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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Housing advocates calling on government to double the number of social housing units in Quebec
Jun 13th 2024, 15:51

The Montreal-based housing advocate – FRAPRU (Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain) – is calling on the Quebec government to double the number of social housing units in the province within 15 years. The organization, which brings together housing committees and citizens’ associations, made the request on Sunday, following a three-day congress in Sherbrooke.
The post ( Housing advocates calling on government to double the number of social housing units in Quebec was curated by ( information for practice.

( Parenting experiences and outcomes among former adolescent mothers: A mixed methods study
Jun 13th 2024, 15:51

The post ( Parenting experiences and outcomes among former adolescent mothers: A mixed methods study was curated by ( information for practice.

( Perceived Community Belonging as a Moderator: Effects of Childhood Abuse on Health and Well-Being Among Middle-Aged and Older Canadians
Jun 13th 2024, 15:04

Volume 67, Issue 4, May-June 2024, Page 474-491. 
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( Severe Illness Potentially Associated with Consuming Diamond ShruumzTM Brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, and Gummies
Jun 13th 2024, 14:33

Products containing psychoactive compounds such as cannabis or mushroom extracts are increasing in availability. These “edibles” are often sold as gummy candies, chocolate, or other snack foods. They might contain undisclosed ingredients, including illicit substances, other adulterants, or potentially harmful contaminants that are not approved for use in food.
The post ( Severe Illness Potentially Associated with Consuming Diamond ShruumzTM Brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, and Gummies was curated by ( information for practice.

( Art as protest and memorialisation: a survey of local and diasporic responses to Hurricane María
Jun 13th 2024, 14:32

Volume 29, Issue 2, May 2024. 
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( Aggressive Humor and Social Connectedness: The Moderating Roles of Subjective Social Status and Gender
Jun 13th 2024, 13:29

Volume 158, Issue 4, 2024, Page 257-272. 
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( Daily exposure to stressors, daily perceived severity of stress, and mortality risk among US adults
Jun 13th 2024, 12:57

The post ( Daily exposure to stressors, daily perceived severity of stress, and mortality risk among US adults was curated by ( information for practice.

( Union donations to community organisations and the dampening effect of government legislation: the case of Bill 32 in Alberta, Canada
Jun 13th 2024, 12:31

Volume 33, Issue 4, December 2023, Page 422-439. 
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The post ( Union donations to community organisations and the dampening effect of government legislation: the case of Bill 32 in Alberta, Canada was curated by ( information for practice.

( Critical Theories of Anti-Semitism
Jun 13th 2024, 12:31

The post ( Critical Theories of Anti-Semitism was curated by ( information for practice.

( How Housing Can Help Break the Substance Use Cycle
Jun 13th 2024, 12:26

The post ( How Housing Can Help Break the Substance Use Cycle was curated by ( information for practice.

( Consistency within change: Evaluating the psychometric properties of a widely used predictive-inference task
Jun 13th 2024, 12:11

Rapid adaptation to sudden changes in the environment is a hallmark of flexible human behaviour. Many computational, neuroimaging, and even clinical investigations studying this cognitive process have relied on a behavioural paradigm known as the predictive-inference task. However, the psychometric quality of this task has never been examined, leaving unanswered whether it is indeed suited to capture behavioural variation on a within- and between-subject level. Using a large-scale test–retest design (T1: N = 330; T2: N = 219), we assessed the internal (internal consistency) and temporal (test–retest reliability) stability of the task’s most used measures. We show that the main measures capturing flexible belief and behavioural adaptation yield good internal consistency and overall satisfying test–retest reliability. However, some more complex markers of flexible behaviour show lower psychometric quality. Our findings have implications for the large corpus of previous studies using this task and provide clear guidance as to which measures should and should not be used in future studies.
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( Evaluating the Judgment of Learning: its Limited Impact and the Power of Retrieval on Inductive Learning
Jun 13th 2024, 12:09

Recent studies suggest that making judgments of learning (JOLs)—self-assessment of current learning status—may not merely be a neutral cognitive process, but can directly improve learning through what is called ‘JOL reactivity’. This study investigated whether making JOLs can facilitate the learning of previously studied materials (backward effect) and newly studied materials (forward effect) in inductive learning. We also examined how this effect varies depending on whether a JOL is accompanied by a retrieval attempt. Across three experiments, participants learned about various butterfly species presented in two sections (Sections A and B). Some participants made JOLs between Section A and Section B, while others did not, and then all participants took a final transfer test for both sections. In Experiment 1, merely making JOLs did not facilitate learning compared to restudy control, regardless of whether JOLs afforded covert retrieval (target-absent JOL) or not (target-present JOL). However, in Experiment 2, when participants made JOLs combined with overt retrieval prompts (retrieval practice + JOL), they outperformed the other groups in the final transfer test of Section B, showing the forward effect. Experiment 3 further revealed that the act of making JOLs combined with overt retrieval practice was as effective as (but not more than) retrieval practice without JOLs in promoting new learning. Our findings indicate that conventional forms of JOLs do not appear to enhance inductive learning; rather, they underscore the critical role of retrieval in facilitating inductive learning.
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( Being and timeouts: live sports in the psyche
Jun 13th 2024, 12:08

