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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Assessment of Cannabis Use and Depression in Everyday Moments Among Youth (ACADEMY)
Sep 19th 2024, 09:17

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( Non‐pharmacological management of wandering in persons with dementia: an integrative review
Sep 19th 2024, 09:09

Wandering behaviour affects a significant portion of dementia patients, ranging from 15% to 80%, presenting a serious safety concern and adding to caregivers’ burden. Recent studies emphasise the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions over pharmacological ones due to their minimal side effects. Consequently, in current literature there has been a surge of interest in exploring non-pharmacological methods for managing wandering.
This integrative literature review aims to deepen comprehension of wandering behaviour, presents recent studies on non-pharmacological approaches, and inspires further research in this field.
Electronic data collection spanned from 2019 to 2024, sourcing 20 relevant articles from PubMed and Scopus databases using search terms such as ‘dementia’, ‘Alzheimer’s disease’, ‘wandering’, and ‘management’. A thematic analysis methodology was employed to identify non-pharmacological treatment themes for managing wandering. This approach involves scrutinising and synthesising themes within the dataset. Qualitative data analysis focused on significant phrases and keywords, grouping them to derive relevant themes.
Recent literature extensively explores non-pharmacological methods for managing wandering. These include understanding behaviours, identifying and targeting high-risk groups, facilitating safe wandering, addressing environmental factors, promoting exercise and activity, and offering caregiver support.
This study significantly advances understanding of wandering behaviour and highlights recent research on non-pharmacological interventions. The findings suggest the potential for providing safe and effective treatment to wandering dementia patients, thereby alleviating stress for both patients and caregivers.
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( Mixed Reality in the Operating Room: A Systematic Review
Sep 19th 2024, 09:01

The post ( Mixed Reality in the Operating Room: A Systematic Review was curated by ( information for practice.

( Vitamin D Levels and Depressive Symptoms during Pregnancy: A Prospective Pregnancy Cohort Study
Sep 19th 2024, 08:41

Objective. Depressive symptoms during pregnancy increase the risk for adverse outcomes in women and children. Lower vitamin D levels are suggested to be associated with higher depressive symptoms in nonpregnant populations. We studied if the level of or change in serum of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration was associated with the levels of depressive symptoms during pregnancy. Methods. The participants of this prospective longitudinal study came from the Prediction and Prevention of Preeclampsia and Intrauterine Growth Restriction (PREDO) study. The analytic sample comprised 307 women (mean age = 32.5 (range 20.3–44.3)) who reported depressive symptoms concurrently with serum 25(OH)D measurements at a median of 13.0, 19.3, and 27.0 gestational weeks. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Linear and mixed-model regression analyses were used to study the associations. Results. The 25(OH)D levels were not associated with depressive symptoms cross-sectionally (p values > 0.58) or across the three assessment points during pregnancy (B = −0.05; 95% CI, −0.12, 0.01; and p = 0.12). Yet, a higher increase in 25(OH)D during pregnancy was associated with lower levels of depressive symptoms (B = −1.41; 95% CI, −2.75, −0.07; and p = 0.04) but not after adjusting for covariates (p = 0.08). Conclusions. The 25(OH)D levels and depressive symptoms were not associated among pregnant women throughout the pregnancy. However, there is a need for randomized controlled trials to fully exclude the possibility of vitamin D supplementation in the prevention of depression during pregnancy.
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( The Impact of Physical Activity on the Development of Postpartum Depression
Sep 19th 2024, 07:41

