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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( The Colleges That Pay for Positive Coverage
Mar 31st 2024, 15:04

Good press for a few thousand dollars — what’s wrong with that?
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( Census Bureau Research Explores Relationship Between Types of Social Connections and Declining Survey Response Rates and Data Quality
Mar 31st 2024, 14:28

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( Pregnancy and early childhood data
Mar 31st 2024, 14:26

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( Intimate Partner Violence Risk Factors: A Vulnerability-Adaptation Stress Model Approach
Mar 31st 2024, 14:11

Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print. Intimate partner violence (IPV) disproportionally affects women. Using the vulnerability-adaptation stress model, we examined adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), self-esteem, and hope as vulnerability indicators and relationship status and length, positive and negative affect, and socioeconomic status (SES) as stressors to ascertain the risk for IPV. Women (N = 491, M = 37.15, standard deviation = 12.51) completed an online survey comprised of the Positive and Negative Affect Scale, Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Scale, Snyder’s Hope Scale, ACE questionnaire, Composite Abuse Scale Revised–Short Form, and demographic questions. Factor analysis identified four ACE factors of sexual abuse, physical or psychological abuse, witnessing domestic violence, and household dysfunction. A five-step hierarchical multiple regression identified that greater exposure to physical or psychological child abuse was associated with an increased risk of IPV (Step 2), B = 0.73 [0.16, 1.34]. Lower self-esteem, B = −0.30 [−0.47, −0.14] predicted IPV (Step 3). Age B = 0.07 [0.01, 0.13], negative affect, B = 0.39 [0.19, 0.59], and relationship length, B = −1.24 [−2.16, 0.41] were associated with a higher risk of IPV (Step 4). In Step 5, previous variables attenuated to non-significance while age, B = 0.07 [0.01, 0.13], negative affect, B = 0.39 [0.19, 0.59], and relationship length B = −1.25 [−2.16, 0.41] remained significant. While the key findings of this study were inconsistent with some commonly reported findings (e.g., ACEs, self-esteem, hope, relationship status, SES, age), these inconsistencies are important to highlight given the factorial approach to examining ACEs, the comprehensive analyses conducted, and our examination of these variables’ direct relationship to IPV. The study was limited by its cross-sectional nature, higher prevalence of IPV victims, and not examining IPV sub-types. Similar studies need to be conducted for other relationship types and victimized individuals (e.g., same-sex relationships and male victims) to provide a complete picture of risk factors for IPV.
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( Is polypharmacy a risk factor for aspiration pneumonia in older adults? A case-control study
Mar 31st 2024, 14:09

Publication date: July 2024
Source: Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 122
Author(s): Haruko Suzuki, Akio Yamamoto, Kumiko Ono, Yoji Yamada, Yutaro Oki, Mineko Ohira, Akira Ishikawa
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( Linking betrayal and mental contamination in OCD: A mixed-methods systematic narrative review
Mar 31st 2024, 13:08

Publication date: January 2024
Source: Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Volume 40
Author(s): Victoria Skibsted Nielsen, Victoria Bream, Paul M. Salkovskis
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( Implementing the GRADE approach in systematic reviews that adhere to JBI methodological conduct
Mar 31st 2024, 13:06

GRADE is a methodological approach used to establish certainty in a body of evidence and is now widely adopted among the evidence synthesis and guideline development community. JBI is an international evidence-based health care organization that provides guidance for a range of evidence synthesis approaches. The GRADE approach is currently endorsed for use in a subset of JBI systematic reviews; however, there is some uncertainty regarding when (and how) GRADE may be implemented in reviews that follow JBI methodology.
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( Bureaucratic sludge: Bureaucratic tasks and procedures leading to experiences of strain
Mar 31st 2024, 12:32

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( Using Family Input to Improve TANF and Child Support Programs
Mar 31st 2024, 12:31

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( “I’m Going to be Visible Because… That’s What’s Gonna Help Other People Like Me”: Young Black Trans and Gender Diverse People’s Experiences in Activism Work
Mar 31st 2024, 12:08

