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Tue Jun 18 13:01:33 PDT 2024

NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Health Insurance Costs Will Rise Steeply if Premium Tax Credit Improvements Expire
Jun 18th 2024, 15:47

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( The Rise of Bookstores with a Social Mission
Jun 18th 2024, 15:38

The pandemic fueled a boom in social justice movements and indie bookstores. The two come together in these worker-owned shops. Above: Raquel Espasande is one of several employees at the worker-owned Bluestockings Cooperative in New York City — which provides, among other free services, food to homeless people and English lessons to asylum seekers.
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( Firearm Storage Behaviors — Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Eight States, 2021–2022
Jun 18th 2024, 15:32

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( Belonging Interrupted: Toward an Understanding of How Virtual Learning Impedes Women Students’ Belonging in Engineering
Jun 18th 2024, 15:22

Although the effects of COVID-19 were felt by all students, the pandemic exacerbated the barriers to belonging for women in engineering. Little work to date has investigated women’s experiences during the pandemic in disciplines that are hallmarked by masculinity. What scholarship has been completed on pandemic-necessitated virtual instruction has not examined how women’s experiences and sense of belonging differed by the college year in which this disruption in their learning environment occurred. Utilizing data from seven focus groups conducted in March 2022 with 22 students, this study investigates how pandemic-induced virtual instruction is related to sense of belonging for women within their engineering majors. We found not only that the disruption caused by the pandemic had differential outcomes for students, but that these differences were mainly related to the year in which pandemic-induced virtual instruction occurred. This study highlights the importance of focusing on belonging and related issues as women transition into their major. We offer implications and recommendations for practice and research based on the differential outcomes found.
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( NIH-funded intervention did not impact opioid-related overdose death rates over evaluation period
Jun 18th 2024, 15:12

A data-driven intervention that engaged communities to rapidly deploy evidence-based practices to reduce opioid-related overdose deaths – such as increasing naloxone distribution and enhancing access to medication for opioid use disorder – did not result in a statistically significant reduction in opioid-related overdose death rates during the evaluation period, according to results(link is external) from the National Institutes of Health’s HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-Term) Communities Study. 
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( Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices to Support Emergent Literacy Development in Preschool Education: The Moderating Role of Continuous Training
Jun 18th 2024, 14:22

The main goal of this study was to explore the relationship between emergent literacy beliefs and practices among Portuguese preschool teachers and to investigate the moderating role of experience and training (initial and continuous). The participants were 266 preschool teachers working in Portugal. The results indicate higher levels of holistic beliefs than technicist beliefs regarding emergent literacy. Practices aimed at promoting oral language and phonological awareness were reported as the most frequently used practices in the classroom. Teachers who had continuous training in emergent literacy had more holistic beliefs and performed more practices to promote children’s phonological awareness and knowledge of the relationship between oral and written language. Continuous training was also a significant moderator of the relationship between emergent literacy beliefs and practices. These findings highlight the importance of continuous training in fostering the use of quality research-based practices in the classroom.
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( Financial aid uncertainty and low-income students’ higher education preferences
Jun 18th 2024, 13:22

Low-income students’ preferences for higher education might depend on the uncertainty of financial aid. Using a time discontinuity design, this paper exploits the unanticipated cancellation of a nationwide Colombian merit and need-based scholarship, called Ser Pilo Paga, to study its consequences on students’ preferences for higher education. Preferences are measured using a discrete choice experiment administrated to 949 low-income high school students in 2018. The findings reveal that the scholarship’s cancellation reduced higher education ambitions among low-income students due to the decreased interest in both financial aid and high-quality universities. The effects were particularly concentrated on income-eligible individuals who were more likely to obtain the scholarship, as their choices for financial aid and high-quality institutions declined by 15 to 50% of the baseline preference.
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( Lunch & learn: Conversion “therapy” practices
Jun 18th 2024, 13:17

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( Sexual risk characteristics, social vulnerability, and anal cancer screening uptake among men living with HIV in the deep south
Jun 18th 2024, 13:09

Volume 36, Issue 6, June 2024, Page 762-770. 
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( A Mixed Methods Examination of Nonprofit Board Chair Preferences in Hiring Executive Directors
Jun 18th 2024, 13:09

Volume 37, Issue 5, November-December 2013, Page 437-446. 
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( The Control Function of Social Services in Spanish Local Government: A Contribution to Transparency and Performance Improvement
Jun 18th 2024, 13:09

Volume 37, Issue 5, November-December 2013, Page 471-485. 
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( My Team Members Are Everywhere! A Critical Analysis of the Emerging Literature on Dispersed Teams
Jun 18th 2024, 13:09

Volume 37, Issue 5, November-December 2013, Page 486-493. 
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( Boundary Spanning in Interorganizational Collaboration
Jun 18th 2024, 13:08

Volume 37, Issue 5, November-December 2013, Page 447-457. 
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( Childhood abuse and depressive vulnerability in clients with gender dysphoria
Jun 18th 2024, 13:08

Volume 14, Issue 4, December 2014, Page 297-305. 
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( Users of secondary school-based counselling services and specialist CAMHS in Wales: A comparison study
Jun 18th 2024, 13:08

Volume 14, Issue 4, December 2014, Page 315-325. 
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( Person-centred counsellors’ experiences of working with clients in crisis: A qualitative interview study
Jun 18th 2024, 13:08

Volume 14, Issue 4, December 2014, Page 272-280. 
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( Supervisor social skill and supervision outcome
Jun 18th 2024, 13:08

Volume 14, Issue 4, December 2014, Page 256-262. 
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( Trauma-focused therapy retention among military sexual trauma survivors: relationship with veterans’ sexual or gender minority identification
Jun 18th 2024, 13:08

