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Thu Jun 27 13:02:33 PDT 2024

NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Cultural Issues and the 2024 Election
Jun 27th 2024, 15:19

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( Meals and mental health: Kansas City area schools connect students with summer resources
Jun 27th 2024, 15:12

Dr. Roslyn Christopher, a school social worker and faculty of social work at the University of Kansas, said her team tries to cover all its communication bases by reaching out to families through text, email or social media. “We all know at the end of the school year is crunch time,” Christopher said.
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( Low-dose overlap initiation with split tablets of buprenorphine in intubated intensive care unit patients with opioid use disorder
Jun 27th 2024, 14:31

As the opioid public health crisis evolves to include fentanyl and other potent synthetic opioids, more patients are admitted to the hospital with serious complications of drug use and frequently require highe…
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( Social support for functional dependence, activity patterns, and chronic pain outcomes: A cross-lagged mediation panel study.
Jun 27th 2024, 14:08

Health Psychology, Vol 43(7), Jul 2024, 488-499; doi:10.1037/hea0001370
Objective: Received social support undermining engagement in life activities of individuals with chronic pain (e.g., solicitousness, support for functional dependence) is consistently correlated with worse physical functioning, pain severity, and disability. Whether such responses lead to worse pain outcomes (operant model of pain) or the latter lead to more supportive responses undermining activity engagement (social communication and empathy models of pain) is unknown, given the lack of cross-lagged panel studies. Furthermore, the mediating role of activity patterns in such relationships over time is entirely unclear. This study aimed to bridge these gaps. Method: This was a 3-month prospective study with three waves of data collection (T1–T3; 6-week lag in-between), including 130 older adults (71% women; Mage = 78.26) with musculoskeletal chronic pain attending day-care centers. At every time point, participants filled out self-report measures of staff social support for functional dependence, activity patterns, physical functioning, pain severity, and interference. Scales showed good/very good test–retest reliability (ICC = .74–.96) and internal consistency (all α > .90). Results: Parsimonious cross-lagged panel mediation models showed the best fit (χ²/df .96; GFI >.93; RMSEA 
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( More than Money? Job Quality and Food Insecurity among Employed Lone Mother Households in the United States
Jun 27th 2024, 13:21

This article examines the relationship between food insecurity and the uncertainty and inadequate financial resources associated with low quality work among lone mother households in the United States. Food insecurity has increased since the start of the Great Recession and is particularly high among lone mother households. Using data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation, I find that mothers who have been employed part-time involuntarily and experienced job loss have an increased likelihood of experiencing food insecurity. This relationship holds even after controlling for multiple measures of household income, suggesting the relationship between low quality work and food insecurity is not solely determined by low financial resources. Results suggest that, to reduce food insecurity among lone mother families, policymakers must address both the low wages and uncertainty associated with low quality employment.

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( Who We Are Is Where We Are: Making Home in the American Rust Belt
Jun 27th 2024, 12:34

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( Sexual Assault: States Provide for Survivors to Access Free Forensic Exams but Total Costs are Unknown
Jun 27th 2024, 12:32

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( CDC: Find Mpox Vaccines
Jun 27th 2024, 11:23

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( Unequal Treatment Revisited The Current State of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care: Proceedings of a Workshop
Jun 27th 2024, 10:51

The post ( Unequal Treatment Revisited The Current State of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care: Proceedings of a Workshop was curated by ( information for practice.

( Know Your Enemy: The Gay Men Who Built the Conservative Movement
Jun 27th 2024, 10:42

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( Organizing, Collective Action, and the National Labor Relations Board
Jun 27th 2024, 10:36

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( Toronto residents flood city lotteries amid ‘impossibly unaffordable’ housing
Jun 27th 2024, 10:09

The scarcity of such affordable options is part of why Toronto was ranked as “impossibly unaffordable” in a report published this month that ranked the city 84 out of 94 cities worldwide assessed for affordability, with Vancouver the only Canadian city faring worse.
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( Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and sexual offending: A systematic review
Jun 27th 2024, 09:52

The post ( Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and sexual offending: A systematic review was curated by ( information for practice.

