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Psychiatry News -- ScienceDaily
( Virtual reality exposure plus electric brain stimulation offers a promising treatment for PTSD
Mar 6th 2024, 20:31
Combining two treatments could be a promising option for people, especially military veterans, whose lives are negatively affected by post-traumatic stress disorder, finds a new study. In a clinical trial conducted among U.S. military veterans, participants who received brain stimulation with a low electrical current during sessions of virtual reality exposure reported a significant reduction in PTSD symptom severity.
( Schizophrenia and aging may share a common biological basis
Mar 6th 2024, 15:06
Researchers have uncovered a strikingly similar suite of changes in gene activity in brain tissue from people with schizophrenia and from older adults. These changes suggest a common biological basis for the cognitive impairment often seen in people with schizophrenia and in the elderly.
( Link between adversity, psychiatric and cognitive decline
Mar 1st 2024, 13:47
Scientists have been examining the relationship between childhood adversity, and psychiatric decline as well as adult adversity and psychiatric and cognitive decline.
( Intervention reduces likelihood of developing postpartum anxiety and depression by more than 70%
Feb 26th 2024, 20:42
Results from a large clinical trial show that an intervention for anxiety provided to pregnant women living in Pakistan significantly reduced the likelihood of the women developing moderate-to-severe anxiety, depression, or both six weeks after birth.
( People in urban areas with more green space have better mental health
Feb 26th 2024, 11:45
A new study suggests that city dwellers who have more exposure to urban green spaces require fewer mental health services.
( Wildfires linked to surge in mental health-related emergency department visits
Feb 20th 2024, 14:44
A new studyshows wildfires lead to an increase of anxiety-related emergency department visits in the western United States, amplifying the concerning parallel trajectory of two escalating public health crises -- mental health and climate change.
( Understanding the relationship between our sleep, body clock and mental health
Feb 19th 2024, 15:36
Problems with our sleep and internal body clock can trigger or worsen a range of psychiatric disorders, according to a new review of recent research evidence. The review suggests gaining a better understanding of the relationship between sleep, circadian rhythms and mental health could unlock new holistic treatments to alleviate mental health problems.
( A closer look at cannabis use and binge eating
Feb 13th 2024, 13:04
New research examined how often people experiencing binge eating are also using cannabis recreationally, and whether patients who use cannabis experience more severe eating disorder symptoms or symptoms of struggling with mental health.
( Benefits of resistance exercise training in treatment of anxiety and depression
Feb 8th 2024, 12:20
A new study has demonstrated the impact resistance exercise training can have in the treatment of anxiety and depressive symptoms.
( Stress influences brain and psyche via immune system
Feb 7th 2024, 12:05
Chronic stress affects the immune system and the brain. Researchers now show that a particular enzyme found in cells of the immune system enters the brain under stress. In mice, it causes them to withdraw and avoid social contact. This newly discovered connection between body and mind in stress-related mental illnesses could lead to new treatments for depression.
( Are body temperature and depression linked? Science says, yes
Feb 5th 2024, 20:44
People with depression have higher body temperatures, suggesting there could be a mental health benefit to lowering the temperatures of those with the disorder.
( Bullied teens' brains show chemical change associated with psychosis
Feb 5th 2024, 16:58
Researchers have found that adolescents being bullied by their peers are at greater risk of the early stages of psychotic episodes and in turn experience lower levels of a key neurotransmitter in a part of the brain involved in regulating emotions. The finding suggests that this neurotransmitter may be a potential target for pharmaceutical interventions aimed at reducing the risk of psychotic disorders.
( Researchers find early symptoms of psychosis spectrum disorder in youth higher than expected
Jan 30th 2024, 17:28
A new study has found evidence that Psychosis Spectrum Symptoms (PSS) are often present in youth accessing mental health services.
( Researchers discover a new role for a protein that helps form memories
Jan 25th 2024, 15:00
Researchers discovered a new function for a common protein in the brain -- a development that sheds new light on the mysteries of the mind and holds promising implications for the treatment of memory loss and post-traumatic stress disorder.
( Cognitive behavioral therapy alters brain activity in children with anxiety
Jan 24th 2024, 13:28
Researchers found widespread overactivation in brain activity in unmedicated children with anxiety disorders. Treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) led to improved clinical functioning and reduced activation in many brain areas. The findings illuminate the brain mechanisms underlying the acute effects of CBT to treat one of the most common mental disorders in children.
