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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Quantifying reciprocal relationships between poverty and health: combining a causal loop diagram with longitudinal structural equation modelling
Jun 10th 2024, 15:23

This study takes on the challenge of quantifying a complex causal loop diagram describing how poverty and health affect each other, and does so using longitudinal data from The Netherlands. Furthermore, this p…
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( Vermont service providers brace for loss of money to keep people housed
Jun 10th 2024, 14:54

A state anti-homelessness program that helps people pay back rent or cover security deposits or moving expenses is facing an anticipated 70% reduction in funding. Above: Apartments at Fort Ethan Allen in Colchester. 
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( Vocation: go-between
Jun 10th 2024, 14:52

Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, ( Volume 162, Issue 1, Page 3-7, January-April 2024. 
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( The use of Winnicott’s concept of transitional objects in bereavement practice
Jun 10th 2024, 13:54

Volume 39, Issue 3, Winter 2020, Page 119-123. 
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( Returning to the teaching of human rights for social work. Lessons learned in Chile from the last 50-30-5 years
Jun 10th 2024, 13:32

The post ( Returning to the teaching of human rights for social work. Lessons learned in Chile from the last 50-30-5 years was curated by ( information for practice.

( Sleep and depression in couples during the transition to parenthood
Jun 10th 2024, 13:23

Volume 22, Issue 3, May-June 2024, Page 308-318. 
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( Transformative Science Teaching: A Catalyst for Justice and Sustainability
Jun 10th 2024, 12:43

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( Suicide and Mental Health Challenges in the Construction Industry
Jun 10th 2024, 12:38

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( What is it about your face that tells me what you want from me? Emotional appeals are associated with specific mental images
Jun 10th 2024, 12:33

Volume 38, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 389-398. 
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( Cognitive functions following initiation of antipsychotic medication in adolescents and adults at clinical high risk for psychosis: a naturalistic sub group analysis using the MATRICS consensus cognitive battery
Jun 10th 2024, 12:18

The effects of antipsychotic (AP) medications on cognitive functions in individuals at clinical high-risk (CHR) of psychosis are poorly understood. This study compared the effects of AP treatment on cognitive …
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( ‘It was a blanket of love’: How American and Italian parents represent their experience of perinatal hospice through the use of metaphors
Jun 10th 2024, 11:54

Volume 39, Issue 3, Winter 2020, Page 112-118. 
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( Effects of two different social exclusion paradigms on ambiguous facial emotion recognition
Jun 10th 2024, 11:11

Volume 38, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 296-314. 
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( Funeral practices and grief
Jun 10th 2024, 10:54

Volume 39, Issue 3, Winter 2020, Page 105-111. 
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( Opioid Use and Pregnancy
Jun 10th 2024, 10:17

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( Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) findings on social determinants of health
Jun 10th 2024, 09:53

The post ( Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) findings on social determinants of health was curated by ( information for practice.

( Factors Anticipating Adolescents’ Adherence and Dropout in an Online ACT Intervention During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jun 10th 2024, 09:43

Volume 46, Issue 2, May 2024, Page 126-146. 
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( The Democrats Didn’t Just Fail to Defend Social Programs. They Actively Undermined Them.
Jun 10th 2024, 09:36

Historian Lily Geismer’s new book Left Behind: The Democrats’ Failed Attempt to Solve Inequality is a comprehensive and critical look at the development of the Democratic Party, from the Watergate Babies to the neoliberal turn under Bill Clinton and beyond. In Geismer’s account, the Democratic Party has not simply been playing defense for half a century; instead, Democrats actively undermined New Deal–era social programs as they sought to marketize public goods for maximum efficiency.
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( Prospective effects of mindfulness on anxiety and depressive symptoms may be spurious: Simulated reanalysis of a meta-analytic cross-lagged panel analysis
Jun 10th 2024, 09:26

The post ( Prospective effects of mindfulness on anxiety and depressive symptoms may be spurious: Simulated reanalysis of a meta-analytic cross-lagged panel analysis was curated by ( information for practice.

( Disrupting Academic Bullying: A Discussion with Bryan Hanson
Jun 10th 2024, 09:18

The post ( Disrupting Academic Bullying: A Discussion with Bryan Hanson was curated by ( information for practice.

