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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( White Nationalists May Be Behind GOP Worker Surveillance
Aug 10th 2024, 15:33

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( Probation practice and attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder
Aug 10th 2024, 14:43

Twenty-one Community Rehabilitation Companies were set up following the division of the National Probation Services during ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’ in England and Wales, under a 2013 Ministry of Justice initiative. Reunification commenced in 2018. A study completed prior to these changes suggested that probation officers had had little training in recognising attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and may have been underestimating its prevalence among their clientele. Given the substantial changes in probation staffing and organisation since 2018, a new study seems warranted.
The aim of the study was to understand experiences of people under a community sentence who reported having ADHD and of probation staff working with them.
Using a qualitative research design, one-to-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with client facing probation staff recruited from one Community Rehabilitation Company. Service users undertaking a community sentence who had been diagnosed with or self-identified as having ADHD were then identified and recruited by these staff; those who consented were also interviewed. Transcripts were analysed using a thematic analytic approach.
Thirteen probation staff and six male offenders under community sentences, agreed to participate and completed interviews. The overarching themes emerging from the two groups were similar, both reflecting on descriptions of ADHD; treatment of ADHD; experiences of having or working with ADHD in the wider community and in the criminal justice system specifically and visions of future support needs tied to the order. In addition, probation officers specifically raised the matter of payment by results. Both service users and probation staff identified gaps in knowledge, experience and services, but areas of good practice were also identified.
The findings highlight the continuing under-acknowledgement of tailored clinical support for people serving a community sentence who have ADHD together with a lack of support and training about ADHD for probation staff. Return to the national organisation of probation services and recognition of need for a range of relevant skills offers a great opportunity for re-evaluating supervision and management of offenders under community sentences who have ADHD. These findings provide the basis for a template for developing knowledge and support provision for probation staff to recognise ADHD, or its likelihood, and their capacity to follow through with appropriately informed personalised supervision plans and access to specialist service advice and support.
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( Obesity treatment-associated transfer of exercise-related self-regulation to eating-related self-regulation changes in women
Aug 10th 2024, 14:43

Volume 64, Issue 6, July 2024, Page 513-525. 
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( “People, Places, and Things”: Understanding the Context of Participants’ Lives in a Diversion Drug Court
Aug 10th 2024, 14:33

Criminal Justice and Behavior, Ahead of Print. To better understand the struggles drug court participants face and their relationship to graduation status, we took freehand notes during observations of staff meetings (N = 119) and court dockets (N = 147) and used thematic analysis to examine the notations. Themes included participants’ ongoing mental and physical health issues, legal issues outside of drug court, experience with both prosocial and antisocial relationships, drug use by family and friends, and a variety of treatment barriers even in a program designed to mitigate these. We expected ongoing legal issues outside of drug court, physical and mental health struggles, and family and friends being supportive, or not, to be related to graduation but they were not. However, COVID-19 and treatment barriers were significantly related to graduation status. Results add to the scholarly literature, especially that focusing on justice and court processes post-COVID-19, and can assist practitioners in understanding what factors may need more attention and resources.
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( Developing an asynchronous LGBTQ+ affirmative counseling training: A mixed‐methods study
Aug 10th 2024, 14:31

Master’s level counseling students completed a 5-week online asynchronous LGBTQ+ affirmative counseling training. Using a mixed-methods and quasi-experimental design, results indicated that participants’ LGBTQ+ knowledge, clinical skills, and advocacy increased posttraining. Content analysis revealed four themes of how students experienced the training. Implications, limitations, and future directions are discussed.
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( Toward a mechanistic understanding of the association between motor and executive function skill development in early childhood
Aug 10th 2024, 14:09

Early childhood is characterized by rapid increases in both motor skills and executive function skills. Rather than simply codeveloping, the development of motor and executive function skills may be linked causally. In this article, we introduce corticomuscular coherence as a paradigm for psychologists interested in testing mechanistic questions about the potentially causal association between motor and executive function skill development in early childhood. We also consider the broader implications of this work for informing typical and atypical development.
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( Columbia AAUP issues statement defending academic freedom amid calls for faculty sanctions and dismissals
Aug 10th 2024, 13:58

Columbia’s AAUP chapter has received numerous reports of individuals, both inside and outside of the University, calling for the sanctioning or dismissal of specific Columbia faculty members, according to its statement. The statement reads that the calls for “punitive action” have been based on the comments faculty members have made in the public sphere, classroom, and “in response to faculty efforts to de-escalate provocations during campus protests.”
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( Perspectives from the frontline: Nurses’ experiences of adolescent engagement in sexual and reproductive health services
Aug 10th 2024, 13:13

