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( Clozapine as a treatment for catatonia: A systematic review
Jan 5th 2024, 13:16

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( Association between psychosocial factors and C-reactive protein across income, race, and sex.
Jan 5th 2024, 13:14

Health Psychology, Vol 43(1), Jan 2024, 7-18; doi:10.1037/hea0001310
Objective: A health disparity is a health difference that adversely affects disadvantaged populations, and thus could plausibly be due to social factors. Biopsychosocial processes that contribute to health disparities are not well-understood. Establishing whether candidate biomarkers are similarly associated with biologically relevant psychosocial constructs across health disparity groups is a current gap in our understanding. Method: This study examined associations between perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and social support with C-reactive protein (CRP) and whether associations varied by race, sex, or income in 24,395 Black and White adults aged 45 years or older from the REGARDS population-based national cohort. Results: The association between depressive symptoms and CRP was slightly larger at higher (vs. lower) income levels and larger for men (vs. women) but did not vary by race. Associations between stress and CRP and social support and CRP were not moderated by income, race, or sex. An interaction between race and income, evidenced that higher income was more strongly associated with lower CRP in White participants compared to Black participants, consistent with the idea of “diminishing returns” of income for the health of Black Americans. Conclusions: Basic associations between these psychosocial factors and CRP are small and generally similar across income, race, and sex. Black and lower-income Americans likely evidence higher CRP due to greater exposure to psychosocial risk factors rather than increased biological vulnerability to these exposures. Additionally, given small associations, CRP should not be used as a proxy for the construct of psychosocial stress. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Mental capacity in practice part 2: capacity and the suicidal patient
Jan 5th 2024, 13:12

This article is the second of two looking at assessment of mental capacity in clinical practice. In it, we explore capacity assessments in the context of suicidal thoughts and acts. The laws governing doctors’ responsibility to suicidal patients in England and Wales are poorly understood, with tensions at the interface between the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). Dynamics of the clinical encounter (including the countertransference) further exacerbate uncertainty about how clinicians should balance patients’ autonomy with protection of life. We use a case example of a patient presenting with suicidality to describe good practice, based on a balance of legal and clinical principles and up-to-date case law. We discuss the difficulty in applying the MCA in relation to patients who appear to lack a consistent and coherent sense of self and others and consider whether the MCA is fit for purpose in determining whether someone with a personality disorder diagnosis should be permitted to end their own life.

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( Thinking differently works: Understanding the essential elements for the success of a competitive integrated employment program developed for persons with autism spectrum conditions.
Jan 5th 2024, 13:11

Consulting Psychology Journal, Vol 75(4), Dec 2023, 369-390; doi:10.1037/cpb0000246
High rates of unemployment and underemployment among persons with an autism spectrum condition (ASC) require attention. Studies call for broadening the horizon and concentrating on contextual factors and a neurodiversity approach rather than focusing on intrinsic deficits of people on the spectrum. In this study we aimed to gain an understanding of what elements are essential to the high success rate of a competitive integrated employment approach developed by a social enterprise in the Netherlands, in finding sustainable employment in the field of information technology (IT) for persons with an ASC and an average to high intelligence who can read, write, and speak without difficulty. An explorative qualitative study design was employed including three focus-group discussions and 22 in-depth interviews with 20 ITvitae employees, students and parents, employers and other stakeholders in the program. Questions were focused on eliciting the factors crucial to making the approach work. The social enterprise works as a mediator in the field of IT. The findings address the strengths-based philosophy, combined with an integrated, multistakeholder approach, that makes the intervention work. A win-win revenue model helps to create successful matches with IT market, while keeping the social enterprise sustainable. This study helps fill the current gap in literature about strength-based, integrated approaches to improve employment among people on the spectrum. We discuss the lessons that can be drawn from this example. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( The pathway from grandparental support with childcare in the early years to child socioemotional outcomes in middle childhood: evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study
Jan 5th 2024, 12:49

Volume 193, Issue 9-10, August – September 2023, Page 1067-1082. 
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( Poorer subjective mental health among girls: Artefact or real? Examining whether interpretations of what shapes mental health vary by sex
Jan 5th 2024, 12:42

The post ( Poorer subjective mental health among girls: Artefact or real? Examining whether interpretations of what shapes mental health vary by sex was curated by ( information for practice.