Volume 53, Issue 4, July 2024, Page 351-363. 
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( An investigation of the role of estradiol in fear reduction during a single session of exposure therapy
Jun 18th 2024, 13:07

Volume 53, Issue 4, July 2024, Page 364-376. 
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( Impact of three variants of prolonged exposure therapy on comorbid diagnoses in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSD
Jun 18th 2024, 13:07

Volume 53, Issue 4, July 2024, Page 377-393. 
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( Posttraumatic cognition change trajectories in veterans with PTSD who completed an intensive Cognitive Processing Therapy treatment program
Jun 18th 2024, 13:07

Volume 53, Issue 4, July 2024, Page 423-435. 
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( An exploration of the relationship between the arts, awareness of nature and dance movement psychotherapy
Jun 18th 2024, 12:13

Volume 19, Issue 2, May 2024, Page 112-126. 
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( Urban Inequality in Finland: Land, Housing and the Nordic Welfare State
Jun 18th 2024, 12:11

The post ( Urban Inequality in Finland: Land, Housing and the Nordic Welfare State was curated by ( information for practice.

( Canada: Registered retirement savings plan contributions, 2022
Jun 18th 2024, 12:01

In 2022, tax filers contributed a total of $54.2 billion to registered retirement savings plans, down 3.4% from 2021. 
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( An Age-Progression Intervention for Smoking Cessation: A Pilot Study Investigating the Influence of Two Sets of Instructions on Intervention Efficacy
Jun 18th 2024, 11:23


Research on age-progression facial morphing interventions for smoking cessation has not investigated the effect of different instructions for intervention delivery. The objective of this pilot study was to investigate the influence of two instruction types used to deliver the intervention on efficacy of the intervention.

Women were recruited and randomly allocated to an age-progression intervention session with (i) neutral instructions; (ii) instructions designed to reassure; or (iii) a condition that controlled for participant engagement (“control”). The conditions were delivered in a one-time procedure, after which primary (quitting intentions) and secondary (cigarettes/week, quit attempts) outcomes were measured immediately post-intervention, and at 1 and 3 months.

Seventy-two women (M = 25.7; SD = 0.9) were recruited and randomly allocated to condition (Neutral n = 27, Reassuring n = 22, Control n = 23). Quitting intentions were higher in the Reassuring versus Control arm (3 months post-intervention, F = 4.37, p = 0.016, 95% CI [0.231, 2.539], eta2 = 0.11); quit attempts were greater in the two intervention arms (58%) versus Control (1-month post-intervention, 15%) (χ2 = 9.83, p < 0.05, OR 1.00 [0.28, 3.63]).

Findings highlight the importance of optimising instructions to enhance intervention efficacy.

Trial Registration Record: NCT03749382.

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( Differences in Anxiety Sensitivity Among Black and White Veterans
Jun 18th 2024, 10:24

Black Americans are at greater risk for more severe and enduring consequences of anxiety disorders than White Americans, highlighting the need to identify malleable risk and maintenance factors. The current study aimed to examine racial differences in anxiety sensitivity and anxiety sensitivity facets between Black and White veterans (N = 285; 58% Black, 77% Male; Mage = 43.51, SD = 11.87) presenting to a PTSD specialty clinic at a Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital. In addition to a diagnostic interview, veterans were asked to complete a brief battery of self-report questionnaires to assist with diagnostic clarification and treatment planning. Results revealed a significant difference in anxiety sensitivity total scores between Black (M = 44.5, SD = 17.2) and White veterans (M = 36.1, SD = 17.7), such that Black veterans evinced higher levels. When examining anxiety sensitivity subfacets, Black veterans also evinced elevated levels of physical (M = 14.4, SD = 6.6) and cognitive concerns (M = 15.2, SD = 6.5) compared to White veterans (M = 9.8, SD = 6.2; M = 11.7, SD = 6.6, respectively). Results indicate that anxiety sensitivity is a relevant risk factor among Black veterans. Future studies should examine the extent to which anxiety sensitivity is modifiable in such populations.
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( A Proposed Typology of Regional Public Universities
Jun 18th 2024, 10:23

Regional Public Universities (RPUs) advance public good missions to foster postsecondary access, student-centeredness, and regional wellbeing. Despite the important contributions that RPUs make to their regions and students, scholars and the media often view the sector as amorphous and undistinguished, or they define RPUs by what they are not (e.g., elite, selective, community colleges, etc.). This sequential mixed methods research study grounded in organizational ecology theory and involving content analysis and cluster analysis proposes a typology of RPUs. Specifically, five RPU types are proposed: accessible, midsized master’s-degree granting RPUs; regionally focused Historically Black Colleges and Universities; rural-serving and CUNY RPUs; large, urban regional-serving RPUs; and Puerto Rican Hispanic-serving RPUs. This study significantly advances conceptual understanding about RPUs by disrupting deficit-based understandings about the sector being shapeless and amorphous by showing that the sector contains distinct institutional types that represent unique approaches to fulfilling the RPU public good mission. This typology is also among the first to document the institutional diversity of RPUs.
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( UNC Fires Professor They Secretly Recorded
Jun 18th 2024, 10:16

UNC professor Larry Chavis’s contract was not renewed for the fall after 18 years with the university…. Chavis declined to go into much detail about his experience with the university since he learned of the recording. But he said that as a lifelong North Carolinian, teaching at Chapel Hill was a dream that he’s disappointed to see end in conflict.
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( Applications of Mobile Health Technologies to Address Cardiometabolic Health Disparities in the United States: A Systematic Review
Jun 18th 2024, 10:16

The post ( Applications of Mobile Health Technologies to Address Cardiometabolic Health Disparities in the United States: A Systematic Review was curated by ( information for practice.

( The realities of firearms and domestic violence
Jun 18th 2024, 10:13

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