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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Hybrid VR Therapy: The Future of Mental Health Care Has Arrived
Jan 16th 2024, 14:21

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 26, Issue 12, Page 879-880, December 2023. 
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( Constructing public–private partnerships to undermine the public interest: critical discourse analysis of Working Together published by the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking
Jan 16th 2024, 13:28

The global burden of alcohol harm has increased and is forecast to grow further without effective policy implementation. Public–private partnerships aiming to address global health, and other societal challeng…
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( If Social Fitness Is the Key to Happiness, Technology Provides a Fine Workout
Jan 16th 2024, 13:21

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 26, Issue 12, Page 877-878, December 2023. 
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( Case Management for Children Reintegrating into Family and Community-Based Care
Jan 16th 2024, 12:41

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( Our Higher Calling, Second Edition: Rebuilding the Partnership between America and Its Colleges and Universities
Jan 16th 2024, 12:34

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( Children’s aspirations, their perceptions of parental aspirations, and parents’ factual aspirations—gaining insights into a complex world of interdependencies
Jan 16th 2024, 12:22

Children’s educational aspirations have been shown to be highly relevant for their educational trajectories and, therefore, researchers have tried to understand how and when these aspirations are formed. The influence of parental aspirations on the development of children’s aspirations has often been the focus of such investigations in previous studies. Going beyond these earlier approaches, we address the question of how children’s aspirations might be influential for their parent’s aspirations. We also investigate if it is children’s perception of parental aspirations or parent’s factual aspirations, which play a role in the formation of children’s aspirations. This article contributes to the literature, first, on a theoretical basis, by providing a reasoned and interdisciplinary framework about mutually dependent processes of aspiration formations within families. Second, an empirical contribution is given, using data from the German National Educational Panel Study and analyzing the aspirations of 4,511 children and their parents. Our cross-lagged panel models show that children and parents influence each other in their aspirations mutually over time, with children being affected by both, the parent’s factual aspirations and the children’s perception of those. We give empirical-driven guidelines for future research on aspiration formation.
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( Plotting against justice: Conspiracy theory endorsement and opposition to criminal justice reform
Jan 16th 2024, 12:14

Conspiracy theories about criminal justice reform are an unexplored domain with unique relationships to system justification and resistance to criminal justice reform. Across two studies, we developed and began to validate a measure of conspiracies about criminal justice reform, the CCJR. The CCJR was predicted by system justification, general conspiracy mentality, and political ideology (Study 1). The CCJR also mediated the relationship between system justification and resistance to information about criminal justice reform (Study 2). These studies suggest that conspiracy theories contribute to opposition to criminal justice reform, and that criminal justice reform-related conspiracy theories serve a system-justifying function, that is, atypical of conspiracy theories. These findings suggest new avenues for research on both conspiracy theories and criminal justice reform.
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( The partisan pandemic: Applying the reasoned action approach to understand the effects of politicizing a public health crisis
Jan 16th 2024, 12:14

It is well-established that news outlets cater to audiences with particular political leanings and present news about important events, such as disease outbreaks, differently. However, the mechanisms through which selected media exposure influences behavior are not well established. Two surveys examined the roles of attitudes and social norms as pathways through which political predispositions (political ideology, partisanship) and news media choices influence health behavior decisions. Using early Covid-19 as a case study, both studies (a student sample [n = 315]; an adult sample [n = 518]) found liberal news viewing was related to positive attitudes and norms about health prevention and subsequently more enacted preventive behaviors among liberals but not conservatives. Interestingly, watching conservative news outlets was not associated with attitudes and norms about health prevention, nor was it related to behavior. Partisanship, but not political ideology, directly predicted participants’ preventive behavior. These findings suggest that party identification serves as a heuristic for conservatives’ and Republicans’ attitudes and behavior, which are not influenced by news media choice. Partisan differences in media preferences influenced the adoption of preventive behavior via the reasoned action pathways for Democrats but not Republicans, suggesting distinct messaging strategies for health communication based on political leaning.
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( The hidden cues of social class: What do people rely on when determining someone else’s social class?
Jan 16th 2024, 12:14