( Blood pressure drug can reduce anxiety for people with autism, study shows
Jan 23rd 2024, 17:55
A new study has found that propranolol, a medication that treats high blood pressure, can also help lower anxiety for kids and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
( Relationships with caring adults provide a buffer against depression, anxiety, regardless of adverse childhood experiences
Jan 18th 2024, 12:21
A new study sought to identify factors that would bolster resilience for marginalized and minoritized youth, using data from the Boricua Youth Study, a longitudinal study following three generations of families over 20 years in both Puerto Rico and the South Bronx, New York.
( Therapy versus medication: Comparing treatments for depression in heart disease
Jan 17th 2024, 14:39
New research shows that behavioral activation therapy is as effective as antidepressant medications in treating symptoms of depression in patients with heart failure.
( Let me check my phone again
Jan 13th 2024, 14:37
New research finds that smartphone usage can increase and even become unhealthy for those who have obsessive-compulsive disorder.
( Psychotherapy effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorder following multiple traumatic events, meta-study finds
Jan 12th 2024, 11:47
Psychotherapy is an effective treatment for adults with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following exposure to multiple traumatic events. This is shown by a meta-study by an international research team.
( Newly identified genes for depression may lead to new treatments
Jan 10th 2024, 12:03
More than 200 genes linked to depression have been newly identified in a worldwide study.
( Traumatic stress associated with smaller brain region
Jan 10th 2024, 12:03
Research reveals that adults with PTSD have a 2% smaller cerebellum than people without the disorder. The finding expands understanding of the cerebellum's role in the brain beyond balance and movement to include emotion and cognition and also suggests that targeting the cerebellum may improve current treatments for PTSD, such as deep brain stimulation.
( Bipolar disorder linked to early death
Jan 4th 2024, 21:01
Having bipolar disorder -- a serious mental illness that can cause both manic and depressed moods -- can make life more challenging. It also comes with a higher risk of dying early. Now, a study puts into perspective just how large that risk is, and how it compares with other factors that can shorten life.
( Scientists uncover key brain pathway mediating panic disorder symptoms
Jan 4th 2024, 12:20
Researchers have found set of neurons that mediate panic-like symptoms in mice, which showcase a novel brain pathway that could be a target for new panic disorder therapeutics.
( Study reveals new genetic link between anorexia nervosa and being an early riser
Jan 4th 2024, 12:18
New research indicates that the eating disorder anorexia nervosa is associated with being an early riser, unlike many other disorders that tend to be evening-based such as depression, binge eating disorder and schizophrenia.
( Connection between light levels and mental health -- climate change could also have an impact in the future
Dec 21st 2023, 01:29
In Finland, there is a clear increase in the number of sick days taken due to depression, anxiety and sleep disorders in October and November, whereas the number of absences is lower than expected between June and September. In late autumn, the number of sick days taken is almost twice as high as in the summer and about a quarter higher than in early autumn. On the other hand, manic episodes related to bipolar disorder occur more frequently than expected during the spring and summer, when there are more daylight hours, and less frequently than expected during darker times of year.
( Spinal cord stimulation a potential new way to treat depression
Dec 21st 2023, 01:28
A pilot clinical trial found electrical stimulation of the spinal cord is feasible, well-tolerated and shows therapeutic potential to treat depression.
( Rare sleep disorder more prevalent than previously thought
Dec 13th 2023, 21:25
People who are very sleepy during the day, despite a good night's rest, may have a sleep disorder called idiopathic hypersomnia. New research has found this neurologic disorder may not be as rare as once thought.
( Newly identified biomarkers may detect early cognitive decline via blood test
Dec 5th 2023, 17:06
For some people, extreme stressors like psychiatric disorders or childhood neglect and abuse can lead to a range of health problems later in life, including depression, anxiety and cardiovascular disease. A new study identified genetic indicators that can predict another health problem, the decline of cognitive abilities, among people who have been affected by these extreme stressors.
( Distinct brain activity triggered by memories of trauma
Nov 30th 2023, 11:30
It is well known that people who have lived through traumatic events like sexual assault, domestic abuse, or violent combat can experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including terrifying flashbacks, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the incident. But what exactly happens in the brains of PTSD patients as they recall these traumatic events? Are they remembered the same way as, say, the loss of a beloved pet -- or, for that matter, a relaxing walk on the beach?
( Mindfulness-based intervention shows promise for PTSD in cardiac arrest survivors
Nov 29th 2023, 11:24
A novel pilot study incorporating mindfulness into exposure therapy shows promise for reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress in cardiac arrest survivors. One in three survivors of cardiac arrest survivors develop PTSD, increasing their risk of mortality, yet no specific treatment has been developed for this population.
( Genomic study links cannabis abuse to multiple health problems
Nov 20th 2023, 17:09
A new analysis of the genomes of more than 1 million people has shed light on the underlying biology of cannabis use disorder and its links to psychiatric disorders, abuse of other substances such as tobacco, and possibly even an elevated risk of developing lung cancer.
