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Tue Jul 9 11:44:33 PDT 2024

Psych Central Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( How Do I Know if I Have OCD? Signs, Types, and Diagnosis - Psych Central
Jul 9th 2024, 06:30

handwashing. hoarding. checking the same thing repeatedly. counting. excessive cleaning. praying. Around 65% of people with OCD report severe symptoms that significantly impact their daily life ...

( What Is the Average IQ? I Psych Central
Jul 9th 2024, 02:19

The average intelligence quotient (IQ) is between 85 and 115. But this number can vary between countries, states, and even geographical regions. IQ stands for “intelligence quotient” and is a ...

( Claustrophobia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and How to Cope
Jul 8th 2024, 22:30

knowing the fear is unreasonable but not being able to control it. Claustrophobia can also trigger physical symptoms of anxiety, including: breathing problems. sweating. trembling. heart ...

( EMDR Therapy: How It Works, Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects
Jul 8th 2024, 22:30

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987 to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This therapy uses eye movements (or ...

( Mood Disorders: Definition, Types, and Symptoms - Psych Central
Jul 8th 2024, 21:47

While each mood disorder diagnosis has its own set of symptoms and criteria, some universal symptoms include: poor self-image or low self-esteem. loss of interest in hobbies or entertainment ...

( How To Overcome Fear and Anxiety: 7 Useful Tips To Try
Jul 8th 2024, 19:46

reducing muscle tension. lower production of stress hormones. 5. Don’t avoid things. Fear and anxiety can make you want to avoid opportunities, places, social interactions, etc. The only way to ...

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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