Although the benefits of physical activity (PA) on mental well-being are well established, the vulnerability of women during pregnancy and the postpartum period poses challenges in studying the effects of PA on postpartum depression (PPD). This study investigated the association between total and domain-specific PA levels during pregnancy and postpartum depressive symptoms. The study included 105 healthy pregnant women whose PA status was evaluated by the Serbian version of the Physical Activity Questionnaire during Pregnancy (PPAQ-SRB) and their postpartum mental health by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Multivariable logistic regression was used to explore the independent relationship between PPAQ-SRB scores and the prediction of the PPD symptom occurrence. Our analysis revealed that the development of PPD symptomatology was associated with a lower “Total PPAQ-SRB score” (odds ratio (OR) 0.81; 95% confidence interval (CI) [0.70–0.93]; p = 0.03) and “Total Activity score” (OR 0.82; 95% CI [0.71–0.93]; p = 0.03) as well as lower scores of light-intensity PA (OR 0.81; 95% CI [0.69–0.96]; p = 0.013), moderate-intensity PA (OR 0.82; 95% CI [0.71–0.94]; p = 0.005), “Household/care” (OR 0.85; 95% CI [0.73–0.98]; p = 0.028), and “Occupational” activities (OR 0.80; 95% CI [0.78–0.95]; p = 0.012). Lower levels of light-to-moderate-intensity household and occupational activities appeared to increase the risk of PPD, indicating the importance of circumstances under which PA is performed. Hence, our findings indicate that PA during pregnancy can mitigate mood disorders in postpartum mothers. Moreover, reduced participation in light-to-moderate-intensity household and occupational activities seemed to increase the risk of PPD.
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( The Comedy of the Winter Fuel Payment Means Test
Sep 19th 2024, 07:21

Means testing insanity in the United Kingdom.
The post ( The Comedy of the Winter Fuel Payment Means Test was curated by ( information for practice.

( Emerging Voices: Amplifying the perspectives of students and new professionals
Sep 19th 2024, 06:42

Journal of Family Theory &Review, EarlyView.
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( Jung, the Rebirth Motif and Psychedelics I: Documenting Jung’s Contact with the British Pioneers
Sep 19th 2024, 05:41