We aimed to understand the cues individuals use to assess social class, and their relation to social theories. Participant (N = 235) open-ended survey responses were coded in response to the following: “If you can at least sometimes tell if someone is (#1) working-class/poor OR (#2) middle-/upper-class, how can you tell? What are all of the characteristics, behaviors, and/or other indicators that communicate their social class to you?” Based on participant comments, we created six themes: embodied cultural capital, material/economic capital, taste, status/position, institutional cultural capital, and social capital. First, we found spontaneous participant responses reflected several classic social class theories. Second, while the content often differed in terms of how participants discussed the working-class/poor compared to the middle-/upper-class, there was only one significant difference in frequency of response. Specifically, participants were more likely to express the embodied cultural capital theme when asked about the working-class/poor. Finally, participants with some more privileged identities (e.g., racially white, those with higher education, straight/heterosexual participants) were more likely to focus on symbolic or non-material aspects of class compared to participants with some less privileged identities (e.g., participants with lower incomes in their families of origin), who focused more on material and economic cues in determining a person’s class.
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( Attachment resilience in practice: The essential role of family keyworkers
Jan 16th 2024, 12:14

Journal of Family Theory &Review, EarlyView.
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( Case Response I
Jan 16th 2024, 12:13

Journal of Analytical Psychology, EarlyView.
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( Structural Aspects of Synchronistic Moments in Psychotherapy—Findings of an Empirical Study of Synchronicities in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
Jan 16th 2024, 12:13

