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Tue Jul 9 13:02:55 PDT 2024

NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Mental illness and substance use: genes show a two-way street
Jul 9th 2024, 15:59

The method described here is called Mendelian randomisation. In a systematic review, my colleagues and I evaluated 63 Mendelian randomisation studies on the relationship between substance use and mental illness to determine what we have learned so far.
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( HEALing Communities Study: Community-Centered Overdose Prevention
Jul 9th 2024, 15:09

Dr. Nabila El-Bassel, Wilma and Albert Musher Professor of Social Work at Columbia School of Social Work (CSSW), served as Principal Investigator on the New York site with help from a multidisciplinary team of scientists at the Social Intervention Group (SIG). Dr. El-Bassel and her colleagues across the study relied heavily on community coalitions made up of policy makers, healthcare professionals, stakeholders, people with lived experience, and more to establish a unique, scientific approach that uplifts the voices of the communities.
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( The Air Quality Index (AQI)
Jul 9th 2024, 15:07

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( The Identification and Documentation of On-site Sensory and Multisensory Experience–A Methodological Protocol
Jul 9th 2024, 14:33

Field Methods, Ahead of Print. Single and multiple sense stimuli create sensescapes, which combine to be perceived as multisensory integrated products. Such encounters may be experienced across multiple spaces and have importance due to esthetic sensuality, cultural value, economic benefit, or religious significance. This article presents a methodological protocol for the identification and documentation of on-site sensory and multisensory experiences. It outlines currently accepted methodologies for the key senses, followed by an inventory of method benefits and limitations. Externalities affecting sensory surveys are discussed, and a decision tree is presented to plan for and execute a sensory survey.
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( When Violence Is Not an Option: Perceived Choice Sets and Differential Deterrability Among Adolescents in Germany
Jul 9th 2024, 14:32

Crime &Delinquency, Ahead of Print. The idea that individuals differ in their perceived choice sets or repertoires has a long tradition in criminology and is a common ingredient of modern choice theories. We test this assumption in a large-scale school survey of seventh graders in Germany. Eliciting perceived action alternatives in a provocation scenario, we examine the frequency of purely non-violent, purely violent, and mixed repertoires. Our results confirm that a large share of adolescents does not perceive of violence as an option. In contrast, relatively few adolescents could only imagine to react with physical or verbal violence to a physical provocation. We also examine whether self-control and the perceived certainty and severity of sanctions are differentially associated with violent offending across types of repertoires.
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( Housing prices and family fertility decision-making in China: Effect and mechanism
Jul 9th 2024, 14:31

International Sociology, Ahead of Print. In our article, we conduct an empirical analysis utilizing a 5-year panel data sourced from the China Family Panel Studies. Our findings indicate that elevated housing price exert a significantly adverse influence on fertility decisions, with observed heterogeneity that is more pronounced among urban-dwelling families, those without property rights, those with existing children, and females aged between 31 and 40. Following the relaxation of the family planning policy, this negative effect becomes notably more pronounced. These conclusions remain robust with IV estimation. Considering the underlying mechanisms, the impact of high housing prices extends beyond a mere crowding-out effect on fertility through consumption. It also serves to motivate females to enhance their education, diminishes their self-identity, raises the cost of child-rearing, and exerts an inhibitory effect on marriage. Collectively, these factors further amplify the adverse impact of housing prices on the fertility rate.
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( CORRIGENDUM to Toward a dialogical sociology: Presidential address – XX ISA World Congress of Sociology 2023
Jul 9th 2024, 14:31

International Sociology, Ahead of Print. 
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( Calling on kin: Poverty, the family safety net, and child welfare policy
Jul 9th 2024, 13:33

