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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest


( How Denver is lowering its animal shelter population amid influx in strays and surrenders
Sep 3rd 2023, 15:08

Denver Animal Shelter’s new social worker, Josie Pigeon. 
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( Rehospitalisation of Patients with Enduring Schizophrenia After Discharge from a Long-Stay Inpatient Psychiatric Rehabilitation Unit
Sep 3rd 2023, 14:32

Psychiatric rehospitalisation is costly and impacts the community reintegration of patients with schizophrenia. Long-stay inpatient rehabilitation units address the complex needs of people with severe schizophrenia and facilitate community reintegration. This study is a retrospective audit of hospitalisation episodes in schizophrenia patients admitted to an Australian long-stay inpatient psychiatric rehabilitation unit (LPRU). Four parameters were measured during the pre-admission and post-discharge periods. They were: the mean number of psychiatric inpatient admissions (Mean IP), the proportion of time spent in hospital (LOS Proportion), the interval between hospitalisations (Days to Rehospitalisation) and the mean duration of each hospitalisation (Mean LOS) experienced. Univariate statistics analysed the changes in the four parameters from the pre-admission to the post-discharge period. It examined the association of outcomes with age, gender, length of stay in LPRU, and post-discharge duration. The cohort of 80 patients was followed up post-discharge for a mean duration of 3.5 years, which was comparable to the pre-admission period. Thirty-five patients experienced no rehospitalisation after discharge. The Mean IP dropped significantly by 50%, the LOS Proportion was three times less, and the Days to Rehospitalisation increased by 1.8 times. The length of stay in LPRU significantly affected the reduction in LOS Proportion. The outcome parameters remained stable during the period after discharge.
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( A qualitative analysis examining intersectional stigma among young adults living with HIV in Atlanta, Georgia
Sep 3rd 2023, 14:14

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( The law of diminishing returns? The challenge of using freedom of information legislation for health policy research
Sep 3rd 2023, 14:13

Volume 33, Issue 4, September 2023, Page 383-386. 
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( The association between COVID-19 preventive behaviors and mental health conditions
Sep 3rd 2023, 13:51

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( A Consensus Panel Approach to Estimating the Start-Up and Annual Service Costs for Rural Ambulance Agencies
Sep 3rd 2023, 13:34

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( The mediating role of concepts for collective reasoning about integrating play, teaching and digital media in preschool: A potential for enabled agency for early childhood teachers
Sep 3rd 2023, 13:32

Journal of Early Childhood Research, Ahead of Print. An international contemporary challenge for early childhood teachers is to integrate digital media in preschool. Research indicates that teachers have concerns regarding the use of digital media in preschool, especially in relation to play. In this study, we explore how an early childhood education and care (ECEC) work team takes on this challenge when, in focus group conversations, discusses digital media in relation to a theoretical framework with principles and implications for understanding play and teaching in preschool. We adopt a sociocultural perspective when examining the mediating role of theoretical concepts for reasoning about the integration of digital media in ECEC. The findings illustrate how the concepts mediate an understanding of (i) play and teaching as responsive activities with a focus on the importance of sharing the same digital media references (ii) play and teaching activities as building on a mutual frame of reference, which is a challenge as children have different experiences of digital media than adults, (iii) play as including fluctuations between “as if” and “as is” and something that must include fantasy and an openness, with digital media contributing to or hindering such openness, and (iv) how teaching can take shape in mutual activities where mutual experiences of digital media can be used as a starting point for teaching. Implications for professional development efforts and teacher agency are discussed.
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( The cost of anticipating stigma: a longitudinal examination of HIV stigma and health
Sep 3rd 2023, 13:13

Volume 35, Issue 8, August 2023, Page 1091-1099. 
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( Building Your Career as a Statistician: A Practical Guide to Longevity, Happiness, and Accomplishment
Sep 3rd 2023, 13:02

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( Navigating sexual stereotypes across time, space, and place: Exploring Black women’s practices of resistance, refusal, and reclamation.
Sep 3rd 2023, 12:09

