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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Adult Depression and Anxiety Outcomes at a Student-Staffed Mental Health Clinic
Oct 25th 2023, 13:38

Research on Social Work Practice, Ahead of Print. Purpose: Student-staffed behavioral health clinics may increase low-cost access to mental health services, but there is a need to assess these models. This retrospective study evaluates the effect of a community-based, nonprofit, and student-staffed mental health program on adult clients’ depression, anxiety, and global distress to determine if this program model improves outcomes. Method: Historical, de-identified client demographic and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) data (n = 627) was evaluated using paired sample t-tests to determine the effectiveness of treatment from graduate students working at a community mental health clinic. Results: As clients progressed in therapy, their depression, anxiety, and overall global severity index significantly improved. Over the course of treatment, there was an 18% decrease in the number of clients presenting with clinically relevant scores. Discussion: It is recommended that community-based student-staffed behavioral health clinics be considered as they have the potential to provide effective, low-cost services for many in need.
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( Predicting and Managing Risk during Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior
Oct 25th 2023, 13:37

Volume 45, Issue 4, 2023, Page 264-282. 
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( Lost in Transition: Explaining Authoritarianism in Peru
Oct 25th 2023, 13:37

International reports by human rights organizations coincide that the government of Dina Boluarte in Peru has responded to social mobilization with disproportionate actions by public forces. Whereas recent scholarship explains the rising authoritarianism in the country to the weakness of political actors, this article provides a different interpretation by focusing on the political and economic legacies of the authoritarian government of Alberto Fujimori (1990–2000). Post-Fujimori governments have been unable to complete a double transition: a transition to consolidate democracy and a transition to advance towards a postconflict society. Rather, they have empowered economic elites and have deepened stigmatization and repression of social mobilization. To understand current authoritarianism, it is important to identify where concrete power resides and how state practices respond to the influence and needs of powerful actors.
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( “A change in the narrative, a change in consensus”: the role of Deep End networks in supporting primary care practitioners serving areas of blanket socioeconomic deprivation
Oct 25th 2023, 13:11

Volume 33, Issue 4, September 2023, Page 434-446. 
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( A Systematic Literature Review on the Application of Telepsychiatry in Correctional Facilities/Prisons: Necessity and Modern Challenges
Oct 25th 2023, 12:58

Mental health disorders are more prevalent among incarcerated people than in the general population, while the difficulties experienced by inmates in gaining access to mental health services often make their care and treatment inadequate. To systematically review the use of video-teleconferencing (VTC) and telepsychiatry in forensic settings and its application within the criminal justice system. The electronic bibliographic databases MEDLINE, Scopus, PsychINFO and Google Scholar were searched using a systematic approach from January 1998 until September 2021 to identify papers on the use of VTC and telepsychiatry in forensic settings and within the criminal justice system. A total of 1303 articles were identified, after screening 27 publications fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Studies identified strengths and weaknesses of the use of telepsychiatry in forensic settings and criminal justice system. Telepsychiatry in forensic settings and the criminal justice system is associated with more benefits than limitations. Strengths identified include access to specialized services, flexibility in rescheduling meetings, security and safety among all parties involved, acceptance and user satisfaction, as well as efficiency and effectiveness of services provided, cost and time savings, and the absence of risks for infection spread in correctional settings. Weaknesses identified include the reluctance of professionals to provide remote consultations, the quality of the therapeutic relationship established, restrictions on its use by special patient groups, as well as issues underlying its implementation such as the legal framework, ethical issues and the civil or criminal responsibility of health attitudes. Overall, there is evidence to support its use and acceptance within forensic settings and the criminal justice system and our review highlights its benefits and limitations.
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( The Handbook of LGBTQIA-Inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care
Oct 25th 2023, 12:49

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( Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospice and palliative care in nursing homes—A qualitative study from a multiperspective view
Oct 25th 2023, 12:28

The post ( Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospice and palliative care in nursing homes—A qualitative study from a multiperspective view was curated by ( information for practice.

( Advancing Workplace Exposure Surveillance in Canada
Oct 25th 2023, 12:28

The post ( Advancing Workplace Exposure Surveillance in Canada was curated by ( information for practice.

