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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)
( Parental separation and death during childhood as predictors of adult psychopathology: An examination of racial differences.
Feb 29th 2024, 14:53
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Vol 16(2), Feb 2024, 184-192; doi:10.1037/tra0001291
Objective: Parental separation and parental death during childhood are common but understudied forms of adverse childhood events (ACEs), thus little is known about the impact on psychological functioning in adulthood. We examined whether parental death and parental separation during childhood was associated with risk of diagnostic criteria for depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or personality disorders during adulthood. Second, we compared parental separation and parental death and psychopathology across African Americans (N = 499) and Whites (N = 782). Method: The sample consists of 1,211 participants (n = 669 females). Diagnostic interviews were administered by master’s or doctorate-level degree holders in Clinical Psychology or Social Work. There was good to excellent interrater reliabilities (mean kappa of .84 ± .05; range: .79–.93) spanning anxiety, mood, anxiety, trauma, and personality disorders. Results: White participants reporting parental separation during childhood were more likely to report depressive disorders (OR = 2.151, p p p p = .357), anxiety disorders (OR = 1.107, p = .659), PTSD (OR = 1.351, p = .425) or personality disorders (OR = 1.432, p = .098) during adulthood. Overall, participants who reported parental death did not have significantly higher rates of depressive disorders (OR = 1.100, p = .668), anxiety disorders (OR = 1.357, p = .207), PTSD (OR = 1.351, p = .425), and personality disorders (OR = 1.432, p = .098). Conclusions: Parental separation was a significant risk factor for adult psychopathology, but only for White participants. Parental death was not a risk factor for adult psychopathology no matter the person’s race. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Routes of Drug Use Among Drug Overdose Deaths — United States, 2020–2022
Feb 29th 2024, 14:41
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( Families Deserve Action to End Child and Family Poverty in Nova Scotia
Feb 29th 2024, 14:03
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( Suicidal ideation and clinician-rated suicide risk in veterans referred for ADHD evaluation at a VA Medical Center.
Feb 29th 2024, 13:52
Psychological Services, Vol 21(1), Feb 2024, 13-23; doi:10.1037/ser0000659
The U.S. military veteran population experiences elevated rates of suicide relative to demographically matched community samples. Understanding suicide risk factors in veterans is therefore of critical importance. Accordingly, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has implemented elevated vigilance for suicidal ideation in its health care. One potential risk factor for suicidal ideation or behavior may be attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is frequently characterized by impaired impulse control and experience of intense emotions. To determine whether ADHD, as diagnosed by VHA assessment, may represent an independent or interactive risk factor for suicidal ideation or suicide attempt, we examined potential linkages between VHA-assessed symptomatology of ADHD and suicide attempts or ideation, either with or without the presence of comorbid VHA-assessed psychiatric symptomatology. In a retrospective chart review, we compared severity of clinician-rated suicide risk in 342 veterans (82.5% male) referred to a VHA medical center for ADHD assessment, of whom 198 were diagnosed with ADHD. Contrary to our preregistered hypotheses, there were no main or additive effects of ADHD in terms of increased suicidal ideation, clinician-rated suicide risk or in incidence of lifetime suicide attempt. Motoric impulsivity in neurocognitive testing also showed no relationship with suicide risk or attempts. Rather, consistent with previous literature, presence of a mood disorder or other non-ADHD psychopathology was linked to suicide risk ratings and attempts, irrespective of presence of ADHD symptoms. These data suggest that once comorbid symptomatology such as depression is controlled for, ADHD alone is not associated with elevated suicidal ideation or attempts in veterans. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Previous mental health care and help-seeking experiences: Perspectives from sexual and gender minority survivors of near-fatal suicide attempts.
