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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( A qualitative description of community service, business, and organization perspectives on mental illness and inclusion
Jan 12th 2024, 13:35

Volume 20, Issue 4, October-December 2017, Page 327-345. 
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The post ( A qualitative description of community service, business, and organization perspectives on mental illness and inclusion was curated by ( information for practice.

( How Hazardous is Your State to Your Health?
Jan 12th 2024, 13:35

Volume 55, Issue 1, January–February 2024, Page 1-13. 
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The post ( How Hazardous is Your State to Your Health? was curated by ( information for practice.

( The impact of retirement on executive functions and processing speed: findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 31, Issue 1, January- March 2024, Page 1-15. 
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The post ( The impact of retirement on executive functions and processing speed: findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging was curated by ( information for practice.

( Human Rights and Wrongs: 50 Years of Struggle and Change for Women
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 47, Issue 1, 2024, Page 1-12. 
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The post ( Human Rights and Wrongs: 50 Years of Struggle and Change for Women was curated by ( information for practice.

( Maternal Ambivalence in Session: Helping Mothers Face Mixed Feelings Toward Their Children with Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 47, Issue 1, 2024, Page 58-88. 
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The post ( Maternal Ambivalence in Session: Helping Mothers Face Mixed Feelings Toward Their Children with Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy was curated by ( information for practice.

( Investigating the impact of healthy aging on memory for temporal duration and order
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 31, Issue 1, January- March 2024, Page 75-96. 
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The post ( Investigating the impact of healthy aging on memory for temporal duration and order was curated by ( information for practice.

( The Experiences of Syrian Mothers Who Are Refugees in Canada: An Exploration of Emotion Work and Coping
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 47, Issue 1, 2024, Page 109-128. 
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The post ( The Experiences of Syrian Mothers Who Are Refugees in Canada: An Exploration of Emotion Work and Coping was curated by ( information for practice.

( Age does not modify the processing architecture of dual memory retrieval: an investigation of age-related effects on dual-retrieval practice in younger and older adults
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 31, Issue 1, January- March 2024, Page 114-144. 
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The post ( Age does not modify the processing architecture of dual memory retrieval: an investigation of age-related effects on dual-retrieval practice in younger and older adults was curated by ( information for practice.

( Developing a Danish version of the LASSI-L test – reliability and predictive value in patients with mild cognitive impairment, mild dementia due to AD and subjective cognitive decline
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 31, Issue 1, January- March 2024, Page 174-186. 
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The post ( Developing a Danish version of the LASSI-L test – reliability and predictive value in patients with mild cognitive impairment, mild dementia due to AD and subjective cognitive decline was curated by ( information for practice.

( “Looking Back, the Programs Kept Me Alive”: Women’s Impressions of Counseling for Intimate Partner Violence
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 47, Issue 1, 2024, Page 129-155. 
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The post ( “Looking Back, the Programs Kept Me Alive”: Women’s Impressions of Counseling for Intimate Partner Violence was curated by ( information for practice.

( Differences between teacher reports on universal risk assessments
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2017, Page 235-249. 
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The post ( Differences between teacher reports on universal risk assessments was curated by ( information for practice.

( Is decision-making based on the internet during pregnancy a predictive factor for vaccine hesitancy in pregnant women during the pandemic?
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 64, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 5-13. 
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The post ( Is decision-making based on the internet during pregnancy a predictive factor for vaccine hesitancy in pregnant women during the pandemic? was curated by ( information for practice.

( The Student Check-Up: effects of paraprofessional-delivered Motivational Interviewing on academic outcomes
Jan 12th 2024, 13:34

Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2017, Page 250-264. 
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The post ( The Student Check-Up: effects of paraprofessional-delivered Motivational Interviewing on academic outcomes was curated by ( information for practice.

( The impact of relationship status on IVF patients’ quality of life
Jan 12th 2024, 13:33

Volume 64, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 14-22. 
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The post ( The impact of relationship status on IVF patients’ quality of life was curated by ( information for practice.

( The impact on anxiety and depression of a whole school approach to health promotion: evidence from a Canadian comprehensive school health (CSH) initiative
Jan 12th 2024, 13:33

Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2017, Page 221-234. 
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The post ( The impact on anxiety and depression of a whole school approach to health promotion: evidence from a Canadian comprehensive school health (CSH) initiative was curated by ( information for practice.

( Investigation of crocin’s protective effect on cyclophosphamide-induced hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis defects in adult female rats
Jan 12th 2024, 13:33

Volume 64, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 32-40. 
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The post ( Investigation of crocin’s protective effect on cyclophosphamide-induced hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis defects in adult female rats was curated by ( information for practice.

( Inflated responsibility and perfectionism in child and adolescent anorexia
Jan 12th 2024, 13:33

Volume 4, Issue 3, November 2016, Page 309-314. 
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The post ( Inflated responsibility and perfectionism in child and adolescent anorexia was curated by ( information for practice.