( Seeing in the Dark: A View into Dissociation and Healing
Oct 25th 2023, 12:19

In this paper, I will explore the role of art-making, the experience of trauma and dissociation, and the process of working with self-states from an analytic and creative frame. Relevant literature on dissociation, trauma, and the use of art will be discussed. A case involving my work with an adolescent girl who had experienced sexual abuse from a family member will be shared, with an emphasis on the meaningful role images played during the therapeutic process. Both Jungian and psychoanalytic models of conceptualizing and working with dissociation are included, following Donald Kalsched’s (2013) recommendation for a “binocular stance” to treatment, including both a focus on the inner, intrapsychic world and the interpersonal, relational realm, and how art images both illuminated and expressed these realms. Within the therapeutic process, art images allowed the therapist a view into the client’s unconscious process, and created a meeting ground for dissociative barriers to be gradually seen, felt and known, by both therapist and client. The experience of dissociation, in images and in session, provided a reference point for myself and my client, Taylor, to develop a shared understanding and a framework for growth.
Dans cet article, j’explorerai le rôle de la création artistique, l’expérience du traumatisme et de la dissociation, et le processus de travail avec les états liés au soi, ceci à partir d’un cadre analytique et créatif. La littérature se rapportant à la dissociation, au traumatisme et à l’utilisation de l’art sera étudiée. Un cas concernant mon travail avec une adolescente qui a été victime d’abus sexuels par une personne de sa famille sera partagé, en mettant l’accent sur le rôle significatif que les images ont joué au cours du processus thérapeutique. Les modèles jungiens et psychanalytiques de conceptualisation et de travail avec la dissociation sont pris en compte, suivant la recommandation de Donald Kalsched (2013) pour une « position binoculaire » dans le traitement – mettre l’accent à la fois sur le monde intérieur et intrapsychique et sur le domaine relationnel interpersonnel – et comment les images issues de l’art ont à la fois éclairé et exprimé ces domaines. Dans le processus thérapeutique, les images artistiques ont donné au thérapeute un accès au processus inconscient du client et ont créé un terrain de rencontre pour que les barrières dissociatives soient progressivement vues, ressenties et connues par le thérapeute et le client. L’expérience de la dissociation, en images et en séance, a fourni un point de référence pour mon client, « Taylor », et pour moi-même afin de développer une compréhension commune et un cadre de travail pour la croissance.
In diesem Artikel werde ich die Rolle des Kunstschaffens, die Erfahrung von Trauma und Dissoziation und den Prozeß der Arbeit mit Zuständen des Selbst in einem analytischen und kreativen Rahmen untersuchen. Es wird relevante Literatur zu Dissoziation, Trauma und dem Einsatz von Kunst besprochen. Ein Fall wird vorgestellt, in dem es um meine Arbeit mit einem heranwachsenden Mädchen geht, das sexuellen Mißbrauch durch ein Familienmitglied erlebt hat, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der bedeutungsvollen Rolle liegt, die Bilder während des therapeutischen Prozesses spielten. Es werden sowohl Jungianische als auch psychoanalytische Modelle der Konzeptualisierung und Arbeit mit Dissoziation einbezogen, die Donald Kalscheds (2013) Empfehlung für eine ‘binokulare Haltung’ zur Behandlung folgen, die sowohl einen Fokus auf die innere, intrapsychische Welt als auch auf den zwischenmenschlichen, relationalen Bereich und die Art und Weise beinhaltet, und wie künstlerische Bilder diese Bereiche sowohl beleuchteten als auch zum Ausdruck brachten. Im Rahmen des therapeutischen Prozesses ermöglichten künstlerische Bilder dem Therapeuten einen Einblick in den unbewußten Prozeß des Klienten und schufen eine Verstehensbasis für dissoziative Barrieren, die sowohl vom Therapeuten als auch vom Klienten nach und nach gesehen, gefühlt und erkannt werden konnten. Die Erfahrung der Dissoziation in Bildern und in Sitzungen bot mir und meinem Klienten ‘Taylor’ einen Bezugspunkt, um ein gemeinsames Verständnis und einen Rahmen für Wachstum zu entwickeln.
