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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Why belief in cancer fatalism can harm your health
Apr 30th 2024, 15:53

Fatalism has been tricky to define. It’s generally thought of as a belief that outcomes cannot be changed and are determined by outside forces. For Oscar Esparza-Del Villar, a professor of psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez in Mexico, what some people call fatalism can be separated out from related factors like helplessness and a belief in divine control. The researchers found that of  fatalism and these related factors, it’s the helplessness that influences health behaviours the most.
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( Global priority for the care of orphans and other vulnerable children: transcending problem definition challenges
Apr 30th 2024, 15:32

Tens of millions of children lack adequate care, many having been separated from or lost one or both parents. Despite the problem’s severity and its impact on a child’s lifelong health and wellbeing, the care …
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( Tackling Persistent, Boundary-Spanning Problems Through Collaborative Innovation: Lessons From the Clean Sweep Initiative in Buffalo, NY
Apr 30th 2024, 15:11

Administration &Society, Ahead of Print. To tackle persistent boundary-spanning problems with limited resources, some cities engage in collaborative innovation, combining expertise, effort, and creativity within and outside city hall to overcome limitations of conventional practices and siloed work. This article illustrates how collaborative innovation works in practice by examining specifics of how the Buffalo Clean Sweep Initiative, unique in longevity, scope, and scale, overcame common challenges and managed typical trade-offs. We describe, based on analyses of interviews and focus groups with city staff, community partners, and residents, how problem-solving, making an impact, and learning together helped Buffalo, New York, improve quality-of-life in its poorest neighborhoods.
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( The State of Children in the European Union
Apr 30th 2024, 15:11

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( Teamwork Coaching in the Research Development Process
Apr 30th 2024, 15:11

Small Group Research, Ahead of Print. Proposal teams play a critical, yet understudied, role in team science. This study advances our understanding of teamwork coaching in the research development (RD) process by analyzing proposal support in a U.S. Medical School (2009–2019). We find that teamwork coaching mediates the positive association between team size and awarded outcomes. We also find that teams with proposer team familiarity need less teamwork coaching and that teamwork coaching is particularly valuable for teams with proposers who have both clinical and research responsibilities. We discuss contributions to team science and team coaching literatures as well as implications for training and educating RD coaches.
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( Staff shortages. Burnout. Unfair pay. The working conditions behind our crisis in health care
Apr 30th 2024, 15:09

Emergency departments are closing across the country. Wait times in those still open frequently surpass 20 hours. An unprecedented number of people are being cared for in hallways and spaces not designed for care as they wait for specialists or procedures. Frail elders are waiting months in loud and uncomfortable hospital rooms for a long-term care spot. About one in five Canadians are without a family doctor.
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( Diaries of Eileen Younghusband, 1917-1930
Apr 30th 2024, 14:59

Eileen Younghusband’s diaries, written between 1917-1930, cover a transitional period in her life, beginning with her wartime childhood in an upper middle class home at Wimbledon and ending as she started her career as a tutor at the London School of Economics. They cover her ambivalent relationship with post-war ‘High Society’, growing interest in politics and issues of social justice, first steps towards social work (through the Whitechapel Care Committee and Bermondsey Princess Club) and education at the LSE, as well as the routine of daily life (particularly with regard to shopping, socialising and travelling).
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( Ted Carter, you turned campus into military zone. Your goons crushed protestor’s rights.
Apr 30th 2024, 14:44

Dear President Carter (above),
I am compelled to write to you after the utterly unjustifiable actions taken by you on the night of April 25 on the grounds around the Ohio Union. 
The massive overreaction by police was outrageous, despicable and autocratic on your part. 
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( Are comorbidities associated with differences in healthcare charges among lung cancer patients in US hospitals? Focusing on variances by patient and socioeconomic factors
Apr 30th 2024, 14:12