C. G. Jung wrote very little about psychedelic drugs and he took a sceptical view of them. However, he was sufficiently impressed by Aldous Huxley’s 1954 account of taking mescaline, The Doors of Perception, to invite Huxley to visit him in Switzerland. Huxley declined Jung’s invitation but Huxley’s collaborator Humphry Osmond met Jung instead. This paper documents Jung’s contact with the British pioneers of psychedelics research and presents the scant material illuminating his views about these drugs. It also determines the efforts of British psychiatrist Ronald Sandison, who was the first to develop an “explicitly Jungian approach” to psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (Hill, 2013), and it highlights a connection between Sandison’s initiative and the Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP) through the involvement of two SAP members: Margot Cutner, Sandison’s colleague, and Michael Fordham, who supervised a trainee working with one of Sandison’s former patients. Despite Jung’s objections to the use of psychedelics, Sandison and Cutner developed ground-breaking protocols during the 1950s and they were among the first to document the phenomenon of “spiritual rebirth symbolized in the birth experience known to many LSD therapists” (Sandison, 2001). In two companion papers, I consider Jung’s treatment of the rebirth motif in his commentary on The Tibetan Book of the Dead, which later became a central text in the psychedelic movement, and I chart the evolution in psychedelics research from an association with schizophrenia during the 1950s to the mystical paradigms of the 1960s and beyond.
C.G. Jung a très peu écrit sur les drogues psychédéliques et il avait à leur égard une attitude sceptique. Cependant il fut suffisamment impressionné par le récit d’Aldous Huxley de son expérience avec la mescaline en 1954, Les Portes de la Perception, pour inviter Huxley à lui rendre visite en Suisse. Huxley déclina l’invitation de Jung mais son collaborateur Humphry Osmond rencontra Jung à sa place. Cet article rend compte des contacts de Jung avec les recherches des pionniers britanniques en matière de drogues psychédéliques. Il présente aussi le peu de matériel qui illustre ses opinions concernant ces drogues. L’article explore les efforts du psychiatre britannique Ronald Sandison – qui fut le premier à développer une « approche spécifiquement jungienne » à la psychothérapie assistée par des drogues psychédéliques – et il souligne un lien entre l’initiative de Sandison et The Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP) par l’implication de deux de ses membres : Margot Cutner, collègue de Sandison, et Michael Fordham, qui supervisa un candidat sur son travail avec un des anciens patients de Sandison. Malgré les objections de Jung sur l’utilisation des drogues psychédéliques, Sandison et Cutner ont développé des protocoles très innovants durant les années 1950 et furent parmi les premiers à documenter le phénomène de la « renaissance spirituelle symbolisée par l’expérience de naissance, bien connue par la plupart des thérapeutes utilisant le L.S.D. » (Sandison, 2001). Dans deux articles apparentés j’examine la manière dont Jung a traité le motif de la renaissance dans son commentaire sur Le Livre des Morts Tibétain, qui devint par la suite un texte central dans le mouvement psychédélique, et je retrace l’évolution dans la recherche sur les drogues psychédéliques à partir d’une association avec la schizophrénie dans les années 1950 et jusqu’aux paradigmes mystiques des années 1960 et au-delà.
C. G. Jung schrieb sehr wenig über psychedelische Drogen und stand ihnen skeptisch gegenüber. Aldous Huxleys Bericht über die Einnahme von Meskalin aus dem Jahr 1954, Die Pforten der Wahrnehmung, beeindruckte ihn jedoch so sehr, daß er Huxley einlud, ihn in die Schweiz zu besuchen. Huxley lehnte Jungs Einladung ab, doch statt dessen traf Huxleys Mitarbeiter Humphry Osmond Jung. Dieser Beitrag dokumentiert Jungs Kontakt mit den britischen Pionieren der Psychedelikaforschung und präsentiert das spärliche Material, das seine Ansichten über diese Drogen beleuchtet. Es beschreibt auch die Bemühungen des britischen Psychiaters Ronald Sandison, der als erster einen “expliziten jungianischen Ansatz” für psychedelikagestützte Psychotherapie entwickelte (Hill, 2013), und es hebt eine Verbindung zwischen Sandisons Initiative und der Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP) durch die Beteiligung zweier SAP-Mitglieder hervor: Margot Cutner, Sandisons Kollegin, und Michael Fordham, der einen Praktikanten betreute, der mit einem von Sandisons ehemaligen Patienten arbeitete. Trotz Jungs Einwänden gegen den Einsatz von Psychedelika entwickelten Sandison und Cutner in den 1950-er Jahren bahnbrechende Protokolle und gehörten zu den Ersten, die das Phänomen der “spirituellen Wiedergeburt, symbolisiert durch die vielen LSD-Therapeuten bekannte Geburtserfahrung” dokumentierten (Sandison, 2001). In zwei Begleitartikeln befasse ich mich mit Jungs Behandlung des Wiedergeburtsmotivs in seinem Kommentar zum Tibetischen Totenbuch, das später zu einem zentralen Text der psychedelischen Bewegung wurde. Zusätzlich zeichne ich die Entwicklung der Psychedelikaforschung von einer Verbindung mit Schizophrenie in den 1950-er Jahren bis zu den mystischen Paradigmen der 1960-er Jahre und darüber hinaus nach.