Health Education Journal, Ahead of Print. Background:Nurses have a critical role to play in the delivery of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to adolescents and young people. Nurses’ interactions with adolescents and young people can shape sexual and reproductive behaviours and outcomes, including willingness to access and engage with healthcare services. However, little research from low- and middle-income contexts has explored nurses’ firsthand perspectives regarding their relationships with adolescents and young people in the context of SRH service provision, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic.Aim:This study explored nurses’ perceptions of working with adolescents and young people as well as how these impressions manifest in one-on-one exchanges between nurses and young patients.Method:Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 nurses providing SRH services to adolescents and young people and based at public health facilities in urban, peri-urban and rural areas within a health sub-district of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Data were analysed using an inductive thematic approach.Results:While many nurses described the challenges facing adolescents and young people in an empathic way and expressed a desire and willingness to engage with and educate them, some found it ‘difficult to break through’. Nurses linked this difficulty to the shame adolescents and young people feel when discussing SRH concerns, but also to them having ‘attitude’ and ‘not listening’. Findings highlight how while nurses may genuinely care about providing services to their young patients, internal and social biases may impact their motivation and willingness to effectively support adolescents and young people within the context of SRH service provision. To improve patient–provider relations, we suggest a focus on practical and participatory interventions to improve interpersonal dynamics.
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( Making Waves in Academia: Asian/Asian American Feminist Mentoring as Activism
Aug 10th 2024, 12:41

Volume 47, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 225-250. 
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( The (Power) Struggle: Experiences of BIWOC Correctional Officers at Rikers Island Jail
Aug 10th 2024, 12:31

Volume 34, Issue 4, July-August 2024, Page 291-305. 
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( Over 6 million children at risk as deadly floods lash across South Asia
Aug 10th 2024, 12:29

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( Disability, the Environment, and Colonialism
Aug 10th 2024, 12:26

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( What if Marquis de Sade Was a Woman? New Evidence of Sex Differences in Behavioral Manifestation of Sadism
Aug 10th 2024, 12:22

International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, Ahead of Print. This study aims to explore the behavioral manifestation of sadism in females involved in sexual crimes. The sample includes 24 female sex offenders for which sadism was assessed with the SeSaS. To conduct a gender-based comparison analysis, we conducted a random selection of 100 sadistic male offenders. Bivariate comparisons and multidimensional scaling analysis were used to determine whether behavioral manifestation and dimensions of sadism are different in female sex offenders. Results showed that sadism in women manifests itself differently from male offenders and practical implications are discussed.
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( Recent trends in police-reported clearance status of sexual assault and other violent crime in Canada, 2017 to 2022
Aug 10th 2024, 12:01

Sexual assault is a highly gendered crime, with women and girls accounting for 9 in 10 victims (90%) of incidents reported to police in 2022. The vast majority (96%) of accused persons were men and boys, and most victims (74%) knew the person accused of the crime.
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( This too shall pass, but when? Children’s and adults’ beliefs about the time duration of emotions, desires, and preferences
Aug 10th 2024, 11:58

This research investigated children’s and adults’ understanding of the mind by assessing beliefs about the temporal features of mental states. English-speaking North American participants, varying in socioeconomic status (Study 1: N = 50 adults; Study 2: N = 112, 8- to 10-year-olds and adults; and Study 3: N = 116, 5- to 7-year-olds and adults; tested 2017–2022), estimated the duration (seconds to a lifetime) of emotions, desires (wanting), preferences (liking), and control trials (e.g., napping and having eyes). Participants were 56% female and 44% male; 32% Asian, 1% Black, 13% Hispanic/Latino, 38% White (non-Hispanic/Latino), and 16% multiracial or another race/ethnicity. Children and adults judged that preferences last longer than emotions and desires, with age differences in distinguishing specific emotions by duration (ηp2s>.03). By 5 to 7 years, ideas about the mind include consideration of time.
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( Medicalised female genital mutilation must stop
Aug 10th 2024, 11:22

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( DISD webinar on “The social impacts of misinformation”
Aug 10th 2024, 11:04

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( Coping Among Canadian Youth Living With Anxiety: A Phenomenological Photovoice Study
Aug 10th 2024, 10:57

Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Ahead of Print. The purpose of this phenomenological photovoice study was to explore the lived experience of coping among 58 Canadian youth diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. A youth advisory committee was actively engaged throughout the project. Two phases of interviews were conducted more than a period of 4 years (2012–2016), supplemented by photovoice in the second interview. Data analysis was informed by van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenology approach and his “Lifeworld Existentials” of embodiment, spatiality, relationality, and temporality served as a framework for organizing the data. Coping with anxiety was experienced as difficult: Anxiety was challenging to control and youth reported looking for something they could do to give them a break from their anxious thoughts and feelings. Youth reluctantly accepted their condition, and some adopted a new perspective of their experience. Coping strategies reported by youth fall along the lived experience domains of embodiment (body), spatiality (space), relationality (relations), temporality (time) and include expressing feelings and emotions, naming anxiety, bringing their attention to the present moment, distraction, going to a familiar space to calm down, going outdoors, reaching out to someone who could “be there” for them, and being with a pet. This study contributes to the emerging lived experience research in anxiety.
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( The relationship between postural control and cognitive functioning following Zumba dancing in middle-aged women: A randomized clinical trial
Aug 10th 2024, 10:42

