Your Daily digest for Beckers Hospital Review Cybersecurity Feed (Unofficial)

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Thu Jul 11 21:53:10 PDT 2024

Beckers Hospital Review Cybersecurity Feed (Unofficial)


( 10 hacking groups actively targeting healthcare: Report
Jul 11th 2024, 16:30

There have been 121 ransomware attacks against the U.S. healthcare industry in the last six months, with 10 hacking groups emerging as the most active within the industry, according to a July 11 ( report from Atlanta-based software company Cyble.  

( Vendor breach affects UCHealth
Jul 11th 2024, 11:22

The data of patients at Aurora, Colo.-based UCHealth might have been ( impacted by a breach on one of the system's vendors. 

( Hackers give Illinois hospital 2 weeks to pay ransom
Jul 11th 2024, 11:13

Hackers are giving an Illinois hospital until July 17 to pay ransom following a cyberattack, ( Security Affairs reported.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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