Jung scrisse molto poco sulle droghe psichedeliche e le vedeva con un certo scetticismo. Tuttavia, fu sufficientemente impressionato dal resoconto di Aldous Huxley del 1954 sull’assunzione di mescalina, Le Porte della Percezione, tanto da invitarlo a fargli visita in Svizzera. Huxley declinò l’invito, ma il collaboratore di Huxley, Humphry Osmond, incontrò Jung al suo posto. Questo articolo documenta il contatto di Jung con i pionieri inglesi della ricerca sugli psichedelici e presenta lo scarno materiale che informò le sue opinioni su queste droghe. Vengono inoltre evidenziati gli sforzi dello psichiatra britannico Ronald Sandison, che fu il primo a sviluppare un “approccio esplicitamente junghiano” alla psicoterapia assistita da sostanze psichedeliche (Hill, 2013), e si sottolinea la connessione tra l’iniziativa di Sandison e la Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP), tramite il coinvolgimento di due membri della SAP: Margot Cutner, collega di Sandison, e Michael Fordham, che supervisionò un tirocinante che lavorava con uno degli ex pazienti di Sandison. Nonostante le obiezioni di Jung all’uso di sostanze psichedeliche, Sandison e Cutner svilupparono protocolli innovativi durante gli anni ’50 e furono tra i primi a documentare il fenomeno della “rinascita spirituale simboleggiata nell’esperienza della nascita, nota a molti terapeuti dell’LSD” (Sandison, 2001). In due articoli complementari, considero il lavoro di Jung sul motivo della rinascita nel suo commento a Il Libro Tibetano dei Morti, che in seguito divenne un testo centrale nel movimento psichedelico, e descrivo l’evoluzione nella ricerca psichedelica, a partire dall’associazione con la schizofrenia negli anni ’50 fino ai paradigmi mistici degli anni’60 ed oltre.
К. Г. Юнг очень мало писал о психоделических препаратах и относился к ним скептически. Однако на него произвел достаточно сильное впечатление рассказ Олдоса Хаксли “Двери восприятия”, написанный в 1954 году и повествующий о приеме мескалина, и он пригласил Хаксли навестить его в Швейцарии. Хаксли отклонил приглашение Юнга, но вместо него с Юнгом встретился его коллега Хамфри Осмонд. В статье описываются контакты Юнга с британскими пионерами исследования психоделиков и приводятся ограниченные свидетельства, в которых изложены его взгляды на эти наркотики. Здесь также отдается должное британскому психиатру Рональда Сэндисона, который первым разработал “выраженно юнгианский подход” к психотерапии с применением психоделиков (Hill, 2013), и подчеркивается связь между инициативой Сэндисона и Обществом аналитической психологии (SAP) усилиями двух членов SAP – Марго Катнер, коллеги Сэндисона, и Майкла Фордхэма, супервизировавшего стажера, который работал с одним из бывших пациентов Сэндисона. Несмотря на возражения Юнга против использования психоделиков, Сэндисон и Катнер разработали новаторские протоколы в 1950-х годах и были одними из первых, кто задокументировал феномен “духовного перезрождения, символизируемого опытом рождения, известным многим ЛСД-терапевтам” (Сэндисон, 2001). В двух тематически связанных статьях я рассматриваю трактовку Юнгом мотива перерождения в его комментарии к “Тибетской книге мертвых”, которая позже стала центральным текстом психоделического движения, и прослеживаю эволюцию изучения психоделиков от исследований в связи с шизофренией в 1950-х годах до мистических парадигм 1960-х и далее.
C. G. Jung escribió muy poco sobre las drogas psicodélicas y adoptó una postura escéptica hacia ellas. Sin embargo, quedó lo suficientemente impresionado por el relato, Las Puertas de la Percepción, que Aldous Huxley hizo en 1954 en referencia a su consumo de mescalina, como para invitar a Huxley a visitarle en Suiza. Huxley declinó la invitación, pero en su lugar Jung se reunió con Humphry Osmond, colaborador de Huxley. Este artículo documenta el contacto de Jung con los pioneros británicos en investigación psicodélica y presenta el escaso material que da cuenta de las opiniones de estos, sobre dichas drogas. También determina los esfuerzos del psiquiatra británico Ronald Sandison, que fue el primero en desarrollar un “enfoque explícitamente Junguiano” de la psicoterapia asistida por psicodélicos (Hill, 2013), y destaca una conexión entre la iniciativa de Sandison y la Sociedad de Psicología Analítica (SAP) a través de la participación de dos miembros de la SAP: Margot Cutner, colega de Sandison, y Michael Fordham, quien supervisaba a un candidato a analista que trabajaba con uno de los antiguos pacientes de Sandison. A pesar de las objeciones de Jung al uso de psicodélicos, Sandison y Cutner desarrollaron innovadores protocolos durante la década de 1950 y fueron los primeros en documentar el fenómeno del “renacimiento espiritual simbolizado en la experiencia del nacimiento conocida por muchos terapeutas del LSD” (Sandison, 2001). En dos artículos complementarios, considero el tratamiento que Jung da al motivo del renacimiento en su comentario sobre El Libro Tibetano de los Muertos, que más tarde se convirtió en un texto central del movimiento psicodélico, y trazo la evolución de la investigación sobre psicodélicos desde su asociación con la esquizofrenia durante la década de 1950 hasta los paradigmas místicos de la década de 1960 y posteriores.
荣格、重生主题与迷幻药物 I:记录荣格与英国先锋的接触
C. G.荣格对迷幻药物写得很少, 并且他对这些药物持怀疑态度。然而, 奥尔德斯·赫胥黎在1954年关于服用麦司卡林的著作《感知之门》给他留下了深刻印象, 以至于邀请赫胥黎来瑞士相见。赫胥黎拒绝了荣格的邀请, 但赫胥黎的合作者汉弗莱·奥斯蒙德代替他会见了荣格。本文记录了荣格与英国迷幻药物研究先锋的接触, 并展示了关于他对这些药物观点的少量材料。文章还确定了英国精神病学家罗纳德·桑迪森的努力, 他是第一个发展出“明确的荣格取向的迷幻药物辅助心理治疗方法”(Hill, 2013)的人, 同时, 文章还强调了桑迪森的初步尝试与分析心理学会 (SAP)之间的联系, 其中, 引入了两位SAP成员对此事的参与, 桑迪森的同事玛戈·库特纳, 以及作为督导的迈克尔·福德汉姆, 当时福德汉姆督导了一名与桑迪森前患者合作的学员的。尽管荣格反对使用迷幻药物, 桑迪森和库特纳还是在1950年代发展了开创性的方法, 他们是最早记录“许多LSD治疗师所熟知的, 出生体验中象征性的精神重生现象”的人 (Sandison, 2001)。在两篇相关论文中, 我将考虑荣格在他对《西藏度亡经》的评论中对重生主题的处理, 这本书后来成为迷幻运动中的核心文本, 并且我将追踪迷幻药物研究从1950年代与精神分裂症的关联到1960年代及以后的向神秘范式的演变。
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( Governing through bureaucratically imposed waiting: on stuckedness among asylum seekers and refugees waiting for residence permits in Sweden
Sep 19th 2024, 05:32

