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Tue Sep 3 13:04:26 PDT 2024

NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Summer travel is fueling California’s COVID surge. Labor Day will be big test
Sep 3rd 2024, 15:58

There are a number of reasons why this summer’s COVID wave has been surprisingly strong. One is the emergence of successive hyperinfectious coronavirus subvariants. In the spring, some of the subvariants collectively nicknamed FLiRT, including KP.2, began a midyear wave. That was followed by ever-more-contagious successor subvariants — KP.3 (nicknamed FLuQE, pronounced “fluke”) — and the latest, KP.3.1.1 (nicknamed deFLuQE).
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( Measuring Adaptive Functioning in a Correctional Setting: An Analysis of the Problems in Everyday Living Test (PEDL)
Sep 3rd 2024, 15:44

Criminal Justice and Behavior, Ahead of Print. Identifying incarcerated individuals with poor adaptive functioning (AF) is critical to ensuring their safety and preserving their legal rights, particularly when a diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID) is considered. This study examined the utility of the Problems in Everyday Living Test (PEDL) to identify incarcerated individuals with deficits in AF who may warrant further assessment for ID. The sample consisted of 154 incarcerated adults housed in mental health units in a large urban jail. Latent class analysis supported a three-class model consistent with Impaired, Borderline, and Intact groups, which differed in the level of AF and other indicators of ID. A cutoff score of 13 in the PEDL was optimal to identify incarcerated individuals with deficits in AF, possible intellectual impairment, and a history of special education. Study findings provided preliminary support for using a 12-item modified version of the PEDL as a screening tool in correctional settings.
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( Understanding the role of cannabis use on cigarette dependence severity among individuals with e‐cigarette and combustible tobacco dual use
Sep 3rd 2024, 15:11

Background and Objectives
The use of both electronic and combustible cigarettes is related to greater rates of cannabis use. Further, cannabis use is associated with worse combustible smoking-related outcomes, yet little research has identified mechanisms underlying such relations. It may be that negative-affect-related transdiagnostic factors such as emotion dysregulation, anxiety sensitivity, and/or distress intolerance play a mechanistic role in the cannabis–tobacco interrelations.
The current study tested this hypothesis among 400 adults who endorsed dual use, 33% of whom endorsed current (past 3 months) cannabis use. We conducted analyses of variance and indirect effects model using the PROCESS v4.1 macro in SPSS version 29.
Results indicated that participants who use cannabis reported greater difficulty with emotion regulation, anxiety sensitivity, and cigarette dependence severity. Cannabis use was related to cigarette dependence severity indirectly via difficulty with emotion regulation and anxiety sensitivity.
Discussion and Conclusions
These results indicate that specific transdiagnostic negative-affect-related factors of difficulty with emotion regulation and anxiety sensitivity are associated with cannabis use among adults who smoke combustible and electronic cigarettes.
Scientific Significance
Given that these transdiagnostic factors are malleable, these findings suggest targeting and engaging such mechanisms may offer novel behavioral change strategies for this high-risk population.
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( Grief is not a process with five stages. It is shattered glass
Sep 3rd 2024, 15:04

Understanding grief as shattered glass reminds me to accept the sharp edges of being alive. It reminds me that grief is unique and that mine need not look like anyone else’s. It helps me accept that we can never completely clean up what breaks.
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( Should a dramatherapist disclose their sexual orientation to their clients? Perhaps they should be prepared to
Sep 3rd 2024, 14:16

Volume 39, Issue 3, July – November 2018. 
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( Association between post-stroke depression and functional outcomes: A systematic review
Sep 3rd 2024, 13:43

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( Family therapy and the ecology of parallel universes
Sep 3rd 2024, 13:13

Astrophysicists and cosmologists seriously propose that our universe, with its three dimensions and local physical bylaws, is one of an infinite number of parallel universes. This paper discusses the relevance of these ideas for contemporary systemic family therapy, such as thinking about the therapist’s positioning in relation to the family. Ideas such as the anthropic principle suggest each meeting of a therapist and family forms a unique systemic entity or singularity with its own universe of by-laws peculiar to a location in time and space. We are like travellers between parallel family therapy universes where the therapist’s epistemology, theory or model is less important than how therapists and clients position themselves towards each other. This ecological positioning encompasses contextual, emotional, cultural, ethical and spiritual belief systems.
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( Does Social Media Impact Adolescent Mental Health?
Sep 3rd 2024, 13:06

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( Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report: 2013–2023.
Sep 3rd 2024, 12:51

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( Historical Perspectives on Older Americans’ Voting and Political Influence: Explorations of the Effects of Individual Aging, Life Cycle, and Generational Cohort
Sep 3rd 2024, 12:18

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( Experiences of Respite Care Among Carers or Relatives Who are Responsible for Caring for Individuals With a Mental Illness: An Integrative Literature Review
Sep 3rd 2024, 12:12