( The winner’s curse? Temporal and spatial impacts of higher education expansion on graduate employment and social mobility
Jan 12th 2024, 13:32

Volume 49, Issue 2, February 2024, Page 286-307. 
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The post ( The winner’s curse? Temporal and spatial impacts of higher education expansion on graduate employment and social mobility was curated by ( information for practice.

( Adolescent patients’ perspectives on rapid-refeeding: a prospective qualitative study of an inpatient population
Jan 12th 2024, 13:32

Volume 4, Issue 3, November 2016, Page 277-292. 
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The post ( Adolescent patients’ perspectives on rapid-refeeding: a prospective qualitative study of an inpatient population was curated by ( information for practice.

( Managing the harmful effects of perceived overqualification amongst students in China: the roles of student leader and extracurricular activities
Jan 12th 2024, 13:32

Volume 49, Issue 2, February 2024, Page 308-324. 
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The post ( Managing the harmful effects of perceived overqualification amongst students in China: the roles of student leader and extracurricular activities was curated by ( information for practice.

( The nine dynamics of mutual aid in social work group education: reflections and lessons from a low residency cohort model project
Jan 12th 2024, 13:32

Volume 47, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 10-22. 
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The post ( The nine dynamics of mutual aid in social work group education: reflections and lessons from a low residency cohort model project was curated by ( information for practice.

( De-naturalizing the “predatory”: A study of “bogus” publications at public sector universities in Pakistan
Jan 12th 2024, 13:32

Volume 31, Issue 2, December 2024, Page 80-99. 
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The post ( De-naturalizing the “predatory”: A study of “bogus” publications at public sector universities in Pakistan was curated by ( information for practice.

( Commissioning groupwork for carers
Jan 12th 2024, 13:32

Volume 47, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 23-34. 
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The post ( Commissioning groupwork for carers was curated by ( information for practice.

( Student views on the culture of STEM research laboratories: Results from an interview study
Jan 12th 2024, 13:32

Volume 31, Issue 2, December 2024, Page 100-137. 
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The post ( Student views on the culture of STEM research laboratories: Results from an interview study was curated by ( information for practice.

( Exploring scientific misconduct in Morocco based on an analysis of plagiarism perception in a cohort of 1,220 researchers and students
Jan 12th 2024, 13:31

Volume 31, Issue 2, December 2024, Page 138-157. 
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The post ( Exploring scientific misconduct in Morocco based on an analysis of plagiarism perception in a cohort of 1,220 researchers and students was curated by ( information for practice.

( The role of groups in teaching critical reflection on practice to MSW students
Jan 12th 2024, 13:31

Volume 47, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 35-46. 
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The post ( The role of groups in teaching critical reflection on practice to MSW students was curated by ( information for practice.

( Through the lens: The feasibility and acceptability of an online meaning-making photovoice group among young adult cancer survivors
Jan 12th 2024, 13:31

Volume 47, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 47-63. 
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The post ( Through the lens: The feasibility and acceptability of an online meaning-making photovoice group among young adult cancer survivors was curated by ( information for practice.

( Recalibrated responses needed to a global research landscape in flux
Jan 12th 2024, 13:31

Volume 31, Issue 2, December 2024, Page 73-79. 
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The post ( Recalibrated responses needed to a global research landscape in flux was curated by ( information for practice.

( Effectiveness of school-based psychological interventions for the treatment of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Jan 12th 2024, 13:17

The post ( Effectiveness of school-based psychological interventions for the treatment of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials was curated by ( information for practice.

( Active methodologies in Higher Education: reasons to use them (or not) from the voices of faculty teaching staff
Jan 12th 2024, 13:14

Teaching based on active methodologies emphasizes the importance of giving students a leading role in the learning process. With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area, universities have undergone a reform that significantly increased student involvement in the teaching–learning process. The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) responded to this change by introducing its own educational model: IKD i3. The general objective of this research is to explore the effect of the IKD i3 strategy on the teaching staff of the UPV/EHU. The study aims to identify the active methodologies adopted by the teaching staff and the reasons behind the use (or not) of these methodologies. A total of 403 teachers participated in the study, and their opinions were gathered freely to accurately represent their viewpoints. The results reveal that teaching staff at the UPV/EHU utilize active methodologies, with the most frequent being problem-based learning, cooperative learning, and the case study method. The reasons for incorporating these methodologies vary and include both benefits for students and advantages related to teaching, while the rationale for not using active methodologies is based on the lack of training, time constraints, and having a large number of students. Interestingly, the teachers who expressed these arguments were primarily those who were not familiar with or actively participating in the IKD i3 educational model. We believe that while our findings validate the UPV/EHU’s IKD i3 educational model, they also highlight the importance of universities not only having an educational model but also fostering a culture that encourages the active engagement of teaching staff. This commitment is essential to effectively develop and implement such a model.
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The post ( Active methodologies in Higher Education: reasons to use them (or not) from the voices of faculty teaching staff was curated by ( information for practice.

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