This study examined parents’ accounts of how their extended kin networks shaped and were shaped by the child protective services (CPS) process.
Arguably the most important recent shift in child welfare policy has been a move away from non-relative foster care and toward kin placement. Yet increasing family complexity along with network disadvantage may weaken kin support.
This study draws on 81 in-depth interviews with a sample of parents with prior involvement with the CPS system in New Jersey. Our sample includes 54 Black, 19 white, and 8 Hispanic parents. We used inductive analysis and iterative, qualitative coding to interpret participants’ accounts and classify their networks.
Parents often indicated that the quality of kin ties helped to steer case outcomes, benefitting parents with supportive and resourced family connections and impairing those isolated from family or embedded in disadvantaged networks. State intervention in the family also affected kin ties, often compromising parents’ relationships with relatives.
The results of this study reveal that child welfare agencies prioritize kin support as a solution to addressing family needs even though the parents who come under the purview of CPS often lack supportive kin networks. This study has implications for understanding the family safety net and the role of kin networks in government processes.
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( Debate: More, not less social media content moderation? How to better protect youth mental health online
Jul 9th 2024, 13:24

This article challenges Zhang et al.’s claims that social media content moderation is proving detrimental to youth mental health and asserts that greater emphasis on the systemic risks posed by social media platforms is required.
This commentary draws on my lived experience as a bereaved parent, empiricial evidence and ongoing public policy and regulatory debates.
Greater attention should be paid to the effects of algorithmic recommendation systems, which can result in teenagers becoming rapidly exposed to large amounts of harmful content on social media sites such as Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok.
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( Life after life: Recidivism among individuals formerly sentenced to mandatory juvenile life without parole
Jul 9th 2024, 12:21

In Miller v. Alabama (2012), the Supreme Court abolished mandatory juvenile life without parole (JLWOP) sentences and subsequently decided that the ruling applied retroactively (Montgomery v. Louisiana, 2016), effectively rendering thousands of inmates eligible for resentencing and potential release from prison. In its decisions, the Court cited developmental science, noting that youth, by virtue of their transient immaturity, are less culpable and more amenable to rehabilitation relative to their adult counterparts. Specifically, the Court notes adolescents’ propensity for impulsive action, sensitivity to social influence, and difficulty understanding long-term consequences. Even so, these rulings raised concerns regarding the consequences of releasing prisoners who had committed heinous crimes as juveniles. Several years after the Court’s decision, preliminary data are now available to shed light on rates of recidivism among those released. The current paper comprises three goals. First, we discuss the science of adolescent development and how it intersects with legal practice, contextualizing the Court’s decision. Second, we present recidivism data from a sample of individuals formerly sentenced to JLWOP in Pennsylvania who were resentenced and released under Miller and Montgomery (N = 287). Results indicate that 15 individuals received new criminal charges up to 7 years postrelease (5.2%), the majority of which were nonviolent offenses. This low rate of recidivism is consistent with the developmental science documenting compromised decision-making during the adolescent years, followed by desistance from criminal behavior in adulthood. Lastly, we discuss the importance of interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers and legal practitioners, as well as critical future avenues of research in this area.
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( The Love Problem of a Student—Revisited: A Psycho‐Ethical Map for Cases of Anima Projection
Jul 9th 2024, 11:28