Volume 27, Issue 5, September 2024, Page 1086-1097. 
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( Determinants of adult sedentary behavior and physical inactivity for the primary prevention of diabetes in historically disadvantaged communities: A representative cross-sectional population-based study from Reunion Island
Sep 19th 2024, 05:17

The post ( Determinants of adult sedentary behavior and physical inactivity for the primary prevention of diabetes in historically disadvantaged communities: A representative cross-sectional population-based study from Reunion Island was curated by ( information for practice.

( Experimental testing of three categorization‐based interventions to reduce prejudice and discrimination against the unvaccinated in the aftermath of COVID‐19
Sep 19th 2024, 04:42

For many people, COVID-19 vaccination now informs social identity, triggering prejudice and discrimination toward those with a different vaccination status. As this may jeopardize social cohesion, we investigated the effects of three brief, theory-informed interventions for reducing ingroup bias in a preregistered experimental intervention study in Germany, assigning vaccinated participants (N = 2016) to one of four conditions: crossed categorization (emphasizing commonalities between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals), recategorization (framing vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals as members of a superordinate ingroup), counter-stereotypic categorization (encouraging participants to think about mismatched stereotypes), or a control condition (no intervention). As compared to the control condition, crossed categorization and counter-stereotypic categorization were found to reduce (evaluative) ingroup bias but the observed effects were weak and mostly diminished when controlling for demographic characteristics and vaccination status identification. Overall, the results indicate that none of the three interventions substantially reduced prejudice and discrimination toward the unvaccinated.
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( Alan Rushton obituary
Sep 19th 2024, 04:32

