Your Daily digest for NYT Psychology & Psychologists Daily Digest (Unofficial)

Article Digests for Psychology & Social Work article-digests at
Fri Jul 12 13:12:19 PDT 2024

NYT Psychology & Psychologists Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Why Is the U.S. Pretending to Know Gender-Affirming Care Works?
Jul 12th 2024, 14:49

With children’s health and well-being at stake, effective, evidence-based and compassionate health care must be accepted.

( El narcisismo disminuye muy poco con la edad
Jul 12th 2024, 14:14

Esperar a que una persona narcisista cambie puede ser mala idea. A continuación, algunos consejos para lidiar con ella.

Forwarded by:
Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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