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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)
( Canadian immigrants’ oral health and oral health care providers’ cultural competence capacity
Apr 14th 2024, 13:49
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( ‘Send Nudes?’: Teens’ perspectives of education around sexting, an argument for a balanced approach
Apr 14th 2024, 13:47
Sexualities, Ahead of Print. This paper explores teens’ perceptions of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) around sexting (the exchange of sexually explicit imagery). Adopting a ‘sex-positive’ balanced approach to adolescents’ digital expressions of sexuality may be a more beneficial response than censure since fear-based narratives fail to recognise sexting as part of an array of sexual behaviours enacted by teens. Prohibition, rather than educating for safe sexting practices, fails to protect young people. This qualitative study uses thematic analysis of interviews with teens, and social constructionism, to interpret their perspectives thereby contributing teens’ perspectives to debates around adolescent sexting and RSE.
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( Nonprofits Can Mobilize Voters…And Should
Apr 14th 2024, 13:14
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( Integrating substance use peer support and screening brief intervention and referral to treatment services in the emergency department: a descriptive study of the ED leads program
Apr 14th 2024, 13:08
The ED Leads program was introduced to 11 emergency departments (EDs) within New York City public hospitals from 2018 to 2019 to address a need for addiction support services in the ED. The purpose of this stu…
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( How the demise of gay nightlife has prompted a new underground queer scene
Apr 14th 2024, 12:49
But if gay nightlife has been forced to change, something more exciting is evolving in its place, according to Amin Ghaziani’s book Long Live Queer Nightlife: How the Closing of Gay Bars Sparked a Revolution. By sharing insights and experiences from in and around London’s evolving queer nightlife scene, Ghaziani reveals how it continues to thrive in spite of widespread closures.
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( Managerial Behavioral Training For Functional Leadership: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Apr 14th 2024, 12:47
Volume 44, Issue 1, January-March 2024, Page 15-41.
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( Lethal Means Safety Suicide Prevention Research in Healthcare and Community Settings (R34 Clinical Trial Required) (First due date: July 15)
Apr 14th 2024, 11:11
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( Managing Burnout in a Post-COVID World
Apr 14th 2024, 11:08
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( Gas Leaks, Gas Shutoffs, and Environmental Justice in New York City
Apr 14th 2024, 10:47
Urban Affairs Review, Ahead of Print. Gas leaks in cities with older infrastructure are relatively common. The unburned methane which they release is a potent greenhouse gas with harmful health effects. Using administrative municipal data on gas leak reports, we provide a systematic analysis of residential gas leaks in New York City and their association with socioeconomic inequality. We find that both the reporting of gas leaks and the prevalence of resulting residential gas shutoffs is strongly structured by already existing inequalities across neighborhoods. Therefore, we argue that the gas infrastructure in urban areas is an important environmental justice issue as those communities who experience the brunt of failing gas infrastructure are the same communities who have faced decades of disinvestment and environmental racism.
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( Why does knowledge mobilisation matter? How to involve the public in knowledge mobilisation
Apr 14th 2024, 10:31
The post ( Why does knowledge mobilisation matter? How to involve the public in knowledge mobilisation was curated by ( information for practice.
( Liberation Health Model – Dawn Belkin Martinez, PhD, LICSW
Apr 14th 2024, 10:28
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( Puerto Rico’s Unnatural Disaster
Apr 14th 2024, 10:04
US healthcare is defined by the greed and inequality that its patients must battle, but Puerto Rico’s calamity is unique. Thanks to a combination of colonial neglect, a disastrous legacy of privatization that has given health insurance companies outsize control, and a series of devastating austerity measures in recent years, it’s not just patients who are feeling the impact; it’s also the people who are supposed to look after them. Puerto Rico has seen a mass exodus of doctors that has left it struggling to provide even the most basic level of care. And no medical specialty has been affected more than pediatrics.
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( Health equity in Somalia? An evaluation of the progress made from 2006 to 2019 in reducing inequities in maternal and newborn health
Apr 14th 2024, 08:56
Every human being has the right to affordable, high-quality health services. However, mothers and children in wealthier households worldwide have better access to healthcare and lower mortality rates than thos…
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( Unisa sets the record straight about its Social Work programme
Apr 14th 2024, 08:13
The University of South Africa (Unisa) has raised concerns over an article regarding its Bachelor of Social Work programme. Unisa expresses deep concern regarding the significant inaccuracies present in both the headline and various sections of the article.