In questo articolo esplorerò il ruolo della creazione artistica, dell’esperienza del trauma e della dissociazione, ed il processo del lavoro con gli stati del Sé da un punto di vista analitico e creativo. Verrà discussa la letteratura rilevante sul tema della dissociazione, del trauma e dell’uso dell’arte. Verrà presentato un caso che coinvolge il mio lavoro con una ragazza adolescente che ha subito un abuso sessuale da parte di un membro della famiglia, con un’enfasi sul ruolo significativo che le immagini hanno avuto durante il processo terapeutico. Sono inclusi sia modelli di concettualizzazione junghiani che psicoanalitici ed io lavoro con la dissociazione, seguendo la raccomandazione di Donald Kalsched (2013) di una “posizione binoculare” al trattamento, che includa sia un focus sul mondo interiore e intrapsichico che sul regno interpersonale e relazionale, e mi focalizzo su come le immagini artistiche abbiano sia illuminato che espresso questi regni. All’interno del processo terapeutico, le immagini artistiche hanno permesso al terapeuta di vedere il processo inconscio del paziente, e hanno creato un terreno di incontro per vedere, sentire e conoscere gradualmente le barriere dissociative, sia dal terapeuta che dal paziente. L’esperienza della dissociazione, nelle immagini e nella seduta, ha fornito un punto di riferimento per me stessa e per il mio paziente, “Taylor”, per sviluppare una comprensione condivisa e definire una cornice per la sua crescita.
В этой статье я исследую роль художественного творчества, опыт травмы и диссоциации, а также процесс работы с состояниями самости с аналитической и творческой точек зрения. Будет рассмотрена соответствующая литература по диссоциации, травме и использованию искусства. Будет приведен пример моей работы с девочкой-подростком, пережившей сексуальное насилие со стороны члена семьи, с акцентом на значимую роль, которую сыграли в терапевтическом процессе образы. Будут рассмотрены юнгианская и психоаналитическая модели концептуализации и работы с диссоциацией, в соответствии с рекомендацией Дональда Калшеда (2013) о “бинокулярной позиции“ в терапии, включающей как фокус на внутреннем, интрапсихическом мире, так и на межличностной, реляционной сфере, а также на том, как художественные образы освещают и выражают эти сферы. В рамках терапевтического процесса художественные образы позволяют терапевту увидеть бессознательный процесс клиента и создают пространство для встречи с диссоциативными барьерами, которые постепенно могут увидеть, почувствовать и осознать и терапевт, и клиент. Опыт диссоциации, в образах и на сессии, послужил для меня и моей клиентки Тейлор отправной точкой для выработки общего понимания и основы для роста.
En este artículo, exploraré el rol de la creación artística, la experiencia del trauma y la disociación, y el proceso de trabajar con los estados del self desde un marco analítico y creativo. Se discutirá la literatura relevante sobre disociación, trauma y el uso del arte. Se compartirá un caso de mi trabajo con una adolescente que había sufrido abusos sexuales por parte de un familiar, haciendo hincapié en el papel significativo que desempeñaron las imágenes durante el proceso terapéutico. Se incluyen modelos tanto junguianos como psicoanalíticos de conceptualizar y trabajar con la disociación, siguiendo la recomendación de Donald Kalsched (2013) de una “postura binocular“ para el tratamiento, incluyendo tanto un enfoque en el mundo interno, intrapsíquico, como en la dimensión interpersonal, relacional, y en cómo las imágenes de arte iluminaron y expresaron estas áreas. Dentro del proceso terapéutico, las imágenes artísticas permitieron al terapeuta una visión del proceso inconsciente del cliente y crearon un punto de encuentro para que las barreras disociativas fueran vistas, sentidas y conocidas gradualmente, tanto por el terapeuta como por el cliente. La experiencia de la disociación, en imágenes y en sesión, proporcionó un punto de referencia para mí y para mi cliente, “Taylor“, para desarrollar una comprensión compartida, y un marco de referencia para el crecimiento.
在本文中, 我将探讨艺术创作的作用、创伤和解离的体验, 以及从分析和创造的视角对自我状态进行工作的过程。文章将会讨论与解离、创伤和艺术使用相关的文献。文章还分享了一个少女的案例, 她曾遭受来自家庭成员的性侵, 案例将着重那些在治疗过程中呈现的有意义的角色的意象。文章囊括了荣格和精神分析模型中的概念化, 及其对解离进行工作的方式, 包括Donald Kalsched于2013 年曾建议采用的 “双目立场 “进行治疗, 包括同时关注内在的, 心理内部的世界, 和关注人际间的, 关系的领域, 以及艺术意象如何即照亮又表达了这些领域。在治疗过程中, 艺术意象允许治疗师看见个案的无意识进程, 并营造一个相遇的基础, 从而让解离的栅栏可以被治疗师和个案都逐步看见、感知到和被认识到。 在意象中和治疗小节中呈现的解离经验, 可以为我和个案泰勒都提供一个参考点, 从而发展出一种共同的理解, 以及成长的框架。
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( Call for Experts – Health Disparities in the Medical Record and Disability Determinations: A Workshop(Due by Oct 31)
Oct 25th 2023, 12:18

