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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)
( Five Types of Child Maltreatment and Subsequent Delinquency: Physical Neglect as the Most Significant Predictor
May 4th 2024, 15:36
Volume 6, Issue 4, October-December 2013, Page 231-245.
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( Distributions of household economic accounts for income, consumption, saving and wealth of Canadian households, fourth quarter 2023
May 4th 2024, 15:22
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( First Documented Case of Brain Damage From Fentanyl Inhalation
May 4th 2024, 15:09
Inhaling fentanyl caused large sections of white matter in the patient’s brain to become inflamed to the point where he had lost consciousness and risked irreversible loss of brain function, or possibly death. Medical experts had documented previous cases caused by inhaling heroin, but the OHSU patient is believed to be the first documented case involving inhalation of illicit fentanyl.
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( The Associations Observed between Experiencing Multiple Traumatic Events and Mental Health Symptoms among Adolescents in Trinidad
May 4th 2024, 14:37
Volume 6, Issue 4, October-December 2013, Page 246-259.
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( Being able to see your child: the journey of a single mother in a MBT group for high-risk parents, through her representations of the child
May 4th 2024, 13:37
Volume 50, Issue 1, April 2024, Page 53-81.
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( Call the Mothers: Searching for Mexico’s Disappeared in the War on Drugs
May 4th 2024, 13:03
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( Restrictive Housing: Actions Needed to Enhance BOP and ICE Management and Oversight
May 4th 2024, 12:41
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( The functioning of a work discussion group as a peer group in preschool education: a reflective account
May 4th 2024, 12:37
Volume 50, Issue 1, April 2024, Page 132-144.
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( Social skills interventions for Thai adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): a qualitative study of the perceptions and experiences of Thai adolescents, their caregivers and healthcare professionals
May 4th 2024, 12:21
Social skills interventions (SSIs) are effective for enhancing social skills and decreasing mental health problems in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, these interventions have been des…
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( Disengagement coping and sleep problems among trauma-exposed adolescents
May 4th 2024, 11:58
Volume 37, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 379-393.
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( “How Will That Consent Play Out?”: Factors Involved in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals’ Understandings of Sexual Consent
May 4th 2024, 11:57
Volume 19, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 230-248.
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( United States Schools and the Opioid Crisis: Charting New Directions
May 4th 2024, 11:56
Volume 55, Issue 3, May–June 2024, Page 156-168.
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( “I Want to Do Something” – Exploring What Makes Activities Meaningful for Community-Dwelling People Living With Dementia: A Focused Ethnographic Study
May 4th 2024, 11:55
Qualitative Health Research, Ahead of Print. Supporting ageing in place, quality of life, and activity engagement are public health priorities for people with dementia. The importance of maintaining opportunities for meaningful activities has been widely acknowledged for those with dementia in long-term care, but little is known about what makes activities meaningful for, and how they are experienced by, people with different types of dementia in their own homes. This study used focussed ethnographic methods to explore the motivations and meanings of everyday activity engagement within the homes of 10 people with memory-led Alzheimer’s disease and 10 people with posterior cortical atrophy. While participants’ interactions with their everyday environments were challenged by their diagnoses, they were all finding ways to continue meaning-making via various activities. The main findings are encapsulated in three themes: (1) The fun and the function of activities; (2) Reciprocities of care, and (3) The constitution and continuity of (a changing) self. Ongoing engagement with both fun and functional activities offered participants living with different dementias opportunities to connect with others, to offer care and support (as well as receive it), and to maintain a sense of self and identity. Implications are discussed regarding the development and delivery of tailored interventions and support to enable continued engagement in meaningful activities for people with different types of dementia living in the community.
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( A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Person-Environment Fit: Relevance, Measurement, and Future Directions
May 4th 2024, 11:55
Current Directions in Psychological Science, Ahead of Print. Environments shape people, and at the same time, people are attracted to environments that fit their characteristics because fit facilitates the achievement of people’s desired life outcomes, such as relationship satisfaction, work success, and well-being. In this article, we outline how persons and environments can fit, the relevance of fit and misfit for different life outcomes, and the benefits and pitfalls of different (mis)fit measures. We propose three directions for future research: (a) the use of both subjective and objective (mis)fit measures; (b) the consideration of complex dynamics between person and environment characteristics via pathways through multiple biological, experiential, behavioral, and social layers across the life span; and (c) the integration of insights from different disciplines, including psychology, sociology, neuroscience, and genetics, to move the field forward.
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( The impact on anxiety and depression of a whole school approach to health promotion: evidence from a Canadian comprehensive school health (CSH) initiative
May 4th 2024, 11:55
Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2017, Page 221-234.
