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Wed Jul 10 13:02:55 PDT 2024

NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Milk, eggs and now bullets for sale in handful of US grocery stores with ammo vending machines
Jul 10th 2024, 15:57

A company has installed computerized vending machines to sell ammunition in grocery stores in Alabama, Oklahoma and Texas, allowing patrons to pick up bullets along with a gallon of milk.
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( ‘The shaping force of technology in psychotherapy’
Jul 10th 2024, 15:46

Volume 26, Issue 1-2, March – June 2024. 
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( Bankrupt, depressed Kelowna fraudster wins full parole despite opposition
Jul 10th 2024, 15:08

Robert Riley Saunders, 54, was granted a change in his parole this week. The Parole Board of Canada said in a decision published on Thursday that its members are satisfied that Saunders demonstrated the ability to manage his risk to re-offend appropriately during the period he had on day parole. The decision is raising the ire of Indigenous community leaders who wrote to the parole board opposing Saunders’ release. They told the parole board they believe the harm Saunders caused has been profound and long-lasting and he hasn’t changed.
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( The three axioms of resilience
Jul 10th 2024, 13:38

This article summarizes the growing literature on resilience in the face of aversive and potentially traumatic events (PTEs) in three basic axioms: (a) resilience is a common outcome, 2) there are no “key” traits to resilience (resilience is not a type), and (c) resilient outcomes occur through flexible self-regulation. The first axiom highlights the limitation of a traditional, binary view of trauma in terms of the presence–absence of posttraumatic stress disorder, emphasizing instead the heterogeneity of trauma outcomes. Four prototypical trajectories are reviewed: chronic symptoms; delayed symptoms; recovery; and the most common trajectory, resilience. The second axiom reviews the paradoxical inability of known correlates of resilience to adequately predict resilient outcomes. Resilience is instead described as a multifaceted phenomenon with no singular set of key traits, as various factors contribute to resilient outcomes in complex ways. The third axiom provides an explanation of how resilience can emerge from this complex array by introducing the concept of flexible self-regulation. The flexibility mindset is described as providing the motivation for flexible responding. The flexibility sequence is described as explaining the mechanisms underlying flexibility in terms of three serial stages: context sensitivity, strategy repertoire, and feedback adjustment. The final section briefly considers clinical implications.
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( Ending Unequal Treatment Strategies to Achieve Equitable Health Care and Optimal Health for All
Jul 10th 2024, 12:18

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( How bad is drinking for you, really?
Jul 10th 2024, 10:47

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( Cancer Clinical Trials Part 1: Considering a Cancer Clinical Trial?
Jul 10th 2024, 10:42

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( Latine children’s attributions of cultural and structural discrimination and the role of neighborhood context
Jul 10th 2024, 10:38

We investigated first-and second-generation Latine immigrant children’s attributions for cultural and structural discrimination, and how this differed based on their own neighborhood composition. Participants were recruited from 19 elementary schools (N = 101 girls, 101 boys), and ranged in age from 8 to 12 years old (M = 9.22; SD = 11.98 months). All children were either first-generation (40%) or second-generation (60%) immigrants from Mexico, South America, and Central America. Mixed ANCOVAs analyzed how attributions of structural and cultural discrimination differed based on children’s perceptions of ethnic residential composition. The findings indicated that elementary school-aged Latine children, regardless of neighborhood composition, were aware of the biased cultural narrative that Latine immigrants are “criminals.” This seems to be the most salient form of cultural discrimination for children in middle childhood and echoes much of the political rhetoric around immigration reform. Children’s own neighborhood composition predicted their understanding of residential segregation. Children who lived in predominantly White neighborhoods perceived segregation to be due to White people’s biases, whereas children who lived in predominantly Latine neighborhoods perceived segregation to be due to Latine families’ economic disadvantage or both groups’ mutual preferences. These findings suggest that Latine children, by middle childhood, are aware of biased cultural narratives in the U.S., and their understanding of structural inequalities are related to the neighborhood context in which they live.
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( The Women Are Up to Something
Jul 10th 2024, 10:12

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( The effectiveness of emotion-oriented approaches on psychological outcomes and cognitive function in older adults: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Jul 10th 2024, 10:11