My husband, Alan Rushton, who has died aged 79, ran a post-qualifying course for social workers specialising in mental health for many years and played a prominent part in research into children placed away from home.
>From 1979 until his retirement, Alan taught mental health social work to qualified social workers at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, inspiring his students and teaching them research skills. His work on family placements of older children gained him a doctorate in 1999.
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( The Darzi review of NHS performance signals why radical change is needed
Sep 19th 2024, 04:14

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( Trajectories of affective and cognitive well‐being at times of COVID‐19 containment policies in Italy
Sep 19th 2024, 02:42

This paper draws on a subsample (N = 851) of respondents to ITA.LI—Italian Lives—a recently established panel study on a probability sample of individuals aged 16+ living in Italy—to track changes in the affective (positive and negative emotions such as energy and sadness) and cognitive (life satisfaction) components of well-being during different COVID-19 policy phases, classified according to the severity of key government responses.
An event-study design is employed, which uses mixed-effects ordered logistic models to investigate the change in SWB scores. Given the nested nature of the data, multilevel modeling is chosen as the most appropriate method of analysis.
The results reveal the levels of affective and cognitive well-being were significantly lower during the lockdown period than before the pandemic outbreak potentially reflecting both the direct effects of the confinement and other potential sources of distress, such as trends in infection rates and related media alarm. Once the lockdown was lifted, there was no evidence of an immediate and general improvement in well-being. In the following policy phase, with the lifting of most containment measures, there were significant signs of full recovery concerning energy, but the scores for the other well-being components remained relatively lower than those observed before the onset of COVID-19.
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( Men’s Willingness to Use and Preferences for Novel Male Contraceptive Methods in Malawi
Sep 19th 2024, 02:33

Evidence is needed in low- and middle-income countries regarding men’s willingness to use new male contraceptive methods in development, preferences regarding method attributes, and what shapes willingness/preferences. We analyzed data from cross-sectional surveys with 611 men in Malawi, concerning willingness to use each of four types of new male methods. Mean age was 24.5 years; half (50 percent) were married/cohabiting. Over half (51 percent) of men expressed willingness to use at least one new male method, including a topical contraceptive gel (33 percent), injection (32 percent), pill (29 percent), and implant (14 percent). Many male product attributes were considered important (with 59–67 percent endorsement), including ease of use, comfort of use, side effects, partner approval, type of method, frequency of facility visits, and cost. A prevalent reported reason for willingness was to “share responsibility for family planning with my partner” (44 percent). In multivariate regression analyses, willingness was inversely associated with inequitable gender attitudes (p < 0.001) and was not associated with married/cohabiting status, using condoms, or perceived risk for HIV. These findings add to growing evidence that a majority of men express willingness to use new male contraceptive methods like a topical gel, injectable, or pill. Reflection around gender roles is likely critical within future education about male contraceptive methods.
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( Comparison of personality traits of two anti‐oppression groups: Vegans and anarchists
Sep 19th 2024, 01:42

Veganism and anarchism are burgeoning worldwide, yet very few studies have examined the psychological characteristics of people belonging to these two anti-oppression groups. The present study investigated whether vegans and anarchists, on the one hand, and activists and non-activists belonging to these two groups, on the other hand, exhibit distinct personality profiles. To this end, a sample of 180 adults who self-identify as vegans or anarchists completed an online socio-demographic questionnaire, the HEXACO Personality Inventory, and the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen. A discriminant function analysis showed that anarchists are more likely than vegans to self-identify as belonging to a gender other than female or male, or to identify with no gender at all. Further, the proportion of men was larger in the anarchist group than in the vegan group. In terms of personality traits, vegans scored higher on the Conscientiousness, Emotionality, and Honesty–Humility dimensions than anarchists did. Anarchists scored higher than vegans on Openness to Experience and Psychopathy. Activists and non-activists were not distinguished based on gender or personality traits. While the dynamics of power and oppression toward humans and toward animals share common factors, the present results suggest that veganism and anarchism attract anti-oppression advocates with distinct personality profiles.
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( Doing the month (Zuo Yuezi): postpartum embodied practices and subjectivity among urban white-collar Chinese women
Sep 19th 2024, 00:54