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( Drawing Generalizable Conclusions From Multilevel Models: Commentary on
May 4th 2024, 11:55
Psychological Science, Ahead of Print. In a recently published article, Van de Calseyde and Efendić (2022) argue that inner-crowd wisdom (i.e., the reduction in error afforded by aggregating two estimates from a given person relative to a single initial estimate from that person) is enhanced when people are instructed to adopt the perspective of someone with whom they disagree prior to making a second estimate. Here, I present a reanalysis of Van de Calseyde and Efendić’s data and argue that evidence supporting their primary claim spuriously arises from anticonservative multilevel models. Specifically, Van de Calseyde and Efendić assess their data via random-intercept models and fail to account for item-level effects of experimental condition. Such an approach generally allows analysts to reap the enhanced statistical power of multilevel models without implementing appropriate checks on that power; in this case, underestimation of item-level variance appears to have driven an illusory benefit of perspective taking.
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( Editorial Board
May 4th 2024, 11:55
Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2017, Page (ebi)-(ebi).
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( Meta-Analysis Shows Trauma Memories in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Lack Coherence: A Response to
May 4th 2024, 11:55
Clinical Psychological Science, Ahead of Print. Taylor et al. reported that in healthy participants, memories of traumatic and comparison films did not differ in coherence. The lack of a group diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and limitations of the trauma-film paradigm mean that their design is unable to directly test predictions made by clinical theories of PTSD. Contrary to what Taylor et al. claimed, there is convincing evidence for trauma memories in PTSD being incoherent or disorganized. Meta-analysis demonstrated a strong positive association between PTSD and memory incoherence/disorganization, moderated by the effect of the methods chosen to assess disorganization.
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( Perspectives of African American Social Workers Regarding Clinical Licensure
May 4th 2024, 11:38
Volume 21, Issue 2, March-April 2024.
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( Public Health Preparedness: HHS Should Address Strategic National Stockpile Coordination Challenges
May 4th 2024, 10:46
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( Dietary Guidelines for Americans
May 4th 2024, 10:41
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( Parental Self-Efficacy: Impact of a School Readiness Summer Parenting Intervention
May 4th 2024, 10:31
Volume 40, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 148-168.
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( Toxic Waste in Your Backyard: What Would You Do?
May 4th 2024, 10:24
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( A Phenomenology for Women of Color: Merleau-Ponty and Identity-In-Difference
May 4th 2024, 10:17
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( The Growing Epidemic of Elderly Abuse
May 4th 2024, 10:08
Frankly, elder abuse reflects a decay of basic human rights in a major segment of our society. This type of neglect has many faces which may include physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse. Victims are also commonly subjected to financial abuse, often losing savings, assets, homes, and other material property. Individuals may also be exposed to abandonment and loss of contact with family and friends.
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( English as a Second Language Teachers’ Perspectives on Interprofessional Collaboration with School Counselors: Supporting Emergent Bilingual Students
May 4th 2024, 09:26
Volume 34, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 168-197.
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( Country house poetry of the English Civil war: a metaphorical exploration of contemporary debates in UK child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy research and an update on TIGA-CUB
May 4th 2024, 09:12
Volume 50, Issue 1, April 2024, Page 30-52.
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( Is a tiered restrictions system an effective intervention for COVID-19 control? Results from Portugal, November-December 2020
May 4th 2024, 09:07
In November 2020, similar to other European countries, Portugal implemented a tiered restrictions system to control the COVID-19 pandemic. We aimed to compare the COVID-19 growth rate across tiers to assess th…
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( Pathways Linking Cumulative Maltreatment and Revictimization: Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Anger, and Substance Use Among Women
May 4th 2024, 08:33
Volume 33, Issue 4, April 2024, Page 490-508.
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( The power threat meaning framework 5 years on − A scoping review of the emergent empirical literature
May 4th 2024, 08:18
Since its release the Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF) has received considerable interest and uptake. However, there have not yet been any attempts to review the scope of this emergent literature. This scoping review aimed to identify and synthesize: (1) all empirical research which utilized the PTMF in their methodologies, (2) the characteristics of these studies, (3) the different ways in which these studies utilized the PTMF, and (4) the key findings of these studies. This review was conducted in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) scoping review extension (PRISMA-ScR). Following systematic searches of academic databases and grey literature, 17 studies meeting eligibility criteria were included. These papers were subject to critical appraisal, data charting, and narrative synthesis. This review identified four uses of the PTMF: (1) PTMF-informed data collection, (2) PTMF-informed data analysis, (3) Experiences of/views on the PTMF, and (4) PTMF-informed psychological practices. This evidence-base demonstrated the merits of utilizing the PTMF across a range of disciplines, settings, and populations. This heterogeneity also presents challenges for evidence synthesis. Implications for research (e.g. importance of the coherent and consistent approach to research) and practice/policy (e.g. professional training, collaboration, service-level barriers) are considered.
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