Chronic Illness, Ahead of Print. ObjectiveThe clinical aspects of lung cancer patients are well-studied. However, healthcare charge patterns have yet to be explored through a large-scale representative population-based sample investigating differences by socioeconomic factors and comorbidities.AimTo identify how comorbidities associated with healthcare charges among lung cancer patientsMethodsWe examined the characteristics of the patient sample and the association between comorbidity status (diabetes, hypertension, or both) and healthcare charge. Multivariate survey linear regression models were used to estimate the association. We also investigated sub-group association through various patient and socioeconomic factors.ResultsOf 212,745 lung cancer patients, 68.5% had diabetes and/or hypertension. Hospital charges were higher in the population with comorbidities. The results showed that lung cancer patients with comorbidities had 9.4%, 5.1%, and 12.0% (with diabetes, hypertension, and both, respectively) higher hospital charges than those without comorbidities. In sub-group analysis, Black patients also showed a similar trend across socioeconomic (i.e. household income and primary payer) and racial (i.e. White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander) factors.DiscussionBlack patients may be significantly financially burdened because of the prevalence of comorbidities and low-income status. More work is required to ensure healthcare equality and promote access to care for the uninsured, low-income, and minority populations because comorbidities common in these populations can create more significant financial barriers.
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( Investigation of Presumptive HIV Transmission Associated with Receipt of Platelet-Rich Plasma Microneedling Facials at a Spa Among Former Spa Clients — New Mexico, 2018–2023
Apr 30th 2024, 13:37

The post ( Investigation of Presumptive HIV Transmission Associated with Receipt of Platelet-Rich Plasma Microneedling Facials at a Spa Among Former Spa Clients — New Mexico, 2018–2023 was curated by ( information for practice.

( Which Police Departments Make Black Lives Matter?
Apr 30th 2024, 13:09

Administration &Society, Ahead of Print. Black Lives Matter (BLM) has gained support across racial lines and considerable financial backing. Yet it is unclear whether social science has responded with research likely to save Black lives. To encourage more applied research and related public discussion, we rank police departments in the 50 largest U.S. cities by their effectiveness in keeping homicides low and not taking civilian lives, while adjusting for poverty, which makes policing more difficult. We find enormous variation in police performance and offer qualitative evidence that this reflects organizational practices. We conclude with ideas for reform.
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( Using personal network analysis to understand the interaction between programmes’ facilitators and teachers in psychoeducational interventions
Apr 30th 2024, 12:32

Publication date: April 2024
Source: Evaluation and Program Planning, Volume 103
Author(s): Isidro Maya Jariego, Andrés Muñoz Alvis, Daniel Villar Onrubia
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( Community-based rehabilitation for people with psychosocial disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of the grey literature
Apr 30th 2024, 12:29

Community based rehabilitation (CBR) aims to promote the inclusion and participation of people with disabilities, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Yet people with psychosocial disabili…
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( Preventing Excessive Alcohol Use
Apr 30th 2024, 11:43

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( Anxious to Perform: Compositional Effects of Negative Task-Related Emotions in Teams
Apr 30th 2024, 11:39

Small Group Research, Ahead of Print. We investigated how team composition, in terms of members’ emotions about the team tasks ahead, predicts performance on these team tasks. In 45 student teams, a higher average level of anxiety and happiness, but not anger, about the team assignments predicted higher team grades 6 weeks later. We explored potential mediating team processes. These findings contribute to the literature on team affect, which has so far struggled to identify benefits of negative affect in teams: task-related anxiety is linked to better performance of real-world teams. This highlights the importance of studying compositional effects of individual affective states in teams.
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( Liver stiffness and associated risk factors among people with a history of injecting drugs: a prospective cohort study
Apr 30th 2024, 11:28

Persons with opioid use disorders (OUD) and persons with substance use disorders (SUD) who inject substances have a reduced life expectancy of up to 25 years compared with the general population. Chronic liver…
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( In their own words: a qualitative survey of healthcare providers’ experiences with personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic
Apr 30th 2024, 11:19

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( Natural origins of social essentialism: Ethnic groups, identities, and cultural transmission
Apr 30th 2024, 11:11