An integrative review methodology was employed, following PRISMA guidelines and Whittemore and Knafi’s method for integrative review. Thus, the review synthesised the findings of empirical literature published between 2005 and 2023 drawn from four databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Scopus. From the seven studies that met the inclusion criteria, a number of themes emerged: (a) relief of carer burden; (b) benefits for individuals with Mental Illness (MI); (c) barriers to accessing respite care; and (d) inappropriate services model for respite care for individuals with MI. The review findings indicate that using respite care services can decrease a carer’s burden and can positively impact both carers and individuals with MI. Conversely, respite care may cause an increase in carers’ stress levels due to the lack of service availability, insufficient knowledge and understanding about respite care services for carers, respite accessibility challenges accessible for people with MI and the reluctance of people with MI to accept respite care.
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( Needs and Challenges for Volunteering in Rural Areas: Lessons Learned From a Survey of a Service Organization in Rural Michigan
Sep 3rd 2024, 12:08

Background and Objectives
Volunteers are the foundation of social service agencies in rural communities, yet limited research exists on their needs and challenges. Motivated by the multidimensional older voluntarism sustainability framework, this study aims to understand (1) the characteristics of volunteers, (2) the relationships between volunteers’ sense of community and their own aging and volunteer retention, and (3) the unique challenges faced by volunteers and volunteer-based agencies.
Research Design and Methods
This study uses a mixed-methods design. Data were gathered via telephone interviews (n = 76) and in-person focus groups (n = 14) from the volunteer pool of a nonprofit organization in rural Michigan. Descriptive and regression analyses were conducted to understand the characteristics of the volunteers. Thematic analysis was conducted to identify unique challenges faced by rural agencies and volunteers.
Findings show that most volunteers were over 70, women, married, volunteered weekly or more, and were affiliated with multiple agencies. Volunteers with a stronger attachment to the community and higher self-perceptions of aging were likelier to continue and increase volunteering commitments. Due to the low population density in rural areas, volunteers were concerned about the heavy burden of volunteering, the lack of social connections with fellow volunteers, and the lack of active involvement in shaping the organization.
Discussion and Implications
Results from the study shed light on the urgent need for creative and engaging volunteer recruitment and retention strategies to sustain older adults, service agencies, and communities in rural areas.
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( Parental views on their children’s smartphone use during personal and relational activities
Sep 3rd 2024, 11:38

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( The COVID Tracking Project Part 2
Sep 3rd 2024, 11:24

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( Why is Congress so out of step with the American people?
Sep 3rd 2024, 11:14

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( A reflection on qualitative methods activism: Advancing knowledge and expanding scientific practice.
Sep 3rd 2024, 11:13

Qualitative Psychology, Vol 11(2), Jun 2024, 191-196; doi:10.1037/qup0000303
This editorial considers the impact of and continued necessity for qualitative researchers to take action to disseminate knowledge about their methodologies within our field, especially in institutional and educational contexts in which it is misunderstood. I briefly describe some successes in methods activism, from both qualitative and quantitative researchers, leading to the greater inclusion and use of qualitative methods in the discipline. Then, I point to three areas of methods activism that remain pressing: the development of qualitative pedagogical approaches and advocacy for their incorporation as a core aspect of psychological methods education, the recognition of the value of critical qualitative methods within research programs with social justice aims, and the advancement of qualitative approaches as methodologies that broaden the understanding of both the practices of scientific investigation and the topics studied therein. The articles in this issue provide exemplars of each of these areas of activism and point to supports needed to drive qualitative inquiry and education so as to strengthen the enactment of psychological science. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Evaluating shortlisting methods for admission into the social work degree: personal statement versus psychological test
Sep 3rd 2024, 11:09

Volume 43, Issue 4, June 2024, Page 841-861. 
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( Food Programs and Your Rights:  A Guide for Immigrant Families
Sep 3rd 2024, 10:57

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( Vaccines You Need as an Adult
Sep 3rd 2024, 10:49

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( To Fix Social Security, Increasing the Wage Base Should Be Part of the Solution
Sep 3rd 2024, 10:37

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( Examining Links Between Motivations for Social Withdrawal, Time Spent Alone, and Indices of Internalizing Problems in Childhood and Early Adolescence
Sep 3rd 2024, 10:36

The Journal of Early Adolescence, Ahead of Print. This study investigated links between motivations for social withdrawal, time spent alone, and indices of internalizing difficulties. Participants were 169 (n = 96 girls) children and early adolescents aged 8–14 years (Mage = 10.82, SD = 1.78). Children completed self-report measures of motivations for social withdrawal (shyness, unsociability), time spent alone, and indices of internalizing difficulties (social anxiety, depression, loneliness), whereas parents provided a broader rating of children’s internalizing symptoms. Among the results, at higher levels of shyness, time spent alone was positively related to social anxiety, but this association was attenuated at lower levels of shyness. Higher levels of unsociability weakened the positive association between time spent alone and loneliness. Time alone was more strongly related to depression for early adolescents. These findings highlight the differential implications of solitude for shy children and early adolescents, who might experience more discomfort and anxiety compared to their more unsociable counterparts.
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( CfP: Violent Labour and Media
Sep 3rd 2024, 10:24