Volume 36, Issue 4, July-August 2024, Page 273-285. 
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( Change and Implementation in Practice: Communication Plan Template
Aug 10th 2024, 10:33

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( Estimating lead-attributable mortality burden by socioeconomic status in the USA
Aug 10th 2024, 10:08

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( FAST-LC TA Event: Strategic Communication and Messaging: Shaping the Prevention Narrative
Aug 10th 2024, 10:08

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( A Big Chunk of Professors Flunked U of Florida Post-Tenure Review
Aug 10th 2024, 10:01

“There’s no mincing words: Tenure’s gone. It’s been replaced by a five-year contract,” said Meera Sitharam, president of the United Faculty of Florida union’s UF chapter. She said UF’s implementation of the policy “really gives them a chance to get rid of people they don’t like.”
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( Determinants of Poor Health among Workers in Criminal Justice, Community and Social Services, and Healthcare: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Workplace Trauma Exposure, and Gender Differences
Aug 10th 2024, 09:49

Volume 34, Issue 3, May-June 2024, Page 227-243. 
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( Comparative analysis of addiction severity and renal functions in patients with synthetic cannabinoid use disorder versus cannabis use disorder
Aug 10th 2024, 09:39

The use of synthetic cannabinoids (SC) has become a concerning public health issue due to their potential adverse effects on both physical and mental health. Understanding the effect of cannabis and synthetic …
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( Homelessness Week 2024
Aug 10th 2024, 09:32

5 August 2024
Monday 5 August to Sunday 11 August marks Homelessness Week 2024. The week aims to raise awareness, start conversations, aid people experiencing homelessness and prevent those at risk from falling into homelessness.
Homelessness can take many forms, it can look like anything from living in an overcrowded house to sleeping rough. It is important to recognise what homelessness looks like and how you can help those around you who may be experiencing housing insecurity.
Opening conversations about homelessness is an important part of raising awareness of the issue. Homelessness is often something that we think couldn’t happen to us, but the 2021 ABS Census shows that:

on any given night in Australia, nearly one in 200 people are experiencing homelessness
one in 7 people experiencing homelessness are children under 12
almost one in 4 people experiencing homelessness are young people between 12 and 24
one in 5 people experiencing homelessness are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

Find out more:
It’s time to learn and share more about homelessness – visit:
To find out more about housing and homelessness challenges, view the department’s Issues Paper, developed to support consultations on the National Housing and Homelessness Plan (the Plan).  A summary of the Plan’s consultation findings is also available at –
To find out more about how the Department of Social Services support those who are experiencing homelessness, visit
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( Anti-Blackness in Schools of Social Work: A Black Feminist Polyethnography
Aug 10th 2024, 08:48

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( Halifax developing code of conduct for residents of designated homeless encampments
Aug 10th 2024, 07:56

Dr. Jeff Karabanow, a Dalhousie University Professor of Social Work who does research on homelessness, said in an interview Thursday the potential impact of a code of conduct would depend entirely on how it’s set up and what’s included in it. “I hope people in the encampments are around the table … I think that can be quite empowering for people to provide their voice,” he said.
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( Current and preferred services of specialized professionals in childcare settings in Quebec, Canada: A descriptive survey of childcare administrators’ perspectives
Aug 10th 2024, 07:43

Many challenges exist in promoting inclusion in childcare settings. Adequate support from specialized professionals is necessary to create inclusive childcare settings. Understanding which services are being delivered by specialized professionals in childcare contexts is an important first step. The aim of this study was to (1) describe the services currently being delivered by specialized professionals in childcare settings in Quebec (Canada) and (2) seek childcare administrators’ perspectives on their preferred services.
An online province-wide descriptive survey was conducted with childcare administrators (n = 344). Questions focused on 11 service delivery dimensions (e.g. professionals involved, children served). Descriptive statistics were calculated.
Childcare settings received services from a median of two specialized professionals (IQR [1–4]). Most services were delivered by early childhood special educators (61.3%), speech-language pathologists (57.6%), psycho-educators (43.6%) and occupational therapists (43.3%). Childcare administrators identified these four services as being particularly supportive. Professionals delivered a median of 0.4 h of service per week in each childcare setting (IQR [0.1–3.0]). A high percentage (91.2%) of administrators reported unmet needs for professional support in at least one developmental domain, with a high percentage (57.3%) of administrators identifying needs in the socio-emotional domain. Most (63.3%) expressed a desire to prioritize services for children without an established diagnosis but identified by early childhood educators as having needs for professional support. Most administrators (71.4%) also preferred in-context services.
Childcare administrators perceive an important role for specialized professionals in supporting inclusion in their settings. Recommendations emerging are based on the four main professional service needs identified: (1) increasing the intensity and stability of services; (2) providing services for undiagnosed children identified by early childhood educators as having unmet needs; (3) ensuring that services encompassing all developmental domains with a focus on the socio-emotional domain; and (4) prioritizing of in-context services.
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