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Tue Aug 13 13:03:37 PDT 2024

NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Emerging Ideas. Suicidal ideation among partnered U.S. adults by sexual identity
Aug 13th 2024, 15:44

We estimate the prevalence of suicidal ideation among partnered U.S. adults overall and by sexual identity using a population-representative sample of cohabiting and married adults.
Intimate partner problems and other aspects of intimate relationships are substantial precipitating factors to suicide. Even so, there are currently no family-based interventions targeting suicide risk among adults; this may be because little is known as to how prevalent suicidal ideation and behaviors are in the context of intimate relationships. Sexually diverse adults show higher proportions of suicidal ideation than heterosexual adults.
Weighted logistic regression was used to analyze data from a subsample of the National Couples’ Health and Time Study (n = 3,618), a population-representative sample of cohabiting and married adults. Unadjusted and model-adjusted prevalence estimates for suicidal ideation (thoughts and plans) were calculated.
The model adjusted prevalence estimates for suicide thoughts and plans were similar to estimates among general population samples. Bisexual and queer+ respondents had double the odds of reporting suicide thoughts and plans compared with gay, lesbian, and heterosexual respondents.
Cohabiting and married adults showed a similar prevalence of suicidal ideation as the general population. Bisexual and queer+ adults are a growing U.S. population and require unique attention because they confront higher suicide risk compared with not only heterosexual but also gay and lesbian adults.
Family-based interventions are needed to target suicidal ideations and behaviors among adults, including those who are married or cohabiting. Sexually diverse adults should not be treated as a monolithic group when tailoring interventions for sexually diverse populations.
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( Gerontology social work educator wins ‘Rising Star’ award
Aug 13th 2024, 14:53

A University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa gerontology social work educator was awarded the Rising Star Early Career Award from the Gerontological Society of America, Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education. Dr. Yeonjung Jane Lee, an Associate Professor at the Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, was recognized as a faculty member whose teaching and leadership stood out as impactful and innovative.
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( Commentary on the Special Issue: Services, Consultation, and the Inclusion of Autistic People
Aug 13th 2024, 14:44

Volume 34, Issue 3, July-September 2024. 
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( Advancing the treatment of anxiety disorders in transition‐age youth: a review of the therapeutic effects of unconscious exposure
Aug 13th 2024, 14:29

The real-world effectiveness of exposure-based therapies for youth depends on the willingness and ability of young people to tolerate confronting their fears, which can be experienced as highly aversive and create problems with treatment engagement and acceptance. Recently, neuroscientific research on the nonconscious basis of fear has been translated into novel exposure interventions that bypass conscious processing of feared stimuli and that thus do not cause phobic youth to experience distress. We present a review of these unconscious exposure interventions.
A PRISMA-based search yielded 20 controlled experiments based on three paradigms that tested if fear-related responses could be reduced without conscious awareness in highly phobic, transition-age youth: 14 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 5 fMRI studies (1 was also an RCT), 4 psychophysiological studies (3 were also RCTs), and 1 ERP study. We conducted meta-analyses of outcomes where feasible.
Unconscious exposure interventions significantly (1) reduced avoidance behavior (range of Cohen’s d = 0.51–0.95) and self-reported fear (d = 0.45–1.25) during in vivo exposure to the feared situation; (2) reduced neurobiological indicators of fear (d = 0.54–0.62) and concomitant physiological arousal (d = 0.55–0.64); (3) activated neural systems supporting fear regulation more strongly than visible exposure to the same stimuli (d = 1.2–1.5); (4) activated regions supporting fear regulation that mediated the reduction of avoidance behavior (d = 0.70); (5) evoked ERPs suggesting encoding of extinction memories (d = 2.13); and (6) had these effects without inducing autonomic arousal or subjective fear.
Unconscious exposure interventions significantly reduce a variety of symptomatic behaviors with mostly moderate effect sizes in transition-age youth with specific phobias. fMRI and physiological findings establish a neurophysiological basis for this efficacy, and suggest it occurs through extinction learning. Unconscious exposure was well tolerated, entirely unassociated with drop out, and is highly scalable for clinical practice. However, a number of limitations must be addressed to assess potential clinical impacts, including combining unconscious exposure with exposure therapy to boost treatment acceptance and efficacy.
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( Understanding the Experiences and Counseling Needs of Black Women with Infertility
Aug 13th 2024, 14:14

