度论证了将全民基本收入作为一项大流行病政策工具的可行性。我们将巴西马里卡市的全民基本收入(Renda Básica de Cidadania)与同一地区的两个类似计划进行对比, 论证了我们的观点。
يستكشف هذا المقال العلاقة بين نموذجين مرتبطين ولكن متميزين لمقترحات الدخل الأساسي في سياق حالة طوارئ متعلقة بالجوائح. وفي حين يبدو أن جائحة كوفيد-19 قد زادت الاهتمام بالدخل الأساسي، فقد انتهى الأمر في كثير من الأحيان إلى اتخاذ شكل دخل أساسي مؤقت في حالات الطوارئ بدلاً من الدخل الأساسي الشامل الدائم. وفي هذا المقال، نجادل بأن نموذج “الترفيع/التخفيض” في الدخل الأساسي يسمح لنا بربط ا الدخل الأساسي في حالات الطوارئ والدخل الأساسي الشامل بطريقة توفر استجابة عملية لتحديات التنفيذ المهمة في مجال وضع السياسات في حالات الطوارئ وحجة استراتيجية لصالح الدخل الأساسي الشامل كأداة للسياسة المتعلقة بالجوائح. ونوضح حجتنا من خلال مقارنة برنامج Renda Básica de Cidadania (RBC) في بلدية ماريكا بالبرازيل، مع برنامجين مماثلين في المنطقة نفسها.
Este artigo explora a conexão entre dois modelos relacionados, mas distintos, de propostas de renda básica no contexto de uma emergência pandêmica. Embora a COVID-19 pareça ter aumentado o interesse pela renda básica, isso muitas vezes acabou tomando a forma de uma renda básica emergencial temporária, em vez de uma renda básica universal permanente. Neste artigo, argumentamos que o modelo “dial up/dial down” de renda básica nos permite vincular renda básica emergencial e universal de uma forma que ofereça tanto uma resposta prática a importantes desafios de implementação na formulação de políticas de emergência quanto um argumento estratégico a favor da renda básica universal como instrumento de política pandêmica. Ilustramos nosso argumento contrastando a Renda Básica de Cidadania (RBC) no município de Maricá, Brasil, com dois programas comparáveis na mesma região.
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( Passive green space exposure leading to lower aggression: The mediating role of sense of control
Jun 29th 2024, 14:24

Green spaces, integral to natural environments, have been extensively studied for their positive impact on mental health, yet their influence on social behavior, particularly aggression, is less explored. While prior research has predominantly emphasized the effects of actively engaging with nature, the significant role of passive nature exposure—a more common daily occurrence—has often been overlooked. We conducted two studies to explore the influence of passive green space exposure on aggression and the mediating effect of the sense of control. Study 1 (N = 240) utilized a cross-sectional survey to assess the relationship between passive green space exposure, sense of control, and aggression. Study 2 (N = 260) employed a single-factor between-subjects experimental design to further explore these relationships in a controlled environment. The results from both studies indicated that passive green space exposure is negatively related to aggression, and that this relationship is partially mediated by an increased sense of control. Specifically, passive green space exposure was found to negatively predict aggression by bolstering individuals’ sense of control. These findings underscore the potential of enhancing the sense of control through environmental factors like green spaces as an effective strategy to reduce aggression. This study enriches our understanding of the broader impacts of green spaces, extending beyond mental health to include social behaviors. We discussed both the theoretical and practical implications of our findings, highlighting how urban planning and environmental design can incorporate green spaces to foster community well-being and mitigate aggressive behaviors.
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( Social Security Administration: SSI Monthly Statistics, May 2024
Jun 29th 2024, 13:47

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( The joint operation of five career indecision factors: A longitudinal examination
Jun 29th 2024, 13:19

While extensive research has explored the taxonomy of career indecision, a longitudinal examination of the joint operation of major indecision factors is lacking. Tracking a sample of US college students (n = 261) over three time points, the current study examined a mediation model involving lack of readiness, neuroticism/negative affectivity, interpersonal conflicts, need for information, and choice/commitment anxiety. The results showed that need for information mediated the positive predictions of lack of readiness and interpersonal conflicts for subsequent choice/commitment anxiety. However, neuroticism/negative affectivity did not predict need for information while controlling for lack of readiness and interpersonal conflicts. Therefore, the current study suggests that motivational and interpersonal barriers could undermine readiness for committing to a career direction because these barriers could impede information collection. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are deliberated along with its limitations and recommendations for future studies.
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( Stigmatization in Social Work: Comparative Collective Case Study of Social Workers in Sweden and the United States
Jun 29th 2024, 12:58