Feb 29th 2024, 12:52
Psychological Services, Vol 21(1), Feb 2024, 24-33; doi:10.1037/ser0000745
Sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations face heightened risk of suicide compared to their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts, and a previous suicide attempt is among the strongest predictors of suicide mortality. Despite this increased risk, limited research has explored mental health help-seeking behavior and previous mental health care experiences of SGM individuals among the highest risk for suicide—individuals with a recent, near-fatal suicide attempt. This study presents thematic analysis results of interviews with 22 SGM individuals who reported at least one near-fatal suicide attempt in the past 18 months. Identified themes were (a) factors that affect help-seeking for SGM individuals with a recent, near-fatal suicide attempt, including previous mental health care experiences, support systems, and structural barriers and facilitators; (b) hospitalization is not a one-size fits all solution; and (c) recommendations for improving care for this population. Findings demonstrate that anti-SGM stigma may magnify existing barriers to mental health care across all socioecological levels. Notably, participants cited a fear of loss of autonomy from inpatient hospitalization and previous discriminatory experiences when seeking mental health care as hampering help-seeking. Given increased risk for suicide mortality, this patient population is a necessary stakeholder in suicide prevention and intervention development and policy discussions affecting mental health care. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Demystifying anxiety and demotivation in on-line assessment: a focus on the impacts on academic buoyancy and autonomy
Feb 29th 2024, 12:51
Test anxiety is a combination of a confluence of physiological hyperarousal, tension, and bodily manifestations, with apprehension, trepidation, fear of inadequacy, and the tendency to magnify negative outcome…
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( The Ethics and Erotics of Permission: On Manon Garcia’s “The Joy of Consent”
Feb 29th 2024, 12:14
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( States Can Use Medicaid to Help Address Health-Related Social Needs
Feb 29th 2024, 11:33
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( A 12-Month Follow-Up of PROCARE+, a Transdiagnostic, Selective, Preventive Intervention for Adolescents At-Risk for Emotional Disorders
Feb 29th 2024, 11:23
Few studies have reported long-term follow-up data on selective preventive interventions for adolescents. No follow-up selective preventive transdiagnostic studies for adolescents at-risk for emotional disorders, such as anxiety and depression, have been reported. To fill this gap, this study aims to provide the first follow-up assessment of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) studying selective transdiagnostic prevention in at-risk adolescents. A 12-month follow-up assessment was conducted with subjects who originally received either PROCARE (Preventive transdiagnostic intervention for Adolescents at Risk for Emotional disorders), PROCARE+, which includes the PROCARE protocol along with personalized add-on modules or an active control condition (ACC) based on emotional psychoeducation, and their respective booster session for each experimental condition. 80 subjects (47.5% girls) aged between 12 and 18 years (M = 14.62; SD 1.43) who completed these treatment conditions were available for the 12-month follow-up. The results demonstrate the superior long-term efficacy of the PROCARE+ intervention in mitigating emotional symptoms and obsessive–compulsive symptomatology compared to the PROCARE and ACC conditions, with effect sizes notably exceeding those commonly observed in preventive programs. While the three treatments demonstrated beneficial impacts, the pronounced results associated with PROCARE+ at the 12-month follow-up emphasized the importance of personalized treatment modules and the sustained benefits of booster sessions in the realm of preventive psychological interventions. The findings also highlight the potential role of add-on modules in enhancing the effects of the PROCARE+ condition.
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( The State of Mental Health Services for Incarcerated Adults in Ontario: A Scoping Review
Feb 29th 2024, 11:11
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, Ahead of Print. Individuals with mental illness are significantly overrepresented in the Canadian justice system. Given the high rate of mental illness among individuals who are incarcerated, correctional facilities must implement accessible and effective mental health resources. This not only improves their health and well-being but also contributes to their rehabilitation efforts. However, evidence suggests that the care provided in prisons is inadequate. This scoping review asks, “What is known about the access and quality of mental health care services for adults who are incarcerated in Ontario?” Mental health care services included non-acute interventions and care that is provided in the institution. This scoping review followed the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews methodology. Databases searched include MedLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Criminal Justice Abstracts, JSTOR, Google Scholar, and the grey literature. The search yielded 354 titles and abstracts of which 16 met the inclusion criteria. Conducted from 2010-2022, the 16 studies included qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. Common themes that were identified related to segregation, mental health assessments, medication prescribing and access, opioid agonist therapy, psychiatric service access, systemic and institutional barriers, mental health perception, and the need for collaboration. Despite the significant demand for mental health care in Ontario correctional facilities, limitations to quality care are evident. Such limitations intersect and are then exacerbated, resulting in poor mental health care provision among the incarcerated population. More research is warranted regarding the access, quality, and efficiency of mental health care in Ontario prisons, and how factors including ethnicity, gender, and prison classification (provincial vs. federal) may influence mental health care and its outcomes.
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( Telebehavioral health at a federally qualified health center pre- and peri-COVID-19.
