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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Specificity of cost and probability biases in social anxiety: Comparing status and belongingness threats
Jun 9th 2024, 15:44

Social anxiety (SA) is characterized by concerns about the expected occurrence (probability) and anticipated distress (cost) of social threats. Unclear is whether SA correlates specifically with biased expectations of belongingness or status threats.
We aimed to discern if SA is uniquely tied to biased expectancies of either belongingness or status threats.
Materials and Methods
We assessed 757 participants’ perceptions of exclusion and put-down scenarios, analysing associations between SA and threat perceptions.
Our findings support the status-sensitivity hypothesis, suggesting individuals with high SA are particularly attuned to the perceived cost of status threats, potentially informing treatment approaches.
Understanding SA’s link to status concerns enhances therapeutic strategies, emphasizing the need to address status-related situations, cognitions, and emotions in interventions.
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( Broad Public Support for Legal Abortion Persists 2 Years After Dobbs
Jun 9th 2024, 15:43

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( Socioeconomic status and health disparities drive differences in accelerometer-derived physical activity in fatty liver disease and significant fibrosis
Jun 9th 2024, 15:11

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( The U.S. Wealth Inequality Virus is Getting Worse
Jun 9th 2024, 15:08

To rid us of the wealth inequality virus and create a world of greater equality and human decency will require major changes that include the antidote of confiscatory policies directed at seizing much of the wealth of the super wealthy, and utilizing it to benefit everyone, especially those with the greatest unfulfilled basic needs.
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( A Self‐Reported Study on Explanatory Variables of Stress in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: Exploring the Effect of Physical Conditions and Emotion Regulation Processes
Jun 9th 2024, 14:39

Multiple sclerosis (MS)-linked stress is frequent, multidetermined and facilitates the onset/exacerbation of MS. However, few explanatory models of stress analysed the joint explanatory effect of emotion regulation and clinical outcomes of MS in those patients.
This study explored whether self-reported MS-related conditions (number of relapses, fatigue and global disability) and specific emotion regulation processes (experiential avoidance and self-compassion) explain stress symptoms in MS patients.
The MS sample comprised 101 patients with MS diagnosis receiving treatment in hospitals and recruited through the Portuguese MS Society. The no-MS sample included 134 age-, sex- and years of education-matched adults without MS recruited from the general Portuguese population. Both samples did not report other neurological disorders. Data were collected using self-response measures.
All potential explanatory variables differed significantly between samples, with higher scores found in MS patients. In MS clinical sample, those variables and years of education correlated with stress symptoms and predicted stress symptoms in simple linear regression models. These results allowed their selection as covariates in a multiple linear regression model. Years of education, the number of relapses, fatigue and experiential avoidance significantly predicted 51% of stress symptoms’ total variance.
This study provides preliminary evidence on the importance of clinicians and researchers considering the simultaneous contribution of years of education, the number of perceived relapses, fatigue and experiential avoidance as factors that can increase vulnerability to stress in MS patients. Psychological intervention programmes that tackle these factors and associated stress symptomatology should be implemented.
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( Supporting the mental health of young people from ethnically diverse groups during the transition from primary to secondary school
Jun 9th 2024, 14:38

Health Education Journal, Ahead of Print. Background:The transition from primary to secondary school is a pivotal period in young people’s lives and can significantly impact their mental health. However, the experiences of young people from ethnically diverse groups during this crucial period of physical, social and emotional development are under-researched, limiting the evidence base for meaningful support.Objectives:This study explored the experiences of young people from ethnically diverse groups during primary-secondary school transition and co-designed ideas for culturally sensitive support. It explicitly focused on the intersection between ethnic and cultural identity, primary-secondary transition and mental health.Methods:The study employed participatory design to collaborate with seven young people from ethnically diverse groups and a peer researcher. Four online workshops mapped participant experiences and ideas concerning the primary-secondary transition, identity and mental health. These were developed into implications for practice, policy and research.Results:Participants highlighted feeling unprepared for the transition, with some experiencing poor mental health and difficulty navigating their ethnic and cultural identity during this time. Participants’ ideas for future transition experiences included: supporting a longer transition period, schools promoting diversity among students and staff, enabling education on ethnicity and culture, breaking stereotypes, enabling mutual learning among staff and students and enabling an open and caring environment to support mental health.Conclusions:The study provides an in-depth understanding of experiences of young people from ethnically diverse groups during primary-secondary transition and suggests ways of supporting multi-faceted transitions and mental health, with a key focus on ethnic and cultural identity formation.
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( When and how do peers stimulate engaging in desirable difficulties: Student perspectives on the effectiveness of supplemental instruction
Jun 9th 2024, 13:37