( A Public Sociology of Waste
Jan 5th 2024, 12:31

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( Online and Self-Help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Parents of Children with Chronic Conditions and Developmental Disabilities: What Happens after the Intervention?
Jan 5th 2024, 11:49

Volume 46, Issue 1, 2024, Page 1-26. 
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( Pharmacogenomic testing: billion-dollar savings in depression treatment
Jan 5th 2024, 11:09

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( A demographic and clinical profile of prisoners accessing an assessment and treatment service within the offender personality disorder pathway
Jan 5th 2024, 11:08

Volume 34, Issue 5-6, October – December 2023, Page 521-537. 
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( Generating New Musical Preferences From Multilevel Mapping of Predictions to Reward
Jan 5th 2024, 11:07

Psychological Science, Ahead of Print. Much of what we know and love about music hinges on our ability to make successful predictions, which appears to be an intrinsically rewarding process. Yet the exact process by which learned predictions become pleasurable is unclear. Here we created novel melodies in an alternative scale different from any established musical culture to show how musical preference is generated de novo. Across nine studies (n = 1,185), adult participants learned to like more frequently presented items that adhered to this rapidly learned structure, suggesting that exposure and prediction errors both affected self-report liking ratings. Learning trajectories varied by music-reward sensitivity but were similar for U.S. and Chinese participants. Furthermore, functional MRI activity in auditory areas reflected prediction errors, whereas functional connectivity between auditory and medial prefrontal regions reflected both exposure and prediction errors. Collectively, results support predictive coding as a cognitive mechanism by which new musical sounds become rewarding.
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( Guidelines for music festival event organisers: music festival harm reduction
Jan 5th 2024, 10:37

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( The Struggle for Meaningful Work
Jan 5th 2024, 10:11

Socially necessary labor should entitle us to respect, decent pay, and safe conditions—not a duty to work relentlessly, without complaint.
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( “This Is a Disease” and “Disease Has No Sin”: Discourse Constructions of Individuals With Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder With Regard to Being Diagnosed
Jan 5th 2024, 10:07

Qualitative Health Research, Ahead of Print. Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms have different cultural images in society. Deconstructive psychology studies can contribute to understanding the dominant discourse surrounding these patients, given the prevalence of OCD. The objective of this study was to investigate the discourse of participants regarding “having/receiving a diagnosis of OCD” and the function of this discourse. The research approach was qualitative and language-based, specifically employing Lacanian Discourse Analysis (LDA) perspective. The possible questions and prompts were determined along with the research team, and seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants diagnosed with OCD. The interviews explored how participants referred to their diagnosis, the language they used, and the function of this discourse. The findings revealed that participants diagnosed with OCD insistently used the term “disease” to explain their peculiar and distressing situations, referring to “medical discourse” with expressions such as “This is a disease” and “This disorder.” Additionally, they often utilized “religious discourse” with the statements like “Disease has no sin” and “The sick and insane are exempt from their responsibilities.” The findings of the current research indicated that when individuals with OCD “receive a name” through a recognized diagnosis, they experience a sense of recognition and validation for their OCD-related problems. Consequently, individuals diagnosed with OCD tend to find “legitimacy” for their irrational or unwanted thoughts and behaviors by taking comfort from their diagnosis. This study provides valuable insights into an understanding of patients with OCD. The findings are discussed in the context of their implications for both theoretical and applied research.
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( Homelessness Interventions in Medium-Sized Cities
Jan 5th 2024, 09:16

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( Some Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of Hospice Care in America
Jan 5th 2024, 09:08

OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, Ahead of Print. This article celebrates the 50th anniversary of hospice care in America. It also offers a brief recounting of one person’s reflections on some aspects of the history, achievements, and current status of American hospice care.
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( SASW Conference 2023 | Workshop A
Jan 5th 2024, 08:56

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( Social Workers as Leaders for Facilitating Trauma-Informed Palliative Care in the Outpatient Palliative Care Clinic
Jan 5th 2024, 08:08

Volume 19, Issue 4, October-December 2023, Page 296-308. 
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( Lithium prescription trends in psychiatric inpatient care 2014 to 2021: data from a Bavarian drug surveillance project
Jan 5th 2024, 08:04

Lithium (Li) remains one of the most valuable treatment options for mood disorders. However, current knowledge about prescription practices in Germany is limited. The objective of this study is to estimate the…
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( Minister Humphreys announces €980 million in new social protection increases to come into effect immediately
Jan 5th 2024, 07:34

The series of payment increases set to take effect from 1 January onwards:
– €12 increase in weekly payments – supporting our pensioners, carers and people with disabilities and low income families
– €54 per week increase in Working Family Payment thresholds
– €10 increase in the monthly rate of Domiciliary Care Allowance
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( Briefing – Understanding EU action on pensions
Jan 5th 2024, 07:18