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( Religiosity predicts prosociality, especially when measured by self-report: A meta-analysis of almost 60 years of research.
Apr 14th 2024, 08:08
Psychological Bulletin, Vol 150(3), Mar 2024, 284-318; doi:10.1037/bul0000413
This meta-analysis explores the long-standing and heavily debated question of whether religiosity is associated with prosocial and antisocial behavior at the individual level. In an analysis of 701 effects across 237 samples, encompassing 811,663 participants, a significant relationship of r = .13 was found between religiosity and prosociality (and antisociality, which was treated as its inverse). Nevertheless, there was substantial heterogeneity of effect sizes, and several potential moderators were explored. The effect was most heavily moderated by the type of measurement used to assess prosocial or antisocial behavior. Religiosity correlated more strongly with self-reported prosociality (r = .15) than with directly measured prosocial behavior (r = .06). Three possible interpretations of this moderation are discussed, namely, that (a) lab-based methods do not accurately or fully capture actual religious prosociality; (b) the self-report effect is explained by religious self-enhancement and overreports actual prosociality; or (c) both religiosity and self-reported prosociality are explained by self-enhancement. The question of whether religiosity more strongly positively predicts prosociality or negatively predicts antisociality is also explored. This moderation is, at most, weak. We test additional potential moderators, including the aspect of religiosity and type of behavior measured, the ingroup or outgroup nature of the recipient, and study characteristics. Finally, we recommend a shift in how researchers investigate questions of religiosity and prosociality in the future. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Breaking down organ donation borders: Revisiting “opt out” residency requirements in the UK
Apr 14th 2024, 07:49
Clinical Ethics, Ahead of Print. All four UK nations have, in recent years, introduced “opt out” organ donation systems. Whilst these systems are largely similar, they operate independently. A key feature of each policy is a residency requirement, stipulating that opt out may only apply where the deceased had been ordinarily resident in that nation for at least 12 months. A resident of Scotland who dies in England, for example, would not fall under opt out. Public awareness is the underlying reasoning for such stipulations. A residency requirement was appropriate when Wales was the only UK nation with an opt out system, but, I suggest, the continued imposition of intra-UK borders on organ donation is unjustified now that all four nations operate the same policy. Further, it has the potential to limit organ donation. There is a need for all four systems to be amended to allow for UK-wide applicability, such that providing the deceased was ordinarily resident in the UK, they can fall under opt out in any of the four nations. I argue that such an amendment is ethically justified – continuing to satisfy the public awareness criterion – and practically straightforward. In doing so, I emphasise that my proposed amendment should extend only to the four UK nations, stopping short of the Crown Dependencies even though they also operate opt out systems for organ donation.
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( “You Think You’re Going to Get Better”: A Creative-Relational Inquiry Into Long Covid and Physical Activity
Apr 14th 2024, 07:49
Qualitative Inquiry, Ahead of Print. This creative-relational inquiry explores the lived experience of people suffering from Long Covid. Responding to calls for a publicly oriented qualitative inquiry, we collaborate across an extended project team to develop and share an accessible and engaging performance text which advocates for and supports those who live precariously as a result of contracting Long Covid. We offer our performance text as a resource to inform and guide personal, professional, public, and policy responses to Long Covid. We propose that creative-relational inquiries such as this beneficially extend understanding beyond what is possible through traditional evidence-based medicine alone.
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( University students’ access to mental health services: A qualitative study of the experiences of health service professionals through the lens of candidacy in England
Apr 14th 2024, 06:46
Journal of Health Services Research &Policy, Ahead of Print. ObjectivesIn order to develop a better understanding of students’ access to mental health services, we explored the experiences of health care professionals interacting with university students with mental health problems.MethodsWe interviewed 23 professionals working across university advice and counselling services, NHS general practice, crisis, and psychological services in North and East London between June 2022 and January 2023. Our approach drew on reflexive thematic analysis and the principles of abductive analysis. The notion of candidacy – that is, how different needs are deemed deserving of health service attention – was particularly helpful to our understanding of the ongoing phenomenon of interest in the data.ResultsEach student’s access to mental health support was highly contingent on the student’s dynamic social context and the pressures and organisation of the local health system. Professionals described how different students viewed different needs as deserving of health service attention. Which students reached the professional’s service depended on the resources and relationships a student could draw upon, and the service’s relative permeability. Once there, what action professionals took was strongly influenced by the professional’s service expertise, resource constraints, the relationships the professional’s service had with other organisations, the students’ wishes, and whether students regarded treatment offers as acceptable.ConclusionsCandidacy offers a useful lens to view university students’ access to mental health support. Access appears to be an increasingly intricate task for students, given the fragmented service landscape, surging demand for mental health care and challenges of emerging adulthood. Our findings suggest that policy goals to increase use of mental health services are unlikely to improve outcomes for students without policy makers and health systems giving holistic consideration of inter-service relationships and available resources.