The Counseling Psychologist, Ahead of Print. Anti-Black racism and cissexism have been strong motivators for Black trans and gender diverse (TGD) communities to engage in activism. Furthermore, Black TGD people have often been at the forefront of activist movements, yet they rarely receive recognition for their role in disrupting systems of oppression and contributing to liberation movements. Although researchers have documented that young Black and TGD people have played a crucial role in activist movements, they have yet to document the intersectional experiences of young Black TGD people within activism. This study used semistructured interviews to explore the experiences of 15 young Black TGD people within activism movements, including different forms of activism and factors related to involvement and impact. Reflexive thematic analysis resulted in five main themes and 13 subthemes as key aspects of activism: (a) community, (b) education, (c) identity, (d) intersectionality, and (e) prioritizing one’s well-being, plus 13 subthemes. We discuss implications for practice, training, and advocacy.
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( Behavioral Health Service Use Among Licensed Social Workers: A Qualitative Inquiry
Mar 31st 2024, 12:04

Volume 38, Issue 5-8, November 2023, Page 345-358. 
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( Street Youth in Canada: An Ethnography of Adversity and Artifice
Mar 31st 2024, 11:46

The post ( Street Youth in Canada: An Ethnography of Adversity and Artifice was curated by ( information for practice.

( Complex needs and ethical dilemmas—Care managers processing older clients to gerontological social work
Mar 31st 2024, 10:39

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( Boosting Resilience: Photovoice as a Tool for Promoting Well-Being, Social Cohesion, and Empowerment Among the Older Adult During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Mar 31st 2024, 10:28

Journal of Applied Gerontology, Ahead of Print. This paper examines how older adults who participated in an online photovoice-based group intervention program reported their experience. In a qualitative-phenomenological study, in which 13 older-adult people participated, data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews and analyzed through content analysis. The findings point to three central themes: a) Challenges—technical difficulties, difficulties in finding a subject for photography, investing time in photography, and an emotional-intellectual effort to put their experience into photography; b) Growth: New knowledge and skills—acquiring new knowledge, acquiring skills, experiencing skills regardless of age, and empowerment; c) Meaning—reflexivity, the ability to project feelings onto images, connection to the outside world, mindfulness, ability to choose, creativity, and critical consciousness. The findings share the way in which the use of creative visual engagement with photography contributed to coping with various challenges and enabled various gains within the process among the older-adult participants.
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( Cornell concedes small changes to otherwise substantially restrictive new speech policies
Mar 31st 2024, 10:17

Cornell University has repeatedly demonstrated that its lofty rhetoric about the importance of free expression and open inquiry is just words. While the latest movement on its recently adopted “Interim Expressive Activity Policy” may suggest one positive change in direction, it’s too soon to tell for certain. 
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( Victimization Portrayals on Popular Crime Shows & Comparisons to the NCVS
Mar 31st 2024, 10:01

Volume 19, Issue 2, February 2024, Page 208-231. 
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( The distress of one‐dimensional fertility in an African family
Mar 31st 2024, 09:50

Several Euro-American approaches to couple and family therapy have been instrumental in promoting successful practice of couple and family therapy in continental Africa. This article, however, describes one instance in which an African couple’s distress of one-dimensional fertility could not be resolved by drawing solely from the Euro-American family therapy tradition. One-dimensional fertility is defined as a crisis that arises in conditions of sonlessness or daughterlessness in a marriage, that is, in situations where there are only male or female children born to the marriage. The use of medical intervention through the prescription of drugs often worsens rather than enhances the psychological well-being of couples who suffer from the distress of one-dimensional fertility. Therefore, it is considered beneficial to encourage the development and recognition of psychological literature that suggests what to be done to control such a distress without recourse to the use of medication or the complicated and sensitive procedure of in vitro fertilisation. The article suggests that the leading intervention package for attending to the challenge of couples with the distress of one-dimensional fertility entails the exercise of inducting them into the principles and practice of the fertility awareness-based method of family planning known as the billings ovulation method that is in harmony with the African cultural perspective.
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( A qualitative evaluation of professionals’ experiences of conducting Beardslee’s family intervention in families with parental psychosis
Mar 31st 2024, 09:46

Volume 19, Issue 5, November 2017, Page 289-300. 
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( A socio-ecological contract for a Europe in transition
Mar 31st 2024, 09:27

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( Fentanyl Test Strips: A Simple Test That Can Save a Life
Mar 31st 2024, 09:24

The post ( Fentanyl Test Strips: A Simple Test That Can Save a Life was curated by ( information for practice.