Despite televised sports being a non-fiction event, the gap that separates a sporting event’s live unfolding from its televisual transmission ensures that it has all the aesthetic dynamism of a dramatic series. This essay argues that the sense of liveness that undergirds a televised sports broadcast operates on the side of the viewing subject rather in the object itself. It is the psyche that makes sport live—not the broadcast. This essay looks to Freudian and Lacanian concepts and ideas from television studies to concretize its theoretical intervention.
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The post ( Being and timeouts: live sports in the psyche was curated by ( information for practice.

( Contextual cueing during lethal force training: How target design and repetition can alter threat assessments
Jun 13th 2024, 11:30

Volume 36, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 353-365. 
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The post ( Contextual cueing during lethal force training: How target design and repetition can alter threat assessments was curated by ( information for practice.

( Northern Michigan University provides $30,000 stipends to social work students
Jun 13th 2024, 10:48

The post ( Northern Michigan University provides $30,000 stipends to social work students was curated by ( information for practice.

( Visualizing Agreement: Bland–Altman Plots as a Supplement to Inter-Rater Reliability Indices
Jun 13th 2024, 10:29

Volume 22, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 175-187. 
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The post ( Visualizing Agreement: Bland–Altman Plots as a Supplement to Inter-Rater Reliability Indices was curated by ( information for practice.

( Care to chat? A podcast from the Northern Ireland Social Care Council
Jun 13th 2024, 10:22

The post ( Care to chat? A podcast from the Northern Ireland Social Care Council was curated by ( information for practice.

( Scoping literature review of well-being of students at school: Implications for designing evidence-based interventions
Jun 13th 2024, 10:19

The post ( Scoping literature review of well-being of students at school: Implications for designing evidence-based interventions was curated by ( information for practice.

( Abused by the badge
Jun 13th 2024, 09:32

A Washington Post investigation has found that over the past two decades, hundreds of law enforcement officers in the United States have sexually abused children while officials at every level of the criminal justice system have failed to protect kids, punish abusers and prevent additional crimes. Police and sheriff’s departments have enabled predators by botching background checks, ignoring red flags and mishandling investigations. Accused cops have used their knowledge of the legal system to stall cases, get charges lowered or evade convictions. Prosecutors have given generous plea deals to officers who admitted to raping and groping minors. Judges have allowed many convicted officers to avoid prison time.
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( Parental attachment styles, religiousness, and deconversion processes in adolescence
Jun 13th 2024, 09:31

Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 87-100. 
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( COVID-19 vaccination uptake and determinants of booster vaccination among persons who inject drugs in New York City
Jun 13th 2024, 09:26

The post ( COVID-19 vaccination uptake and determinants of booster vaccination among persons who inject drugs in New York City was curated by ( information for practice.

( Addendum Guidelines for the Prevention of Peanut Allergy in the United States
Jun 13th 2024, 09:03

The post ( Addendum Guidelines for the Prevention of Peanut Allergy in the United States was curated by ( information for practice.

( Unreliable Continuous Treatment Indicators in Propensity Score Analysis
Jun 13th 2024, 08:33

Volume 59, Issue 2, March-April 2024, Page 187-205. 
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( Roma Health Strategy
Jun 13th 2024, 07:59

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( What predicts personal growth following a deployment? An examination of National Guard soldiers through the lens of posttraumatic growth
Jun 13th 2024, 07:46

Volume 36, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 274-285. 
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( Green councillor says ‘universities are the housing crisis’ in Bristol as student numbers shoot up
Jun 13th 2024, 07:02

Green Councillor Guy Poultney… said: “The rate of the expansions of both universities massively outpaces the rate at which the [local] authority can reasonably be expected to build new accommodation. The universities are the housing crisis in Bristol and that needs to be borne in mind.”
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( Renewable energy and the promise of jobs, regional regeneration and first nations opportunities
Jun 13th 2024, 06:36

Volume 33, Issue 4, December 2023, Page 403-421. 
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( The effects of COVID-19 on wellbeing and resilience among Muslims in Turkey
Jun 13th 2024, 05:31

Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 1-26. 
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( Politicians must urgently address “relentless reality” of hardship as 7 million households continue to go without essentials
Jun 13th 2024, 04:57

The post ( Politicians must urgently address “relentless reality” of hardship as 7 million households continue to go without essentials was curated by ( information for practice.

( COVID-19 distress, sources of meaning, and crisis of meaning in the Finnish context
Jun 13th 2024, 04:44

Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 71-86. 
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The post ( COVID-19 distress, sources of meaning, and crisis of meaning in the Finnish context was curated by ( information for practice.

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