People in Europe are living and staying healthy for longer, and this is considered to be one of the great developments of the last hundred years. However, in combination with low birth rates and economic uncertainties, this phenomenon puts into question the future financial sustainability of pension systems and several welfare state parameters. Pension systems are a key element of social protection for older people. They are meant to provide older citizens beyond working age with an income in the future. However, the way pension systems are currently designed leaves growing numbers of people at risk of old-age poverty. This trend runs contrary to EU efforts to reduce poverty. In the EU, pension systems are a Member State competence. While the EU cannot regulate pension system design, the EU legal framework does covers some aspects relating to pensions, such as protection of rights in cases of cross-border mobility, consumer protection of pension savings, gender equality to secure equal pension benefits and the single market for supplementary pensions. While EU pension systems differ in many respects, they all have one main challenge in common: finding ways to keep pensions financially sustainable in the long term, against a background of an ageing population with an increasing ratio of pensioners to working age population. In parallel, Member States seek to ensure pension adequacy (a sufficient level of pension benefits and protection of the elderly from poverty), while the future evolution of wages and prices remains unknown. Recent national pension reforms address these issues to varying degrees. The right to a pension that ensures an income enabling dignity in old age is enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights. A number of EU policies seek to achieve progress towards a more social Europe. The EU ensures coordination and monitoring, and provides analyses, guidance and funding to support social area reform and to co-finance projects. Expert groups and stakeholders have put forward a number of recommendations to strengthen both the sustainability and the adequacy of EU pension systems. It remains to be seen how policy makers will manage to translate these into their national systems.
Source : © European Union, 2023 – EP
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( Thinking methodologies with textiles, thinking textiles as methodologies in the context of transitional justice
Jan 5th 2024, 07:07

Qualitative Research, Ahead of Print. In this paper, we examine the methodological possibilities of working with personal textile objects, such as clothes in need of mending, beloved personal blankets, and knotted rag dolls. Our focus is on a transdisciplinary project that sought to collectively explore how the bodies of professionals working for the Colombian Transitional Justice System are affected when engaging with narratives of war and conflict. We contend that textile making in this context serves a dual methodological purpose when facilitating spaces of careful research. Firstly, this material practice enables participants to pause and immerse themselves in their own experiences, something that in turn is generative of personal reflections. Secondly, the created objects become appreciation devices capable of documenting and eliciting memories that continually engage participants and researchers in new inquiries. Consequently, this paper contributes to the understanding of object-oriented methodologies as inherently relational and situated. Moreover, it aims to comprehend textile making practices as capable of unfolding care as a research practice.
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( More than 500 pupils excluded from Dumfries and Galloway Schools in last two years
Jan 5th 2024, 07:02

Andrew O’ Halloran (above), regional secretary of the teachers’ union EIS, said: “Sadly, violence and aggression have grown exponentially since the pandemic, which followed a lost decade underinvestment.
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( Depression and personality disorders among incarcerated offenders convicted of impulsive versus premeditated homicide
Jan 5th 2024, 06:07

Volume 34, Issue 5-6, October – December 2023, Page 502-520. 
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( Forensic psychiatry evaluation of criminal law cases at a university hospital in Eastern Turkey
Jan 5th 2024, 05:08

Volume 34, Issue 5-6, October – December 2023, Page 434-455. 
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( The politics of vaccine hesitancy in Europe
Jan 5th 2024, 04:54

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( Analysis of the European Disability Card – The Proposed Directive: Shortcomings, Strengths and Opportunities
Jan 5th 2024, 04:34

This study provides an in-depth analysis of the Proposal for a Directive establishing the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities, and outlines recommendations. This Proposal represents an important stepping stone to promote free movement of persons with disabilities. It is based on mutual recognition of disability status, but does not harmonise disability assessments. It would ensure that holders of the cards may avail of disability benefits in a range of services across the EU. However, the current text presents some shortcomings. This study was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.
Source : © European Union, 2023 – EP
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( A qualitative study exploring patient experiences of art therapy in a female medium secure unit
Jan 5th 2024, 04:07

Volume 34, Issue 5-6, October – December 2023, Page 538-551. 
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( When Legal Inclusion is not Enough: the “Uganda Model” of Refugee Protection on the Brink of Failure
Jan 5th 2024, 03:21

This article develops the existing literature on the challenges facing the Ugandan refugee protection system by showing the interrelatedness of these challenges and linking them to the core assumptions of the “Uganda Model” of refugee protection. To that effect, it presents primary, qualitative data gathered in the field. This empirical evidence reveals profound marginalisation of refugees within Uganda and the difficulties of the authorities to remedy it in the face of the status quo, where the international community’s support has been disproportionately small. This reality, being strikingly at odds with the promise of Uganda’s refugee protection architecture, has led the government and UNHCR officials who were interviewed for this research to doubt whether it is possible to uphold this architecture. This, together with the outcomes of a desk study utilising existing quantitative and qualitative data, suggests that the Uganda Model might, at the time of writing, be approaching its threshold of viability. The findings suggest that a substantial rethink of the model’s assumptions might be in order.
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( Trauma Informed Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Jan 5th 2024, 03:08

Volume 19, Issue 4, October-December 2023, Page 326-335. 
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