Feb 29th 2024, 10:52
Psychological Services, Vol 21(1), Feb 2024, 34-41; doi:10.1037/ser0000776
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are a safety net for low-income individuals needing mental and/or physical health care. The COVID-19 pandemic required FQHCs (and other health organizations) to pivot rapidly to telehealth. In theory, telehealth services can expand access to needed care. The COVID-19 pandemic provides a natural opportunity to “test” this assumption. We compared sociodemographic differences in patients accessing behavioral health services pre- and peri-COVID-19 at an FQHC. We also investigated potential patient sociodemographic disparities in telebehavioral health service use during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected from a single FQHC (13 sites, 4 integrated primary care medical clinics) in the southern United States. Participants included 5,190 patients (69.2% female, 59.7% persons of color) attending a total of 16,474 behavioral health sessions across 2 years (one pre- and one peri-COVID-19). Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 100% of behavioral health visits were conducted in person. During the pandemic, nearly half of behavioral health visits were conducted via telehealth. Telehealth visits were most frequently attended by adults, non-Latinx Whites, women, and people making ≤ 200% of the federal poverty level. A combination of in-person and telehealth service delivery models should be used by FQHCs to maximize access to care for different demographic groups. FQHCs should consider key factors (e.g., access, ableism, technology facility, and language) to increase patients’ ability to take advantage of telehealth services where available. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Narrative identity characteristics and personality pathology: An exploration of associations from a dimensional and categorical perspective in a clinical sample of youth.
Feb 29th 2024, 10:21
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, Vol 15(1), Jan 2024, 11-21; doi:10.1037/per0000638
Narrative identity, as an integral element of personality, has gained increased attention for understanding personality pathology. In this study, associations between narrative identity characteristics (i.e., event valence, theme, contextual coherence, thematic coherence, self-event connection valence, agency, and communion) and personality pathology were examined. Personality pathology was conceptualized as (a) levels of personality (dys)functioning and maladaptive personality traits, (b) six trait facet profiles, and (c) categorical DSM-5 (fifth edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) diagnoses. Data of 242 youth (Mage = 18.79; SDage = 2.65) were collected as part of a longitudinal study on personality development. Narratives were assessed with turning point interviews, and trait and functioning levels with self-report questionnaires. The narrative identity characteristics of a negative valence, a negative self-event connection valence, low agency, and low communion were associated with higher levels of personality dysfunctioning, negative affectivity, detachment, and psychoticism. These characteristics were also associated with the borderline, avoidant, obsessive-compulsive, and schizotypal trait facet profiles. No associations were found when considering personality pathology from a categorical perspective. Findings may inspire researchers and clinicians to give personal stories a more central role in their work. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( A Rescue Dog Saved Him From Addiction
Feb 29th 2024, 10:02
The dog that saved Mike Favor’s life was a German shepherd puppy named Honey: 8 weeks old, heart condition, four months to live.
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( Moderators of the relationship between callous-unemotional traits and externalizing problems in youth.
Feb 29th 2024, 09:51
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, Vol 15(1), Jan 2024, 22-33; doi:10.1037/per0000636
[Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was reported online in Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment on Oct 26 2023 (see record 2024-19662-001). In the original article, the authors changed the order of authorship from “Blair D. Batky, Allison N. Shields, Jennifer L. Tackett, and Randall T. Salekin” to “Blair D. Batky, Allison N. Shields, Randall T. Salekin, and Jennifer L. Tackett.” All versions of this article have been corrected. The names appear correctly in this record.] Callous-unemotional (CU) traits (i.e., tendencies to experience low levels of guilt and empathy) are associated with severe and persistent conduct problems in youth. However, some youth with elevated CU traits do not exhibit severe externalizing problems, and further research is needed to identify conditions under which CU traits are more versus less strongly associated with higher levels of externalizing behavior. To this end, the current preregistered study examined whether internalizing problems, five-factor model personality traits, and parenting practices moderated associations between CU traits and externalizing problems. Caregivers of 1,232 youth ages 6–18 (Mage = 11.46) reported on youths’ CU traits, externalizing, internalizing, and five-factor model traits as well as on their own parenting practices. We found that the relationship between CU traits and externalizing was robust to the moderating effects of internalizing problems and parenting practices, but CU traits were more strongly related to externalizing problems at higher levels of neuroticism and at lower levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. Results contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of externalizing problems among youth high in CU traits and may inform future longitudinal and intervention research seeking to identify factors that reduce externalizing behavior among high-CU youth. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Automated Paper Screening for Clinical Reviews Using Large Language Models: Data Analysis Study
Feb 29th 2024, 09:46