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( A Remarkable Comeback
Jul 10th 2024, 10:11

America’s so-called “left behind” counties — the once-great manufacturing centers and other distressed places that struggled mightily at the start of this century — have staged a remarkable comeback. In the last three years, they added jobs and new businesses at their fastest pace since Bill Clinton was president. The turnaround has shocked experts…. Whatever the explanation, though, Biden probably should not expect voters in those areas to reward him electorally. Many left-behind counties are solidly Republican, or have moved to the right since Trump first ran.  
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( National Summary – Continuum of Care (CoC) System Performance Measures Since 2019
Jul 10th 2024, 10:11

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( A Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging
Jul 10th 2024, 09:47

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( Clarifying terminology and definitions in education services for mental health users: A disambiguation study
Jul 10th 2024, 09:39

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( Updating the psychological case for reparations to African Americans
Jul 10th 2024, 08:18

In 2019, Medria Connolly and I wrote an article that we consider to be the theoretical foundation of our reparations activism. Since that time, a world-wide pandemic and unprecedented protests following the extra-judicial killing of George Floyd dramatically changed the psycho-social landscape surrounding the reparations debate. Evidence of the third spontaneously erupted across the world and was instantaneously televised into the homes of an audience held captive by pandemic restrictions. However, a fierce and sophisticated backlash that historically follows Black advancement also materialized. Group and individual psychological strategies are offered that may help sustain the reparations movement in the face of these powerful counter forces.
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( UNRWA Situation Report #118 on the situation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
Jul 10th 2024, 07:27

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( A National Tenants Bill of Rights Would Give Power to Renters
Jul 10th 2024, 07:13

I teach a law school clinic where my students and I represent tenants who face eviction and live in horrible housing conditions. Too often, we see tenants getting railroaded by the fast, cheap, and easy eviction process in US courts. In many states, they can be forced out of their homes for no reason and with just a few days’ notice. We see tenants plunged into homelessness after their price-gouging landlords hike rent by 30 percent and more. We see tenants complaining in vain when their heat and water are not working, when mold builds up, and when rodents scuttle through their bedrooms. Then they are evicted as retaliation for making those complaints.
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( Perceptions and experiences of UK‐based mothers of autistic daughters in relation to the potential affordances and constraints of an autism diagnosis
Jul 10th 2024, 05:59

Whilst there is a growing body of research about autistic girls, much less is known about the experience of mothering an autistic girl, and the potential impact of the diagnosis. This study qualitatively explored the diagnostic journey of 12 mothers in the UK to identify the meanings attributed to their daughter’s diagnosis. A thematic analysis was applied with themes examined through the lens of the CMM LUUUUTT model to further explore the stories lived and told by the mothers. Eighteen themes linked to perceived affordances, perceived constraints/constraints of perception, experienced affordances and experienced constraints. Participants highlighted the impact of autism myths and stereotypes which influenced identification, referral, diagnosis and ongoing support for the girls. Myths and stereotypes told about autism also played a significant role in the mothers lived experience of the diagnosis. An affordance of diagnosis was a new understanding about their daughters’ needs, which led to new parenting styles, letting go of blame and resisting perceived societal ‘oughtisms’ about how parenting should be. Whilst the diagnosis was seen as relationally transformative, challenges were described in accessing emotional or educational support for their daughter’s post-assessment.
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( Social Support System and Vulnerable Children in Need: Toward 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 3 ‘Good Health and Well‐Being’ (Part I)
Jul 10th 2024, 05:36

Child &Family Social Work, EarlyView.
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( Developmental couple therapy for complex trauma: Results of an implementation pilot study
Jul 10th 2024, 04:54

This pilot study examined the process and outcome of Developmental Couple Therapy for Complex Trauma (DCTCT) with seven couples. DCTCT is a novel form of couple therapy designed to address complex posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology and couple-level distress in trauma survivors and their partners. These couples showed statistically significant improvements in overall trauma symptoms, emotion regulation capacities, and reductions in attachment-related anxiety. These results suggest that DCTCT may be a promising approach to intervention. Future directions include the development of a sequential care model, because resource limitations may not allow for all couples to receive the full treatment model over 40 weeks; it will also be important to address measurement issues in relation to mentalizing, to allow for observational coding across the course of therapy.
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( Multi‐level governance in higher education quality assurance: Agencification and policy coordination in Spain
Jul 10th 2024, 04:34