In China, the postnatal bodily experiences of urban white-collar women intricately relate to the tradition of “doing the month” (DTM). The DTM guidelines serve a dual purpose: they aid women in recuperating fr…
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( A tale of two cases – investigating reasoning in similar cases with different outcomes
Sep 19th 2024, 00:33

Volume 27, Issue 5, September 2024, Page 1002-1019. 
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( ODA Global Innovation Fellowships: C40 (Deadline date 27 Nov )
Sep 18th 2024, 23:57

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( Perceptibility and Pain Thresholds in Low- and High-Frequency Alternating Current Stimulation: Implications for tACS and tTIS
Sep 18th 2024, 23:52

Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) has emerged as a promising tool for neuromodulation, but its application is often limited by the discomfort associated with higher stimulation intensities. Newer variants like transcranial temporal interference stimulation (tTIS) utilize high-frequency alternating currents (≥ 500 Hz) to penetrate deeper brain regions while mitigating perceptual discomfort. This study sought to examine sensation and pain thresholds across various stimulation frequencies of alternating currents, aiming to explore the boundaries of comfortable intensities. Additionally, we sought to evaluate the efficacy of an anesthetizing topical cream in increasing participant comfort and potentially extending the range of tolerable stimulation levels. We recruited 37 participants and applied alternating current stimulation to the head at various frequencies (10 Hz, 20 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz) to determine intensity-dependent perception and pain thresholds. Additionally, thresholds were determined under the influence of a topical anesthetic. Our findings confirm that as stimulation frequency increases, perceptibility decreases, with higher frequencies allowing a manyfold increase in stimulation intensity before becoming perceptible or causing pain. Additionally, the anesthetizing cream was efficacious in further reducing perceptibility and pain sensations across all frequencies. This study lays the groundwork for future research by establishing comfortable limits for stimulation intensities, particularly in the context of high-frequency stimulation. The reduced perceptibility of high-frequency stimulation, coupled with the effectiveness of anesthetizing creams, enables the administration of higher stimulation intensities for more potent neuromodulatory interventions without causing discomfort.
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( Specialist Financial Counseling for Women Affected by Domestic and Family Violence: Staff and Client Perspectives on an Australian Initiative
Sep 18th 2024, 23:51

Violence Against Women, Ahead of Print. This article examines staff and client perspectives on an initiative providing co-located specialist Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) financial counseling in women’s legal services. An exploratory mixed-method study in five service locations captured perspectives via a client survey (n = 42), online interviews with staff (n = 15), and a review of services’ progress reports. For staff and clients, integrating financial counseling into women’s legal services contributed to a more comprehensive model of support which helped address the economic harms associated with violence. Findings highlight the benefits of service integration and co-location, which enabled staff to share knowledge and build capacity, and helped improve outcomes for women following violence.
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( Grassroots and non-profit perspectives on generative AI
Sep 18th 2024, 23:48

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( Burnout and quality of life among healthcare workers in central Uganda
Sep 18th 2024, 23:37

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( Social workers in Singapore raise concerns over deepfake porn
Sep 18th 2024, 23:31

Social workers here have not encountered victims of deepfake harassment, but warn that South Korea’s situation should be a warning to the rest of the world. The Straits Times found more than six Telegram channels offering deepfake services that allow users to develop “nude renders” using photos of real people within seconds.
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( Europe is in thrall to the far right – that’s the result of appeasement by so-called moderates
Sep 18th 2024, 23:26