Stigma and Health,  Vol 8(3), Aug 2023, 289-298; doi:10.1037/sah0000438
This article engages a Black feminist analysis of sexual stereotyping and its effect on Black women’s health outcomes. Specifically, this work centers the experiences of 29 young Black women (Mage = 23.97) living in New York City, and their practices of resistance, refusal, and reclamation of self in the face of sexual stereotypes. Our qualitative inquiry explores how sexual stereotypes function dynamically across time, space, and place to influence (but not define) Black women’s lives. Using critical thematic analysis, the first author identified three recurring contexts in which Black women discussed how sexual stereotypes affect them in their transitions through adolescence and young Black womanhood: during interpersonal interactions with others, during encounters in health care, and while negotiating their sexual self-making and sexual agency. Across these contexts, the first author situates Black women as critical theorists whose self-analysis, self-theorizing, and self-descriptions are the focus of this article. Their explanations and theorizing emphasize how navigating and negotiating sexuality, pleasure, and agency in a sea of sexual stereotypes is complex, and rarely Black or White. The discussion offers a series of reflections for future research on Black women’s health and sexuality. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Levetiracetam effects on hippocampal blood flow and symptoms in medication-free individuals with nonaffective first episode psychosis (letter)
Sep 3rd 2023, 12:09

Publication date: October 2023
Source: Schizophrenia Research, Volume 260
Author(s): Donald C. Goff, Michele Santacatterina, Gillian Capichioni, Fumika Ando, Kamber Hart, Antonio Convit, Henry Rusinek
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( Educator understanding of self-regulation and implications for classroom facilitation: A mixed methods study
Sep 3rd 2023, 11:32

Journal of Early Childhood Research, Ahead of Print. There is growing concern about the mental health and resilience of today’s children and difficulties with self-regulation are implicated in educational outcomes, cognitive problems, internalizing problems such as depression and anxiety, externalizing problems such as aggression, and physical health problems. Self-regulation is a growing topic of interest in a variety of disciplines and there are 447 different interpretations of what self-regulation means in the literature, which makes it difficult for educators to interpret and apply it in their classrooms. Due to advances in neuroscience, the Ontario Ministry of Education shifted toward a neurophysiological framework for the Self-Regulation and Well-Being Frame of the Kindergarten Program. The current study examined which frameworks Ontario kindergarten educators were using by analyzing the ways they described and facilitated self-regulation in the classroom through surveys, interviews, report cards, and classroom observations. Findings revealed that educators: have little experience and training with resources aligned with the Kindergarten Program’s approach to self-regulation, describe self-regulation as self-control, and facilitate self-regulation using a learning strategies approach. Educators were observed using fewer than a third of ministry self-regulation recommendations in the classroom. Implications and recommendations for aligning educator practices with the Kindergarten Program’s framework are discussed.
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( School Connectedness Helps Students Thrive
Sep 3rd 2023, 11:31

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( Honouring the artistry in qualitative social work research
Sep 3rd 2023, 11:06

Qualitative Social Work, Ahead of Print. 
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( Nonhuman Humanitarians: Animal Interventions in Global Politics
Sep 3rd 2023, 10:42

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( Praising among preschoolers
Sep 3rd 2023, 10:32

Journal of Early Childhood Research, Ahead of Print. This study probed praising among preschoolers in natural settings and investigated their developmental changes. In study 1, teachers in preprimary educational facilities answered queries about the frequency and described episodes of praising among preschoolers. The results indicated that children approximately 3-year-old commonly praised friends, primarily in situations of playing. In study 2, teachers responded to questions on the aspects and circumstances of praising among preschoolers. The findings revealed the developmental trend that 5-year- old preschoolers praised the processes used by their friends more than 3-year-old children. Five-year-old preschoolers also praised their friends more than 3-year-old children in competitive team game situations.
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( Reflecting on Music Therapy Research on the Occasion of the Journal of Music Therapy’s 60th Anniversary
Sep 3rd 2023, 10:27

Anniversaries are often times for recognition and reflection. They mark the passing of time and the changes that have occurred therein. They may be occasions for celebration of shared achievement, fostering a sense of progress, or they may be tied to strong feelings and deep remembrances, challenging our acceptance of the status quo. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Journal of Music Therapy, we11 have been invited to reflect on the journal and its relation to music therapy research (MTR) past, present, and future. We take this task seriously and with an acknowledgement of the power and privilege inherent in our articulation. We are two music therapists, both researchers and educators, who have been shaped by the social, cultural, and political contexts in which we each have learned about and practiced music therapy. We feel it is important to situate ourselves to give context to our perspectives.
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( Paper series provides bitesize lessons on teaching research methods
Sep 3rd 2023, 10:22

