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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Child torture victimization: Review of criminal statutes and medico-legal issues
Apr 28th 2024, 15:22

Publication date: May 2024
Source: Child Abuse & Neglect, Volume 151
Author(s): Stephanie Anne Deutsch, Erin O’Brien
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( Nonprofits take a hit in House earmark rules
Apr 28th 2024, 15:08

House Appropriations Chairman Tom Cole, R-Okla., at left, placed a new restriction on earmarks for nonprofits amid GOP concerns about LGBTQ programs (above)…. House Appropriations ranking member Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., called the change a “seismic shift” that would block funding for YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs and other critical community programs. She said members of both parties would suffer. “In order to accommodate the extreme Republican wing, Republicans are trying to root out any help for the LGBTQ+ community,” she said in a statement. “They are willing to hurt their own religious organizations, seniors and veterans.”
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( Intersectionality and school racial climate to create schools as sites of fairness and liberation for Black girls
Apr 28th 2024, 14:54

Publication date: June 2024
Source: Journal of School Psychology, Volume 104
Author(s): Charity Brown Griffin, Jamelia N. Harris, Sherrie L. Proctor
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( Disrupted family reunification: Mental health, race, and state-level factors
Apr 28th 2024, 14:54

Publication date: May 2024
Source: Social Science & Medicine, Volume 348
Author(s): Lauren M. Beard, Kyung Won Choi
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( Sensory processing in skin picking disorder
Apr 28th 2024, 13:54

Publication date: April 2024
Source: Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Volume 41
Author(s): Madison Collins, Jon E. Grant
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( Promoting equitable and socially just school climates for minoritized and marginalized students
Apr 28th 2024, 13:54

Publication date: June 2024
Source: Journal of School Psychology, Volume 104
Author(s): Tamika La Salle-Finley, Jesslynn Neves-McCain
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( Building Recovery Resilience: Addiction Recovery and Relapse Prevention Workbook – An I-System Model Application
Apr 28th 2024, 13:01

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( Behavioral avoidance as a factor in concentrated exposure and response prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder
Apr 28th 2024, 12:55

Publication date: April 2024
Source: Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Volume 41
Author(s): Michael G. Wheaton, Kristen Hagen, Thröstur Björgvinsson, Gerd Kvale, Bjarne Hansen
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( Drop in Credit Score is Fallout from Older Partner’s Death
Apr 28th 2024, 12:49

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( Shaping opinions in social networks with shadow banning
Apr 28th 2024, 12:18

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( A novel approach to model cumulative stress: Area under the s-factor curve
Apr 28th 2024, 11:54

Publication date: May 2024
Source: Social Science & Medicine, Volume 348
Author(s): Frank D. Mann, Adolfo G. Cuevas, Sean A.P. Clouston, Colin D. Freilich, Zlatan Krizan, Sascha Zuber, Linda Wänström, Graciela Muniz-Terrera, Patrick O’Keefe, Stacey Voll, Scott Hofer, Joseph L. Rodgers, Robert F. Krueger
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( Migrants Who Care: West Africans Working and Building Lives in U.S. Health Care
Apr 28th 2024, 11:07

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( Exploring social network typologies and their impact on health and mental well-being in older adults: Evidence from JAGES
Apr 28th 2024, 10:54

Publication date: May 2024
Source: Social Science & Medicine, Volume 348
Author(s): Zaira Torres, Amparo Oliver, José M. Tomás, Naoki Kondo
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( Change in Behavior during Menopause
Apr 28th 2024, 10:52

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( USDA Releases Reports Evaluating 11 Years of the Summer EBT Demonstration Project
Apr 28th 2024, 10:44

The post ( USDA Releases Reports Evaluating 11 Years of the Summer EBT Demonstration Project was curated by ( information for practice.

( A Settlement—and a Push for Change—Over Mental Health
Apr 28th 2024, 09:59

Durmerrick Ross, pictured above, filed a complaint with the D.C. Office of Human Rights against Howard University for how they handled his mental health crisis in 2017.
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( ‘I was going into it blind’: Nearest Relatives, legal literacy, and the Mental Health Act 1983
Apr 28th 2024, 09:54

Publication date: May–June 2024
Source: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Volume 94
Author(s): Judy Laing, Jeremy Dixon, Kevin Stone
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( Bureau of Justice Statistics: Glossary
Apr 28th 2024, 09:48

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( Impact of laws prohibiting domestic violence on wasting in early childhood
Apr 28th 2024, 09:38

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( Immigration stress and internalizing symptoms among Latinx and Asian American students: The roles of school climate and community violence
Apr 28th 2024, 08:54

Publication date: June 2024
Source: Journal of School Psychology, Volume 104
Author(s): Blanche Wright, Belinda C. Chen, Tamar Kodish, Yazmin Meza Lazaro, Anna S. Lau
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( Suicidal ideation and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at public hospitals of Harari regional state, eastern Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study
Apr 28th 2024, 08:48

The post ( Suicidal ideation and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at public hospitals of Harari regional state, eastern Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study was curated by ( information for practice.