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( Academic procrastination, loneliness, and academic anxiety as predictors of suicidality among university students
Jun 29th 2024, 12:19

Suicide is a major public health concern, and university students are at higher risk of suicide than any other age group. The purpose of this study was to examine the prediction power of loneliness, academic anxiety, and academic procrastination on suicidality among university students. A cross-sectional, correlational design was used to recruit 403 university students using the electronic survey format in Jordan. Data were collected regarding loneliness, academic anxiety, academic procrastination, and suicidality. A two-step multiple hierarchical regression analysis was performed. Only 17.1% (n = 69) of students were at risk of suicide, low to moderate level of loneliness, moderate level and moderate to high level of academic procrastination of academic anxiety. The model that included the sociodemographic and the psychological factors was significant (F
18,390 = 12.3, p < 0.001) where the total variance in suicidality was 37.3% (R
2 = 0.373). Being a working student, being on psychotropic medication, romantic and family relationships domains of loneliness, and academic anxiety were found to be predictors of suicidality (p < 0.05). Suicide is a significant problem among university students. Mental health professionals and policymakers need to enhance the use and access to mental health services and seek psychological counselling to combat the increasingly observed phenomenon of suicide among young people.
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( Causal Analysis: Impact Evaluation and Causal Machine Learning with Applications in R
Jun 29th 2024, 12:06

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( MySWRB tutorial – Practising Certificate renewal
Jun 29th 2024, 11:58

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( Factors behind suicides in Muslim countries: a global ecological study
Jun 29th 2024, 11:39

Volume 22, Issue 4, July-August 2024, Page 507-526. 
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( How can foster youth use birth control on their terms?
Jun 29th 2024, 11:03

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( The Right Stuff: Getting the right data at the right time and using that data to drive evidence‐based practice and policy
Jun 29th 2024, 10:54

Learning Health Systems, Volume 8, Issue S1, June 2024.
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( The effects of chronic administration of stimulant and non-stimulant medications on executive functions in ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Jun 29th 2024, 10:49

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( CMS Awards School-Based Services Grants to 18 States June 25, 2024
Jun 29th 2024, 10:41

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( Perceptions of prescription opioid use among rural farming and ranching communities: Preliminary implications for outreach and treatment
Jun 29th 2024, 10:38

Volume 43, Issue 1, 2022, Page 1245-1250. 
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( HCA Healthcare to invest $650k in Savannah State University social work intern program
Jun 29th 2024, 10:17

According to Memorial Health’s press release, the money will fund “paid internships for two graduate Master of Social Work cohorts over four years that will help students complete the required 900 clinical hours needed for their degree at Memorial Health University Medical Center.” 
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( Medicaid and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data: Key Factors for More Equitable Data Collection
Jun 29th 2024, 09:48

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( Income and Calling the Police: Examining a Nuanced Relationship Toward Theoretical Refinement
Jun 29th 2024, 09:36

Volume 19, Issue 4, May 2024, Page 531-552. 
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( Heat Illness Prevention
Jun 29th 2024, 09:36

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( Substance Use in Humanitarian Settings: A Case from Yemen
Jun 29th 2024, 09:29

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( Integrated proteomic and genomic analysis to identify predictive biomarkers for valproate response in bipolar disorder: a 6-month follow-up study
Jun 29th 2024, 08:54

Several genetic studies have been undertaken to elucidate the intricate interplay between genetics and drug responses in bipolar disorder (BD). However, there has been notably limited research on biomarkers sp…
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( Psychiatry Resident Physicians Experience Personal and Professional Grief, Burnout and Depression: Results From a National Survey
Jun 29th 2024, 08:23