Synchronicity describes a meaningful coincidence of events, which is familiar to us from treatments of our patients, but unfortunately has not yet been empirically substantiated. Adding to previous findings that point out beneficial aspects of synchronicity (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), in this paper I will show through a series of five synchronistic moments which happened in the context of therapy and analysis and which have been documented empirically, how synchronicities occur and can be used therapeutically. In my research I found several situational factors that can be considered structural aspects of synchronistic moments. Furthermore, I will show that synchronistic phenomena can have a positive influence if certain relational and transference-countertransference referential aspects are considered by the therapist and analyst. The concept of synchronicity brings the possibility of a further therapeutical instrument for the patient-analyst-dyad.
La synchronicité décrit une coïncidence significative d’événements, qui nous est familière dans les traitements de nos patients, mais qui malheureusement n’a pas encore pu être étayée scientifiquement. Dans cet article – tout en allant dans le sens d’articles antérieurs qui montrent les aspects bénéfiques de la synchronicité (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021, Connolly, 2015) – je montrerai, à travers une série de cinq moments synchronistiques qui se produisirent dans le contexte de thérapie et d’analyse et qui ont été documentés de manière empirique, comment les synchronicités se produisent et comment elles peuvent être utilisées de manière thérapeutique. Dans ma recherche j’ai trouvé plusieurs facteurs situationnels qui peuvent être considérés comme des aspects structurels de moments synchronistiques. De plus, je montrerai que les phénomènes de synchronicité peuvent avoir une influence positive si certains aspects relationnels, et qui font référence au transfert-contretransfert, sont pris en compte par le thérapeute et l’analyste. Le concept de synchronicité offre la possibilité d’un instrument thérapeutique de plus pour la dyade patient-analyste.
Synchronizität beschreibt ein sinnvolles Zusammentreffen von Ereignissen, das uns aus der Behandlung unserer Patienten bekannt ist, aber leider noch nicht wissenschaftlich belegt werden konnte. In Ergänzung zu früheren Erkenntnissen, die auf vorteilhafte Aspekte der Synchronizität hinweisen (Marlo 2022, Lagutina 2021, Connolly 2015), werde ich in diesem Aufsatz eine Reihe von fünf synchronistischen Momenten aufzeigen, die im Kontext von Therapie und Analyse aufgetreten und empirisch dokumentiert sind und die veranschaulichen, wie Synchronizitäten auftauchen und therapeutisch genutzt werden können. Bei meiner Forschung habe ich mehrere situative Faktoren gefunden, die als strukturelle Aspekte synchronistischer Momente betrachtet werden können. Darüber hinaus werde ich zeigen, daß synchronistische Phänomene einen positiven Einfluß haben können, wenn bestimmte relationale und auf Übertragung-Gegenübertragung bezogene Aspekte vom Therapeuten und Analytiker berücksichtigt werden. Das Konzept der Synchronizität bietet die Möglichkeit eines zusätzlichen therapeutischen Instrumentes für die Patient-Analytiker-Dyade.
La sincronicità descrive una coincidenza significativa di eventi, che ci è familiare dal lavoro con i nostri pazienti, ma che sfortunatamente non è stata ancora scientificamente provata. In aggiunta ai risultati precedenti che evidenziano gli aspetti benefici della sincronicità (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), in questo articolo mostrerò come si verificano le sincronicità e come possono essere usate a scopo terapeutico, attraverso una serie di cinque momenti sincronici avvenuti nel contesto della terapia e dell’analisi e che sono stati documentati empiricamente. Nella mia ricerca ho trovato diversi fattori situazionali che possono essere considerati aspetti strutturali di momenti sincronici. Inoltre, mostrerò che i fenomeni sincronici possono avere un’influenza positiva se certi aspetti relazionali di transfert-controtransfert vengono considerati dal terapeuta e dall’analista. Il concetto di sincronicità porta con sé la possibilità di un ulteriore strumento terapeutico per la diade paziente-analista.
Синхронистичностью называют значимое совпадение событий; мы знаем о ней благодаря нашим пациентам, однако эта концепция, к сожалению, пока не получила научного обоснования. В дополнение к предыдущим материалам, свидетельствующим о ценных аспектах синхронистичности (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), в данной статье я демонстрирую на примере пяти синхронистичных моментов, произошедших в контексте терапии и анализа и обоснованных эмпирически, как синхронистичность возникает и может быть использована в терапевтических целях. В ходе исследования я обнаружил несколько ситуационных факторов, которые можно рассматривать как структурные аспекты синхронистичных моментов. Кроме того, я покажу, что синхронистичные явления могут оказывать положительное влияние, если терапевт и аналитик учитывают определенные референтные аспекты переноса и контрпереноса. Концепция синхронистичности открывает возможность создания дополнительного терапевтического инструмента для диады пациент-аналитик.
La sincronicidad describe una coincidencia significativa de eventos, que nos es familiar a partir de los tratamientos de nuestros pacientes, pero que desafortunadamente aún no ha sido científicamente fundamentada. Sumándome a hallazgos previos que dan cuenta de aspectos beneficiosos de la sincronicidad (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), en este trabajo mostraré a través de una serie de cinco momentos sincronísticos que sucedieron en el contexto de la terapia y el análisis y que han sido documentados empíricamente, cómo suceden las sincronicidades y cómo pueden utilizarse terapéuticamente. En mi investigación encontré varios factores situacionales que pueden considerarse aspectos estructurales de los momentos sincronísticos. Además, mostraré que los fenómenos sincronísticos pueden tener una influencia positiva si ciertos aspectos relacionales y vinculados a la transferencia-contratransferencia son considerados por el analista – terapeuta. El concepto de sincronicidad brinda la posibilidad de un instrumento terapéutico más para la díada paciente-analista.
共时性指一个有意义的巧合事件, 这是我们通过病人已然熟知, 但却未曾证实的事情。此前研究已经指出共时性事件可以带来的多方面获益 (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), 这篇文章在此基础上, 通过五个被实证记录在案的治疗和分析中发生的共时性时刻, 来展示共时性事件如何发生, 以及如何被治疗性的使用。在我的研究中, 我发现了几个情境因素, 它们可以被视为共时性时刻的结构面向。此外, 我将呈现, 当治疗师和分析师可以考虑到某些与关系相关的, 及与移情-反移情相关的方面, 那么共时性现象可以具备积极的影响。共时性的概念可能为病人-分析师联合体提供另一种治疗工具。
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( Books Received
Jan 16th 2024, 12:13

Journal of Analytical Psychology, EarlyView.
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( Survey on the current situation for early diagnosis of dementia and contributing factors in Japan
Jan 16th 2024, 12:13

Early diagnosis of dementia is important for both initiation of non-pharmacological activities to slow cognitive decline as well as the development of disease-modifying drugs; however, it appears there may be a tendency for formal diagnosis to be delayed. Since the current status of diagnosis in Japan is unclear, we conducted a survey with family caregivers of patients with dementia using questionnaires and interviews to investigate the factors regarding the dementia diagnosis process in Japan.
We distributed questionnaires to family caregivers of people with dementia and conducted additional follow-up interviews with approximately half of them. We calculated odds ratios for the time to diagnosis using logistic regression analysis for each characteristic from the questionnaire data. We also created co-occurrence networks from the interview data in order to provide qualitative context to the questionnaire data.
We collected 68 questionnaires and conducted 32 interviews. The median time to diagnosis was 12 months, and logistic regression analysis showed a significant trend toward shorter time to diagnosis in the absence of other caregivers. In addition, there were significant differences in age, relationship with patients and the time from the first visit to the final diagnosis between groups with and without other caregivers.
The results of this study suggest that the presence or absence of other caregivers may affect caregivers’ behaviour and the time taken to receive a diagnosis of dementia. These findings indicate it may be beneficial to predict inhibiting factors and change approaches based on caregivers’ and patients’ background to promote early diagnosis.
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( Comment on ‘Relationship between eating problems and the risk of dementia: a retrospective study’
Jan 16th 2024, 12:13