Volume 36, Issue 1-2, January-June 2024, Page 21-42. 
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( Predicting homelessness: Housing risk insights from latent class analysis
Aug 13th 2024, 14:09

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( Financial Survival: Two Steps Forward, One Back
Aug 13th 2024, 12:24

Hard work isn’t always enough.
For three decades, two families – the Neumanns and the Stanleys, one White, one Black – fought hard but failed to regain the financial security they had before being laid off from their good manufacturing jobs with benefits. 
A powerful and heartbreaking PBS Frontline documentary that aired last week followed them from 1991 until earlier this year, as they moved from one low-paying job to the next, always striving for incremental improvements in their living standards.
The timing of this documentary seems particularly relevant in a U.S. election year in which inflation and rising inequality are central concerns for millions of voters.  The two Milwaukee families allowed the reporters to capture intimate portraits not only of their extreme financial challenges but also the impact that the anguish of not having enough money had on their personal lives.
After Tony Neumann lost his factory job, every new job was a new form of sacrifice. He got a low-paying job on the night shift at one company and eventually moved up to the day shift. Later, he took a cut in pay for a job with benefits. His wife, Terry, determined to stay home with their children, tried to fill the gaps in Tony’s paychecks by selling beauty products door-to-door. But she spent more on the products than she was able to sell. She also briefly worked part-time in a school cafeteria for $6.91 an hour but eventually relented and got a commercial driver’s license so she could take a full-time job earning $7.50-an-hour with health insurance, which Tony didn’t have at the time. She had warehouse jobs, too, punctuated by an $8-an-hour job as an aide to a disabled child.
Fast forward to 2024. The couple has divorced, and their three children are working as a landscaper, an auto mechanic and a health insurance coder. Tony, now much older, does physical work as a handy man, installing plumbing and dry wall. Terry, who apparently got the house in the divorce that the couple had tried so hard to hold on to, has lost it in foreclosure. The buyer paid $38,000.
“We haven’t come very far,” Terry says, looking back on her professional life. But she said her children and grandchildren sustain her. “They’re my world.” 
After Claude and Jackie Stanley both lost their union manufacturing jobs, their struggles as a Black couple with five children were different but no easier. Jackie tried for years to become a successful realtor, first as an employee for an agency and then by starting a business. She had to work doubly hard to close house sales for the relatively small commissions she could earn in a struggling Black neighborhood with crime and dropping property values.
For many years, her husband waterproofed basements for low pay. An attempt to open a home inspection business never got off the ground. Late in life, he snared a city job doing landscaping in the summer and collecting garbage in the winter. At age 60, he was still doing that physical labor but grateful to be earning $26,000 and benefits.
Now retired, the couple are dealing with Jackie’s diabetes. They live on Social Security and his small city pension. But their children are doing well, especially their oldest son, Keith, the first man on either side of the family to graduate high school. His parents paid for his college education but they couldn’t swing it for the other children. Keith heads a community development organization in North Carolina, and his parents are very proud of his many accomplishments.
Here is his take on what his family has gone through.
“I still believe in hard work but I will say that I think we are fooling ourselves if we believe that it’s only hard work,” he said. To succeed, he said, it’s often “about luck, about who you know. It’s about your zip code [and] that’s conflated in our society with, if you work hard, you will be successful. There’s a lot more to the equation.”
Squared Away writer Kim Blanton invites you to follow us @SquaredAwayBC on X, formerly known as Twitter. To stay current on our blog, join our free email list. You’ll receive just one email each week – with links to the two new posts for that week – when you sign up here.  This blog is supported by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.
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( Fun, flirtation and fear: Selfies in teenage girls digital exchange cultures
Aug 13th 2024, 12:12

This paper explores teenage girls’ engagement with digital images on social media. Using new feminist materialism, we foreground digital images as an assemblage of materialities (human and more-than-human) filled with affective potentials that materialise in/capacities. Drawing from interviews and focus group discussions, we show how the production and sharing of selfies through posting and sexting unlocked new ‘becomings’ through expressions of heterosexual desirability and pleasure but also generated fear through sexual objectification, sexual double standards and harassment. A recognition of digital images as materially embodied through which unequal gender power relations materialise is vital to addressing online sexual risk.
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( Sex Work in Popular Culture
Aug 13th 2024, 11:58