( A small molecule blocks aversive memory formation, providing a potential treatment target for depression
Nov 16th 2023, 14:10
Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world, but current anti-depressants have yet to meet the needs of many patients. Neuroscientists recently discovered a small molecule that can effectively alleviate stress-induced depressive symptoms in mice by preventing aversive memory formation with a lower dosage, offering a new direction for developing anti-depressants in the future.
( High levels of maternal stress during pregnancy linked to children's behavior problems
Nov 16th 2023, 14:10
Children whose mothers are highly stressed, anxious or depressed during pregnancy may be at higher risk for mental health and behavior issues during their childhood and teen years, according to new research.
( New studies of brain activity explain benefits of electroconvulsive therapy
Nov 16th 2023, 14:08
Researchers have shed new light on why electroconvulsive therapy has such a high success rate, a mystery that has puzzled doctors and scientists for almost a century. Findings could help improve this controversial treatment.
( Reducing 'vivid imagery' that fuels addiction cravings
Nov 14th 2023, 14:37
New research shows promise in treating addiction cravings by combining eye movements and guided instructions to process memories. Researchers transformed dysfunctional memories stored in the brain through processing and integration. EMDR was as effective as cognitive behavioral therapy for cravings with the combination of both resulting in more reduction in craving than cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) alone. Both groups (experimental group and control group using only CBT) had clinically significant reductions in cravings, repetitive negative thoughts, and irrational cognitions, with the experimental group showing greater decreases overall.
( Brain imaging identifies biomarkers of mental illness
Nov 9th 2023, 14:14
Research and treatment of psychiatric disorders are stymied by a lack of biomarkers -- objective biological or physiological markers that can help diagnose, track, predict, and treat diseases. In a new study, researchers use a very large dataset to identify predictive brain imaging-based biomarkers of mental illness in adolescents.
( Connectivity scans could serve as brain 'blueprints' for adolescents, researchers find
Nov 7th 2023, 13:19
Two new studies highlight how brain imaging can be used to predict and identify cognitive outcomes and psychiatric risk in young people.
( When dads are feeling a bit depressed or anxious, how do kids fare?
Nov 7th 2023, 10:53
A team of researchers has found that slightly higher, but mild anxious or depressive symptoms in fathers were associated with fewer behavioral difficulties in the first years of elementary school and better scores on a standardized IQ test in their children.
( New clues to the mechanism behind treatment-resistant depression
Nov 2nd 2023, 13:50
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a widespread mental health condition that for many is disabling. It has long been appreciated that MDD has genetic as well as environmental influences. In a new study researchers identify a gene that interacted with stress to mediate aspects of treatment-resistant MDD in an animal model.
( The genetic heritage of the Denisovans may have left its mark on our mental health
Oct 30th 2023, 11:00
A research team has identified the most widespread genetic contribution by Denisovans to date. The study reveals that the genetic variant observed, which affects zinc regulation, could have signified an evolutionary advantage in our ancestors' adaptation to the cold. The study also reveals that this genetic adaptation may have predisposed modern humans to neuropsychiatric disorders.
( Childhood trauma linked to headaches in adulthood
Oct 25th 2023, 17:36
People who have experienced traumatic events in childhood such as abuse, neglect or household dysfunction may be more likely to experience headache disorders as adults, according to a meta-analysis. This research does not prove that such experiences cause headaches; it only shows an association.
( Simple blood test can help diagnose bipolar disorder
Oct 25th 2023, 16:29
Researchers have developed a new way of improving diagnosis of bipolar disorder that uses a simple blood test to identify biomarkers associated with the condition.
( Researchers confirm postpartum depression heritability, home in on treatment mechanism
Oct 19th 2023, 15:18
Researchers have conducted a large-scale meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to investigate the genetic architecture of PPD.
( Study finds men's antidepressant use did not negatively impact IVF success
Oct 19th 2023, 11:13
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a time-intensive and often stress-inducing fertility procedure. Yet how does that stress impact its success? Investigators have now assessed the effects of anxiety and depression in men on fertility and IVF outcomes.
( Brain connectivity is disrupted in schizophrenia
Oct 17th 2023, 12:34
Schizophrenia, a neurodevelopmental disorder that features psychosis among its symptoms, is thought to arise from disorganization in brain connectivity and functional integration. Now, a new study finds differences in functional brain connectivity in people with and without psychosis and schizophrenia that could help researchers understand the neural underpinnings of this disease.
( Virtual reality helps people with hoarding disorder practice decluttering
Oct 16th 2023, 22:20
A new study lets patients practice letting go of treasured objects in simulations of their own homes.
