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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)
( This School for Autistic Youth Can Cost $573,200 a Year. It Operates With Little Oversight, and Students Have Suffered.
May 10th 2024, 15:56
Shrub Oak opened in 2018 with grand promises: beautiful dorms, an indoor therapy pool, an equestrian stable, a restaurant-quality kitchen, sophisticated security, round-the-clock care and cutting-edge education for students with autism from around the world. Some of those promises never materialized. A ProPublica investigation — based on records from school districts, court documents and interviews with nearly 30 families and just as many workers — also found accusations of possible abuse and neglect: unexplained black eyes and bruises on students’ bodies, medication mix-ups, urine-soaked mattresses and deficient staffing. Many parents and workers, armed with confidential documents and photos of student injuries, described their futile efforts to get authorities to intervene.
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( The fallacy of the lump of labour theory: Evidence for Latin America
May 10th 2024, 15:24
In a context of population ageing, this article analyses the “lump of labour” theory using empirical evidence from Latin America. Instead of finding a crowding-out effect, estimations using a fixed effects model on a panel of annual data drawn from household surveys in 11 countries between 2002 and 2019 suggest a positive correlation between the employment rates of older adults and young people. Additionally, results show a positive association between the labour incomes of older and young workers. These findings could indicate that an expansion in the employment of older adults maintains economic growth and, therefore, a greater demand for labour, which could be supplied by young people.
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( Faster approach for starting extended-release naltrexone to treat opioid use disorder shown effective
May 10th 2024, 14:41
Starting people with opioid use disorder on extended-release, injectable naltrexone (XR-naltrexone) within five to seven days of seeking treatment is more effective than the standard treatment method of starting within 10-15 days, but requires closer medical supervision, according to results from a clinical trial supported by the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
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( Validation of the intersession alliance measure: Individual, couple, and family versions
May 10th 2024, 13:23
Monitoring the therapeutic alliance throughout treatment can improve client outcomes and lead to improved care. The individual, couple, and family versions of the intersession alliance measure (IAM) were developed to facilitate routine monitoring of the expanded therapeutic alliance. Psychometric properties of the three versions of the IAM were examined using a clinical sample. Participants were drawn from clinics in the United States participating in the Marriage and Family Therapy Practice Research Network. Using this sample, results indicate that items on each version of the IAM load on one factor, are invariant across sex, and that each version has good internal consistency, test–retest reliability, and concurrent validity. The IAM-C and IAM-F also have good predictive validity, while the IAM-I has more limited evidence for its predictive validity. These results suggest that the IAMs are valid and reliable measures that can facilitate the routine monitoring of the expanded therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy.
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( Cancer Intersections: Biomedicine, Health Insurance, and the Paradoxes of Health Care Reform in Neoliberal Colombia
May 10th 2024, 12:43
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( A study exploring the compounded effects of racial trauma across the lifespan of DAEUS citizens and surviving COVID‐19
May 10th 2024, 12:23
Neglecting the compounded effects of racial trauma among senior Black Americans is to ignore the inequitable weight of surviving COVID-19 after a lifetime in the southern United States (US). This phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of Descendants of Africans Enslaved in the US and how racial trauma across the lifespan affected their well-being prior to COVID-19 vaccine availability. Grounded in Critical Race Theory, findings and future research directions for counseling are discussed.
Descuidar los efectos acumulativos del trauma racial en los ancianos afroamericanos es ignorar el peso inequitativo de sobrevivir al COVID-19 después de una vida en el sur de los Estados Unidos (EE. UU.). Este estudio fenomenológico exploró las experiencias vividas de los Descendientes de Africanos Esclavizados en EE. UU. (DAEUS) y cómo el trauma racial a lo largo de la vida afectó su bienestar antes de la disponibilidad de la vacuna contra el COVID-19. Basado en la Teoría Crítica de la Raza (CRT), se discuten los hallazgos y las futuras direcciones de investigación para el asesoramiento o terapia de apoyo.