Culture &Psychology, Ahead of Print. This paper argues that the term ‘social essence’ is overused in psychological research and includes instances that are not covered by the basic definition of an essentialist cognition with living beings. Imagining an essence of living beings is conceptualized as a meta-cognition that wraps up an exemplars’ characteristics as a marker and assigns it a kind or species. This paper develops a framework of how social essentialism can be conceptualised to originate in natural contexts. Ethnic groups maintain a group identity that is defined by a set of diacritical markers and secured by a rule of endogamy, which functionally replicates the procreative pattern in animal species. This ‘functional homological’ relationship construes a group identity in the image of animal kinds. Thus construed, an ethnic identity appears as a natural given that safeguards the group’s cohesion and stability across generations. Hence, group-related essentialism primarily serves identity formation and provides a cognitive mechanism to distinguish the ingroup from outgroups. The intuition of an essentialised identity is perpetuated across generations by bio-social processes of enculturation. Such processes can explain an historically stable group essentialism, as well as group-biased judgements in former and contemporary societies without the need for innate sources of psychological essentialism.
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( Turning challenge into opportunity – social workers share their experiences of working in a large county
Apr 30th 2024, 10:47

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( The link between intimate partner violence and spousal resource inequality in lower- and middle-income countries
Apr 30th 2024, 10:09

Publication date: March 2024
Source: Social Science & Medicine, Volume 345
Author(s): Chia Liu, Emmanuel Olamijuwon
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( Crackdowns on Protests Are Exposing Higher Ed’s Complicity in Israel’s Genocide
Apr 30th 2024, 09:56

As the Palestinian death toll in Gaza and the West Bank mounts daily, campus protests against Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza continue to spread across the U.S., where students and faculty often face police crackdowns. 
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( The Craft of Research, Fifth Edition
Apr 30th 2024, 09:52

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( Effects of internal versus external distinctive facial features on eyewitness identification
Apr 30th 2024, 09:29

Many criminals have distinctive facial features such as tattoos, yet the potential impact on eyewitness memory has received little research attention. Does such a feature harm memory for the face at encoding, and can police do anything about this when constructing the lineup? Does it matter whether the feature is on the interior (e.g., tattoo on face) or exterior (e.g., tattoo on neck)? These are the kinds of questions that we investigated by randomly assigning a large nationwide sample of online participants to conditions within an experimental design in which we manipulated target exposure time, presence (and location) of a distinctive feature, and whether it is replicated or removed from lineup members. Results indicate that a distinctive feature harms memory for the face regardless of location, but replicating the feature in the lineup may attenuate this effect. Fortunately, high confidence was indicative of high accuracy regardless of our manipulations.
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( A structured, journal-led peer-review mentoring program enhances peer review training
Apr 30th 2024, 09:28

Peer review is essential to the advancement of knowledge. However, training on how to conduct peer review is limited, unorganized, and not well studied. Thus, we sought to determine if a structured mentored pe…
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( Making Rental Assistance Work Better for People Struggling to Afford Housing
Apr 30th 2024, 09:12

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( Heterogeneity in the household experiences of young children in head start and associations with absenteeism
Apr 30th 2024, 08:09

Publication date: 2nd Quarter 2024
Source: Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Volume 67
Author(s): Wendy S. Wei
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( Care Conference Workshop II–The Undervaluation of Care Work in the Human Services Sector
Apr 30th 2024, 08:09

The post ( Care Conference Workshop II–The Undervaluation of Care Work in the Human Services Sector was curated by ( information for practice.

( New Brattleboro homeless shelter to replace Morningside House
Apr 30th 2024, 07:56

The Brattleboro homeless shelter where a staff member was brutally murdered a year ago will be torn down and replaced with a new shelter.
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( Elucidating the Social – Developing Social Process Tracing as an Integrative Framework
Apr 30th 2024, 07:08

Sociological Methods &Research, Ahead of Print. The promise of process tracing methods is that they can help us better understand how things work in real-world cases. Despite the many advances in the past two decades, we contend that existing accounts result in either under-socialised accounts in which the moves made by actors are studied while neglecting the social dimension of action, or over-socialised accounts that are so focused on social context that they neglect the causal process of actors doing things. In this article, we attempt to bridge this divide by merging the conceptual language from the productive/generative account of mechanisms with realist ideas to develop what we term social process tracing (SPT) as a practical research method that captures both the moves performed by actors, the meanings they ascribe to them, and how the underlying social context shapes how social causal processes play out in real-world cases. After developing ontological and epistemological foundations, the article illustrates how SPT can be used in practice.
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( The association between restricted activity and patient outcomes in older adults: systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Apr 30th 2024, 07:07

Restricted activity is a potential early marker of declining health in older adults. Previous studies of this association with patient outcomes have been inconclusive. This review aimed to evaluate the extent …
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