Your Daily digest for Psychology Research News -- ScienceDaily

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Thu Jun 13 07:47:42 PDT 2024

Psychology Research News -- ScienceDaily


( Exposure to heat and cold in early life may affect development of white matter in the brain
Jun 12th 2024, 17:31

Brain scans of more than 2,000 preadolescents suggests that early life exposure to heat and cold may have lasting effects on the microstructure of white matter in the brain, especially when living in poorer neighborhoods. The study highlights the vulnerability of fetuses and children to extreme temperatures.

( Just thinking about a location activates mental maps in the brain
Jun 12th 2024, 11:32

Researchers found that mental representations known as cognitive maps, located in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, are activated when the brain performs mental simulations of a navigational route.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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