Your Daily digest for Science Daily Mind & Brain

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Sat Jun 22 01:40:38 PDT 2024

Science Daily Mind & Brain


( Resiliency shaped by activity in the gut microbiome and brain
Jun 21st 2024, 12:29

A new study has found that resilient people exhibit neural activity in the brain regions associated with improved cognition and regulating of emotions, and were more mindful and better at describing their feelings.

( Research finds causal evidence tying cerebral small-vessel disease to Alzheimer's, dementia
Jun 21st 2024, 12:28

While previous studies suggested an association of the most common cerebral small-vessel disease with dementia risk, new research provides evidence of causal link, identifying it as a major vascular factor.

( Activating molecular target reverses multiple hallmarks of aging
Jun 21st 2024, 12:28

Researchers have demonstrated that therapeutically restoring 'youthful' levels of a specific subunit of the telomerase enzyme can significantly reduce the signs and symptoms of aging in preclinical models. If these findings are confirmed in clinical studies, there may be therapeutic implications for age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, heart disease and cancer.

( Unlocking the entrepreneurial brain: New perspectives on cognitive flexibility
Jun 21st 2024, 12:26

Pioneering research highlights the importance of combining neuroscience with traditional entrepreneurial studies to gain a comprehensive understanding of what makes successful entrepreneurs distinct at a neurological level.

( Pie in the face? Why inflicting mild pain on others pays off
Jun 20th 2024, 19:40

A marketing professor articulates the appeal of inflicting mild misfortune on others, such as tossing pies into faces, for the purpose of charitable fundraising. The paper provides insights on how to best use this strategy to maximize charitable donations.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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