Background: The systematic review of clinical research papers is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process that often involves the screening of thousands of titles and abstracts. The accuracy and efficiency of this process are critical for the quality of the review and subsequent health care decisions. Traditional methods rely heavily on human reviewers, often requiring a significant investment of time and resources. Objective: This study aims to assess the performance of the OpenAI generative pretrained transformer (GPT) and GPT-4 application programming interfaces (APIs) in accurately and efficiently identifying relevant titles and abstracts from real-world clinical review data sets and comparing their performance against ground truth labeling by 2 independent human reviewers. Methods: We introduce a novel workflow using the Chat GPT and GPT-4 APIs for screening titles and abstracts in clinical reviews. A Python script was created to make calls to the API with the screening criteria in natural language and a corpus of title and abstract data sets filtered by a minimum of 2 human reviewers. We compared the performance of our model against human-reviewed papers across 6 review papers, screening over 24,000 titles and abstracts. Results: Our results show an accuracy of 0.91, a macro F1-score of 0.60, a sensitivity of excluded papers of 0.91, and a sensitivity of included papers of 0.76. The interrater variability between 2 independent human screeners was κ=0.46, and the prevalence and bias-adjusted κ between our proposed methods and the consensus-based human decisions was κ=0.96. On a randomly selected subset of papers, the GPT models demonstrated the ability to provide reasoning for their decisions and corrected their initial decisions upon being asked to explain their reasoning for incorrect classifications. Conclusions: Large language models have the potential to streamline the clinical review process, save valuable time and effort for researchers, and contribute to the overall quality of clinical reviews. By prioritizing the workflow and acting as an aid rather than a replacement for researchers and reviewers, models such as GPT-4 can enhance efficiency and lead to more accurate and reliable conclusions in medical research.
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( Tools for Sustainable State Budgeting
Feb 29th 2024, 09:32
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( Supervision in Older People’s Services
Feb 29th 2024, 09:02
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( A diffusion decision model analysis of the cognitive effects of neurofeedback for ADHD.
Feb 29th 2024, 08:58
Neuropsychology, Vol 38(2), Feb 2024, 146-156; doi:10.1037/neu0000932
Objective: To examine cognitive effects of neurofeedback (NF) for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as a secondary outcome of a randomized clinical trial. Method: In a double-blind randomized clinical trial (NCT02251743), 133 7–10-year olds with ADHD received either 38 sessions of NF (n = 78) or control treatment (n = 55) and performed an integrated visual and auditory continuous performance test at baseline, mid- and end-treatment. We used the diffusion decision model to decompose integrated visual and auditory continuous performance test performance at each assessment into cognitive components: efficiency of integrating stimulus information (v), context sensitivity (cv), response cautiousness (a), response bias (z/a), and nondecision time for perceptual encoding and response execution (Ter). Based on prior findings, we tested whether the components known to be deficient improved with NF and explored whether other cognitive components improved using linear mixed modeling. Results: Before NF, children with ADHD showed main deficits in integrating stimulus information (v), which led to less accurate and slower responses than healthy controls (p = .008). The NF group showed significantly more improvement in integrating auditory stimulus information (v) than control treatment (significant group-by-time-by-modality effect: p = .044). Conclusions: NF seems to improve v, deficient in ADHD. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Dissociating the impact of alexithymia and impaired self-awareness on emotional distress and aggression after traumatic brain injury.
Feb 29th 2024, 08:43
Neuropsychology, Vol 38(2), Feb 2024, 134-145; doi:10.1037/neu0000926
Objective: Alexithymia, a deficit in identifying and describing feelings, is prevalent in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Sometimes referred to as “emotional unawareness,” we sought to investigate whether alexithymia after TBI was related to, or distinct from, impaired self-awareness (ISA) and whether the two predicted differentiable emotional and aggression profiles. Further, the mediating role of frontal system behaviors (disinhibition, dysexecutive function, apathy) was explored. Method: Participants with TBI (N = 40) from diverse backgrounds completed self-report measures of alexithymia, emotional distress, aggression, and frontal system behaviors. For the assessment of ISA, significant other ratings were obtained to identify discrepancies from self-ratings. Data were analyzed quantitatively using independent samples t tests, correlations, partial correlations, and simple mediation. Results: There was a negative correlation between alexithymia and ISA. Alexithymia, but not ISA, was associated with higher expressions of emotional distress and aggression even after controlling for the effects of ISA via partial correlations. Exploratory analyses found that frontal system behaviors mediated the relationships between alexithymia and aggression and alexithymia and emotional distress. Conclusions: Alexithymia is more accurately conceptualized as an emotional processing deficit than an awareness deficit. Indeed, self-awareness may be a prerequisite for the ability to identify alexithymic tendencies. Negative psychological effects of alexithymia are compounded by poorer executive function and disinhibition and call for the development of TBI-specific alexithymia screening tools and interventions. Alexithymia interventions are best delivered in conjunction with rehabilitation of emotion regulation and executive function. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Pioneering Ideas for An Equitable Future
Feb 29th 2024, 08:43
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( Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There
Feb 29th 2024, 08:36
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( More needs to be done to tackle child poverty in budget, say campaigners
Feb 29th 2024, 07:33
New analysis carried out by the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) shows the financial support available to out-of-work families in Scotland through the social security system is around 40% short of the income needed to meet an acceptable standard of living.