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( Scarcity amid abundance: Navigating the waters of neoliberal austerity in Detroit
Aug 13th 2024, 11:41

This article explores water politics, neoliberal austerity measures, and racial capitalism in contemporary Detroit. I detail how a city campaign of mass residential water shutoffs, begun in 2014 and effecting tens of thousands of Detroit households, has served as a weapon against poor communities of color to produce economic outcomes favorable to corporate creditors and political elites. I argue that an analysis of water politics in contemporary Detroit allows for a more nuanced understanding of how neoliberal urbanism produces its own distinctive structures of racial and gendered oppression—not class domination alone. Drawing on fieldwork with city activists and other residents impacted by water terminations, this article analyzes how capitalism has relied on race to validate myriad expressions of violence, capital accumulation, and dispossession. I submit that water is a resource whose provision and denial provides a lens through which to ascertain who is and is not regarded as fully human in the context of the neoliberalization of racial capitalism. This piece also details innovative ways in which water rights activists and other Detroit residents have resisted authoritarian water policies and crafted survival strategies to persevere in the face of abiding threats to their health and human rights.
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( Association between depression and infertility based on the PHQ-9 score: Analyses of NHANES 2013–2018
Aug 13th 2024, 11:33

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( The prenatal caregiving expectations questionnaire‐revised version: Factor structure, internal consistency, and initial construct validity
Aug 13th 2024, 11:11