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( Hearing student voice within the context of Iran: Building schools for the future
Sep 3rd 2024, 10:23

Schools adopt student voice as a means of identifying educational problems and weaknesses for improvement. In recent decades, student voice work has gained momentum, and, more importantly, dwelling on hearing students has been noticed as a way of facilitating educational decisions for school reforms. To this end, the study, drawing upon a qualitative research method, investigated the student voice in schools within the context of Iran in an effort to determine what obstacles they face in education. Data was collected through an open-ended questionnaire. Employing thematic content analysis, the major themes and patterns were extracted for codifications. The findings illustrated that students specified four major problems, including resources (books), processes (rules), relationships (teachers, parents, staff) and environment (school). To conclude, student voice needs to be embedded in the educational system of Iran if stakeholders seek improvement and reform in schools in the near future.
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( Guidance: Adult Social Work Apprenticeship Fund (Updated 13 Aug)
Sep 3rd 2024, 10:16

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( A new ‘AI scientist’ can write science papers without any human input. Here’s why that’s a problem
Sep 3rd 2024, 10:02

There are already bad actors in science, including “paper mills” churning out fake papers. This problem will only get worse when a scientific paper can be produced with US$15 and a vague initial prompt. The need to check for errors in a mountain of automatically generated research could rapidly overwhelm the capacity of actual scientists. The peer review system is arguably already broken, and dumping more research of questionable quality into the system won’t fix it. Science is fundamentally based on trust. Scientists emphasise the integrity of the scientific process so we can be confident our understanding of the world (and now, the world’s machines) is valid and improving. A scientific ecosystem where AI systems are key players raises fundamental questions about the meaning and value of this process, and what level of trust we should have in AI scientists. Is this the kind of scientific ecosystem we want?
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( Does generation benefit learning for narrative and expository texts? A direct replication attempt
Sep 3rd 2024, 09:57

Generated information is better recognized and recalled than information that is read. This generation effect has been replicated several times for different types of material, including texts. Perhaps the most influential demonstration is by McDaniel, Einstein, Dunay, and Cobb (Journal of Memory and Language, 1986, 25(6), 645–656; henceforth MEDC). This group tested whether the generation effect occurs only if the generation task stimulates cognitive processes not already stimulated by the text. Numerous studies, however, report difficulties replicating this text by generation-task interaction, which suggests that the effect might only be found under conditions closer to the original method of MEDC. To test this assumption, the present study closely replicated MEDC’s Experiment 2 in two separate German and English-speaking samples. The present study provided partial evidence in favor of the expected interaction, which ultimately depended on successful completion of the generation task (with near-to-perfect accuracy). Moreover, it indicates that sentence unscrambling might enhance learning across genres.
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( The pandemic as an opportunity for learning and improving the students’ reflective learning strategies in the field of social work. Reflections based on an Italian case study
Sep 3rd 2024, 09:56

Volume 43, Issue 4, June 2024, Page 898-912. 
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( Voting is Social Work
Sep 3rd 2024, 09:36

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( Planned and unplanned drinking to get drunk: A registered report examining willingness, drinking motives, and protective behavioral strategies using ecological momentary assessment.
Sep 3rd 2024, 09:07

Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Vol 38(5), Aug 2024, 519-539; doi:10.1037/adb0000909
Objective: We examined alcohol use and consequences across five categories of same-day drinking intentions and willingness and tested whether same-day motives and protective strategies predicted differences in outcomes across categories of intentions and willingness. Method: In a 14-week ecological momentary assessment design, undergraduate student participants (N = 196) reported drinking intentions and behaviors over 13 surveys weekly (four morning surveys [Thursday through Sunday]; three midday, early, and late evening surveys [Thursday through Saturday]). On average, participants were 20.61 years old (SD = 1.50; range 17–25), 63% identified as female (n = 124), 29% as male (n = 57), and 8% identified as neither male nor female (n = 15; i.e., nonbinary; transgender; genderqueer; agender). Participants reported numbers of drinks consumed on the evening (past 2 hr) and morning (previous day) surveys. Multilevel generalized linear models tested effects of drinking intentions/willingness categories, motives, protective strategies, and interactions between key variables on alcohol use and consequences in several models. Results: Rates and quantities of drinking were highest on planned drinking days, and especially high when students planned to get drunk. When enhancement and social motives were elevated, students were more likely to drink and consumed more drinks even on unplanned drinking days, and especially when socializing with others. Effects of coping motives were weaker and sparse. Harm reduction protective strategies were associated with more positive and negative consequences with little variation across planned and unplanned drinking days. Conclusion: Jointly considering drinking intentions and willingness narrows the intention-behavior gap in student drinking and suggests potential areas of focus for messaging around responsible drinking. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Lay perceptions of mental health among Afghan forced migrants residing in Finland
Sep 3rd 2024, 08:56

Volume 22, Issue 5, September-October 2024, Page 645-674. 
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