In its typical form, an “anima projection” is a psychic experience in which a heterosexual man is caught up by an intense, almost magical attraction for a woman. What sets these numinous experiences apart from a common “crush” is a pattern of specific phenomenological characteristics. Anima projections are particularly common in late adolescence and early adulthood, when they can cause a deep sense of disorientation. Little education exists for young men on how to deal with these experiences and to actualize the developmental opportunity that underlies them. In this paper, I frame anima projections as an ethical problem and outline a psycho-ethical “map” that is intended for use by disoriented young men, or by any practitioner who may be tasked with helping them navigate this challenge along the path of individuation. The map considers four solutions to the love problem: the “concretistic-literal”, the “fearful-avoidant”, the “rational-depressive”, and the “transitional-developmental” solution, and indicates the latter as the one that is conducive to optimal psychic development. Although developed with a focus on young men, the map may apply to other relations based on projection, regardless of age, sex, gender, or sexual orientation.
Dans sa forme typique, une “projection de l’anima” est une expérience psychique dans laquelle un homme hétérosexuel est pris dans une attirance intense, presque magique, pour une femme. Ce qui distingue les expériences numineuses de simples béguins, c’est un ensemble de caractéristiques phénoménologiques spécifiques. Les projections de l’anima sont particulièrement fréquentes à la fin de l’adolescence et au début de l’âge adulte, où elles produisent un profond sentiment de désorientation. Il n’existe que peu de formation pour les jeunes hommes en ce qui concerne comment faire face à de telles expériences et comment utiliser de manière profitable l’opportunité de développement qui les sous-tend. Dans cet article, je considère les projections de l’anima comme étant un problème éthique et j’esquisse une “carte” psycho-éthique visant à aider les jeunes hommes désorientés – ou tout praticien dont la tâche est d’aider ces jeunes hommes – à relever ce défi sur le chemin de l’individuation. Cette carte envisage quatre solutions au problème de l’amour: la solution “concrète-littérale”, celle de “l’évitement angoissé”, la “dépressive-rationnelle” et la “transitionnelle-développementale”. La carte indique que cette dernière solution est celle qui permet un développement psychique optimal. Bien que conçue pour les jeunes hommes, cette carte peut également être utilisée pour d’autres relations fondées sur la projection, quel que soit l’âge, le sexe, le genre ou l’orientation sexuelle.
In ihrer typischen Form ist eine “Animaprojektion” eine psychische Erfahrung, bei der ein heterosexueller Mann von einer intensiven, fast magischen Anziehungskraft auf eine Frau erfaßt wird. Was diese numinosen Erfahrungen von einer gewöhnlichen “Schwärmerei” unterscheidet, ist ein Muster spezifischer phänomenologischer Merkmale. Animaprojektionen treten besonders häufig in der späten Adoleszenz und im frühen Erwachsenenalter auf, wo sie ein tiefes Gefühl der Orientierungslosigkeit hervorrufen können. Für junge Männer gibt es kaum Aufklärung darüber, wie sie mit diesen Erfahrungen umgehen und die ihnen zugrunde liegenden Entwicklungschancen verwirklichen können. In diesem Aufsatz stelle ich Animaprojektionen als ethisches Problem dar und entwerfe eine psychoethische “Landkarte”, die für desorientierte junge Männer oder jeden Praktiker gedacht ist, der die Aufgabe haben könnte, ihnen bei der Bewältigung dieser Herausforderung auf dem Weg der Individualisierung zu helfen. Die Karte betrachtet vier Lösungen für das Liebesproblem: die “konkretistisch-wörtliche”, die “ängstlich-vermeidende”, die “rational-depressive” und die “übergangsweise-entwicklungsorientierte” Lösung und gibt an, daß letztere die Lösung bildet, die förderlich ist zur optimalen psychischen Entwicklung. Obwohl die Karte mit Schwerpunkt auf junge Männer entwickelt wurde, kann sie auch auf andere auf Projektion beruhende Beziehungen angewendet werden, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht oder sexueller Orientierung.
Nella sua forma tipica, una “proiezione dell’anima” è un’esperienza psichica in cui un uomo eterosessuale viene catturato da un’attrazione intensa, quasi magica, per una donna. Ciò che distingue queste esperienze da una comune “cotta” è un pattern di caratteristiche fenomenologiche specifiche. Le proiezioni dell’anima sono particolarmente comuni nella tarda adolescenza e nella prima età adulta, quando possono causare un profondo senso di disorientamento. C’è una scarsa educazione per i giovani su come affrontare queste esperienze e come concretizzare le opportunità di sviluppo che ne sono alla base. In questo articolo, definisco le proiezioni dell’anima come un problema etico, e delineo una “mappa” psico-etica, destinata ad essere utilizzata da giovani uomini disorientati o da qualsiasi professionista che possa avere il compito di aiutarli ad affrontare questa sfida lungo il percorso di individuazione. La mappa considera quattro soluzioni al problema dell’amore: la soluzione “concretistica-letterale”, la “timorosa-evitante”, la “razionale-depressiva” e la “transizionale-evolutiva”, e indica quest’ultima come quella favorevole allo sviluppo psichico ottimale. Sebbene sviluppata concentrandosi sui giovani uomini, la mappa può essere applicata ad altre relazioni basate sulla proiezione, indipendentemente dall’età, dal sesso o dall’orientamento sessuale.
Типичное проявление проекции анимы – это психическое переживание сильного, практически магического влечения гетеросексуального мужчины к женщине. Что отличает эти нуминозные переживания от обычной влюбленности, так это ряд особых феноменологических характеристик. Особенно часто анима проецируется в позднем подростковом и раннем взрослом возрасте, когда эти проекции могут вызывать глубокое чувство дезориентации. Молодых людей не учат тому, как справляться со своими переживаниями и использовать заложенный в них потенциал развития. В ранной статье я рассматриваю проекции анимы как этическую проблему и набрасываю психоэтическую “карту”, которую могли бы использовать дезориентированные молодые люди или специалисты-практики, задачей которых является помочь им справиться с этой проблемой на пути индивидуации. Карта предусматривает четыре варианты решения любовной проблемы – “конкретно-буквальное”, “испуганно-избегающее”, “рационально-депрессивное” и “переходно-развивающее”- и выделяет последнее как способствующее оптимальному психическому развитию. Хотя карта разрабатывалась преимущественно для молодых мужчин, она может применяться как ориентир для основанных на проекции отношений и в других случаях вне зависимости от возраста, пола, гендерной принадлежности или сексуальной ориентации.
En su forma típica, una “proyección del ánima” es una experiencia psíquica en la que un hombre heterosexual se ve atrapado por una atracción intensa, casi mágica, hacia una mujer. Lo que diferencia a estas experiencias numinosas de un “flechazo” común es un patrón de características fenomenológicas específicas. Las proyecciones del ánima son especialmente frecuentes al final de la adolescencia y al principio de la edad adulta, cuando pueden causar una profunda sensación de desorientación. Existe poca educación para los hombres jóvenes sobre cómo tratar estas experiencias y dar lugar a la oportunidad de crecimiento y desarrollo que subyace a las mismas. En este artículo, planteo las proyecciones del ánima como un problema ético y esbozo un “mapa” psico-ético destinado a ser utilizado por jóvenes desorientados o por cualquier profesional que tenga la tarea de ayudarles a navegar este desafío en el camino de la individuación. El mapa considera cuatro soluciones al problema del amor: la “concreta-literal”, la “temerosa-evitativa”, la “racional-depresiva” y la “transicional-del desarrollo”, e indica esta última como la que conduce a un desarrollo psíquico óptimo. Aunque se ha elaborado centrándose en los hombres jóvenes, el mapa puede aplicarse a otras relaciones basadas en la proyección, independientemente de la edad, el sexo, el género o la orientación sexual.
一个学生的爱情问题——再探: 阿尼玛投射案例的心理伦理地图
在其典型形式中, “阿尼玛投射 “是一种心理体验, 在这种体验中, 一个异性恋男人被一个女人强烈的、近乎是魔法般的吸引力所吸引。把这一圣密性经历与普通的 “爱情”经历区别的是一种具有特殊模式的现象学特征。阿尼玛投射在青春期晚期和成年早期尤为常见, 会给人带来深深的迷失感。很少有针对年轻男性的教育, 讲述如何处理这些经历, 以及如何实现这些经历所蕴含的发展机遇。在本文中, 我将 “阿尼玛投射 “视为一个伦理问题, 并勾勒出一张心理伦理 “地图”, 供迷失方向的年轻男性或任何可能负责帮助他们在个体化道路上应对这一挑战的从业者使用。该地图考虑了解决爱情问题的四种方法:”具体的-直观的”、”恐惧-回避”、”理性-抑郁 “和 “过渡-发展”的方法, 并指出后者有利于心理的最佳发展。虽然该地图是以年轻男性为重点开发的, 但它也适用于其他基于投射的关系, 不分年龄、性别或性取向。
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( The progression of cognitive impairment and its influencing factors in older adults based on longitudinal item response theory
Jul 9th 2024, 11:26