Psychogeriatrics, EarlyView.
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( Therapeutic Effects of the major alkaloid constituents of Evodia rutaecarpa in Alzheimer’s disease
Jan 16th 2024, 12:13

Since the report of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in 1907, it has garnered widespread attention due to its intricate pathogenic mechanisms, significant impact on patients’ lives, and the substantial burden it places on society. Presently, effective treatments for AD remain elusive. Recent pharmacological studies on the traditional East Asian herb, Evodia rutaecarpa, have revealed that the bioactive alkaloid components within it can ameliorate AD-related cognitive impairments and neurological damage through various pathways, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-acetylcholinesterase activities. Consequently, this article provides an overview of the pharmacological effects and research status of the four main alkaloid components found in Evodia concerning AD. We hope this article will serve as a valuable reference for experimental and clinical research on the use of Evodia in AD prevention and treatment.
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( Innovative strategies for increasing sample size and diversity in family science research
Jan 16th 2024, 12:13

To build a robust, replicable, and generalizable family science we must ensure that our research includes samples that are large enough that we can test effects reliably and are diverse enough to speak broadly to families’ experiences. This can be challenging for family science researchers who focus on family processes because many of the features of high-quality family process research make the experience quite onerous for participants; often multiple family members must participate, and data is typically collected through intensive methods, such as video observation or daily diaries. These methodologies allow us to capture rich and detailed data about family processes, but can make it difficult to achieve a large and diverse sample. Fortunately, there are a number of promising methods already in use in family science, or currently being deployed in other related fields, that offer good prospects for family science researchers seeking to improve the samples used in their research by increasing sample size and/or diversity. This article highlights innovative methods that will be useful in overcoming some of the sampling challenges facing family science researchers, focusing on creative ways to use existing datasets, including secondary data analysis and integrative data analysis, and methods that can be deployed when collecting new data, including accessing alternative data sources such as digital trace data, collecting observational data remotely, methods for reaching underrepresented groups, and big-team science.
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( Coparenting profiles and children’s socioemotional outcomes in unmarried parents with low‐income
Jan 16th 2024, 12:12

This study aimed to examine patterns of mother–father coparenting relationship quality and their associations with child empathy, emotional insecurity, and behavior problems in families with low income.
Given the growing number of nonmarital births and the high risk of relationship dissolution among cohabiting couples living with low income, it is important to examine the coparenting relationships among racially diverse unmarried couples from low-income contexts. To date, little research has assessed patterns of coparenting relationships and their associations with child socioemotional outcomes among this population.
Participants were 4,266 unmarried couples and their preschool-aged children from the Building Strong Families study. Latent profile analysis (LPA) was conducted.
LPA of survey data from mothers and fathers revealed four coparenting patterns: Profile 1: low quality, more negative maternal coparenting perceptions (7.2%); Profile 2: moderate-high quality, high congruence, slightly more negative paternal coparenting perceptions (25.2%); Profile 3: low congruence, severely more negative maternal coparenting perceptions (11.8%); and Profile 4: mutual high-quality coparenting (55.8%).
Children of parents with the mutual high-quality coparenting profile had the most positive outcomes according to maternal reports of child socioemotional development. Highly congruent and positive perceptions of the other parent as a coparent were found to be significant promotive factors for positive child socioemotional development.
Family strengthening policies and programs for unmarried couples with low income should target and support the development of mutually satisfying, high-quality coparenting relationships, with the ultimate goal to improve developmental outcomes for young children in such families.
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( “The Culture” Is Truly the Issue: A Preliminary Exploration of Active Duty Female Spouses’ Acculturation to Military Life
Jan 16th 2024, 12:12