An efficient, multidimensional instrument is needed to screen non-optimal prenatal parental representations predictive of postnatal parenting behavior and child attachment. The present work aimed to revise and validate the Prenatal Caregiving Expectations Questionnaire—Revised (PCEQ-R). Survey data from two independent samples of pregnant, primarily Danish, women (N = 300/322) were collected to 1) test the factor structure and select items for a 20-item version, and 2) confirm the factor structure, examine internal consistency, and establish initial construct validity. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a three-factor model of helpless-dysregulated, anxious-hyperactivated, and avoidant-deactivated caregiving representations. Internal consistency was acceptable (α > .73). Construct validity analyses showed that higher helpless-dysregulated caregiving was associated with low maternal antenatal attachment quality (rs = −.36) and intensity (rs = −.11), increased risk of perinatal depression (rs
= .37), and trait anxiety (rs
= .37). Higher anxious-hyperactivated caregiving was associated with better maternal antenatal attachment quality (rs
= .20) and higher intensity (rs = .26), while avoidant-deactivated caregiving was not associated with maternal antenatal attachment. These findings support the validity and multidimensional structure of the measure. The homogenous nature of the sample limits generalizability of results. Future studies should examine predictive validity of the PCEQ-R and include clinical samples.
Se necesita un instrumento eficiente y multidimensional para examinar las representaciones prenatales no óptimas de los progenitores que predicen la conducta de crianza y la afectividad del niño. El presente trabajo se propuso revisar y validar el Cuestionario de Expectativas Prenatales de Prestación de Cuidado—Revisado (PCEQ-R). Se recogió información de encuesta de dos grupos muestra independientes de mujeres embarazadas, primariamente danesas, para 1) probar la estructura de factores y seleccionar los puntos para una versión de 20 asuntos, y 2) confirmar la estructura de factores examinar la consistencia interna, así como establecer la validez del modelo inicial.
Los análisis de factores confirmatorios apoyaron un modelo de tres factores de representaciones de prestación de cuidado: indefensas-desreguladas, ansiosas-hiperactivas y evasivas-desactivadas. La consistencia interna fue aceptable (α > .73). Los análisis de validez del modelo mostraron que una prestación de cuidado indefensa-desregulada más alta se asociaba con la baja calidad de la afectividad materna antenatal (rs = -.36) y su intensidad (rs = -.11), el aumento en el riesgo de depresión perinatal (rs = .37) y en el rasgo de ansiedad (rs = .37). Una más alta prestación de cuidado de tipo ansiosa-hiperactiva se asoció con una mejor calidad de la afectividad materna antenatal (rs = .20) y mayor intensidad (rs = .26), mientras que la prestación de cuidado evasiva-desactivada no se asoció con la afectividad materna antenatal. Estos resultados apoyan la validez y estructura multidimensional de la medida. La naturaleza homogénea del grupo muestra limita la posibilidad de generalización de los resultados. Estudios futuros deben examinar la validez de predicción de PCEQ-R e incluir grupos muestra clínicos.
Prenatal Caregiving Expectations Questionnaire—Revised Version: Faktorenstruktur, interne Konsistenz und erste Konstruktvalidität
Es wird ein effizientes, multidimensionales Screeninginstrument benötigt, um nicht-optimale pränatale elterliche Repräsentationen zu erfassen, welche das postnatale Erziehungsverhalten sowie den Bindungsstil des Kindes vorhersagen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war die Revision und Validierung des Prenatal Caregiving Expectations Questionnaire—Revised (PCEQ-R). Es wurden Umfragedaten von zwei unabhängigen Stichproben schwangerer, hauptsächlich dänischer, Frauen (N = 300/322) erhoben, um 1) die Faktorenstruktur zu testen und Items für eine 20-Item-Version auszuwählen sowie 2) die Faktorenstruktur zu bestätigen, die interne Konsistenz zu untersuchen und eine erste Konstruktvalidität herzustellen. Die konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse stützte ein dreifaktorielles Modell mit hilflos-dysregulierten, ängstlich-hyperaktivierten und vermeidend-deaktivierten pränatalen elterlichen Fürsorgerepräsentationen. Die interne Konsistenz war akzeptabel (α > .73). Analysen der Konstruktvalidität zeigten, dass höhere hilflos-dysregulierte Fürsorge mit niedrigerer mütterlicher pränataler Bindungsqualität (rs = -.36) und -intensität (rs = -.11), einem erhöhten Risiko für perinatale Depression (rs = .37) sowie mit erhöhter Trait-Angst (rs = .37) verbunden war. Ein höheres Maß an ängstlich-hyperaktivem Fürsorgeverhalten war mit einer besseren Qualität (rs = .20) und Intensität (rs = .26) der mütterlichen pränatalen Bindung verbunden, während vermeidend-deaktiviertes Fürsorgeverhalten nicht mit der mütterlichen pränatalen Bindung assoziiert war. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen die Validität und die multidimensionale Struktur des Instruments. Die Homogenität der Stichprobe schränkt die Generalisierbarkeit der Ergebnisse ein. Künftige Studien sollten die prädiktive Validität des PCEQ-R untersuchen sowie klinische Stichproben einbeziehen.
出産後の育児行動と子どもの愛着を予測する、適切ではない出生前の親の表象をスクリーニングするためには、効率的で多次元的な尺度が必要である。本研究は、出生前育児期待質問票 (Prenatal Caregiving Expectations Questionnaire—Revised:PCEQ-R) の改訂と妥当性の検証を目的としている。
主にデンマーク人の妊娠女性 (N = 300/322) の2つの独立した標本から調査データを収集し、1) 因子構造を検証し、20項目版の項目を選択し、2) 因子構造を確認し、内的一貫性を検討し、初期の構成概念妥当性を確立した。確認的因子分析により、無力-調節不全、不安-過活動、回避-不活動の育児表象の3因子モデルが支持された。内的一貫性は許容範囲であった (α>.73) 。構成概念妥当性分析によると、より高い無力-調節不全型養育は、低い母親の妊産婦期の愛着の質 (rs = -.36) および強度 (rs = -.11) 、周産期うつ病のリスク増加 (rs = 0.37) 、および特性不安 (rs = 0.37) と関連していた。より高い不安-過活動型養育は、より良好な妊産婦の愛着の質 (rs = 0.20) およびより高い強度 (rs = 0.26) と関連していたが、回避-非活動型養育は妊産婦の愛着とは関連していなかった。
摘 要
我们需要一种高效的多维工具来筛查非最佳的产前父母表现, 这些表现可以预测产后育儿行为和儿童依恋。本研究旨在修订和验证《产前护理期望问卷-修订版》(PCEQ-R)。
我们收集了两个独立孕妇样本 (主要是丹麦孕妇) 的调查数据 (N = 300/322), 用于1) 测试因子结构并为“20项版本”选择项目, 以及 2) 确认因子结构, 检查内部一致性, 并建立初步的结构效度。
验证性因子分析支持一个三因子模型, 即无助-失调、焦虑-过激和回避-失活护理表现。内部一致性是可接受的 (α > .73) 。结构效度分析表明, 无助-失调型护理表现水平越高, 母亲的产前依恋质量 (rs = -.36) 和强度 (rs = -.11) 越低、围产期抑郁 (rs = .37) 和特质焦虑 (rs = .37) 风险也越高。焦虑-过激型护理表现水平越高, 母亲的产前依恋质量 (rs = .20) 和强度 (rs = .26) 越高, 而回避-失活型护理表现与母亲产前依恋无关。
هناك حاجة إلى أداة فعالة ومتعددة الأبعاد لفحص تمثيلات الرعاية الوالدية غير المثلى قبل الولادة والتي تنبئ بسلوك الأبوة والأمومة بعد الولادة والتعلق بالطفل. يهدف هذا العمل إلى مراجعة استبيان توقعات الرعاية قبل الولادة والتحقق من صحته (R-PCEQ). تم جمع بيانات المسح من عينتين مستقلتين من النساء الحوامل الدنماركيات (العدد = 300/322) من أجل 1) اختبار بنية العوامل واختيار بنود لنسخة مكونة من 20 بندًا، و2) تأكيد هيكل العوامل، وفحص الاتساق الداخلي، وإثبات صحة البناء الأولي. دعم تحليل العامل التأكيدي نموذجاً ثلاثي العوامل من تمثيلات تقديم الرعاية المتمثل في التالي: العجز—عدم التنظيم ، والقلق- فرط النشاط ، والتجنب—عدم النشاط. كان الاتساق الداخلي مقبولاً (α > .73). وأظهرت تحليلات صلاحية البناء أن تمثيلات تقديم الرعاية الأعلى في نمط العاجز الغير منتظم ارتبطت بانخفاض جودة التعلق قبل الولادة لدى الأمهات (rs = -.36) وشدته (rs = -.11)، وزيادة خطر الإصابة بالاكتئاب في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة (rs = .37)،,وقلق السمات الشخصية (rs = .37). وارتبط تقديم الرعاية الأكثر قلقاَ مفرط النشاط بجودة تعلق الأمهات قبل الولادة (rs = .20) وشدة التعلق (rs = .26)، بينما لم يرتبط تقديم الرعاية التجنبي غير النشط بتعلق الأمهات قبل الولادة. تدعم هذه النتائج صحة المقياس وبنيته متعددة الأبعاد. تحد الطبيعة المتجانسة للعينة من قابلية تعميم النتائج. يجب أن تفحص الدراسات المستقبلية الصلاحية التنبؤية لمقياس R-PCEQ وأن تشمل عينات سريرية.
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( Home-Based Hospital Care – Bob’s Story
Aug 13th 2024, 10:59