Understanding the development of cognitive impairment and its influencing factors in older adults is crucial for formulating early intervention strategies.
To identify the early dimensions of cognitive impairment and provide a comprehensive description of the trajectories of cognitive decline in older adults prior to death.
Based on the data of 9883 older adults in the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey from 2002 to 2018, a longitudinal item response theory (Longitudinal IRT) model including covariates was applied to estimate the following parameters. The items in which older adults encountered obstacles first had the least difficulty parameters (δ). The earlier the information curve of an item is lifted, the more information it provides in the early stages of cognitive impairment. Regression coefficient (β) represents the relative rate of cognitive decline. The cognitive impairment values estimated from the Longitudinal IRT were fitted to a mixed-effects model to examine cognitive impairment trajectories.
‘Draw the figure on B Card’ (δ = −0.816) was the most challenging item, followed by ‘recalling ‘clothes” (δ = 0.348) and ‘recalling ‘apples” (δ = 0.419), while ‘name the ‘pen” (δ = 4.402) was the simplest instruction for the old adults. The curves of the items in the recall dimension began to rise in the early stages of cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment of older adults who were women (β = 0.061), elder (β = 0.111), smokers (β = 0.060), living in rural areas (β = 0.052), not participating in organised social activities (β = 0.092), suffering from hypertension (β = 0.022), hyperglycaemia (β = 0.035), dyslipidaemia (β = 0.314), low education levels (β = 0.128), manual labourers (β = 0.027), and eventual development of dementia (β = 0.212) exhibited a more accelerated progression. These individuals also had poorer cognitive trajectories.
Recall is the earliest dimension of cognitive impairment. The subjects who were women, elder, smokers, living in rural areas, not participating in organised social activities, suffering from hypertension, hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia, low education, manual labourers, and eventually development of dementia, had a faster descending speed and poorer trajectories.
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( Frequently Asked Questions on Medicaid and CHIP Coverage of Peer Support Services
Jul 9th 2024, 10:46

