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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Preparing Teacher Candidates in Classroom Management Prior to Entering the Teaching Profession
Jan 25th 2024, 14:33

Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Ahead of Print. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to evaluate the promise of a specialized curriculum designed to prepare general education teacher candidates to effectively implement classroom management strategies within a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) framework. Participants were 110 teacher candidates enrolled in a student teaching internship course. Fall participants (intervention group; n = 69) received the specialized curriculum that focused on implementation of classroom management strategies for students with emotional and behavioral disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), in concert with their internship; spring participants (comparison group; n = 41) did not. All participants completed pre- and postquestionnaires, which included measures assessing knowledge of classroom management principles, knowledge of ADHD, and self-efficacy. Measures of satisfaction with the curriculum were also collected. Fourteen teachers (seven intervention group, seven comparison group) participated in follow-up observations in their first teaching semester. Results demonstrate significant differences in knowledge of classroom management principles and ADHD between groups from pre- to postinternship, and high levels of participant satisfaction with the curriculum. Preliminary observations reveal greater use of evidence-based classroom management strategies in the intervention group. Implications for further program development and educator preparation as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.
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( Role of pandemic‐related experiences and maternal psychological distress in maternal rejection
Jan 25th 2024, 14:13

The current study focuses on the indirect link between mothers’ COVID-19 pandemic-related experiences of home chaos, pandemic-related anxiety, social support, and perceived maternal rejection through maternal psychological distress (MPD).
The COVID-19 pandemic had striking effects on families, and parents with school-aged children were especially considered more at risk. Yet, the growing research documented negative and positive outcomes for the parent–child relationship.
In this two-wave study, data were collected before (January–February 2020) and during the pandemic (November–December 2020) from 318 Turkish mothers (Mage = 37.13, SD = 5.67) with predominantly low educational attainment and children in Grades 1 to 11 (Mage = 11.57, SD = 3.05). MPD and perceived maternal rejection were measured before and during the pandemic. Maternal pandemic-related anxiety, mothers’ perceived social support, and chaos in the home environment were measured only during the pandemic. Structural equation modeling was used for analysis.
After pre-pandemic MPD and perceived maternal rejection were controlled, MPD was positively associated with rejection during the pandemic. Pandemic-related anxiety and home chaos, but not social support, predicted maternal rejection through MPD.
Mothers’ COVID-19–related experiences were related to increased MPD, which also predicted increased maternal rejection as perceived by children.
The results should be considered in developing programs for mothers facing stressful circumstances. In particular, we recommend programs that promote equal role division in the family, which could support maternal well-being, alleviate MPD, and improve the mother–child relationship.
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( Hegemonic Monosexuality
Jan 25th 2024, 13:23

Volume 23, Issue 4, October-December 2023, Page 441-455. 
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( Effectiveness of Involuntary Treatment for Individuals With Substance Use Disorders: A Systematic Review
Jan 25th 2024, 12:49

The Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine La Societe medicale canadienne sur l’addiction Policy Committee created a task force to conduct a systematic review examining the effectiveness of involuntary treatment for individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs).
We followed Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews & Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and searched 2 databases for peer-reviewed articles assessing the effectiveness of involuntary treatment modalities for substance use disorders from inception to July 2021. Effectiveness was defined as any SUD-related outcome, including treatment retention, post-treatment substance use frequency, overdose mortality, improvement in functioning, or other patient-centred outcomes. Involuntary treatment was defined as any modality not fully motivated by the individual’s volition to seek treatment.
Forty-two studies met the review criteria, with 354,420 participants. Most studies were from the United States, Canada, and China: most measured substance use changes, criminal recidivism, and retention in treatment. Only 7 studies comparing involuntary to voluntary intervention reported improved outcomes in the involuntary group, with most for retention in treatment and only one showing a reduction in substance use. Six out of 7 studies comparing different involuntary interventions occurred in the context of prison or probation. No studies compared the involuntary treatment to no treatment. Only 11 described evidence-based treatment for SUDs, while 5 diagnosed and co-treated psychiatric comorbidity and 11 discussed the motivation for treatment.
There is a lack of high-quality evidence to support or refute involuntary treatment for SUD. More research is needed to inform health policy.
Le comité d’orientation de la Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine La Societe medicale canadienne sur l’addiction a créé un groupe de travail chargé d’effectuer une étude systématique sur l’efficacité du traitement non volontaire des personnes souffrant de troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances (TLUS).
Nous avons suivi les directives PRISMA et cherché dans deux bases de données des articles évalués par des pairs sur l’efficacité des modalités de traitement non volontaire des troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances, depuis sa création jusqu’à juillet 2021. L’efficacité a été définie comme tout résultat lié aux troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances, y compris la rétention du traitement, la fréquence de l’utilisation de substances après le traitement, la mortalité par overdose, l’amélioration du fonctionnement ou d’autres résultats centrés sur le patient. Le traitement non volontaire est défini comme toute modalité qui n’est pas entièrement motivée par la volonté de l’individu de se faire soigner.
42 études ont répondu aux critères d’examen, avec 354 420 participants. La plupart des études provenaient des États-Unis, du Canada et de la Chine: la plupart mesuraient les changements dans la consommation de substances, la récidive criminelle et la rétention en traitement. Seules sept études comparant l’intervention non volontaire à l’intervention volontaire ont fait état de meilleurs résultats dans le groupe non volontaire, la plupart concernant la rétention en traitement et une seule montrant une réduction de la consommation de substances. Six des sept études comparant différentes interventions non volontaires ont eu lieu dans le contexte de la prison ou de la probation. Aucune étude n’a comparé le traitement non volontaire à l’absence de traitement. Seules 11 études décrivaient un traitement basé sur des preuves pour les TLUS, tandis que cinq études diagnostiquaient et traitaient la comorbidité psychiatrique et 11 études discutaient de la motivation pour le traitement.
Il y a un manque de preuves de haute qualité pour soutenir ou réfuter le traitement non volontaire des TLUS. Des recherches supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour éclairer la politique de santé.
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( What have we learned about sexual harassment among young people? Concluding reflections
Jan 25th 2024, 12:43