This article aims to examine the emergence of a system of multi-level governance in Higher Education quality assurance during recent decades in Spain, as a particular case within the European Space of Higher Education. Although there is a well-established multi-level structure in the governance of this area at the European level, it is not very common to find countries having an internal multi-level configuration. Most countries have allocated quality assurance at the national level, either concentrating responsibilities into a single agency or allowing competition between accreditation bodies. Thus, the Spanish scenario stands out as very singular model for the governance of Higher Education quality assurance, deserving attention to comprehend the intricacies of its coordination. Here we examine its development over the last two decades, and discuss three factors that have shaped inter-agencies’ relations: first, the sequence of agency creation and their accumulated expertise; second, the role of institutional structures for multi-level coordination; and third, informal practices related to inter-governmental relations, and the influence of country administrative traditions. From discussing this case, this article identifies three key lessons for understanding agency relations in multilevel governance environments: first, path dependence significantly impacts-regulatory interactions over time; second, the Administrative culture, particularly centralist traditions, considerably shapes relationships in multi-level bodies; and, third, the coordination models in regulatory networks (hierarchical, network or market-based) tend to reflect those underlying political dynamics.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar el surgimiento de un sistema de gobernanza multinivel en el aseguramiento de la calidad de la Educación Superior durante las últimas décadas en España, como un caso particular dentro del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Aunque existe una estructura multinivel bien establecida en la gobernanza de este ámbito a nivel europeo, no es muy común encontrar países que tengan una configuración multinivel interna. La mayoría de los países han asignado el aseguramiento de la calidad a nivel nacional, ya sea concentrando responsabilidades en una sola agencia o permitiendo la competencia entre organismos de acreditación. Así, el escenario español se perfila como un modelo muy singular de gobernanza de la garantía de la calidad de la Educación Superior, que merece atención para comprender los entresijos de su coordinación. Aquí examinamos su desarrollo durante las últimas dos décadas y discutimos tres factores que han dado forma a las relaciones entre agencias: primero, la secuencia de creación de las agencias y su experiencia acumulada; en segundo lugar, el papel de las estructuras institucionales para la coordinación multinivel; y tercero, las prácticas informales relacionadas con las relaciones intergubernamentales y la influencia de las tradiciones administrativas de los países. A partir de la discusión de este caso, este artículo identifica tres lecciones clave para comprender las relaciones de agencia en entornos de gobernanza multinivel: primero, la dependencia de la trayectoria impacta significativamente las interacciones regulatorias a lo largo del tiempo; en segundo lugar, la cultura administrativa, particularmente las tradiciones centralistas, moldea considerablemente las relaciones en organismos de múltiples niveles; y, tercero, los modelos de coordinación en las redes regulatorias (jerárquicas, de red o basadas en el mercado) tienden a reflejar las dinámicas políticas subyacentes.
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( A scorching divide: How heatwaves expose inequality
Jul 10th 2024, 04:28

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( The six most urgent problems facing the UK that Starmer’s new government needs to fix
Jul 10th 2024, 04:13

Keir Starmer’s Labour party has won the UK general election in a landslide. Its huge majority should, in theory, give Starmer the clout to see through most of his political agenda. But in reality, the victory celebrations might prove short-lived, given the size of the challenges in front of him.
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( Morality in romantic relationships: The role of moral disengagement in relationship satisfaction, definitions of infidelity, and committed cheating
Jul 10th 2024, 03:34

Despite the moral condemnation of infidelity in romantic relationships, its prevalence remains widespread. This might be partly explained by moral disengagement (MD), the ability to decouple one’s actions from internalized moral standards. While social influences are an inherent part of the conceptualization of MD, they have not been studied in romantic couples. We investigated connections between MD and relationship satisfaction, cheating definitions, and cheating in a sample of 236 dating and married couples. Partners’ levels of MD were positively correlated. Actor-Partner-Interdependence Models (APIMs) revealed negative actor and partner effects of MD on relationship satisfaction. MD was not connected to which behaviors are seen as cheating, but there were positive actor and partner effects on committed self-defined cheating. Additionally, individuals high in MD suspected their partners to cheat more. These results indicate a gap between moral beliefs and moral actions. Individuals high in MD do not necessarily deny cheating on their partner but rather choose not to follow their inner moral compass.
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( Higher loss of livelihood and impoverishment in households affected by tuberculosis compared to non-tuberculosis affected households in Zimbabwe: A cross-sectional study
Jul 10th 2024, 03:13

