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Mon Jul 1 16:09:24 PDT 2024

Digitial Health (Technology) Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( No clear NHS digital career pathway, more a ‘career rockface’ says Eccles
Jul 1st 2024, 08:47

Former NHS national CCIO Dr Simon Eccles said that people seeking digital roles in the NHS face a “career rockface” because there is no clear pathway.

( NHS Wales prepares for drone-based blood transfer service
Jul 1st 2024, 06:00

Aerospace innovators will showcase technology as part of a project to prepare NHS Wales for drone-based services for the transfer of blood products. 

( Plymouth virtual ward occupancy rate over 80% with plans to expand
Jul 1st 2024, 03:30

University Hospitals Plymouth has confirmed that its virtual ward beds are now over 80% occupied, the best occupancy rate in Devon, with plans to expand.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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