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( Catastrophizing is associated with excess cognitive symptom reporting after mild traumatic brain injury.
Feb 29th 2024, 07:23
Neuropsychology, Vol 38(2), Feb 2024, 126-133; doi:10.1037/neu0000930
Objective: Persistent cognitive symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) often do not correlate with objective neuropsychological performance. Catastrophizing (i.e., excessively negative interpretations of symptoms) may help explain this discrepancy. We hypothesize that symptom catastrophizing will be associated with greater cognitive symptom reporting relative to neuropsychological test performance in people seeking treatment for mTBI. Method: Secondary analysis of baseline data from a randomized controlled trial. Adults with mTBI (N = 77) were recruited from two outpatient mTBI clinics in British Columbia, Canada. Questionnaires and assessments were administered at baseline (M = 17.7 weeks postinjury). The sample was 64% women with a mean age of 42 years (SD = 11.5). Validated questionnaires were used to assess catastrophizing, cognitive symptoms, and affective distress. Neuropsychological performance was assessed using the National Institutes of Health Toolbox Cognition Battery. Discrepancies between cognitive symptoms and cognitive functioning were operationalized using standard residuals from neuropsychological test performance scores regressed on cognitive symptom scores. Generalized linear models were run to measure the association between symptom catastrophizing, cognitive variables, and their discrepancy, with affective distress as a covariate. Results: Symptom catastrophizing was associated with more severe cognitive symptoms when controlling for neuropsychological performance (β = 0.44, 95% CI [0.23, 0.65]). Symptom catastrophizing was also associated with higher subjective–objective cognition residuals (β = 0.43, 95% CI [0.22, 0.64]). Catastrophizing remained a significant predictor after affective distress was introduced as a covariate. Conclusions: Catastrophizing is associated with misperceptions of cognitive functioning following mTBI, specifically overreporting cognitive symptoms relative to neuropsychological performance. Symptom catastrophizing may be an important determinant of cognitive symptom reporting months after mTBI. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( A peer veteran approach to the caring letters suicide prevention program: Preliminary data.
Feb 29th 2024, 06:52
Psychological Services, Vol 21(1), Feb 2024, 1-12; doi:10.1037/ser0000760
Caring Letters is a prevention program aimed at reducing suicide risk; however, clinical trials indicate mixed results among military and veteran samples. The present study aimed to pilot a new version of the Caring Letters intervention that was adapted to military culture in order to emphasize peer support. The supportive letters, traditionally sent from clinicians, were written by peer veterans (PVs) who volunteered from local Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs). PVs (n = 15) attended a 4-hr workshop to learn about Caring Letters and write six letters to a veteran with a recent hospitalization for suicide risk (hospitalized veterans [HVs]; n = 15 completed a baseline assessment). Letters from PVs were sent to HVs once a month for 6 months following discharge from the psychiatric inpatient unit. The study used a limited efficacy approach to examine feasibility outcomes including implementation procedures, participant recruitment and retention rates, and barriers and facilitators. Acceptability measures examined HV satisfaction, perceived privacy and safety, and PV workshop satisfaction. Among HVs, results suggested that suicidal ideation improved from baseline to follow-up (g = 3.19). Results suggested resilience scores improved among HVs (g = 0.99). Results also suggested a possible reduction in stigma associated with mental health treatment among PVs at 1-month postworkshop assessment. Interpretation of the results is limited by the design and sample size, but the results provide preliminary support for the feasibility and acceptability of a PV approach to Caring Letters. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Response interruption and redirection: A scoping review of its procedural permutations and participant pools.