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( Public opinions and social trends, Great Britain: 13 to 24 March 2024
Apr 14th 2024, 06:14
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( Protective factors against involvement with illegal drugs: the perception of family members and significant others
Apr 14th 2024, 05:52
Volume 7, Issue 4, December 2014, Page 329-342.
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( From boom to burst, the AI bubble is only heading in one direction
Apr 14th 2024, 05:17
No one should be surprised that artificial intelligence is following a well-worn and entirely predictable financial arc
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( Building a wall around the welfare state, or around the country? Preferences for immigrant welfare inclusion and immigration policy openness in Europe
Apr 14th 2024, 04:44
Journal of European Social Policy, Ahead of Print. Existing research on welfare chauvinism, which involves preferences about the inclusion or exclusion of immigrants in welfare programmes, often overlooks individual preferences regarding immigration policy openness (the number of immigrants allowed into a country). This article posits that these two dimensions should be considered together. The reason is that the implications of including or excluding migrants in welfare programmes vary significantly depending on whether a country admits few or many immigrants. Utilizing data from two waves of the European Social Survey across 23 European countries, we develop a typology of individual stances that encapsulate attitudes towards both immigration policy openness and immigrant inclusion in the welfare state. Our analysis reveals that the distribution of these stances varies considerably across European nations. We further examine how the probability of endorsing one of these typologies correlates with individual socio-economic characteristics, especially education. We find that higher education levels are linked to a higher likelihood of supporting either a combination of openness and inclusion or, to a lesser extent, openness paired with welfare exclusion. Additionally, more exclusionary attitudes are observed in countries where welfare usage by migrants is higher.
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( A Mixed-Effects Model in Which the Parameters of the Autocorrelated Error Structure Can Differ between Individuals
Apr 14th 2024, 03:54
Volume 59, Issue 1, January-February 2024, Page 98-109.
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( Outcome metrics utilized in evaluations of programs and interventions for combat and operational stress: A review of psychometric properties
Apr 14th 2024, 00:53
Volume 36, Issue 2, March-April 2024, Page 227-237.
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( How Queer Activism Is Changing the Labor Movement
Apr 14th 2024, 00:40
New Labor Forum, Ahead of Print.
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( Togethering Situation in Diffractive Inquiry
Apr 14th 2024, 00:40
Qualitative Inquiry, Ahead of Print. Making knowledge includes creating the practices of knowing. Setting up our apparatus, we create diffractive encounters between the oscillating fields of Mary Parker Follett’s pragmatist theorizing about evolving situations; Barad’s account of diffraction; and our two scholars’ bodies, separately engaged in researching organizational socialization and family business. This article illustrates our collaborative writing to experiment with diffracting situations in empirical studying. From Follett’s concept, we offer the creative integration of gesammting (togethering) situations in diffraction. This article illustrates the uneasy boundary-performance in postqualitative inquiry and arrives at integratively selving as a practice of emerging generative futures.
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( A university cut tenured faculty’s pay. They’re suing
Apr 13th 2024, 23:41
Along with a secure post and academic freedom, tenured professors enjoy financial security—or so many outsiders imagine. In fact, many tenured faculty are expected to cover much of their salary with grants, and may be penalized with salary reductions if they do not. That’s what happened at Tufts University School of Medicine—and some researchers are fighting back.
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( Alliance of local employers launch plan to make Newcastle a Living Wage City
Apr 13th 2024, 23:41
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( Support for Research Excellence (SuRE) Award (R16 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (Multiple due dates)
Apr 13th 2024, 23:23
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( Effects of exercise therapy on anxiety and depression in patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Apr 13th 2024, 22:42
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