Your Daily digest for Clinical Social Work Association Announcements Daily Digiest (Unofficial)

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Clinical Social Work Association Announcements Daily Digiest (Unofficial)


( ProPublica Request - 3-1-24
Mar 1st 2024, 16:09

ProPublica is preparing a series on the difficulties with getting access to mental health treatment. They have asked for CSWA’s help in gathering information about this topic.

If you are open to being a source for them, whether you have had direct experience with denials of care or not, visit their newly published form at this link: ( It should not take more than 2 minutes to fill out. If you are interested, please complete the form by March 10th.

Also, please let me know if and when you have sent your information.
Laura Groshong, LICSW, Director, Policy and Practice  (mailto:lwgroshong at lwgroshong at

( Social Work Census - 2-28-24
Feb 28th 2024, 08:07

The Social Work Workforce Coalition (a group comprised of various social work leaders across North America) will launch a social work census in March 2024.

To ensure our demographics and broad range of services and specialties are fully captured, everyone is encouraged to participate. 

Please visit ( now to sign up for the census. You will then receive an email when the census opens.

Forwarded by:
Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

This information is taken from free public RSS feeds published by each organization for the purpose of public distribution. Readers are linked back to the article content on each organization's website. This email is an unaffiliated unofficial redistribution of this freely provided content from the publishers. 


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