( Keeping It Political and Powerful: Defining the Structural Determinants of Health
Mar 31st 2024, 09:19

The post ( Keeping It Political and Powerful: Defining the Structural Determinants of Health was curated by ( information for practice.

( Gender health gap pre- and post-joint arthroplasty: identifying affected patient-reported health domains
Mar 31st 2024, 08:22

As patient-reported outcomes (PROs) gain prominence in hip and knee arthroplasty (HA and KA), studies indicate PRO variations between genders. Research on the specific health domains particularly impacted is l…
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( Brain-Building Through Play: Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Children
Mar 31st 2024, 08:18

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( A sociology of existence for a late modern world. Basic assumptions and conceptual tools
Mar 31st 2024, 07:53

In the present article, we outline basic assumptions and conceptual tools for a sociology of existence. First, we address man’s fundamental conditions of existence: that life’s finitude and encounters with the uncertainty of existence are fundamental experiences that construct social relations. Second, we outline how existential meaning-making and the ability to cope with the unpredictability of life are dependent on power resources, where especially the resource poor may experience ‘existential nausea’. Third, we discuss how existential dilemmas may intensify under certain historical eras. Therefore, studying individuals’ existential dilemmas is a tool to examine the dominant social issues at a particular time and place. Fourth, we elaborate on the importance of studying turning points during individuals’ life courses, as existential meaning – or lack thereof – becomes particularly salient at these times. This includes an understanding that death and rebirth are experienced in the form of various endings and beginnings in everyday life. Fifth, and finally, we emphasize an analysis in which the direction of people’s lives is conceptualized in a broad time perspective, where past, present, and future interact and influence life choices and social relations constructed during a lifetime.
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( How to think about time
Mar 31st 2024, 07:22

This philosopher’s introduction to the nature of time could radically alter how you see your past and imagine your future
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( Widening Participation in Scotland 1997–2021: A semi‐systematic literature review and avenues for further research
Mar 31st 2024, 05:51

This article sets out and critically analyses the state of current knowledge on Widening Participation at higher education institutions in Scotland and sets forth avenues for further research. Through a semi-systematic review of the literature, six discrete but overlapping themes relating to Widening Participation are identified, namely, (1) factors affecting the decision to apply to university, (2) the transition from high school or further education into university, (3) contextualised admissions, (4) completion and level of attainment, (5) economic, social and cultural capital and (6) equality, diversity and inclusion. The study finds that while clear progress has been made by higher education institutionstowards achieving quantitative government targets for student recruitment from underrepresented groups, there is an absence of studies and knowledge about the qualitative lived experiences of students as they transition through university, how students negotiate a sense of fit with institutional systems, and what targeted supports they may require to succeed. Avenues for further research which addresses these gaps in the knowledge base are put forward, namely, (1) broaden the academic base and interdisciplinarity of Widening Participation research, (2) reform and extend measures of success beyond admissions and attainment, (3) evolve institutional level support for transition into higher education, (4) develop more nuanced understandings of contextualised admissions and (5) investigate and gain deeper understandings of how the lived experiences of Widening Participation students shape and inform their journey through, experience of and attainment at university.
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( Care Inspectorate Wales: Annual Return 2022-23 data summary
Mar 31st 2024, 04:28

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( The Mobility Key: Realizing the Potential of Refugee Travel Documents
Mar 31st 2024, 04:07

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( Shared Decision-Making in Cardiovascular Risk Factor Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Mar 31st 2024, 03:53

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( Britain’s universities are in freefall – and saving them will take more than funding
Mar 31st 2024, 03:39

What we’re seeing isn’t some slow, careful rebalancing of the system, done with teenagers’ best interests at heart. Instead, it’s just another messy, confused decline of something Britain was genuinely once good at, which contributed billions to the economy while projecting soft power abroad.
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