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( Cooperation: A Political, Economic, and Social Theory
Aug 13th 2024, 10:46

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( Still waters run deep: self-control as a moderator of dark personality traits for antisocial conduct and violent attitudes
Aug 13th 2024, 10:46

Volume 35, Issue 4, August 2024, Page 507-521. 
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( Ethical dilemmas in policy practice: a Conceptual Framework
Aug 13th 2024, 10:10

Volume 27, Issue 4, July 2024, Page 775-786. 
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( Tipping point analysis for the between-arm correlation in an arm-based evidence synthesis
Aug 13th 2024, 10:09

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are essential tools in contemporary evidence-based medicine, synthesizing evidence from various sources to better inform clinical decision-making. However, the conclusions …
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( Whose Family Values? On Republicans’ Hypocritical Embrace of Donald Trump
Aug 13th 2024, 10:08

Republicans, by contrast, have spent decades hiding behind their historical branding to give themselves cover to act in a way that is completely antithetical to their professed values. These are conservatives who don’t intend to conserve anything; constitutionalists who don’t adhere to the Constitution; textualists who are content to discard any text that doesn’t confirm their prior beliefs. The Republicans don’t even believe in their namesake of a “republic” anymore. So what do they stand for?
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( High Financial Hardship among Patients with Advanced Ovarian Cancer
Aug 13th 2024, 09:47

Volume 20, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 120-132. 
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( Enforcing Mental Health Parity: State Options to Improve Access to Care
Aug 13th 2024, 09:39

This brief looks at enforcement of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) in 10 states.
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( Attributes of True and Deceptive Statements Made in Evaluations of Criminal Defendants
Aug 13th 2024, 08:47

Volume 16, Issue 5, October-December 2016, Page 347-373. 
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( Two years after hiring, OPD’s social worker is changing the department’s approach to policing
Aug 13th 2024, 07:57