( AI language models could help diagnose schizophrenia
Oct 9th 2023, 19:16
Scientists have developed new tools, based on AI language models, that can characterize subtle signatures in the speech of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.
( Psychedelics improve mental health, cognition in special ops veterans
Oct 5th 2023, 11:07
One treatment each of two psychedelic drugs lowered depression and anxiety and improved cognitive functioning in a sample of U.S. special operations forces veterans who sought care at a clinic in Mexico, according to a new analysis. The treatment included a combination of ibogaine hydrochloride, derived from the West African shrub iboga, and a psychedelic substance secreted by the Colorado River toad.
( Study indicates possible link between chronic stress and Alzheimer's disease
Oct 2nd 2023, 12:44
Researchers have published a study that addresses possible associations between chronic stress, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. The study shows how people aged between 18 and 65 with a previous diagnosis of chronic stress and depression were more likely than other people to be diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease.
( Increased risk of depression and anxiety when in higher education, study finds
Sep 29th 2023, 13:13
Young people who are in higher education in England face a small increased risk of depression and anxiety, compared to their peers who are not attending higher education, finds a new study.
( Depression, anxiety may be among early signs of MS
Sep 25th 2023, 19:05
New research is painting a clearer picture of the early signs of multiple sclerosis (MS), showing that people are nearly twice as likely to experience mental illness in the years leading up to the onset of the diseases. The study suggests that psychiatric conditions like anxiety and depression may be part of a prodromal phase of MS -- a set of preliminary symptoms and clues that arise before classic MS symptoms.
( Marker for brain inflammation finally decoded
Sep 25th 2023, 12:48
Inflammation is the sign that our body is defending itself against an aggression. But when this response escalates, for example in the brain, it can lead to serious neurological or psychiatric diseases. A team investigated a marker protein targeted by medical imaging to visualize cerebral inflammation, but whose interpretation was still uncertain. The team reveals that a large quantity of this protein goes hand in hand with a large quantity of inflammatory cells, but its presence is not a sign of their overactivation. These results pave the way for optimal observation of neuroinflammatory processes and a re-reading of previous studies on the subject.
( Posttraumatic brain activity predicts resilience to PTSD
Sep 21st 2023, 15:45
After a traumatic experience, most people recover without incident, but some people -- between 2% and 10% -- develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition that can cause debilitating symptoms of anxiety due to emotional dysregulation. PTSD symptoms are present in up to 40% of trauma survivors in the acute aftermath of trauma, but full-blown PTSD develops in only a small subset of cases. Early identification of those at risk is critical for both early treatment and possible prevention.
( Suppressing negative thoughts may be good for mental health after all, study suggests
Sep 20th 2023, 15:23
The commonly-held belief that attempting to suppress negative thoughts is bad for our mental health could be wrong, a new study suggests. Researchers trained 120 volunteers worldwide to suppress thoughts about negative events that worried them, and found that not only did these become less vivid, but that the participants' mental health also improved.
( Inflammatory signs for adolescent depression differ between boys and girls
Sep 13th 2023, 12:27
New research has found that depression and the risk of depression are linked to different inflammatory proteins in boys and girls.
( New neural insights into processing uncertainty in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Sep 12th 2023, 16:56
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neurological disorder characterized by repeated behaviors such as cleaning and checking despite clear objective evidence of cleanliness, orderliness, and correctness. Although the disease is often mischaracterized as a disorder of 'fussiness,' the disorder actually stems from difficulty in processing uncertainty. However, the neural underpinnings of that aberrant processing remains unknown. Now, a new study uses brain imaging to get a closer look at the underpinnings of uncertainty processing in OCD.
( Your body's own cannabinoid molecules calm you during stress
Sep 12th 2023, 11:35
When you're under stress, your brain may release its own cannabinoid molecules to calm you, activating the same brain receptors as THC derived from cannabis plants. But the brain activity regulated by these cannabinoid molecules were not well known. A new study in mice has discovered a key emotional brain center, the amygdala, releases cannabinoid molecules under stress that dampen the incoming stress alarm from the hippocampus, a memory and emotion center in the brain. The finding may reveal novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of stress-related disorders.
( Intellectual disability more common in families with substance use disorder
Sep 7th 2023, 13:04
Children of a parent with alcohol or drug use disorder have a greater risk of intellectual disability, even if the problem only lies with the father, researchers report. According to the study, preventive measures should be directed at both parents.
( Elucidating the mechanism of aripiprazole action in treating circadian rhythm sleep disorders
Sep 7th 2023, 10:58
Aripiprazole enhances the entrainment to external light-dark cycles by weakening the synchronization between neurons in the central circadian clock, thereby improving the symptoms of circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
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