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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Beyond fare evasion: the everyday moralities of non-payment and underpayment on public transport
Jul 21st 2024, 16:02

Volume 19, Issue 3, June 2024, Page 345-362. 
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( Literal vs. hyperbole: examining speech preferences in testimonies of victims of sexual crime
Jul 21st 2024, 16:02

Volume 30, Issue 5, June 2024, Page 387-403. 
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( ‘I have struggled’: how individual identities impacted staff working experiences in higher education during COVID-19
Jul 21st 2024, 16:02

Volume 28, Issue 3, July 2024, Page 121-131. 
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( International solidarity for a de-colonised Just Transition: electric vehicles and lithium in Mexico and Europe
Jul 21st 2024, 16:02

Volume 19, Issue 1-3, February – June 2024. 
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( Writing to Become Alive
Jul 21st 2024, 16:01

Volume 25, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 76-83. 
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( Statement of Removal
Jul 21st 2024, 16:01

Volume 29, Issue 7, August 2024, Page 1375-1375. 
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( “I’ve finally got my expression”: the anchoring role of identity in changing from an organisation-based career to a protean career path
Jul 21st 2024, 15:57

Volume 52, Issue 3, June 2024, Page 367-377. 
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( Use of ‘risk’ language in breastfeeding promotional materials: US state and local health departments
Jul 21st 2024, 15:33

Volume 26, Issue 3-4, April – April – June 2024, Page 101-114. 
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( Possible unintended consequences of pediatric clinician strategies for communicating about social-emotional and developmental concerns in diverse young children.
Jul 21st 2024, 15:32

Families, Systems, & Health, Vol 42(1), Mar 2024, 18-33; doi:10.1037/fsh0000882
Introduction: Screening to promote social-emotional well-being in toddlers has positive effects on long-term health and functioning. Communication about social-emotional well-being can be challenging for primary care clinicians for various reasons including lack of time, training and expertise, resource constraints, and cognitive burden. Therefore, we explored clinicians’ perspectives on identifying and communicating with caregivers about social-emotional risk in toddlers. Method: In 2021, semistructured interviews were conducted with pediatric clinicians (N = 20) practicing in Federally Qualified Health Centers in a single metropolitan area. Most participants identified as female (n = 15; 75%), white non-Hispanic/Latino (n = 14; 70%), and were Doctors of Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine (n = 14; 70%). Thematic analysis was conducted on audio-recorded interview transcripts. Results: Clinicians used various approaches to identify social-emotional concerns which were sometimes difficult to distinguish from other developmental concerns. The clinician–caregiver relationship guided identification and communication practices and cut-across themes. Themes include: starting with caregivers’ concerns, communicating concerns with data and sensitivity, navigating labels, culture, and stigma, and limiting communication based on family capacity and interest. Discussion: Prioritizing the clinician–caregiver relationship is consistent with best practice and family-centered care. Yet, the dearth of standardized decision support may undermine clinician confidence and impede timely conversations about social-emotional concerns. An evidence-based approach with developmentally based culturally informed quantitative tools and standardized decision supports could help ensure equitable management and decision making about young children’s social and emotional well-being and development. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Social Security’s Office of the Inspector General Releases Scam Report to Congress
Jul 21st 2024, 15:23

OIG received about 27,000 scam allegations in the second quarter:
 – About 45% of reported cases claimed there was a problem with a person’s Social Security number.
 – Nearly 17% of cases mentioned a problem with Social Security benefits.
 – One-third of scams used official-looking documents or images (such as the Social Security logo).
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( Validation of the compassionate engagement and action scales, compassion scale, and Sussex-Oxford compassion scales in a French-Canadian sample
Jul 21st 2024, 14:24

The post ( Validation of the compassionate engagement and action scales, compassion scale, and Sussex-Oxford compassion scales in a French-Canadian sample was curated by ( information for practice.

( Response-contingent cocaine increases the reinforcing effectiveness of social contact.
Jul 21st 2024, 13:32

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol 32(3), Jun 2024, 255-262; doi:10.1037/pha0000679
Epidemiological studies report a high concordance rate of drug use within groups, suggesting an interplay between drug reinforcement and social cohesion. Preclinical studies reveal that (a) contingent access to a social partner increases cocaine intake and (b) experimenter-delivered cocaine increases the reinforcing effects of social contact. The purpose of this study was to determine if response-contingent cocaine increases the reinforcing effectiveness of social contact. Male rats were implanted with intravenous catheters and trained on a fixed ratio (FR1) schedule for 30-s access to a social partner. The reinforcing effectiveness of social contact was then determined using a progressive ratio (PR) schedule. After the PR test, rats were divided into two groups in which each response on an FR1 schedule produced social access and either response-contingent cocaine (0.5 mg/kg/infusion) or saline. After 9 days, the reinforcing effectiveness of social contact in the absence of infusions was determined again on the PR schedule. The cocaine and saline reinforcers were then switched between groups and the latter procedures were repeated. Recent exposure to response-contingent cocaine increased the reinforcing effectiveness of social contact on the PR schedule. This effect was transient, and the reinforcing effectiveness of social contact returned to baseline levels once response-contingent cocaine was replaced with saline. These data indicate that recent exposure to response-contingent cocaine transiently increases the reinforcing effectiveness of social contact and suggest that cocaine use may strengthen social cohesion by increasing the reinforcing effects of social contact with other individuals. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Adam Smith and Sociology
Jul 21st 2024, 13:12

The central core of the work of Adam Smith is identified here, with particular reference to his own words. His argumentation is full of surprises and paradoxes, and it offers key insights for sociology, especially as it allows us to better understand key features of the modern world.