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( NIRS-aided differential diagnosis among patients with major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia
Oct 25th 2023, 11:47

Publication date: 15 November 2023
Source: Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 341
Author(s): Po-Han Chou, Wen-Chun Liu, Wei-Hao Lin, Chih-Wei Hsu, Shao-Cheng Wang, Kuan-Pin Su
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( Self-neglect: Exploring the social work response
Oct 25th 2023, 10:33

The post ( Self-neglect: Exploring the social work response was curated by ( information for practice.

( Understanding Digital Treatments: Why All Mental Health Apps Are Not Created Equal
Oct 25th 2023, 10:11

The post ( Understanding Digital Treatments: Why All Mental Health Apps Are Not Created Equal was curated by ( information for practice.

( Private contractor could undermine future Allegheny County executive’s plan for Shuman Center
Oct 25th 2023, 10:04

Among the experts Innamorato has spoken to about the issue is Dr. Sara Goodkind, a Professor at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Social Work, who joined other researchers to speak with young people about conditions at Shuman Center after it closed.
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( Influenza (Flu): Preventive Steps
Oct 25th 2023, 10:02

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( Building Opportunity III: Affirmatively furthering fair housing in the  Low Income Housing Tax Credit program
Oct 25th 2023, 09:26

The post ( Building Opportunity III: Affirmatively furthering fair housing in the  Low Income Housing Tax Credit program was curated by ( information for practice.

( Navigating stigma, survival, and sex in contexts of social inequity among young transgender women and sexually diverse men in Kingston, Jamaica
Oct 25th 2023, 08:38

Volume 26, Issue 54, November 2018. 
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( One Bureau under God
Oct 25th 2023, 08:06

On October 10, 1963, the Department of Justice signed a memo granting the FBI permission to conduct technical, wall-to-wall surveillance on Martin Luther King, Jr. The eloquence and reach of King following the March on Washington had so alarmed the Kennedy administration and the bureau that six weeks later they felt drastic steps had to be taken. 
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( Effectiveness of Adolescent School-Based Digital Mental Health Interventions: A Systematic Review
Oct 25th 2023, 07:48

Research on Social Work Practice, Ahead of Print. Purpose: This review aimed to investigate the effectiveness of digital school-based mental health interventions for adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa. Method: The authors conducted a comprehensive search of digital school-based mental health interventions to identify studies conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa targeting adolescents between the ages of (10–19) years. Peer-reviewed studies published in English between 2009 and May 2023 were obtained through electronic bibliographic databases. Result: Only one study met the full inclusion criteria for this review. The included study tested a digital mental health intervention (“Shamiri Digital”) for treating depression, anxiety, and well-being in adolescents. The “Shamiri Digital” intervention demonstrated positive outcomes on depressive symptoms within the full sample. Discussion: The dearth of studies investigating digital mental health solutions for adolescents in low-income countries demonstrates a critical gap in intervention and research for adolescent mental health in resource constrictive settings
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( Baltimore community leaders gather to take stand against gun violence
Oct 25th 2023, 07:46

Baltimore musician Young Elder (a senior at Coppin State University studying social work) calls for a stop to the gun violence on stage at of an event and peace walk organized by We Our Us. 
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( Discourses on fathers who use intimate partner violence: an example from Icelandic mass media
Oct 25th 2023, 06:42

Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2023, Page 207-223. 
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( Neighborhood Deprivation and Neural Tube Defects
Oct 25th 2023, 05:29