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( ‘Money anxiety’: Understanding HE students’ experiences of the cost‐of‐living crisis
Jul 10th 2024, 02:32

The ongoing cost-of-living crisis is causing immense stress and hardship for families, individuals and communities, with increases in utility bills, food prices and transport costs. Actors from civil society, politicians and academics have demonstrated concern as to the effect this is having at local and national levels, specifically the disproportionate impact on already marginalised and vulnerable groups. One demographic particularly affected is higher education students, however, due to the lack of support measures being aimed at this cohort, they are at significant risk of becoming overlooked and forgotten. While recent survey data has acknowledged the negative experiences of this group, there is a lack of understanding of their everyday lived realities. To address this gap, this article draws on empirical research conducted with HE students in the North-West of England between 2022 and 2023. The study explores the diverse ways in which students navigate the crisis and the impact this has on their health and well-being. It concludes with a call for urgent action and policy response to elevate unprecedented and devastating student hardship triggered by the cost-of-living crisis.
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( “We are the future”: Advant-aged women speak-out through spoken word poetry
Jul 10th 2024, 00:41

Volume 36, Issue 4, July-August 2024, Page 299-313. 
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( A community evaluation of post-partum quality of life using a locally adapted mother-generated-index: the Delhi Delivery Care (DELCARE) Survey (2009-2011)
Jul 10th 2024, 00:40

Volume 64, Issue 6, July 2024, Page 471-485. 
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( An Examination of Ecological Factors Predicting Depressed Mood Among Adolescents
Jul 10th 2024, 00:39

Youth &Society, Ahead of Print. From a developmental perspective, the increase in depressive symptoms among adolescents over the past decade is of great concern due to the risk of long-term mental health problems extending into adulthood. Informed by the Multicultural Social Justice Framework, we examined multi-level, ecological risk and protective factors of depressive symptoms among adolescents. Data were leveraged from the Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey (N = 9,717) to examine adolescent reported depressive symptoms, individual risk-taking, family factors, school engagement and involvement, community disorganization and safety, and district level factors. We stratified by race to examine differential associations between risk and protective factors and depressive symptoms among Asian, Black, and Latinx youth. Results indicate that individual and family risk and family protection were associated with depressive symptoms. School and community factors were directly related and interacted with individual and family factors, particularly among Black and Latinx youth. Findings imply the need to examine both proximal and systemic factors.
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( Positive Childhood Experiences and the Indirect Relationship With Improved Emotion Regulation in Adults With ADHD Through Social Support
Jul 10th 2024, 00:38

Journal of Attention Disorders, Ahead of Print. Individuals with ADHD report diminished emotion regulation capacities and adversity in childhood detrimentally affects emotion regulation development; however, how positive childhood experiences (PCEs) and whether and how social support are related to PCEs and emotion regulation for those with ADHD is unknown.Objective:To identify direct and indirect associations between PCEs and social support to emotion regulation outcomes in adults with ADHD.Method:Adults with ADHD (n = 81) reported PCEs, current social support, and emotion regulation. Conditional effects modeling examined the direct and indirect relationships between PCEs and emotion dysregulation through social support.Results:Higher PCEs were indirectly related to improved emotion regulation through increased social support generally (β = −.70, 95% CI [−1.32, −0.17], and specifically through belonging (β = −.43, 95% CI [ −0.87, −0.05], self-esteem (β = −.61, 95% CI [−1.08, −0.27], and tangible social support (β = −.50, 95% CI [−1.07, −0.02].Conclusions:PCEs may protect emotion regulation in adults with ADHD through social support, possibly through facilitating social connections, increasing access to social support, and sustaining emotion regulation strategies.
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