American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®, Ahead of Print. BackgroundResident physicians experience personal and professional stressors throughout training. These experiences may increase levels of burnout, depression, and grief. Understanding how these stressors impact trainees is essential for improving wellbeing during residency.ObjectiveWe examined the prevalence and associations between burnout, depression, and grief among a national sample of psychiatry resident physicians.MethodsA survey including validated scales for burnout (Modified Maslach Burnout Inventory-Health Services Survey [MBI]), depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 [PHQ-9]), and grief (Traumatic Grief Inventory Self Report [TGSIR]) was distributed to 296 psychiatry program directors in January 2023 for dispersal to their respective residents.ResultsFifty-seven participants completed the survey out of 245 participants who opened and started the survey (23.3%). All participants were current psychiatry residents. MBI scores averaged 21.2 (SD 6.5, range 11-40); 11 participants reported high levels of burnout (scores >27; 19.3%). PHQ-9 scores averaged 3.42 (SD 3.0, range 0-14), with 8 responses meeting the criteria for moderate depressive symptoms (scores >10-14; 14.0%). Suicidal ideation was reported by 5 of 57 participants (8.7%). TGISR scores averaged 12.2 (SD 11, range 0-43); no participants met the criteria for pathologic grief. TGISR scores were correlated with MBI (r = .30; P = .02) and PHQ-9 scores (r = .53; P < .0001). MBI scores were also correlated with PHQ-9 scores (r = .54; P < .0001).ConclusionsNon-pathological grief was correlated with burnout and depression. 14% to 20% of psychiatry residents reported clinically significant levels of burnout and depression. Future studies should aim to further characterize burnout, depression, and grief in larger samples of trainees.
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( Validation of the PediBIRN-7 clinical prediction rule for pediatric abusive head trauma
Jun 29th 2024, 07:07

Publication date: June 2024
Source: Child Abuse & Neglect, Volume 152
Author(s): Kent P. Hymel, Christopher L. Carroll, Terra N. Frazier, Kerri Weeks, Bruce E. Herman, Mark Marinello, Yiming Chen, Ming Wang, Stephen C. Boos, for the Pediatric Brain Injury Research Network (PediBIRN) Investigators
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( Ukrainian refugees: EU ministers extend temporary protection until March 2026
Jun 29th 2024, 07:02

Temporary protection provides immediate and collective protection to a large group of displaced persons who arrive in the EU and who are not in a position to return to their country of origin.
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( Request for Peer Coaching
Jun 29th 2024, 06:58

Thank you for requesting peer coaching from the Social Work Professional Support Service (SWPSS). Please complete this form to commence the registration process which will give you access to the secure PSS platform.
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( Paradoxical effects of narcissism on creative performance: Roles of leader–follower narcissism (in)congruence and follower identification with the leader
Jun 29th 2024, 06:46

Human Relations, Ahead of Print. What is the effect of trait narcissism on creative performance? Although both constructs share an emphasis on uniqueness and novelty, prior investigations of the narcissism–creative performance relationship have produced inconsistent findings and failed to provide conclusive answers to this question. One possible reason for the seemingly contradictory evidence is that extant research has examined the influences of leader and follower narcissism separately rather than simultaneously. In this study, we address this issue by investigating leader–follower narcissism (in)congruence to comprehensively understand when and why leader or follower narcissism is beneficial or detrimental to creative performance. Integrating the self-orientation model of narcissism and narcissistic-tolerance theory, we posit that leader and follower narcissism jointly influence creative performance via identification with the leader, and that different leader–follower narcissism (in)congruence combinations exhibit distinct effects. The analyses of two-wave, two-level, and multi-source data from 421 followers and 54 direct leaders, using cross-level polynomial regressions, support our hypotheses: (1) identification with the leader is maximized when leader narcissism and follower narcissism are congruent; (2) identification with the leader is minimized when leader narcissism is higher than follower narcissism; and (3) identification with the leader mediates the effects of leader–follower narcissism (in)congruence combinations on creative performance.
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( Potential Implications of the Great  Wealth Transfer for the Black-White  Homeownership Rate Gap
Jun 29th 2024, 06:39

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( Provider perceptions of medication for opioid used disorder (MOUD): A qualitative study in communities with high opioid overdose death rates
Jun 29th 2024, 05:36

Volume 43, Issue 1, 2022, Page 742-748. 
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