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Wed Jul 10 01:41:29 PDT 2024

Science Daily Mind & Brain


( Study points at novel approach to treat Group 3 medulloblastoma
Jul 9th 2024, 18:42

A team of researchers has identified and located a population of stem-like cells that initiates and maintains Group 3 medulloblastoma (Gr3-MB) in the developing brain. Gr3-MB is one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer in children and is associated with metastatic spread and poor survival. The researchers showed that eliminating the small population of stem-like cells present in Gr3-MB tumors led to tumor shrinkage in preclinical models. Although more research is needed, this novel approach may lead to new ways to treat children with Gr3-MB.

( Researchers identify cause of serious brain bleeding condition in premature newborns
Jul 9th 2024, 12:18

Scientists have found that in premature newborns with very low birth weight, salt and water transporters on immature neurons can cause brain tissue to shrink in response to a lack of oxygen, which in turn results in brain bleeding and lifelong neurological damages.

( Run screaming or slow retreat? New study advances understanding of brain responses to emotionally-charged scenes
Jul 9th 2024, 12:17

The ability to recognize and respond to emotionally-charged situations is essential to a species' evolutionary success. A new study advances our understanding of how the brain responds to emotionally charged objects and scenes.

( Brain neurotransmitter receptor antagonist found to prevent opioid addiction in mice
Jul 9th 2024, 12:17

New research has found a drug that treats insomnia works to prevent the addictive effects of the morphine opioids in mice while still providing effective pain relief.

( Trust, more than knowledge, critical for acceptance of fully autonomous vehicles
Jul 9th 2024, 12:17

While not yet on the market, fully autonomous vehicles are promoted as a way to make road travel dramatically safer, but a recent study found that knowing more about them did not improve people's perception of their risk. They needed to have more trust in them too. This study adds to the evidence from other research that knowledge alone is not enough to sway people's attitudes toward complex technology and science, such as gene editing or climate change. In this case, researchers found that trust in the autonomous vehicles' reliability and performance played the strongest role in improving perceptions of the technology's risk.

( Brain-imaging study reveals curiosity as it emerges
Jul 8th 2024, 22:24

You look up into the clear blue sky and see something you can't quite identify. Is it a balloon? A plane? A UFO? You're curious, right? A research team has for the first time witnessed what is happening in the human brain when feelings of curiosity like this arise. The scientists revealed brain areas that appear to assess the degree of uncertainty in visually ambiguous situations, giving rise to subjective feelings of curiosity.

( Employees prefer human performance monitors over AI, study finds
Jul 8th 2024, 22:23

Organizations using AI to monitor employees' behavior and productivity can expect them to complain more, be less productive and want to quit more -- unless the technology can be framed as supporting their development, research finds.

( Researchers identify potential treatment for Angelman syndrome
Jul 8th 2024, 10:10

Researchers have identified a small molecule that could lead to a safe and effective treatment for the neurodevelopmental condition known as Angelman syndrome.

( Researchers find biological clues to mental health impacts of prenatal cannabis exposure
Jul 5th 2024, 13:02

Researchers outline some of the intermediate biological steps that could play into how prenatal cannabis exposure leads to behavioral issues down the line.

( Brain fluid dynamics key to migraine mysteries, new therapies
Jul 4th 2024, 20:14

New research details the connection between the neurological symptoms associated with aura and the migraine that follows. The study also identifies new proteins that could be responsible for headaches and may serve as foundation for new migraine drugs.

( Scientists may have found how to diagnose elusive neuro disorder
Jul 3rd 2024, 18:37

Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), a mysterious and deadly neurological disorder, usually goes undiagnosed until after a patient dies and an autopsy is performed. But now, researchers have found a way to identify the condition while patients are still alive.

( Discovery of cellular mechanism to maintain brain's energy could benefit late-life brain health
Jul 3rd 2024, 13:17

A key mechanism which detects when the brain needs an additional energy boost to support its activity has been identified in a study in mice and cells led by UCL scientists.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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