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( A Qualitative Content Analysis of Social Influences on Mental Health Care Seeking Considerations Among Pregnant Latines
May 10th 2024, 12:11
Pregnancy is a developmental period with distinct practical and attitudinal factors that affect mental health help-seeking. Within the Latine community, the inclusion of family values in therapy is associated with positive outcomes, suggesting that social relationships may contribute to help-seeking behavior for this population. This study aimed to describe the roles that social relationships play in pregnant Latines’ consideration of psychotherapy. We conducted an inductive qualitative content analysis of 25 interview transcripts assessing the acceptability of an evidence-based psychological intervention, exposure therapy, among English-speaking pregnant Latines with elevated anxiety. Emergent themes revealed that participants were motivated to seek anxiety treatment to improve family well-being, experienced internal conflict between prioritizing care for self and fulfilling their familial role, and were impacted by their close others’ attitudes toward and experiences with therapy. Findings suggest a need to address both positive and negative influences of social relationships when engaging pregnant Latines in prospective psychotherapeutic care to improve motivation, engagement, and potential outcomes, which may reduce care disparities during pregnancy.
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( Number and salaries of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities, 2023/2024
May 10th 2024, 12:09
Today, Statistics Canada is releasing the first results from the Full-time University and College Academic Staff System survey for the 2023/2024 academic year.
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( Emerging adult siblings’ relational entitlement and conflict: The moderating effects of financial dependence on parents
May 10th 2024, 11:22
Past literature has documented a linkage between entitlement and interpersonal tension, primarily in romantic relationships. However, there is a lack of research investigating the impact of entitlement on sibling relationships. Guided by the agency model of narcissism and adult development literature, this study conceptualized relational entitlement as one form of state narcissism and examined the actor and partner effects of relational entitlement on perceived sibling conflict as well as the moderating effects of financial dependence on parents. Participants were 136 emerging adult sibling dyads (older sibling M
age = 22.20, SD = 2.35; younger sibling M
age = 19.54, SD = 1.55). Results indicated that younger siblings’ (not older siblings’) relational entitlement was positively associated with both their own and their siblings’ perceptions of conflict. Moreover, younger siblings’ financial dependence buffered the actor association between younger siblings’ relational entitlement and perceived conflict. These findings suggest that emerging adult siblings’ developmental status of financial dependence provides a nuanced context for understanding the actor and partner effects of relational entitlement on sibling conflict. The discussion focuses on the role of self-inflated social comparison in emerging adult sibling conflict and how the developmental characteristics of older and younger siblings shape the above associations.
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( Economic evaluations in medical technological innovations a mapping review of methodologies
May 10th 2024, 11:21
Economic evaluations play an important role in the development and implementation of healthcare innovations. For pharmaceutical products, the methodologies used are laid down in guidelines, whereas for medical…
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( The 2024 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds
May 10th 2024, 10:31
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( Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) Social Media Toolkit
May 10th 2024, 10:22
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( 538 Algorithm Groups House Members by How They Actually Vote
May 10th 2024, 10:22
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( Gendered capital in psychotherapy: A thematic analysis of patients’ experiences of the therapists’ gender
May 10th 2024, 10:21
The impact of therapists’ and patients’ gender on therapy processes and outcomes remains a subject of intense debate in psychotherapy research.
This article explores the role of gender in psychotherapy from the patients’ perspective.
By conducting semi-structured interviews with 20 patients undergoing individual psychotherapy in private practices in Austria, the influence of the therapist’s gender was investigated. The data collected were subjected to qualitative thematic analysis.
The authors adopted a Bourdieusian feminist perspective to interpret the results, revealing that patients perceived female psychotherapists as possessing unique resources not found in male therapists. These resources encompassed knowledge, skills, traits perceived as ‘female’, and shared body and life experiences. Referred to as ‘female gender capital’, these resources influenced the preferences of most female and one male patient, leading them to favour female psychotherapists.
Given the strong perceptions and preferences around gender observed in this study, gender identity and gendered practices should be critically reflected on by individual therapists as well as in psychotherapy training programmes.