Active Learning in Higher Education, Ahead of Print. Supplemental instruction, also known as Peer Assisted Study Sessions (SI-PASS), is a well-established form of peer learning that has been implemented in higher education institutions across the globe and that coincides with learning gains for participants. While the effects on learning gains have been extensively studied with quasi-experiments, the underlying mechanisms that make SI-PASS effective are less well understood. This study explored what benefits students thought SI-PASS offered and through which mechanisms. We studied this by interviewing 14 students who participated in SI-PASS during a field experiment that reliably found a significant impact of SI-PASS on performance. The students were asked to expand on if and why they thought SI-PASS was effective. Thematic analysis and independent coding indicated an interplay of three main drivers. SI-PASS was experienced as effective because it stimulated the use of effective study techniques and social learning. These drivers were facilitated and enhanced by a pedagogical climate that lowered the threshold to engage in collaborative learning and effective study techniques. These findings could help pinpoint what elements should be highlighted during the preparation of SI-leaders and what aspects should be monitored and tested when implementing or studying SI-PASS.
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( Changing the Odds: Comprehensive solutions for Atlanta’s future
Jun 9th 2024, 12:39

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( CBITS – Treat Trauma in Child Welfare (CBITS)
Jun 9th 2024, 12:25

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( Social empathy: how social work educators perceive and intend to engage in social justice
Jun 9th 2024, 12:07

Volume 43, Issue 2, March 2024, Page 442-458. 
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( Trends in Patient Representation in Low Back Pain Pharmacological Randomized Clinical Trials, 2011 to 2020: A Systematic Review
Jun 9th 2024, 11:34

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( “The worst thing is lying in bed thinking ‘I want a cigarette’” a qualitative exploration of smoker’s and ex-smoker’s perceptions of sleep during a quit attempt and the use of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia to aid cessation
Jun 9th 2024, 11:03

The post ( “The worst thing is lying in bed thinking ‘I want a cigarette’” a qualitative exploration of smoker’s and ex-smoker’s perceptions of sleep during a quit attempt and the use of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia to aid cessation was curated by ( information for practice.

( Partisanship is why people vote in person in a pandemic
Jun 9th 2024, 10:44

The choice of voting methods has increasingly become a politicized, partisan issue. We ask: Can a nationalized partisan rhetoric cast doubt on vote-by-mail (VBM) despite years of experience and a raging pandemic?
Using 2020 general election records in Colorado, an established all-mail voting state, we analyze first the general choice of voting methods using supervised machine learning and then the choice to switch to in-person voting despite having used VBM in previous cycles.
The choice of voting modes is mainly habitual; local variations of COVID-19 hardly mattered. Republican partisanship played an important role in predicting “switchers” to in-person voting; the probability was 5.2 percent conditional on being a Republican as opposed to 1.9 percent for a Democrat.
The results suggest that voting in person can be heavily polarized by partisan communication, despite being a health behavior in a pandemic and voters having experience with mail voting.
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( The long‐term effects of formal child support
Jun 9th 2024, 10:34

Objective and Background
Previous research shows the benefits of formal child support to children during their childhood; however, the long-term effect of child support receipt on outcomes as adults has not been studied. This inquiry examines whether adults who received formal child support as children have different labor market outcomes than those who did not.
We conducted two sets of analyses with complementary strengths to examine young adults’ earnings and employment status. Our primary method exploited experimental variation in child support receipt among welfare participants, as part of the Wisconsin Child Support Demonstration Evaluation; the secondary analyses used propensity score matching to construct statistically equivalent comparison groups drawn from a broader population included in Wisconsin Court Record Data.
Across both studies, we found the receipt of child support was associated with a substantive and statistically significant increase in adult earnings; results for employment status were mixed.
Findings suggest that formal child support may disrupt patterns of intergenerational disadvantage, reducing the economic vulnerability of children living with resident mothers, and then improving those children’s earnings as adults. In addition to contributing to our understanding of the relationship between childhood economic status and adult outcomes, the findings provide critical new information to policymakers assessing family policy.
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( Does the NHS have a listening problem?
Jun 9th 2024, 10:24

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( FentAlert Challenge Winners
Jun 9th 2024, 10:21

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( Unarmed social workers preparing to respond to 911 calls in Cambridge
Jun 9th 2024, 10:12

The director of the city’s new Community Assistance Response and Engagement told Boston 25 News that the team is preparing for a rollout as soon as July…. The CARE Team will not be accompanied by police unlike some other alternative response programs recently deployed in other cities across the country.
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( Integrated care system assessments: update May 2024
Jun 9th 2024, 10:12

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( Enhancing adolescent mental health post‐COVID‐19: Insights from an Integrated Inter‐Hospital Mental Health Program
Jun 9th 2024, 09:54

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, Volume 37, Issue 2, May 2024.
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( Take Action for Your Heart: Get Started!
Jun 9th 2024, 09:53

Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute –   – PDFRelated MedlinePlus Pages: Heart Disease in Women, Heart Diseases, How to Prevent Heart Disease
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( Developing the first Arabic quality of life for parents of children with autism (QoLA) scale: translation, cultural adaptation and psychometric validation
Jun 9th 2024, 08:34

In this research, the first Arabic quality of life (A-QoLA) measure for the mothers and fathers of children with autism is translated and validated. While there have been several translations of the QoLA scale…
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( Factor Structure of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale among Early Adolescents: Results from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study
Jun 9th 2024, 08:26


Emotion regulation (ER) deficits in early adolescence are associated with subsequent negative health consequences, including anxiety and depression. Yet, limited work has evaluated the factor structure of measures of ER deficits in early adolescents, leaving a methodological gap for at-risk youths.