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( Cultural repertoires and status safeguarding among rural middle‐class parents
Jul 9th 2024, 10:26

This study investigated how middle-class rural parents engaged in status safeguarding in an economically struggling rural community and how the parenting views and practices of rural return migrants impacted the community.
Rural communities seek college-educated returners to offset outmigration. We know little about how returners impact the community, especially if they return to raise children.
This study analyzed interview data from 15 white, college-educated parents between the ages of 25 and 38 who returned to their rural hometown to raise their children.
All returners emphasized their children’s choice regarding their future educational and occupational paths, and they equally valued college and skilled trades. In other ways, rural return migrants drew on distinct cultural repertoires in their childrearing strategies. Parents who had not lived in cities before returning relied on a localized cultural repertoire to engage in status safeguarding through reputation management as they monitored cross-class interactions and emphasized fitting in. In contrast, rural return migrants who had lived in cities drew on a cosmopolitan cultural repertoire that emphasized exposure to cultural amenities and engaged in cultural practices that they saw as distinguishing their children from the local community.
Although the return of college-educated residents is often celebrated, this study suggests that college-educated migrants may ultimately maintain inequalities within the community through social class or cultural exclusion based on their cultural repertoires.
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( The Future of Care for Children with Medical Complexity – Session #1
Jul 9th 2024, 10:18

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( Know Your Enemy: When the Clock Broke
Jul 9th 2024, 10:13

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( Summer Swim Safety
Jul 9th 2024, 10:13

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( Digitally Enhanced Psychological Assessment and Treatment of Paranoia: A Systematic Review
Jul 9th 2024, 10:11

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( The Corporate Power Brokers Behind AIPAC’s War on the Squad
Jul 9th 2024, 10:08

