Your Daily digest for Science Daily Mind & Brain

Article Digests for Psychology & Social Work article-digests at
Sat Jul 13 01:41:32 PDT 2024

Science Daily Mind & Brain


( New ways to study spinal cord malformations in embryos
Jul 12th 2024, 12:41

Scientists have successfully created mechanical force sensors directly in the developing brains and spinal cords of chicken embryos, which they hope will improve understanding and prevention of birth malformations such as spina bifida.

( Why are board games so popular among many people with autism? New research explains
Jul 12th 2024, 12:41

Board gaming is a growing industry, and anecdotally popular among people who display autistic traits. Now new research has highlighted the science supporting the anecdote -- and the important reasons behind the link.

( User control of autoplay can alter awareness of online video 'rabbit holes'
Jul 11th 2024, 21:55

A new study suggests that giving users control over the interface feature of autoplay can help them realize that they are going down a rabbit hole. The work has implications for responsibly designing online content viewing platforms and algorithms, as well as helping users better recognize extreme content.

( Ultrasound technology can be used to boost mindfulness, study finds
Jul 11th 2024, 21:55

In a new study, researchers used low-intensity ultrasound technology to noninvasively alter a brain region associated with activities such as daydreaming, recalling memories and envisioning the future.

( Engineers' probe could help advance treatment for spinal cord disease, injury
Jul 11th 2024, 21:55

Neuroscientists have used a nanosized sensor to record spinal cord neurons in free-moving mice, a feat that could lead to the development of better treatments for spinal cord disease and injury.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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