Your Daily digest for Center for Deployment Psychology at Uniform Services University Daily Digest (Unofficial)

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Wed Mar 27 15:50:47 PDT 2024

Center for Deployment Psychology at Uniform Services University Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Staff Perspective: Helping Patients Off Hypnotic Medications Using CBT-I
Mar 27th 2024, 14:14


Providers often report having questions about whether to start CBT-I if a patient is on a sleep medication, or how to help a patient taper off sleep medications and obtain good treatment outcomes while providing cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). In this blog, Dr. Rogers will summarize research findings and clinical recommendations pertaining to the use and tapering of hypnotic medications while providing cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I).

Forwarded by:
Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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