It’s also a story about the progressive resistance to this onslaught of money poisoning American democracy, a pushback that may finally be weakening AIPAC’s influence. By training its sights on left-wing members of Congress, AIPAC is setting up a battle not just over U.S. policy surrounding Israel and Palestine, but for the soul of the Democratic Party — and a progressive future…. Turner recalls a conversation with a former ally who does business in Cleveland: ​“They told me they didn’t recognize me anymore, that Palestinians have no rights [and] that if I didn’t ​‘disavow’ the Squad, they were going to come at me with everything they had. And that is, in fact, what they did.”
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( Re‐partnering and single mothers’ mental health and life satisfaction trajectories
Jul 9th 2024, 09:39

This study examines single mothers’ mental health and life satisfaction trajectories around re-partnering transitions, and the driving factors of these associations.
Single mothers are a particularly disadvantaged group in terms of their mental health and life satisfaction. According to the resource model, re-partnering has a positive effect on these outcomes because it provides additional social, emotional, and financial resources. In contrast, the crisis model suggests that when a mother re-partners, her mental health and life satisfaction further decline because re-partnering can trigger conflicts in the family.
Using long-term annual panel data from Germany and the United Kingdom, fixed-effects regressions reveal effects among 1101 single mothers from Germany and 549 from the UK.
Life satisfaction was positively affected by re-partnering in Germany, mainly driven by income-related factors. The positive association in the UK was less strong. Patterns of mental health trajectories indicate clearer differences between the two countries: based on point estimates, we observed an increasing trajectory in Germany and a declining trajectory in the UK after the re-partnering transition. There were no significant mental health patterns observed in either country.
The findings suggest varying associations between well-being and re-partnering. Positive trends for life satisfaction in Germany and partially in the UK highlight the importance of financial resources. However, less clear patterns were observed for mental health, revealing differences between countries and underscoring the role of family policies.
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( Clinical presentations and diagnostic application of proposed biomarkers in psychiatric‐onset prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies
Jul 9th 2024, 09:26

Research criteria for the diagnosis of prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) include three clinical subtypes: mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies (MCI-LB), delirium-onset prodromal DLB, and psychiatric-onset prodromal DLB. Late-onset psychiatric manifestations are at a higher risk of developing dementia, but its relation to prodromal DLB remains unclear. In addition to the risk of severe antipsychotic hypersensitivity reactions, accurate discrimination from non-DLB cases is important due to the potential differences in management and prognosis. This article aims to review a rapidly evolving psychiatric topic and outline clinical pictures of psychiatric-onset prodromal DLB, including the proposed biomarker findings of MCI-LB: polysomnography-confirmed rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder, cardiac [123I]metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy, and striatal dopamine transporter imaging. We first reviewed clinical pictures of patients with autopsy-confirmed DLB. Regarding clinical reports, we focused on the patients who predominantly presented with psychiatric manifestations and subsequently developed DLB. Thereafter, we reviewed clinical studies regarding the diagnostic applications of the proposed biomarkers to patients with late-onset psychiatric disorders. Clinical presentations were mainly late-onset depression and psychosis; however, other clinical manifestations were also reported. Psychotropic medications before a DLB diagnosis may cause extrapyramidal signs, and potentially influences the proposed biomarker findings. These risks complicate clinical manifestation interpretation during the management of psychiatric symptoms. Longitudinal follow-up studies with standardised evaluations until conversion to DLB are needed to investigate the temporal trajectories of core features and proposed biomarker findings. In patients with late-onset psychiatric disorders, identification of patients with psychiatric-onset prodromal DLB provides the opportunity to better understanding the distinct prognostic subgroup that is at great risk of incident dementia. Advances in the establishment of direct biomarkers for the detection of pathological α-synuclein may encourage reorganising the phenotypic variability of prodromal DLB.
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( Reflecting on the Rural Social Work Scotland Forum online conference, May 2024
Jul 9th 2024, 09:24

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( Young Adults with Anxiety Disorders Show Reduced Inhibition in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex at Higher Trait Anxiety Levels: A TMS‐EEG Study
Jul 9th 2024, 08:48