( Comprehensive, Coordinated, and Ongoing Housing-Focused Outreach
Jun 27th 2024, 09:39

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( The advancement of artificial intelligence in biomedical research and health innovation: challenges and opportunities in emerging economies
Jun 27th 2024, 09:33

The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), algorithm optimization and high-throughput experiments has enabled scientists to accelerate the discovery of new chemicals and materials with unprecedented effi…
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( Ending Unequal Treatment In The United States Health Care System
Jun 27th 2024, 08:56

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( HRSA HAB Program Letter on Expungement Services for People with HIV Who Have Had Legal System Involvement
Jun 27th 2024, 08:31

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( Have you seen Blue Lights (2023) on BritBox?
Jun 27th 2024, 07:12

Describe how Grace fits into the story of Blue Lights?
We meet her at a moment in her life where she’s made this huge career change from social worker to police officer. I think that decision is hugely informed by the job she used to do and the frustrations of working in that environment. She wants to do a job where she can make a difference and be on the frontline of that change. She has a 17-year-old son and she’s juggling being a mum, a single parent, and learning to do a new, challenging job at the same time. She’s just trying to hold it all together and do the best she can.
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( Elder fraud has reached epidemic proportions – a geriatrician explains what older Americans need to know
Jun 27th 2024, 07:07

The post ( Elder fraud has reached epidemic proportions – a geriatrician explains what older Americans need to know was curated by ( information for practice.

( Impact of an early medical abortion at home pack of medicines in Scotland
Jun 27th 2024, 05:54

Why was change required?
Abortion care involves the provision of up to seven medicines: abortifacients,1 analgesia, an antiemetic, contraception2 and occasionally an antibiotic. This is a large volume of pharmaceuticals supplied and is similar to the amount of medicines supplied after a heart attack. More medicines per intervention carries greater complexity and associated problems.3
Legislation changes during the COVID-19 pandemic allows for abortion medicines to be taken at home in Scotland for up to 12 weeks’ gestation.4 Previously mifepristone needed to be consumed at an approved clinical site. Significant time was spent by clinical staff assembling medicines boxes for postage and collection. Full packs of antiemetic medicines and analgesia were given locally, more than required for the procedure, leading to accumulation and wastage in patient homes. Provision of analgesia and antiemetics across Scotland vary leading to unnecessary variation.
To reduce staff time spent on…

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( Quarterly Carers Statistics for Northern Ireland (March 2024)
Jun 27th 2024, 04:09

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( General Election Analysis: Labour Party Manifesto
Jun 27th 2024, 04:02

As part of BASW’s General Election coverage, we’re scrutinising each of the main UK political party manifestos.
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( Building bridges of support: Collaboration in the field of social work
Jun 26th 2024, 23:53

Collaboration in social work allows professionals to combine expertise, perspectives, and resources to address complex social issues comprehensively. This approach pulls in strengths from various fields to develop innovative solutions, improve care coordination, and support individuals in need.
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( A national New Zealand study of childhood non-offending contact with police and later offending in adolescence
Jun 26th 2024, 23:52

Publication date: June 2024
Source: Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 161
Author(s): Kelly Foster, Myron Dean Friesen, Darren Walton
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( Funding Call – Global Professorships 2024 (Deadline for Pro-Vice-Chancellor (or at minimum Head of Department/Faculty/Institute) supporting statements and UK host institution approval is 17:00 (BST) 23 October)
Jun 26th 2024, 23:51

The post ( Funding Call – Global Professorships 2024 (Deadline for Pro-Vice-Chancellor (or at minimum Head of Department/Faculty/Institute) supporting statements and UK host institution approval is 17:00 (BST) 23 October) was curated by ( information for practice.

( Differential Effectiveness of Open Versus Closed Psychotherapy Groups: A Systematic Review
Jun 26th 2024, 23:26

The post ( Differential Effectiveness of Open Versus Closed Psychotherapy Groups: A Systematic Review was curated by ( information for practice.

( ROSA OMS Home Care Brief Report for SA 2024
Jun 26th 2024, 23:06

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( Military Sexual Assault, Post-Service Employment, and Transition Preparation among U.S. Military Veterans: New Directions for Research
Jun 26th 2024, 22:34

Volume 19, Issue 4, May 2024, Page 692-708. 
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( Hong Kong poverty not just about income, but quality of life, welfare chief says
Jun 26th 2024, 22:17

Oxfam Hong Kong found that 1.36 million were living in poverty in the first quarter of last year. 
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( Barriers to access to hepatitis C treatment with direct-acting antivirals in people who inject drugs in the community setting
Jun 26th 2024, 21:31

Barriers to access to hepatitis C treatment with direct-acting antivirals in people who inject drugs in the community setting. Qualitative study with prison population. Hepatitis C (HCV) treatments with direct…
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