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( Financing for pandemic preparedness and response measures: a systematic scoping review
May 10th 2024, 10:21
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( The Rise – and Future – of Medicare Advantage w/ Jack Hoadley
May 10th 2024, 10:14
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( Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and coexisting depression, anxiety and/or stress in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
May 10th 2024, 10:10
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( Virginia school board to vote on restoring Confederate names
May 10th 2024, 10:07
A Virginia school board could vote to return two schools back to their original Confederate names in a debate that has bitterly divided a town. Above: The Confederate banner is still flown in parts of Shenandoah County
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( QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Percentage of Adults Aged ≥18 Years Who Received an Influenza Vaccination During the Past 12 Months, by Sex and Race and Ethnicity – National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2022
May 10th 2024, 09:43
This report describes the percentage of adults who received a flu vaccine during the past 12 months.
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( Biden-Harris Administration Announces $5.5 Billion in Grants for Affordable Housing, Community Development, and Homeless Assistance to Drive Economic Growth
May 10th 2024, 09:37
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( At-risk Youth Peer Researchers Highlight Safety and “The Bonds You Make With Staff and Peers”
May 10th 2024, 09:20
Volume 77, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 311-323.
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( Do improvements in infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices endure the test of time?
May 10th 2024, 08:19
Reducing malnutrition is a key priority for governments in low- and middle-income countries given its lasting effects on child development, health, income, and economic growth. Strategies to improve recommende…
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( ‘I’ll wake up at 4am thinking is that child safe this weekend?’ – Social workers in Belfast strike over ‘extreme staffing pressures’ leaving vulnerable children at risk
May 10th 2024, 07:27
Nipsa members on strike at the Shankill Wellbeing and Treatment Centre.
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( Becoming a young radical right activist: Biographical pathways of the members of radical right organisations in Poland and Germany
May 10th 2024, 07:19
Current Sociology, Ahead of Print. With the increasing popularity of the radical right, much research has tried to explain the motives of voters. Less attention has been paid to the motives of people to become radical right activists – specifically young people, a group with a high tendency to join right-wing parties. Within the context of the internationalisation of the radical right, this article draws on 28 narrative interviews conducted between 2019 and 2021 with young radical right activists in Poland and Germany, two countries with considerably different political and discursive opportunity structures. We propose to recognise a new motive for becoming involved in political activism: career-oriented individual self-realisation in Germany, as opposed to fulfilling a duty to the nation in Poland. While we identify two different types of radical activism within the different contexts – the (nationalist) anti-establishment populist career type in Germany and the (nationalist) anti-political intellectualism/elitism type in Poland – they both point to the normalisation of the radical right in the two countries.
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( Transforming Assessment: The Impacts and Implications of Large Language Models and Generative AI
May 10th 2024, 06:19
The remarkable strides in artificial intelligence (AI), exemplified by ChatGPT, have unveiled a wealth of opportunities and challenges in assessment. Applying cutting-edge large language models (LLMs) and generative AI to assessment holds great promise in boosting efficiency, mitigating bias, and facilitating customized evaluations. Conversely, these innovations raise significant concerns regarding validity, reliability, transparency, fairness, equity, and test security, necessitating careful thinking when applying them in assessments. In this article, we discuss the impacts and implications of LLMs and generative AI on critical dimensions of assessment with example use cases and call for a community effort to equip assessment professionals with the needed AI literacy to harness the potential effectively.
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( The Revolution Will Be Hilarious: Comedy for Social Change and Civic Power – review
May 10th 2024, 05:33
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( Children’s Rights to Access to Justice and Remedy: Recent Developments
May 10th 2024, 05:18
Youth Justice, Ahead of Print.