Background. The neuropathology of anxiety disorders, including specific phobias, social phobias, and generalized anxiety disorders (GAD), has been believed to be rooted in a reduced inhibition of limbic areas by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Trait anxiety has been linked to insufficient recruitment of DLPFC mechanisms for attentional control. Despite limited research on individuals with anxiety disorders, our study utilized transcranial magnetic stimulation to assess DLPFC cortical activity and emotional states using the N100 as an indicator of GABA-B-mediated cortical inhibition. Additionally, we aimed to correlate trait anxiety scores with cortical activity. Methods. A total of 20 subjects with social phobia and GAD and 21 subjects with specific phobia were compared to 24 control subjects regarding their inhibitory N100 in the DLPFC. Therefore, TMS was applied on the left and right DLPFC during an emotional task with fearful, angry, and neutral faces and a rest condition. Results. Smaller N100 amplitudes after DLPFC stimulation were found in subjects with social phobia, GAD, and social phobias compared to the control group. Furthermore, a correlation between trait anxiety scores and smaller N100 amplitudes, independent of group effects, was found. Conclusion. There appears to be a decrease in GABA-B-mediated cortical inhibition in the DLPFC in subjects with anxiety disorders. The correlation between trait anxiety and N100 amplitudes suggests a trait-related modulation of cortical inhibition.
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( Calls for major social welfare boost in next budget
Jul 9th 2024, 08:03

The Budget is expected to take place in early October, but preparations will be made in the months leading up to it — with Social Justice Ireland saying that all social welfare payments should be increased to at least €25 per week to support households hit by the cost of living crisis.
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( Teaching on the cheap? The extent and impact of teaching assistants covering classes and leading lessons
Jul 9th 2024, 07:37

The post ( Teaching on the cheap? The extent and impact of teaching assistants covering classes and leading lessons was curated by ( information for practice.

( Community engagement, service learning, and underrepresented college student success: An examination of multiple cohorts
Jul 9th 2024, 07:29

Previous literature has demonstrated the positive benefits of Service Learning (SL) participation on college student outcomes. This study explored whether SL participation during the first year of college appeared to be a potentially useful community engagement and pedagogical lever for enhancing college students’ academic achievement, retention, and graduation outcomes. Particular attention focused on college students from groups under-represented in higher education. We used propensity score matching to create comparable treatment (SL participation) and control (non-SL participation) groups. We then examined the role of SL participation in the first-year on college student outcome using four matched samples of college students who were first-years in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. Overall, we found that participation in SL during the first college year benefits college students’ long-term academic outcomes (cumulative GPA, cumulative credits earned, year-to-year retention, and graduation within 4–6 years), particularly for college students from under-represented backgrounds.
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( Allostatic Load and Metabolic Syndrome in Depressed Patients: A Cross‐Sectional Analysis
Jul 9th 2024, 07:27

Allostatic load (AL) is the cumulative wear and tear on the body due to the chronic adverse physical or psychosocial situations. The acute stress response activates the primary mediators of AL, which include cortisol, epinephrine (EPI), norepinephrine (NE), and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S). Secondary outcomes, such as metabolic syndrome (MetS), cardiovascular, and immune system changes, can result from long-term stress responses. Given these complex reactions to an acute stressor, a multidimensional stress assessment is required when investigating individual stress reactivity in an experimental setting. This study is aimed at examining the association between the primary mediators of AL and MetS in major depressive disorder (MDD) patients. MDD patients (n = 164, age = 18–65 years old) with MetS+ (n = 46, weight = 93.10 ± 16.43 kg) and without MetS- (n = 118, weight = 73.08 ± 15.22 kg) were analyzed cross-sectionally. Stepwise binary regression and Welch’s t-test were used to find the associations and differences between the two groups. The regression analysis was fully adjusted for age, sex, and the Beck Depression Inventory-II score. In unadjusted model, cortisol (b = −0.003, p = 0.034) was inversely associated with MetS. In fully adjusted model, EPI (b = −0.006, p = 0.007) was inversely associated with MetS. However, significant differences (p = 0.005) were observed for cortisol between MDD patients without MetS- (410.13 ± 144.63 nmol/l) and MDD patients with MetS+ (340.90 ± 132.98 nmol/l) with a small effect size (Cohen’s d of 0.489). Significant differences (p = 0.001) were observed for EPI between MDD patients without MetS- (185.67 ± 124.44 pg/ml) and MDD patients with MetS+ (124.95 ± 84.38 pg/ml) with a moderate effect size (Cohen’s d of 0.530). These observations are of clinical importance for the management of MDD patients.
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( The baggage and the benefits that travel with the F word: Transnational feminism and its discontents
Jul 9th 2024, 06:29