Individual measures of socioeconomic status (SES) have been associated with an increased risk of neural tube defects (NTDs); however, the association between neighborhood SES and NTD risk is unknown. Using data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS) from 1997 to 2011, we investigated the association between measures of census tract SES and NTD risk.
The study population included 10,028 controls and 1829 NTD cases. We linked maternal addresses to census tract SES measures and used these measures to calculate the neighborhood deprivation index. We used generalized estimating equations to calculate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) estimating the impact of quartiles of census tract deprivation on NTDs adjusting for maternal race–ethnicity, maternal education, and maternal age at delivery.
Quartiles of higher neighborhood deprivation were associated with NTDs when compared with the least deprived quartile (Q2: aOR = 1.2; 95% CI = 1.0, 1.4; Q3: aOR = 1.3, 95% CI = 1.1, 1.5; Q4 (highest): aOR = 1.2; 95% CI = 1.0, 1.4). Results for spina bifida were similar; however, estimates for anencephaly and encephalocele were attenuated. Associations differed by maternal race–ethnicity.
Our findings suggest that residing in a census tract with more socioeconomic deprivation is associated with an increased risk for NTDs, specifically spina bifida.
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( Theoretical underpinnings of active labour market programmes implemented by municipal and non-governmental organisations in Sweden
Oct 25th 2023, 05:13

Volume 26, Issue 5, September 2023, Page 788-802. 
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( Exploring associations between social media addiction, social media fatigue, fear of missing out and sleep quality among university students: A cross-section study
Oct 25th 2023, 04:26

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( 4 types of common anxiety disorders
Oct 25th 2023, 04:18

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( Inequality leaving 115,000 dementia cases ‘undiagnosed’ in England
Oct 25th 2023, 04:06

Analysis of NHS primary care dementia figures released last week reveals startling regional variation in diagnosis rates, with a 45 percentage point difference between the top and bottom performers. 
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( Leather nostalgia: Constructed histories of Dutch leathermen through national discourses of tolerance and white innocence
Oct 25th 2023, 03:56

Sexualities, Ahead of Print. Through following sentiments of nostalgia and loss through leathermen’s personal narratives, and an analysis of 110 influential leather images, this article argues that constructed histories of the Dutch gay male leather scene reflect a nostalgia for a lost white gay masculinity that reproduces Dutch-centric conceptions of tolerance, freedom, and self. In these constructed pasts, the Dutch leather brotherhood purportedly developed as a space of exceptional acceptance, protected from encroaching straight and effeminate gay cultures in the 1970s. These memories feature a conceptualization of sexual freedom as indistinguishable from sexual expression, reflecting ideas of freedom and tolerance rooted in Dutch liberalism. Leather memorialization of sexual freedom mobilizes liberal conceptions of autonomy and self that locate freedom in expression, bound sexual pleasure to the individual, and disconnect it from sociopolitical contexts. In influential erotic images of hyperwhite men covered in black leather and dirt, the rare but exclusive appearance of people of color in racist sexual tropes reveals the racist discourse underlying imaginations of the past erotic scene. These constructed pasts continue to haunt larger fetish culture even after the closure of beloved leather bars—shaping their self-identities into the present, inflecting upon their current participation in leather culture, and creating the meaning they derive from this community.
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( Gender, Money, and Sexuality: An Exploration into the Relational Work of Pakistani Khwajasiras
Oct 24th 2023, 23:57

Work, Employment and Society, Ahead of Print. This study explores how khwajasiras, a community of gender-variant persons in Pakistan, engage in relational work to gain recognition in a heteronormative world. We highlight how these workers negotiate the meanings of their intimate relationships with different forms, frequencies, amounts, and payment media of financial exchanges. We have identified four such relations i.e. romantic relations, spousal relations, taboo relations, and professional relations. Our analysis shows how these relations and associated financial exchanges allow khwajasiras to navigate gender norms and negotiate recognition by alternatively and creatively playing the role of the khwajasira lover, the khwajasira wife, the khwajasira survival prostitute, and the khwajasira professional sex worker. In enacting these roles, they simultaneously reaffirm, redefine, and challenge dominant gender norms while resisting stable and fixed definitions of transgender sex work(ers). These findings unpack the contingent and situated relationship between gender, sexuality, and sex work and the critical role of financial exchange(s) therein.
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( ‘Digital inclusion’ and closing the gap: how First Nations leadership is key to getting remote communities online
Oct 24th 2023, 23:56

Mapping the Digital Gap Co-researcher Guruwuy Ganambarr using her mobile phone to connect to wifi in Gäṉgaṉ homeland, East Arnhem Land, NT.
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