By the end of the month, the Austrian Freedom party (FPÖ), founded by two former members of the SS, Anton Reinthaller and Friedrich Peter, is expected to form an anti-immigration, pro-Russian government. It will cement a new hard-right axis across Austria, Hungary and Slovakia, and more importantly, Italy, where step by step the far-right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni (who met Keir Starmer on Monday), is accused of taking control of the press and the judiciary.
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( Tribute to Jim Ridgway and his contributions to statistics education and statistical literacy
Sep 18th 2024, 23:07

Teaching Statistics, Volume 46, Issue 3, Page 127-131, Autumn (Fall) 2024.
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( Sociodemographic inequalities in breast cancer screening attendance in Germany following the implementation of an Organized Screening Program: Scoping Review
Sep 18th 2024, 23:04

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( Exploring the Benefits of Telemental Health Care for Asian New Zealanders: A Mixed Methods Study
Sep 18th 2024, 22:31

The use of telemental health services has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, little is known about the quality of these services compared to in-person care, especially from the perspective of ethnic minorities, such as Asians living in New Zealand, who have diverse cultural backgrounds and varying perceptions of mental health services. We conducted a mixed methods study, including an online survey and focus groups, to investigate Asian New Zealanders’ experiences and perceptions of telemental health services. One hundred and seventy-two respondents completed the online survey, with 37 having received telemental health services from Asian Family Services (AFS). Those who had experienced telemental health were highly satisfied with the quality and reliability of the service. Those who had not tried telemental health were highly interested in doing so in the future and recognised several benefits, such as saving time, flexibility, and cost reduction. Additionally, three focus groups conducted with 11 AFS counsellors revealed several benefits of telemental health care, such as time-saving, cultural appropriateness, and protecting clients’ anonymity and privacy. However, they also identified a few disadvantages and suggested the need for formal training in telemental health care protocols. Our findings suggest that telemental health could be as effective as in-person care and remove barriers for immigrants to access mental health services. However, it may not be suitable for interacting with clients with high-risk conditions.
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( Modeling Perceptual Learning as a Continuous Function of Time-on-Task Increases Theoretical Specificity and Statistical Power
Sep 18th 2024, 21:31

Drawing inferences from data relies on satisfying the assumptions of analytical methods. Yet, the study of many psychological processes that involve change over time (e.g., learning) instead uses methods that assume a lack of change over time (e.g., within- “block” averages). Recent research has demonstrated a variety of theoretical and empirical benefits in aligning the assumptions about the generative process (e.g., changing perceptual sensitivity due to learning) with assumptions in analyses (e.g., changing estimate of sensitivity as a continuous function of time). In this review, we examine methods for estimating performance on a trial-to-trial basis as it changes due to learning. We then explore applications of these methods, including increased efficiency and statistical power, as well as the ability to more effectively investigate questions of learning generalization and individual differences. We highlight the applicability and utility of continuous-time models in perceptual learning, cognitive training, and beyond.
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( Remote Neuropsychological Assessment: Forensics, Research, and Ethics
Sep 18th 2024, 21:31

The fast-evolving field of remote tele-assessment does not yet have official guidelines on ethical practice, but ethics codes and advisories offer salient points and recommended procedures. The American Psychological Association’s (APA, 2017a) ethics code offers principles and standards that can guide researchers in neuropsychological assessment, but multiple challenges reduce the reliability and validity of the assessments undertaken in this modality. The article will focus on these challenges, which span the spectrum of the phases in practice, from informed consent to interpreting data for reports. Among other limitations compared to face-to-face assessments, tele-assessment might have technical, security, and privacy difficulties, issues in clarity in receiving auditory, visual, and nonverbal communication, and testing difficulties, for example, performance validity assessment. Therefore, the results of tests using neuropsychological tele-assessment forensically might lack the required reliability and validity, which acts to limit the conclusions that can be drawn from the data gathered and the generalizability. That said, the limited research is growing, and does demonstrate some equivalence in neuropsychological tele-assessment and in-person assessment. The article is based on an extensive literature search, and it includes a sample informed consent form that indicates the limitations of tele-assessment. The article considers forensic and clinical applications, as well.
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