( What makes community sports programs successful? A group concept mapping study to identify effective elements
Apr 28th 2024, 07:56

Publication date: June 2024
Source: Evaluation and Program Planning, Volume 104
Author(s): Güven Alarslan, Dico de Jager, Sabina Super, Ivo van Hilvoorde, Maria Koelen, Kirsten Verkooijen
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( Applying a process-based therapy approach to compassion focused therapy: A synergetic alliance
Apr 28th 2024, 07:55

Publication date: April 2024
Source: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, Volume 32
Author(s): Madeleine I. Fraser, Kaja Gregory
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( New president promises ‘a more assertive’ Adass
Apr 28th 2024, 07:49

The new president Melanie Williams said the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services will be “more assertive” under her leadership. Speaking at Adass’ Spring Seminar this morning, Ms Williams said “we need greater challenge of the government, our systems and status quo”.
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( Characterizing stress processes by linking big five personality states, traits, and day-to-day stressors
Apr 28th 2024, 06:56

Publication date: June 2024
Source: Journal of Research in Personality, Volume 110
Author(s): Whitney R. Ringwald, Sienna R. Nielsen, Janan Mostajabi, Colin E. Vize, Tessa van den Berg, Stephen B. Manuck, Anna L. Marsland, Aidan G.C. Wright
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( Clinical pathways from the perception of the first signs to the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in Portugal: A brief report of a survey of parents
Apr 28th 2024, 05:56

Publication date: June 2024
Source: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Volume 114
Author(s): Rita Crasto, Daniela Folhas, Tatiana Pereira, Marisa Lousada
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( Feminist Climate Justice Report
Apr 28th 2024, 05:16

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( A happiness approach to valuing health states for children
Apr 28th 2024, 04:54

Publication date: May 2024
Source: Social Science & Medicine, Volume 348
Author(s): Li Huang, Nancy Devlin, Gang Chen, Kim Dalziel
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( Association of national smoke-free policies with per-capita cigarette consumption and acute myocardial infarction mortality in Europe
Apr 28th 2024, 04:53

Evidence on the association between smoke-free policies and per-capita cigarette consumption and mortality due to acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Europe is limited. Hence, we aimed to assess this association and to evaluate which factors influence it.
We performed an interrupted time series analysis, including 27 member states of the European Union and the UK, on per-capita cigarette consumption and AMI mortality.
A multivariate meta-regression was used to assess the potential influence of other factors on the observed associations.
Around half of the smoke-free policies introduced were associated with a level or slope change, or both, of per-capita cigarette consumption and AMI mortality (17 of 35). As for cigarette consumption, the strongest level reduction was observed for the smoking ban issued in 2010 in Poland (rate ratio (RR): 0.47; 95% CI: 0.41, 0.53). Instead, the largest level reduction of AMI mortality was observed for the intervention introduced in 2012 in Bulgaria (RR: 0.38; 95% CI: 0.34, 0.42).
Policies issued more recently or by countries with a lower human development index were found to be associated with a larger decrease in per-capita cigarette consumption. In addition, smoking bans applying to bars had a stronger inverse association with both cigarette consumption and AMI mortality.
The results of our study suggest that smoke-free policies are effective at reducing per-capita cigarette consumption and AMI mortality. It is extremely important to monitor and register data on tobacco, its prevalence and consumption to be able to tackle its health effects with concerted efforts.

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( Unveiling the muscle-brain axis: A bidirectional mendelian randomization study investigating the causal relationship between sarcopenia-related traits and brain aging
Apr 28th 2024, 03:55

Publication date: August 2024
Source: Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 123
Author(s): Zefang Li, Xueqiang Wu, Zhaojun Yan, Yiping Cui, Yueling Liu, Song Cui, Yining Wang, Tianyu Liu
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Baltimore, MD

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