This study examined the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) factor structure in early adolescents (N = 2300) recruited from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. We randomly split the sample into two sub-samples (n = 1150 each) and implemented an a-priori three-pronged approach: (1) A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) assessed the fit of the six-factor DERS in Sample 1; (2) An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) identified an alternative factor structure in Sample 1; and (3) A second CFA assessed the new model in Sample 2. A bi-factor model was also used to assess the global structure of the DERS total and subscales.

The original six-factor model yielded poor-to-adequate fit. EFA results supported an alternative five-factor model with different item mappings and ten omitted items. CFA results supported the five-factor solution with good fit. The bi-factor model, estimating a general factor with the five subscales, also demonstrated good fit.

A five-factor structure of the DERS appears supported in a large community sample of early adolescents. Items from the former Awareness and Clarity subscales were combined into a single factor. Nearly all items from the former Strategies subscale were omitted, suggesting there may be developmental considerations rendering those items less relevant.

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( More or less than human? Evaluating the role of AI-as-participant in online qualitative research
Jun 9th 2024, 07:13

Volume 21, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 175-199. 
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( Resignations outnumber retirements as social workers in N.L. endure staffing crisis
Jun 9th 2024, 06:56

In August, the union raised concerns once again after CBC News reported — from documents acquired through an access-to-information request — there were 99 vacant social work positions in the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development alone. That department and Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services, the provincial health authority, are N.L.’s two largest employers of social workers. 
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( Bias-Based Harassment Among US Adolescents
Jun 9th 2024, 06:47

Bias-based (also called identity-based) harassment refers specifically to a subset of peer victimization that targets a person’s identity, such as their gender identity, religion, immigration status, sexual orientation, race, or ethnicity. Research indicates that bias-based harassment is a particularly devastating form of victimization that has an even stronger association with poor mental health and school functioning than general forms of bullying and harassment that do not target identity characteristics. In the current study, we used the AmeriSpeak Teen Panel, a US nationally representative panel of youth ages 13–17, to examine the prevalence and predictors of bias-based harassment. Youth (N = 639) completed a self-report survey about their experiences with victimization and perpetration of bias-based harassment. A series of regression models tested the association of individual youth demographic characteristics with reports of bias-based harassment victimization and perpetration. Overall, 28.2% of youth reported experiences of bias-based victimization, and 12.4% reported bias-based perpetration. Bias-based harassment most often targeted students’ race, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Results have implications for school-based prevention and intervention planning to address bias-based harassment.
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( The superego in supervision. censor, persecutor or protector
Jun 9th 2024, 06:13

Volume 30, Issue 2, May 2024, Page 117-129. 
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( Heat and health
Jun 9th 2024, 06:04

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( No Bones About It: Sex Is Binary
Jun 9th 2024, 05:24

Anthropologists have led the way in formulating techniques that reveal skeletal differences between males and females. Understanding of physical differences in the pelvis related to childbirth, hormonal impacts on bones, and extensive comparative studies have provided anthropologists with an array of traits and measurements that help them estimate sex using just bones. Forensic anthropologists and bioarcheologists are improving their ability to differentiate males and females by increasing research on a variety of postcranial bones and through the use of molecular data, especially new methods called proteomics, to identify sex in prepubescent juveniles. As remains from more cultures and time periods are studied, sex identification will continue to improve, because skeletal sex differences are in large part biologically determined. Yet, anthropologists have also been at the forefront of arguing that sex lies on a spectrum. Anthropologists who view sex as on a spectrum may deter sex identification progress; from their perspective, an individual of an undetermined sex may just be a nonbinary individual. Anthropologists who consider sex is on a spectrum are coming to this conclusion in part because they are looking for anatomical ideals, mistaking pathology for variation, and confusing independent variables with dependent variables. Nonetheless, anthropologists need to continue to improve sex identification techniques to reconstruct the past accurately, which may reveal less strict sex roles than previously presumed and help with the identification of crime victims. Forensic anthropologists should also increase their efforts to identify whether individuals have undergone medical procedures intended to change one’s gender due to the current rise in transitioning individuals.
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( Support or justice: a triangulated multi-focal view of sexual assault victim support in a UK sexual assault referral centre (SARC)
Jun 9th 2024, 05:21

Despite vast levels of underreporting, sexual assault remains an issue at scale in the UK, necessitating the presence of statutory and voluntary organisations in the support of victims. Understanding the exper…
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( Social Work England interim chair set to serve 21 months in post
Jun 9th 2024, 05:11

The role of the board is to oversee the running of Social Work England, review management performance, set the regulator’s strategic objectives, ensure it has the human and financial resources to meet them and make sure it complies with its statutory, regulatory and common-law duties. The chair’s role is to lead the board, including by formulating its strategy, ensuring that it takes account of government guidance, promoting the effective and efficient use of staff and resources and delivering high standards of propriety.
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