Every Monday when Ashlea Sleiman arrives at her office, she’s greeted with referrals. Sleiman, the first ever social services liaison for the Oxford Police Dept., said one of her first tasks when she joined the department two years ago was to create a basic form for officers to fill out when they thought her services might be needed.
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( A Prospective Study with Patients and Families on the Usefulness of Accurate Prognosis for Palliative Care Patients
Aug 13th 2024, 07:47

Volume 20, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 133-146. 
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( Promotion of Sexual Health Self-Efficacy through Gender-Transformative Intervention with Adolescent Boys
Aug 13th 2024, 07:07

Volume 19, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 140-166. 
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( Adolescent patients’ perspectives on rapid-refeeding: a prospective qualitative study of an inpatient population
Aug 13th 2024, 07:02

Volume 4, Issue 3, November 2016, Page 277-292. 
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( Sexting Behavior by Young Adults: The Correlation between Emotion Regulation and Moral Judgment
Aug 13th 2024, 06:06

Volume 19, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 211-229. 
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( “How Will That Consent Play Out?”: Factors Involved in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals’ Understandings of Sexual Consent
Aug 13th 2024, 06:06

Volume 19, Issue 2, April-June 2024, Page 230-248. 
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( ‘Maybe that makes a difference actually’: Attuning to praxis for anti-racist social justice leadership among nursery school head teachers in the UK
Aug 13th 2024, 05:37

Journal of Early Childhood Research, Ahead of Print. In light of ongoing inequalities within society, the role of social justice leadership in educational spaces remains a central arena amongst research and practice. It is widely recognised that clear recognition and understanding of social justice among educators can offer the capacity for meaningful change against inequalities that continue to saturate both the profession and the experiences of children themselves. Yet, as argued with most clarity by Furman, recognition and understanding alone remain limited strategies in the absence of examples of practice and the development of capacities needed to advance social justice. Furman’s model of social justice leadership offers an avenue to consider the more precise nature of anti-racist practice praxis in the early childhood field. This article will evaluate the effectiveness of the model as applied to anti-racism. It will draw on data from a qualitative study on ethnicity and the early years workforce to consider the extent to which nursery school head teachers may be becoming attuned towards anti-racist social justice leadership praxis, inclusive of reflection and action. Our data reveal that, in more and less structured ways, leaders are already cognisant of the need to engage in anti-racist social justice leadership. The production of this framework offers a stepping stone towards more formalised anti-racist praxis for leaders in the early years profession.
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The post ( ‘Maybe that makes a difference actually’: Attuning to praxis for anti-racist social justice leadership among nursery school head teachers in the UK was curated by ( information for practice.

( Reliability of the ICD‐11 personality disorder severity ratings and diagnosis
Aug 13th 2024, 04:56

The present study aimed to investigate the interrater reliability of the dichotomous and dimensional personality disorder (PD) diagnoses based on the overall severity assessment on a rating form consisting of 18 anchored items encompassing diagnostic requirements of the International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision (ICD-11). We also aimed to examine the extent of consistency within the diagnostic requirements grouped under the domains of self- and interpersonal functioning, specific manifestations of personality dysfunction, and distress and impairment in psychosocial functioning. Our data involved a total of 184 inter-ratings of 46 consenting patients by the same set of four clinicians. The chance-corrected agreement levels were estimated at intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.89 for the overall severity composite, ICC = 0.83 for the dimensional PD diagnosis and Fleiss’ kappa = 0.77 for the dichotomous PD diagnosis. Internal consistency analysis of the overall severity composite and the domain composites revealed Cronbach’s alpha coefficients approaching or exceeding 0.90 level. Our findings suggest that the diagnostic requirements listed in the ICD-11 and related documents for the severity determination in PD compose an internally consistent set. With the guidance of a rating form comprised of anchored items covering this set, competency-level clinicians are likely to perform reliable evaluations of the severity of personality disturbance, and dimensional and dichotomous PD diagnoses. The development of semi-structured interviews that would further facilitate the task of inspecting and rating each diagnostic requirement reliably will possibly enhance the implementation of the ICD-11 classification for PD around the world.
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The post ( Reliability of the ICD‐11 personality disorder severity ratings and diagnosis was curated by ( information for practice.

( EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — In-depth analysis
Aug 13th 2024, 04:23

The post ( EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — In-depth analysis was curated by ( information for practice.

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