Your Daily digest for Science Daily Mind & Brain

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Sun May 26 01:39:34 PDT 2024

Science Daily Mind & Brain


( Understanding a broken heart
May 24th 2024, 17:12

The stress of heart failure is remembered by the body and appears to lead to recurrent failure, along with other related health issues, according to new research. Researchers have found that heart failure leaves a 'stress memory' in the form of changes to the DNA modification of hematopoietic stem cells, which are involved in the production of blood and immune cells called macrophages. These immune cells play an important role in protecting heart health.

( How neurons build a 3-D vascular structure to keep the retina healthy
May 24th 2024, 11:53

Scientists have known for years that a lattice of blood vessels nourishes cells in the retina that allow us to see -- but it's been a mystery how the intricate structure is created. Now, researchers have found a new type of neuron that guides its formation. The discovery could one day lead to new therapies for diseases that are related to impaired blood flow in the eyes and brain.

( Lght-controlled 'off switch' for brain cells
May 24th 2024, 11:53

New genetic tool could help investigate brain function and psychiatric disorders.

( Sequencing of the developing human brain uncovers hundreds of thousands of new gene transcripts
May 23rd 2024, 20:50

Researchers uncovered 214,516 unique isoforms in the developing neocortex -- over 70% of which have not been previously studied.

( AI-powered headphones filter only unwanted noise
May 16th 2024, 16:05

Noise-canceling headphones automatically identify background sounds and cancel them out for much-needed peace and quiet. However, typical noise-canceling fails to distinguish between unwanted background sounds and crucial information, leaving headphone users unaware of their surroundings. To address this, a team has created a system for targeted speech hearing in noisy environments and developed AI-based headphones that selectively filter out specific sounds while preserving others.

( To sound like a hockey player, speak like a Canadian
May 16th 2024, 12:26

Hockey players are famous for their distinctive jargon, but while researching this phenomenon, a linguist and hockey player realized another interesting pattern in hockey speech: American hockey players adopted aspects of Canadian English pronunciations. Their pseudo-Canadian accent might be a mechanism for the Americans to indicate their identity as hockey players in a sport heavily dominated by Canadians.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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