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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( IRS Direct File Provides Free Tax Filing, Boosts Tax System Equity
Apr 15th 2024, 13:09

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( Misdemeanor Enforcement Trends in New York City, 2016–2022
Apr 15th 2024, 12:56

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( Interventions, methods and outcome measures used in teaching evidence-based practice to healthcare students: an overview of systematic reviews
Apr 15th 2024, 12:51

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( Self‐Employment, the COVID‐19 Pandemic, and the Rural–Urban Divide in the United States
Apr 15th 2024, 12:51

Self-employed individuals faced numerous challenges amid the global health and economic crisis that was the COVID-19 pandemic. Similarly, rural and urban workers faced different challenges during the pandemic. This rural–urban disparity further complicates the impacts of self-employment and exacerbates inequalities resulting from gender, race, ethnicity, or immigration status. This study examines the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic across these categories in the United States using Current Population Survey data from May 2020 to May 2022. Comparing the wage and self-employment sectors across rural and urban areas, I examine the effects of individual, business, and geographic characteristics on the probability of work stoppages due to the health crisis. The analysis reveals that recovery from the pandemic was delayed among the self-employed, while additional education and full-time employment status can reduce work interruptions for these workers, as does working in select industries. Findings suggest that rural and urban minorities are more likely to face pandemic-related work disruptions, with key differences between formal and informal self-employment sectors. Specifically, self-employed Asians/Pacific Islanders and Native Americans were more adversely affected in rural areas. The study concludes with several policy and program recommendations to assist vulnerable workers, especially in the rural self-employment sector.
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( Phenomenology-Informed Counseling: Reflections on Emotional Safety and Emotional Initiative in Couple Counseling
Apr 15th 2024, 12:36

Volume 23, Issue 1, 2024, Page 21-39. 
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( Visual Methods for Digital Research: An Introduction
Apr 15th 2024, 12:32

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( Examining the trajectory of meaning violation and its bidirectional relationship with perceived posttraumatic growth
Apr 15th 2024, 11:51

Despite extensive theoretical discussions on the dynamic process of meaning violation (MV) and restoration, empirical research on this topic remained lacking. This study aimed to explore the trajectory of MV and the bi-directionality between MV and perceived posttraumatic growth (PPTG). This study employed a 3-wave longitudinal design spanning over 3 months, and a sample of participants from China who experienced any distressing event within the past 3 months was considered eligible. Participants (N = 215; aged 18–38 years old) were instructed to assess MV and PPTG regarding a chosen event. A latent growth model was used to examine changes in MV over time and a random intercept cross-lagged panel model was used to analyze bidirectional associations between MV and PPTG. Results revealed that, at the within-person level, MV at T1 negatively predicted PPTG at T2, while PPTG at T2 negatively predicted MV at T3. These results indicate that the sense of MV may have impeded PPTG in the initial stages, whereas PPTG might serve as a predictor for diminished MV at later stages. At the between-person level, a positive relationship between these two constructs was observed, suggesting that individuals who experienced higher levels of MV, in general, also tended to report greater PPTG. These findings reflect the complex and dynamic nature of meaning reconstruction processes and provide empirical evidence for the meaning-making model.
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( Student-Athlete Mental Health, Help-Seeking, and Service Utilization: Implications for a Multi-Tiered, Public Health Approach on College Campuses
Apr 15th 2024, 11:36

Volume 37, Issue 4, October 2023, Page 371-390. 
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( Implementation of graduation programs for alleviating rural poverty: an impact analysis in Paraguay
Apr 15th 2024, 10:56

Volume 16, Issue 1, March 2024, Page 77-100. 
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( Promoting the Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care: States (Due by May 20)
Apr 15th 2024, 10:38

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( Gender discrimination and merit‐based selection: A case study of Mexico
Apr 15th 2024, 10:23

Does the merit-based selection process help to reduce gender discrimination in public administrations? To answer this question, we conducted an in-depth case study in Mexico and built two original databases for analysis. First, we measure vertical and horizontal discrimination, and second, we examine merit-based competitions for access to upper management levels of the Mexican public administration to explore their role in reproducing gender discrimination. We find the existence of both vertical and horizontal segregation, and the analysis of merit-based competition results shows that women have difficulty winning competitions for the highest hierarchical levels and traditionally male sectors. Based on these findings, we explore the role of merit-based competitions in reproducing gender discrimination. Finally, we urge for the inclusion of a gender perspective in public service reforms in Latin America.
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( The For-Profit Side of Public U: University Contracts with Online Program Managers
Apr 15th 2024, 10:16

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( After Decades of Imprisoning Patients, Idaho Approves Secure Mental Health Facility
Apr 15th 2024, 10:08

The Idaho Legislature has approved funding for a 26-bed facility after ProPublica found that state lawmakers and officials ignored repeated warnings about the practice of locking up mentally ill patients who hadn’t been convicted of a crime. Above: Psychiatric patients have been detained, sometimes for months at a time, in cells like this one in the Idaho Maximum Security Institution near Boise.
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( Heather Hahn on Decoding America’s Safety Net
Apr 15th 2024, 09:44