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( Ketamine: The Story of Modern Psychiatry’s Most Fascinating Molecule
Jul 21st 2024, 12:53

The post ( Ketamine: The Story of Modern Psychiatry’s Most Fascinating Molecule was curated by ( information for practice.

( Digital phenotyping correlates of mobile cognitive measures in schizophrenia: A multisite global mental health feasibility trial
Jul 21st 2024, 12:19

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( What a relief! The pleasure of threat avoidance.
Jul 21st 2024, 12:11

Emotion, Vol 24(3), Apr 2024, 539-550; doi:10.1037/emo0001312
Relief, a pleasurable experience, is often triggered by successful threat avoidance. Although relief is regarded as the positive reinforcer for avoidance behavior, its rewarding nature remains to be demonstrated. In our study, 50 participants responded to cues associated with different magnitudes of monetary values or electrical stimuli. Successful responses to those cues resulted in monetary gains (i.e., rewards) or omissions of electrical stimulation (i.e., relief), followed by a pleasantness rating scale. We also measured physiological arousal via skin conductance. As expected, we found that for reward and relief similarly, higher magnitudes elicited more successful responses, higher pleasantness ratings, and higher skin conductance responses. Moreover, differential reward/relief response patterns predicted later choices between reward and relief cues. These findings indicate that relief induced by threat omissions is functionally equivalent to receiving a reward, confirming that relief is a positive reinforcer for threat avoidance behaviors, which provides a new theoretical perspective on the learning process of active threat avoidance. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( The empathetic refutational interview to tackle vaccine misconceptions: Four randomized experiments.
Jul 21st 2024, 12:02

Health Psychology, Vol 43(6), Jun 2024, 426-437; doi:10.1037/hea0001354
Objective: We introduce and report early stage testing of a novel, multicomponent intervention that can be used by healthcare professionals (HCPs) to address false or misleading antivaccination arguments while maintaining empathy for and understanding of people’s motivations to believe misinformation: the “Empathetic Refutational Interview” (ERI). Method: We conducted four experiments in 2022 with participants who were predominantly negative or on the fence about vaccination (total n = 2,545) to test four steps for tailoring an HCP’s response to a vaccine-hesitant individual: (a) elicit their concerns, (b) affirm their values and beliefs to the extent possible, (c) refute the misinformed beliefs in their reasoning in a way that is tailored to their psychological motivations, and (d) provide factual information about vaccines. Each of the steps was tested against active control conditions, with participants randomized to conditions. Results: Overall, compared to controls, we found that observing steps of the ERI produced small effects on increasing vaccine acceptance and lowering support for antivaccination arguments. Critically, an HCP who affirmed participants’ concerns generated significantly more support for their refutations and subsequent information, with large effects compared to controls. In addition, participants found tailored refutations (compared to control responses) more compelling, and displayed more trust and openness toward the HCP giving them. Conclusions: The ERI can potentially be leveraged and tested further as a tailored communication tool for HCPs to refute antivaccination misconceptions while maintaining trust and rapport with patients. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Loss of Hospital-Based Obstetric Services in Rural Counties in the United States, 2010-2022
Jul 21st 2024, 11:56

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( Prices as Social Facts: A Sociological Approach to Price Setting
Jul 21st 2024, 11:22

This article examines the issue of prices from a sociological standpoint. We show that, contrary to popular belief, price setting is always the result of social practices. We identify two main perspectives in the relevant literature. The first deals with the central notion of quality: price setting is a matter of judgement, arbitration and equipment. The second focuses on measurement practices, such as valuation and pricing, which occur before or during the transaction. These two complementary perspectives reveal a variety of processes that both determine prices and can be used to construct a typology based on two criteria: the moment of price setting, and the level of competition. Four different types of pricing mechanisms are distinguished: self-regulated, administered, composed, and bargained. We use examples to describe these different pricing types, and to show how such an approach contributes to our understanding of the economy.

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( Pilot examination of independent and interactive effects of maltreatment and neighborhood risk on child attachment
Jul 21st 2024, 10:54

Volume 26, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 181-201. 
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( The role of social norms, intergroup contact, and ingroup favoritism in weight stigma
Jul 21st 2024, 10:14

The post ( The role of social norms, intergroup contact, and ingroup favoritism in weight stigma was curated by ( information for practice.

( Down & Out in Bedford Falls
Jul 21st 2024, 10:08

It’s a Wonderful Life and the Dream of Small-Town Life
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( S1EP27: Using Surge Events to Tackle Unsheltered Homeless
Jul 21st 2024, 10:01

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( Fringe heroines: situated struggles of women scientists in Brazilian agriculture
Jul 21st 2024, 09:56

Volume 26, Issue 2, May 2024, Page 402-424. 
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( Genetic Architecture of Mental Disorders in Ancestrally Diverse Populations II (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Jul 21st 2024, 09:52

The post ( Genetic Architecture of Mental Disorders in Ancestrally Diverse Populations II (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) was curated by ( information for practice.

( Stressful life events and prenatal representations of the child
Jul 21st 2024, 09:51

Volume 26, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 116-132. 
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( HRSA awards $2.5M to help expand interstate licensing compacts for providers, social workers
Jul 21st 2024, 09:48

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( Celebrating 50 Years: NCAI Leader Larry Wright, Jr. on Tribal Sovereignty
Jul 21st 2024, 09:32

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( Borrowing Bronfenbrenner: An Argument for Increasing the Intersection of Diverse Theoretical and Applied Models
Jul 21st 2024, 09:19

Volume 30, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 156-170. 
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( Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery: Federal Guidance Needs to Address Work Arrangements for Those Living in Residential Facilities
Jul 21st 2024, 09:17

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