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( Social Workers Say Poor Job Conditions Put Kids in Danger
Sep 3rd 2023, 10:14

Since 2006, numerous reports have warned about dire staffing issues at the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
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( Wilson Center Fellowship (Deadline Oct 1)
Sep 3rd 2023, 10:11

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( Call for Abstracts: 13th European Conference for Social Work Research is Envisioning Future: Social Work Research and Discourse in the Age of Industry 4.0 (Due by 1 Oct)
Sep 3rd 2023, 10:09

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( Spotlight Georgia: The Crisis Care Continuum in Action
Sep 3rd 2023, 10:01

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( In Search of a Meaningful Story Art Psychotherapy and Adopted Children
Sep 3rd 2023, 09:58

The Family Journal, Ahead of Print. Due to its nature, art psychotherapy can offer adopted children the capacity and opportunity to face problems that might occur at a young age. This paper examines what adoption means to children and how it impacts their mental, social, and emotional well-being. It goes on to provide an insight into how art psychotherapy can address emotional conflict, foster coping mechanisms, reduce anxiety, improve problems solving skills, and integrate traumatic experiences in ways that are not feasible through verbal therapy. A series of guidelines and activities are proposed in order to stimulate the creative therapeutic process. The conclusion is that art psychotherapy, together with the safety of a stable home and caring family, can allow adopted children to face past problems and live a more balanced life.
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( Colorism as Historical Trauma: Exploring School Racial Context, Peer Dynamics, and Counternarratives Among Black Women
Sep 3rd 2023, 09:32

Journal of Black Psychology, Ahead of Print. In the current qualitative study, we draw upon the colorist-historical trauma framework and misogynoir theory to explore Black college women’s peer-based messages of skin tone bias in school settings. We analyzed individual interview data from 26 ethnically diverse Black women (18–22 years) with consensual qualitative research methods to explore their beliefs and perspectives on their peers’ colorist messages in K-16 education. We focused on three main themes from the women’s narratives, including the critical role of school racial context, the harmful nature of colorist comments from Black men and boys, and the affirming nature of counternarratives from Black girlfriends. Consistent with past studies, peers’ colorist messages reinforced racialized social hierarchies and Eurocentric notions of beauty by privileging lighter-toned women compared to darker-toned women. The young women described how colorist messages from peers contributed to body surveillance and physical insecurities during childhood, and how they cultivated personal and collective counternarratives on beauty and self-worth in adulthood. Authors discuss colorism as a form of trauma among Black women and girls, with particular attention to identity development.
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( Environmental noise exposure and health outcomes: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analysis
Sep 3rd 2023, 09:12

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( Changes in Tobacco Product Use Among Students Aged 13 to 15 Years in 34 Countries, Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2012-2020
Sep 3rd 2023, 08:44

Changes in Tobacco Product Use Among Students Aged 13 to 15 Years in 34 Countries, Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2012-2020
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( A targeted psychological treatment for sleep problems in young people at ultra-high risk of psychosis in England (SleepWell): a parallel group, single-blind, randomised controlled feasibility trial
Sep 3rd 2023, 08:43

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( Quantifying Potential Bias Resulting From Child Age on Screening for Hyperactive/Impulsive Presentations of ADHD
Sep 3rd 2023, 08:33

Journal of Attention Disorders, Ahead of Print. Objective:This study aims to quantify the potential age bias in screening of hyperactive/impulsive presentations of ADHD in children ages 5 to 12 through comparison of age-based and overall percentiles in screening.Method:A referred clinical sample of 307 children ages 5 to 12 with behavioral concerns completed the Vanderbilt Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale (VADPRS) and were formally evaluated for ADHD with a diagnostic interview. Analysis utilizing logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves was performed to compare the screening performance of agebased and overall percentiles.Results:The age-based percentiles demonstrated no improvement in the analyzed models compared to overall percentiles in hyperactive presentation ADHD screening. This finding was present in the overall sample and in the sub analysis of the 5 to 6 year old children.Conclusions:This study identifies no improvement in modeling of hyperactive/impulsive ADHD screening when considering a child’s age using age-based percentiles.
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( Racial Microaggressions and Depression in Black College Students: The Role of Ethnic Identity
Sep 3rd 2023, 08:14

Volume 37, Issue 3, July 2023, Page 243-259. 
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( The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on the Take-up of Disability Benefits by Race and Ethnicity
Sep 3rd 2023, 08:01

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