This article contains concluding reflections for a special issue on sexual harassment among young people. In this concluding article, we reflect on the 14 individual papers in the special issue through three cross-cutting themes, each with important implications for policy and practice. The themes highlight that (1) attitudes and norms related to sexual harassment are core to its occurrence among young people, (2) the sexual harassment experiences of minority and otherwise hidden youth need to be heard, and (3) innovative approaches and methods advance the current knowledge about sexual harassment among young people. Furthermore, we stress that school policies against sexual harassment need to be reflected in the behaviors of school personnel and peers, and that both students and teachers need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to combat sexual harassment. It is our hope that this special issue will be valuable for researchers, the formulation of societal and school policies, and for the design of developmentally informed interventions.
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( Comparing the effects of decreasing prescription opioid shipments and the release of an abuse deterrent OxyContin formulation on opioid overdose fatalities in WV: an interrupted time series study
Jan 25th 2024, 12:24

The 2010 release of an abuse deterrent formulation (ADF) of OxyContin, a brand name prescription opioid, has been cited as a major driver for the reduction in prescription drug misuse and the associated increa…
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( Research as More Than Extraction: Knowledge Production and Gender-Based Violence in African Societies
Jan 25th 2024, 12:24

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( The Experience of Bi-Negativity in Mixed Gender Relationships
Jan 25th 2024, 12:12

Volume 23, Issue 4, October-December 2023, Page 374-402. 
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( Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Nation’s Census Tracks
Jan 25th 2024, 12:07

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( Coming of age in a pandemic era: The interdependence of life spheres through the lens of social integration of care leavers in Quebec during the COVID‐19 pandemic
Jan 25th 2024, 11:07

This paper explores how the COVID-19 pandemic affected care leavers in Quebec, a social group already facing obstacles to social integration. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 48 participants and analysed through Castel’s zones of vulnerability model. Results suggest that youth who entered the pandemic with more vulnerabilities were more affected by it in all dimensions of their lives. However, results also suggest that the presence of a strong social support network protects even the most vulnerable ones from being overly afflicted, highlighting the importance of interventions that reinforce care leaver’s social support network during times of crisis.
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( ‘Gas-Patch dads’: experiences at the nexus of work, family, and community contexts
Jan 25th 2024, 10:27

Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 18-34. 
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( Tutorial for using the Helping Young People Choose the Birth Control Method Right for Them Resource
Jan 25th 2024, 10:21

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( The Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health seeks focus on homelessness and substance abuse
Jan 25th 2024, 10:11

“It is pretty unreasonable to expect someone who is sleeping outside every night without access to basic things like shelter, running water, heat, etcetera, is going to be able to meaningfully get well, get clean, and address their substance abuse and mental health,” said Rachel Strucker, Executive Director of Housing Alliance Delaware. Above: Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health mobile clinic 
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( When spouses contribute at home: the impact of spouse dependent care on role overload and stress in dual-earner couples
Jan 25th 2024, 10:06

Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 35-53. 
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( Establishing Trusting Relationships to Transform School Systems
Jan 25th 2024, 10:02

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( Rich Pictures: A Visual Method for Sensemaking Amid Complexity
Jan 25th 2024, 10:01

American Journal of Evaluation, Ahead of Print. Recognition of the complexity of the world raises questions about new theories, methods, and capabilities for evaluation practice. Approaches originating in the systems sciences show promise; however, many require specialized expertise and resources. This article explores rich pictures as an accessible, low-resource method for facilitating sensemaking amid complexity. The method involves the free-hand drawing of a situation to richly illustrate what is happening and why using images, lines, and few words. The process and product are akin to elaborate childhood doodles, yet are remarkably powerful conveyors of tacit knowledge and issues, differing perspectives, and action possibilities. Drawing together methodological guidance, sensemaking theory, and an application with STEM higher education faculty, this article shows how rich pictures support sensemaking amid complexity and identifies potential applications and directions for research on the method.
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( CfP: American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: 2024 Annual Meeting (Due by Feb 15)
Jan 25th 2024, 09:39

