Your Daily digest for Military Psychology Journal - Published by APA Div. 19 - Daily Digest (Unofficial)

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Wed Jul 31 15:58:49 PDT 2024

Military Psychology Journal - Published by APA Div. 19 - Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Adaptive training instructional interventions: A meta-analysis
Jul 31st 2024, 00:20


( Relationship between job challenge and job performance in the Korean Army: The mediating effect of learning agility and the moderating effect of job autonomy
Jul 31st 2024, 00:19


( High-level military and sport leaders’ everyday challenges and psychological skills: A cross-contextual repeated measures study
Jul 31st 2024, 00:18


( Should I stay or should I go? The collective effects of work, family, and mental health on military career intentions among active-duty and national guard and reserve soldiers
Jul 31st 2024, 00:16


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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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