We examined how locally situated and transnationally circulated meanings of feminism interact forming implicit cultural meanings, and how these meanings about feminism appear in women’s accounts of their own work and identifications. Using twenty-four oral histories, we identified four implicit cultural meanings about feminism: (1) “Mainstream” feminism is/as white and middle-class; (2) Feminists are lesbians; (3) Feminism is/as hostile to men; and (4) Feminism is/as a “western” ideology. In addition, we identified three strategies activists used to respond to these meanings: (1) distancing themselves from the word “feminist/feminism”; (2) explicitly embracing the term and clarifying its meaning; and (3) shifting from an individual to a structural level of analysis. Examining these discourses in a multinational sample with women of various racial-ethnic and indigenous identities, we found that implicit cultural meanings often identified in the US or as western interact with locally found meanings affecting activists in the Majority World. Activists’ use of these implicit cultural meanings complicated prevalent, but often simplistic, narratives about feminists, feminism, and identity.
Public significance statement
Feminists face a wide range of reactions including ambivalence, negativity, prejudice, discrimination, and sexual harassment. At the same time, feminist identification can be a source of community, love, and support for people who experience oppression. This study identifies various meanings attached to feminist identity in different parts of the world, and three different strategies used by activists to counter negative meanings.
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( Caring citizens: Refugee families, welfare, and affective equality
Jul 9th 2024, 06:27

The United States resettles refugees as humanitarian-aid recipients and authorizes them to work so that they may achieve immediate self-sufficiency. Current and former refugees, who utilize public assistance, must engage in a work activity or risk losing their benefits eligibility. Is employment the right activity for them? Workfare poses challenges for families with young children. When primary caregivers (typically mothers) transition into the formal labor force, they face constraints on their capacity to determine their child’s care and on the timing of their physical separations from that child. The employment focus of both workfare and resettlement policies reflects a neoliberal ideal of citizens as workers, unencumbered by partners or dependents. I utilize the concept of affective equality from Kathleen Lynch’s Care and Capitalism to consider the institutional disregard of people’s relational and moral needs in refugee resettlement programs. Based on research in western New York among Karen and Karenni refugees from Myanmar, this article examines how families contend with resettlement and workfare constraints on their capacity to care. I describe how interlocutors’ families manage affective inequalities by constructing and utilizing family networks who nurture a care ethic focused on familial needs like the provision of kin-based care.
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( A city of newcomers: Migration and solidarity in the former East Germany
Jul 9th 2024, 05:59

This article examines how urban temporalities have come to alternately foster and hinder migrants’ incorporation into the larger social body. It draws on ethnographic and archival research conducted in Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany, and focuses on the so-called “migrant crisis” of 2015, which resonated with earlier migration histories in the region. When Eisenhüttenstadt was founded in 1950, nearly one-third of its residents were naturalized East German citizens. Yet under the socialist regime, any acknowledgment of their migration background was expressly forbidden and perceived as a threat to Eastern Bloc geopolitical alliances. Around 2015, however, this history reemerged, first at the local cultural history museum and later, in public discourse. This article attends to the shifting positionality of migration histories within the context of the former East Germany, which was perceived as European in a global context but post-socialist in a German context. In doing so, it reveals how tensions between individual and urban futurities influence solidarity, integration, and national belonging.
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