Families in Society, Ahead of Print. Acculturating to the Active Duty military lifestyle can be challenging yet rewarding. Using acculturation theory as a lens, this qualitative study explored experiences of women who transitioned into Active Duty culture through marrying a male service member. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected via online survey from women married to men currently or recently serving on Active Duty. In total, 202 survey responses were received, with 194 providing qualitative data. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Three themes were identified: descriptions of military culture, acculturation strategies, and processes involved with acculturation. Limitations include the cross-sectional and preliminary nature of the data. Findings can inform culturally responsive practice at all levels and indicate this is a fruitful area for further study.
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( Self‐esteem and self‐concept as correlates of life satisfaction and attitudes toward school among Ghanaian girls
Jan 16th 2024, 12:12

During adolescence, youth experience several physical, psychosocial, and cognitive changes. Self-esteem and self-concept are identified as protective factors for adolescents in high-income countries, but studies are limited in sub-Saharan Africa. We examined the associations of self-esteem and self-concept with life satisfaction and attitudes toward school using baseline data from 97 Ghanaian adolescent girls at risk of school dropout. Ordinary Least Squares regression models were fitted to examine the association between self-esteem and self-concept on school attitudes and life satisfaction. Self-esteem was positively associated with life satisfaction. Self-concept was associated with more positive attitudes toward school. Hence, self-esteem and self-concept may be critical protective factors in promoting adolescent girls’ life satisfaction and positive attitudes toward school.
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( Editorial
Jan 16th 2024, 12:12

The International Journal of Community and Social Development, ( Volume 5, Issue 4, Page 349-351, December 2023. 
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( The subjective well‐being in Peruvian adolescence: Identifying domains and evaluations in a non‐WEIRD context
Jan 16th 2024, 12:12

The present qualitative study examined how a group of Peruvian adolescents (N = 32) from different cultural contexts conceive their well-being. The goal was to identify the domains that structure their conception of well-being and how they evaluate it based on their elaboration. For this objective, 32 in-depth interviews were carried out with adolescents from different cultural contexts in Perú. Elements such as region, academic performance, and gender were considered to identify specificities during the analysis. Interviews were analyzed using a thematic analysis strategy. As a result, six domains of adolescent well-being emerged where well-being is associated with socioeconomic factors, family and peer relationships, future aspirations, social skills and self-esteem, academic performance, and health care. Participants’ evaluations of well-being were mainly grounded in the socioeconomic, family, and educational domains. Findings highlight the need to further develop psychology research on adolescence in non-WEIRD societies.
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( Intersex equality, diversity and inclusion and social policy: Silences, absences, and erasures in Ireland and the UK
Jan 16th 2024, 12:11

Critical Social Policy, ( Volume 44, Issue 1, Page 3-22, February 2024. Intersex people suffer human rights abuses and harms because of non-consensual early medical interventions. They have historically been rendered outside of welfare regimes and equality, diversity and inclusion policies, or forcibly subsumed within sex-binaried institutions. This article draws on critical intersex studies to interrogate the policy silences and collusions that have taken place regarding intersex people’s suffering. Using Ireland and England as case studies, we show that current formations of equality and diversity policies are inadequate in relation to intersex issues. Analysis of policy documents from Ireland and the UK using Bacchi’s method reveals the erasure and/or marginalisation of intersex people, despite some stated commitments to gender and sexual equality. We conclude that there is a pressing need for social policy work around intersex issues and for reform to support intersex people’s equality, diversity and inclusion.
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( Fitting the facts of crime: An invitation to biopsychosocial criminology. By C. Posick, M. Rocque, J. C. Barnes, Pennsylvania: Temple University Press. 2022. pp. 160. $99.50 (hardcover), $29.99 (pbk), $29.99 (ebk). ISBN: 978‐1‐43991982‐8
Jan 16th 2024, 12:11

Sociology of Health &Illness, EarlyView.
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The post ( Fitting the facts of crime: An invitation to biopsychosocial criminology. By C. Posick, M. Rocque, J. C. Barnes, Pennsylvania: Temple University Press. 2022. pp. 160. $99.50 (hardcover), $29.99 (pbk), $29.99 (ebk). ISBN: 978‐1‐43991982‐8 was curated by ( information for practice.