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( A prospective study of sexual risk patterns associated with delinquency and justice involvement among child welfare system‐involved male adolescents in the United States
Apr 15th 2024, 09:39

Early sexual activity and teen pregnancy are known risk factors for delinquency and justice involvement among male adolescents. However, less is known about these patterns among child welfare system (CWS)-involved boys who face significant social barriers and past/current traumatic experiences.
We prospectively examined these associations among male adolescents who identified as low and high risk for child-maltreatment via a secondary data analysis of the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect dataset—a large scale assessment of children, their parents, and their teachers in the United States to understand issues of child abuse and neglect. We extracted and examined data from 657 boys who were identified as at-risk for maltreatment or with histories of substantiated maltreatment at ages 6, 8, 12, 14, and 16. We used structural equation modeling to examine the relationship between sexual activity (i.e., age of sexual debut, actively having sex, and sex resulting in a child) and changes in delinquency and justice involvement.
Male adolescents who have engaged in sex and/or have fathered a child had greater increases in delinquency over time compared to those who have not had sex. Further, fathering a child was significantly associated with justice involvement, especially for the high-risk group.
Results indicate that greater efforts should be taken to ascertain CWS-involved male adolescents’ sexual health practices and parenting status. Male adolescents in the CWS require support with accessing developmentally appropriate sexual health education and family services.
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( International Service for Human Rights: 2023 Top 10 wins
Apr 15th 2024, 09:18

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( Gendered organisational and professional discourses of emotions in ‘macho’ social work: ethnographic insights
Apr 15th 2024, 09:18

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( Community, Solidarity, and Organizing: Tales from Two Organizers
Apr 15th 2024, 09:04

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( Comparing psychopathological symptoms, life satisfaction, and personality traits between the WHO and APA frameworks of gaming disorder symptoms: A psychometric investigation
Apr 15th 2024, 08:41

The inclusion of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) in the fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) by the American Psychiatric Association and Gaming Disorder in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) by the World Health Organization requires consistent psychological measures for reliable estimates. The current study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Gaming Disorder Test (GDT), the Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10), and the Five-Item Gaming Disorder Test (GDT-5) and to compare the WHO and the APA frameworks of gaming disorder symptoms in terms of psychopathological symptoms, life satisfaction, and personality traits.
A sample of 723 Swedish gamers was recruited (29.8% women, 68.3% men, 1.9% other, Mage = 29.50 years, SD = 8.91).
The results indicated notable differences regarding the estimated possible risk groups between the two frameworks. However, the association between gaming disorder symptoms and personality traits, life satisfaction, and psychopathological symptoms appeared consistent across the two frameworks. The results showed excellent psychometric properties in support of the one-factor model of the GDT, IGDT-10, and GDT-5, including good reliability estimates (McDonald’s omega) and evidence of construct validity. Additionally, the results demonstrated full gender and age measurement invariance of the GDT, IGDT-10, and GDT-5, indicating that gaming disorder symptoms are measured equally across the subgroups.
These findings demonstrate that the IGDT-10, GDT-5, and GDT are appropriate measures for assessing gaming disorder symptoms and facilitating future research in Sweden.
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( First Indigenous family health clinic opens in Montreal
Apr 15th 2024, 07:43

The cedar room at the Native Montreal Family Clinic. 
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( Barriers to Seeking Treatment for Sexual Difficulties in Sex Therapy
Apr 15th 2024, 07:36

Volume 23, Issue 1, 2024, Page 1-20. 
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( UKHE Redundancies
Apr 15th 2024, 07:27

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( The impact of COVID-19 on young people’s mental health, wellbeing and routine from a European perspective: A co-produced qualitative systematic review
Apr 15th 2024, 06:46

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( Focusing on the Positive: Self-Selected Relationship Strengths as an Indicator of Relationship Distress
Apr 15th 2024, 06:36

Volume 23, Issue 1, 2024, Page 62-77. 
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( Clinician experiences of remotely delivering psychodynamic and intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy within an NHS institution during the COVID-19 pandemic, and possible implications for future clinical practice
Apr 15th 2024, 06:13

Volume 38, Issue 1, March 2024, Page 20-37. 
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( Does citizen engagement improve development outcomes? A realist-informed systematic review of participation and accountability mechanisms
Apr 15th 2024, 05:36

Volume 16, Issue 1, March 2024, Page 27-60. 
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( NEET age 16 to 24: 2023
Apr 15th 2024, 05:19

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( What seniors want: I don’t want to die alone
Apr 15th 2024, 04:12

If a sensor in Madam Liew Thye Moi’s home detects a fall, social workers will be alerted. 
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( The Paradox of Love: A Historical Exploration of Western Philosophical Perspectives on Love, Exclusion, and Liberatory Potential
Apr 15th 2024, 03:51

Volume 158, Issue 1, 2024. 
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( The economic burden of cervical cancer on women in Uganda: Findings from a cross-sectional study conducted at two public cervical cancer clinics
Apr 15th 2024, 03:48

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