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( Preliminary Danish Norms for the Odense Child Trauma Screening (OCTS)
May 10th 2024, 05:12
The Odense Child Trauma Screening (OCTS) is Danish story stem screening tool applicable for assessment of preschoolers and young children in risk of being traumatized. Having shown initial evidence of validation, Danish norms are needed to strengthen the clinical assessment with the OCTS by serving as a baseline comparison for assessment of potentially traumatized children. We tested 169 children from the Danish general population aged 4–8 with the OCTS and investigated sex and age differences in play-based behavior and narrative representations. Caregivers reported electronically on child demographic information, psychosocial functioning, and history of trauma exposure using The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and The Diagnostic Infant and Preschool Assessment (DIPA) trauma list. Across the 145 scores of the OCTS coding scheme, significant sex and age differences were only found in five and sixteen scores respectively. In the five codes where significant sex differences were observed, boys’ normative scores were higher. No significant sex differences were found in the partial story scores or the OCTS total score. Three significant age differences in partial story and OCTS total scores emerged with 4-year-olds scoring higher than 6–8-year-olds. We further found 13 significant age differences in code scores with higher scores among the youngest of the two groups in question suggesting that scores tend to decrease along older age. Few significant sex and age differences were found in children’s OCTS play-based behavior and narrative representations. Indicative of few sex and age biases of the OCTS coding scheme and stories, results suggest that the OCTS can be applied across the intended target group of children aged 4 to 8 years. As higher scores were found in the younger age groups, clinicians should be attentive to age in certain codes of the OCTS coding scheme in their assessment of children in clinical practice. The preliminary normative scores must be interpreted and clinically applied with caution due to our non-representative sample and lack of analyses on factors potentially influencing children’s responses to the OCTS (e.g., developmental, contextual, cultural factors).
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( The politics of piloting. The case of minimum income schemes in European cities
May 10th 2024, 04:17
EU member states have adopted Minimum Income Schemes (MIS) to prevent destitution and ensure a minimum standard of living through means-tested income support combined with Active Labor Market Policies (ALMPs). However, the effectiveness of MIS has been hindered by limited coverage, low take-up rates, inadequate cash transfers, strict conditionalities, and the limited impact of ALMPs. Public opinion is polarized, leading to potential policy changes. Pilot projects have emerged as a strategy to address implementation barriers, facilitate evidence-based policy making, and improve stakeholder relationships. This paper investigates the political conditions under which pilots are promoted and the effects these policy decisions have on scaling up through a qualitative analysis and comparison, using two exemplary cases—B-MINCOME in Barcelona and Weten Wat Werkt in Utrecht.
欧盟成员国已采用最低收入计划(MIS),通过将经济状况调查的收入支持与积极劳动力市场政策(ALMPs)相结合,以防止贫困并确保最低生活水平。然而,MIS的有效性受到“覆盖范围有限、使用率低、现金转移不足、条件严格、以及ALMPs影响有限”等因素的阻碍。舆论两极分化,导致潜在的政策变革。试点项目已成为一项用于应对实施障碍、促进循证决策和改善利益攸关方关系的战略。本文使用巴塞罗那的B-MINCOME计划和乌得勒支的Weten Wat Werkt计划这两个典型案例,通过定性分析和比较,研究了促进试点计划的一系列政治条件以及这些决策对扩大试点规模一事的影响。
Los estados miembros de la UE han adoptado Planes de Ingreso Mínimo (MIS) para prevenir la indigencia y garantizar un nivel de vida mínimo a través de un apoyo a los ingresos sujeto a verificación de recursos combinado con Políticas Activas del Mercado Laboral (ALMP). Sin embargo, la eficacia de los MIS se ha visto obstaculizada por una cobertura limitada, bajas tasas de utilización, transferencias de efectivo inadecuadas, condicionalidades estrictas y el impacto limitado de las PAMT. La opinión pública está polarizada, lo que lleva a posibles cambios de políticas. Los proyectos piloto han surgido como una estrategia para abordar las barreras a la implementación, facilitar la formulación de políticas basadas en evidencia y mejorar las relaciones con las partes interesadas. Este artículo investiga las condiciones políticas bajo las cuales se promueven los pilotos y los efectos que estas decisiones políticas tienen en la ampliación a través de un análisis cualitativo y una comparación, utilizando dos casos ejemplares: B-MINCOME en Barcelona y Weten Wat Werkt en Utrecht.
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( BASW, SWU & UNISON press for action to resolve fitness to practice delays
May 10th 2024, 04:11
All three organisations have expressed concerns about Fitness to Practice hearing delays announced by Social Work England (SWE) due to budget constraints.
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