( Opinions and attitudes of research ethics committees in Arab countries in the Middle East and North African region toward ethical issues involving biobank research
Jan 16th 2024, 12:11

Research Ethics, ( Volume 20, Issue 1, Page 1-18, January 2024. Members of research ethics committees (RECs) face a number of ethical challenges when reviewing genomic research. These include issues regarding the content and type of consent, the return of individual research results, mechanisms of sharing specimens and health data, and appropriate community engagement efforts. This article presents the findings from a survey that sought to investigate the opinions and attitudes of REC members from four Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa (Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, and Jordan) toward these ethical issues. Our findings suggest that efforts are required to better familiarize REC members with the requirements for ethical biobank research. Additionally, we recommend that further research is undertaken with REC members regarding the main items that should be present in the Material Transfer Agreements /Data Transfer Agreements in their corresponding countries and the type of consent that should be used in genomic research.
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( The shame–blame complex of parents with cognitively disabled children in Italy
Jan 16th 2024, 12:11

This article aims to advance knowledge related to the concept of the ‘shame–blame complex’ by analysing the accounts and experiences of parents with cognitively disabled children. It draws on 29 interviews with parents of children with Down syndrome and shadowing sessions with one family, carried out in Italy. Results show how the feeling of shame as a consequence of being associated with a disabled child is turned into blame for bad parenting. The sources of this blaming process are twofold: firstly, neoliberalism has disseminated an intensive parenting model based on the imperative of individual responsibility and risk avoidance. Secondly, ableism acts as a network of processes and beliefs that produce a particular kind of self and body as the perfect and complete human being. Participants have been held responsible for their children’s condition because they avoided prenatal screening or continued a pregnancy after receiving a positive result. Consequently, parents’ moral culpability for their children’s diversity and their social marginalisation were enhanced. Although the interviewees resist the shame of being associated with a cognitively disabled child and the blame for bad parenting, they seem unable to escape from the grips of the shame–blame complex. The latter has structural and cultural underpinnings. In an age of ‘neoliberal-ableism’, this complex is indeed a powerful weapon to erode the rights of families with cognitively disabled members.
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( The Impact of Measurement Model Misspecification on Coefficient Omega Estimates of Composite Reliability
Jan 16th 2024, 12:11

Educational and Psychological Measurement, ( Volume 84, Issue 1, Page 5-39, February 2024. Coefficient omega indices are model-based composite reliability estimates that have become increasingly popular. A coefficient omega index estimates how reliably an observed composite score measures a target construct as represented by a factor in a factor-analysis model; as such, the accuracy of omega estimates is likely to depend on correct model specification. The current paper presents a simulation study to investigate the performance of omega-unidimensional (based on the parameters of a one-factor model) and omega-hierarchical (based on a bifactor model) under correct and incorrect model misspecification for high and low reliability composites and different scale lengths. Our results show that coefficient omega estimates are unbiased when calculated from the parameter estimates of a properly specified model. However, omega-unidimensional produced positively biased estimates when the population model was characterized by unmodeled error correlations or multidimensionality, whereas omega-hierarchical was only slightly biased when the population model was either a one-factor model with correlated errors or a higher-order model. These biases were higher when population reliability was lower and increased with scale length. Researchers should carefully evaluate the feasibility of a one-factor model before estimating and reporting omega-unidimensional.
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( Data driven or data informed? How general practitioners use data to evaluate their own and colleagues’ clinical work in clusters
Jan 16th 2024, 12:11

In contemporary policy discourses, data are presented as key assets for improving health-care quality: policymakers want health care to become ‘data driven’. In this article, we focus on a particular example of this ambition, namely a new Danish national quality development program for general practitioners (GPs) where doctors are placed in so-called ‘clusters’. In these clusters, GPs are obliged to assess their own and colleagues’ clinical quality with data derived from their own clinics—using comparisons, averages and benchmarks. Based on semi-structured interviews with Danish GPs and drawing on Science and Technology Studies, we explore how GPs understand these data, and what makes them trust—or question—a data analysis. The GPs describe how they change clinical practices based on these discussions of data. So, when and how do data for quality assurance come to influence their perceptions of quality? By exploring these issues, we carve out a role for a sociological engagement with evidence in everyday medical practices. In conclusion, we suggest a need to move from the aim of being data driven to one of being data informed.
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The post ( Data driven or data informed? How general practitioners use data to evaluate their own and colleagues’ clinical work in clusters was curated by ( information for practice.

( Perinatal Mental Health Outcomes Following Natural Disasters
Jan 16th 2024, 11:21

This Viewpoint discusses mental health outcomes associated with natural disaster–related stressors during the perinatal period.
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The post ( Perinatal Mental Health Outcomes Following Natural Disasters was curated by ( information for practice.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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