( Comparing preferences to evaluations of barrier self-efficacy for two strength training programs in US older adults
Jun 10th 2024, 09:12

The post ( Comparing preferences to evaluations of barrier self-efficacy for two strength training programs in US older adults was curated by ( information for practice.

( Seniors, Hospitals & the Health Care Crisis
Jun 10th 2024, 09:02

The post ( Seniors, Hospitals & the Health Care Crisis was curated by ( information for practice.

( Programmatic Mentoring for LGBTQ+ Youth as Early Prevention for Juvenile Detention
Jun 10th 2024, 08:54

Families in Society, Ahead of Print. While juvenile arrests have markedly declined over the last decade, LGBTQ+ youth (and particularly those of color) continue to be overrepresented in the juvenile justice system due to a cascade of environmental stressors and systemic factors, including trauma exposure, familial rejection, increased surveillance, disproportionate school suspension, and housing instability. The deleterious effects and economic costs of juvenile detention are well documented. Once detained, sexual and gender diverse (SGD) youth face heightened risk of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Decades of research have demonstrated that community mentoring programs help prevent juvenile delinquency and incarceration. Although the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) provides funding to mentoring programs, LGBTQ+ youth continue to report a dearth of mentors. This policy brief provides recommendations for mentoring programs to better recruit, include, retain, and serve LGBTQ+ youth.
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( Patient‐related factors associated with patient retention and non‐completion in psychosocial treatment of borderline personality disorder: A systematic review
Jun 10th 2024, 08:25

The potential efficacy of psychosocial interventions in the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is impacted by significant treatment non-completion (TNC), with meta-analytic studies reporting rates of attrition of between 25% and 28%. Increasing patient retention could facilitate outcomes and improve resource utilization, given limited healthcare services. A systematic search of PsycINFO, CINAHL, EMBASE, CENTRAL, and Web of Science Core Collection identified 33 articles that met the criteria for inclusion. Although substantial heterogeneity in terms of methodology and quality of analysis limited conclusions that could be drawn in the narrative review, a few consistent patterns of findings were elucidated, such as Cluster B personality disorder comorbidities and lower therapeutic alliance were associated with TNC. Interestingly, the severity of BPD symptoms was not a predictor of TNC. These findings are discussed in terms of their potential theoretical contribution to TNC. Clinically, there may be value in applying mindfulness and motivational interviewing strategies early on in treatment for individuals who present uncertainty about engaging in treatment. Further research to develop this empirical landscape includes focusing on high-powered replications, examining burgeoning lines of research, and investigating dynamic predictors of TNC.
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( Students’ evaluations of native and non-native teachers in higher education
Jun 10th 2024, 07:56

Volume 49, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 275-287. 
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( Investigation of Illnesses: Diamond Shruumz-Brand Microdosing Chocolate Bars (June 2024)
Jun 10th 2024, 07:32

Product: All flavors of Diamond Shruumz-brand Microdosing Chocolate Bars
Symptoms: People who became ill after eating Diamond Shruumz-brand Microdosing Chocolate Bars reported a variety of severe symptoms including seizures, central nervous system depression (loss of consciousness, confusion, sleepiness), agitation, abnormal heart rates, hyper/hypotension, nausea, and vomiting.
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( Fading Protective Equipment in Treating Self-Injury: Description of a Screening Protocol and Case Report
Jun 10th 2024, 06:56

Volume 46, Issue 2, May 2024, Page 147-159. 
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( Development and Validation of the Social Ecological Resilience Scale (SERS) from a Systems Perspective for Hong Kong Families
Jun 10th 2024, 05:34

Volume 46, Issue 2, May 2024, Page 101-125. 
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( The functions of the multilevel engagement theory
Jun 10th 2024, 04:57

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( Social work students’ professional socialisation in China: experiences and challenges
Jun 10th 2024, 04:44

Volume 16, Issue 3, November 2023, Page 220-238. 
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( Seven-week warning to PIP claimants: DWP to overhaul service
Jun 10th 2024, 04:18

The proposed welfare changes include getting rid of cash payments in favour of a voucher or catalogue system and redefining the eligibility criteria and assessment process. The Centre for Social Justice’s Chief Executive, Andy Cook, stated: “With the welfare system now grappling with the combined challenges of economic inactivity, school absence and mental health, this consultation provides a meaningful opportunity to shape the future of Britain’s welfare state.”
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