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( Integrated Services to Better Meet the Needs of Dually Eligible Beneficiaries: State of the Field
Jan 25th 2024, 09:21

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( Manager gender and changing attitudes toward schedule control: evidence from the Work, Family, and Health Study
Jan 25th 2024, 09:07

Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 98-115. 
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( Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida’s Public Higher Education System
Jan 25th 2024, 09:03

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( ‘Seen’ through Records: Parents’ Access to Children’s Social Care Records in an Age of Increasing Datafication
Jan 25th 2024, 08:53

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( Foster care hampered by misconceptions
Jan 25th 2024, 08:09

Research commissioned by Barnardo’s shows more than two in five respondents would not consider fostering because they believe age is a barrier – even though there is no upper age limit on becoming one. Furthermore, nearly one in five of respondents felt that they could not afford to become a foster carer, or that there isn’t enough financial support available for foster carers.
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( Corruption is making people sick
Jan 25th 2024, 08:06

Volume 22, Issue 4, December 2023. 
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( A meta-analytic review of Asian American life satisfaction.
Jan 25th 2024, 07:49

Asian American Journal of Psychology, Vol 14(4), Dec 2023, 350-363; doi:10.1037/aap0000306
The present study reviewed 36 studies that utilized the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS; Diener et al., 1985) to measure life satisfaction (LS) in Asian Americans (AA), and 18 studies that compared Asian American and European American (EA) life satisfaction. We conducted a meta-analysis to identify their mean level of life satisfaction and to determine the effect size of difference between Asian Americans’ life satisfaction and European Americans’ life satisfaction. Overall, Asian Americans reported a mean life satisfaction score of 22.66 out of 35, indicating that they are slightly satisfied with their lives. Asian Americans consistently reported moderately lower life satisfaction scores compared to European Americans (d = −0.51, 95% CI [−0.73, −0.30], p 
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( Experiences of consumers, carers and clinicians during borderline personality disorder presentations to the emergency department—An integrative review
Jan 25th 2024, 07:07

People with a borderline personality disorder (BPD) diagnosis or symptoms may experience emotional crises which necessitate use of the emergency department (ED). No existing reviews focus specifically on experiences of consumersa, carersb and clinicians in relation to ED presentations by people diagnosed with BPD.
The aim of this study was to synthesise knowledge on consumer, carer and clinician experiences of BPD in the ED.
An integrative review methodology was chosen as it best captures the complexity of varied perspectives and emergent phenomena from diverse literature sources. EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycInfo and Medline were searched for papers published before 16 February 2022.
Nine papers met the inclusion criteria (five qualitative, one quantitative, one mixed methods and two letters to the editor). Key themes were barriers to timely and adequate care, and stigmatising attitudes and practices towards people diagnosed with BPD. Negative attitudes were perceived to perpetuate harmful outcomes and further ED visits.
Predominantly negative ED experiences were expressed by clinicians, consumers and carers. Further work is needed in ED models of care and staff education to improve the experience of care for consumers, carers and clinicians alike.
Implications for Practice
Opportunities for change will exist through co-designed innovation, education, advocacy and leadership.
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( (Un)deserving of work-life balance? A cross country investigation of people’s attitudes towards work-life balance arrangements for parents and childfree employees
Jan 25th 2024, 06:06

Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 116-134. 
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( The humanistic perspective as “a lighthouse” for the perception of QOL/FQOL and its application
Jan 25th 2024, 06:06

Quality of life (QOL) has become an increasingly important topic in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities. Those efforts have included the structuring of models of QOL and more recently Family Quality of life (FQOL). The time has arrived to examine other developments and consider their place in a QOL paradigm. In this article, we have described one of the aspects of QOL that does not appear to be formally or directly structured into models of QOL, namely the role of the humanistic perspective as “a lighthouse” concept for the perception of QOL/FQOL and a vehicle for its application in practice. It is recognized that many researchers and practitioners have considered or practised a humanistic approach but the core beliefs and elements on humanism have received less specific or detailed attention in the QOL literature. This article proposes humanistic philosophy to be the basis for defining humanistic theoretical principles and guidelines for practice, and to be an important vehicle for operationalizing and applying quality of life.
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( Adult social care training for newly-qualified doctors from general medical practice: A pilot project, doctors and social workers learning together
Jan 25th 2024, 05:58

Volume 42, Issue 8, December 2023, Page 1267-1285. 
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( Sexual Orientation, Mental Health Characteristics, and Self-Care in Professional Psychology Training and Employment
Jan 25th 2024, 05:04

Volume 23, Issue 4, October-December 2023, Page 419-440. 
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( Accidental traffickers: qualitative findings on labour recruitment in Ethiopia
Jan 25th 2024, 04:29

The growth of labour migration and associated risks of human trafficking and exploitation remain significant global human rights and health challenges. There is increasing policy interest in addressing structu…
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