Feb 29th 2024, 06:37
Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, Vol 24(1), Feb 2024, 25-43; doi:10.1037/bar0000282
Behaviors maintained by automatic reinforcement pose unique challenges for behavior analysts because identifying and controlling the maintaining consequence variables can be difficult or even impossible. Response interruption and redirection (RIRD) is an evidence-based procedure to reduce such behaviors (Dowdy et al., 2020). While this intervention approach has been reviewed, those previous reviews of the literature have not analyzed the various methodologies across RIRD applications or identified whether RIRD has been applied to a diverse sampling of participants. The purpose of this scoping review was to code RIRD experiments across additional dimensions from previous reviews and include applications to several topographies of behaviors maintained by automatic reinforcement across studies and individuals. Across four databases, peer-reviewed articles were included for review if they were published in English, reported individual participant data (including baseline), and manipulated RIRD as an independent variable. The search was completed in April 2022. A total of 43 articles, for a total number of 123 participants, were included. We found that, while target participants and dependent variables often overlap, RIRD procedures varied across experiments. Our findings suggest that RIRD experiments would benefit from evaluation of different procedural variations. Limitations are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Gender-inclusive clinical screeners: Using CBCLs and YSRs in a clinic-based sample of transgender/gender-diverse youth.
Feb 29th 2024, 05:52
Psychological Assessment, Vol 36(2), Feb 2024, 89-101; doi:10.1037/pas0001290
This study examines differences in score profiles on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Youth Self-Report (YSR) for transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) youth in a clinical setting. Data were collected from youth receiving services at a gender care clinic in the Midwestern United States. Inclusion criteria were youth that identify as transgender, nonbinary, or another gender-diverse identity label between the ages of 6 and 18 and received services between October 2017 and November 2021. The analytic sample (N = 177) included 51.4% transmasculine, 17.5% transfeminine, 22.6% nonbinary/gender-expansive, and 8.5% questioning youth. 88.1% of youth were White. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests compared differences in mean T scores when using male versus female scoring templates for YSR and CBCL separately. Statistically significant differences were found on the majority of scales, particularly for TGD adolescents. For example, significant differences were found on the YSR for 10 of 11 scales for transmasculine and transfeminine youth ages 11–18 and 9 of 11 scales for nonbinary/gender-expansive youth. McNemar’s test revealed significant differences in the number of clinical range scores for transmasculine YSR respondents on Anxious/Depressed, Somatic Complaints, Thought Problems, and Internalizing scales. For CBCL comparison of clinical significance, significant differences were found for Anxious/Depressed, Attention Problems, and Total Problems scales for transmasculine youth ages 12–18. Selecting a scoring template is contextually relevant; however, template selection appears to matter less when examining clinical relevance. Results suggest that clinicians using the CBCL and YSR with TGD youth have flexibility in scoring template selection. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)
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( Ofsted inspectors give verdict on Solihull’s children’s services as council says ‘plenty more to do’
Feb 29th 2024, 04:41
Reacting to the report, Cllr Courts said that while they are “on the right track” there is “plenty more to do.” Published at the end of February 2024, inspectors spoke of social workers being “committed to building relationships with families” and detailed management to “ensure that child-focused decision-making is made at the right time for children.”
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( Shifts in local governments’ corporatization intensity:Evidence from German cities
Feb 29th 2024, 04:36
Why do local governments create and reform public service companies, given their uncertain economic benefits and potential damage to accountability and service transparency? Taking an extended transaction cost perspective, we argue that corporatization—the provision of public services by publicly owned companies—is a function of fiscal hardship, the decision maker’s economic orientation and the level of operator transparency. Using a two-way fixed effects regression, we test this expectation on 680 investment reports of 34 German cities from 1998 to 2017, representing 11,062 year-corporatized entity combinations. We show that the drivers of corporatization are sensitive to the depth of local ownership analyzed. In doing so, we highlight the theoretical need and potential for conceptual differentiation between ownership levels along a corporation’s lineage. Exploiting the data’s panel structure, we also find that the intensity of corporatization has heightened since the late 1990s, largely due to increasingly complex corporate structures of indirect ownership.
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( Towards collaboration on mental health in the Small Countries Initiative: background paper
Feb 29th 2024, 04:24
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( Retention of the highly educated migrants: from the perspective of urban e-service capability
Feb 29th 2024, 03:53
Talent is a crucial resource for economic and social development, serving as the driving force behind urban progress. As China experiences rapid growth in digital city construction, the capability of e-service…
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