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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Crystal Quade captures Democratic nomination for Missouri governor
Aug 8th 2024, 14:41

Quade was the first in her family to graduate high school and graduated from Missouri State University in 2008 with a degree in social work. She worked for former U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill as a legislative aid as her first foray into politics. 
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( Perceived social influence of allied men drives their ability to communicate respect to women in male-dominated fields
Aug 8th 2024, 14:29

Group Processes &Intergroup Relations, Ahead of Print. Three studies (N = 1,349) examined why allyship from men (vs. women) is often more impactful in decreasing women’s concerns of negative treatment within male-dominated spaces in the United States. Women anticipated more respect from their peers after a man (vs. woman), identified as a gender equality ally. Increased respect mediated women’s lower anticipation of negative workplace treatment and higher anticipation of support (Studies 1–3). This effect was driven by the belief that an allied man holds more influence within an organization than an allied woman (Study 2). Study 2 additionally contrasted allyship to workplace friendship to determine the unique impact of gender-equality allyship compared to other forms of support from peers. In Study 3, ally influence was manipulated to assess whether an ally’s ability to communicate respect to women is contingent upon perceived influence. These results indicate that the positive impact of allyship from men is due in part to the greater perceived influence of allied men and their ability to communicate respect to women.
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( Effects of sleep deprivation on brain atrophy in individuals with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
Aug 8th 2024, 14:06

Publication date: August 2024
Source: Ageing Research Reviews, Volume 99
Author(s): Ujala Sehar, Upasana Mukherjee, Hafiz Khan, Malcolm Brownell, Keya Malhotra, John Culberson, Rainier Vladlen Alvir, P. Hemachandra Reddy
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( How a Sense of Neighborhood Cohesion Affects the Health   of Diverse Californians With Needs for Long-Term Services   and Supports
Aug 8th 2024, 12:58

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( Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Aug 8th 2024, 12:46

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( Educating Families on Urgent Maternal Warning Signs: Learning From a Pilot to Improve Training and Tools for Maternal and Child Home Visiting Programs
Aug 8th 2024, 12:28

Health Promotion Practice, Ahead of Print. Early recognition of the warning signs of pregnancy-related complications and provision of timely, quality care could prevent many maternal deaths. We piloted a maternal warning signs education intervention with five Maryland-based maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting programs serving populations disproportionately affected by adverse maternal outcomes. The intervention included a 1.5-hr online training for home visitors, monthly collaborative calls with program managers, and a client education toolkit with a 3-min video, illustrated handout of 15 urgent maternal warning signs, magnet with the same, and discussion guide for home visitor–client interactions. A mixed-methods formative evaluation assessed the acceptability, feasibility, and utilization of different components of the intervention. Home visiting program staff reported that the materials were highly acceptable and easily understood by diverse client populations. They valued the illustrations, simple language, and translation of materials in multiple languages. Program managers found implementation a relatively simple process, feasible for in-person and remote visits. Despite positive reception, not all components of the toolkit were used consistently. Program managers and staff also identified the need for more guidance and tools to help clients communicate with health care providers and advocate for their health care needs. Feedback from pilot sites was used to adapt the training and tools, including adding content on patient self-advocacy. Home visiting programs have a unique ability to engage families during pregnancy and the postpartum period. This pilot offers lessons learned on strategies and tools that home visiting programs can use to improve early recognition and care-seeking for urgent maternal warning signs.
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( Towards an informed research agenda for the field of personality disorders by experts with lived and living experience and researchers
Aug 8th 2024, 11:33

We describe a collection of themes for a research agenda for personality disorders that was originally formulated for the ESSPD Borderline Congress in 2022.
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( Treatment non-adherence among methadone maintenance patients and associated factors: a multicenter, cross-sectional study in Vietnam
Aug 8th 2024, 11:21

This multicenter, cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of treatment non-adherence and its associated factors among methadone maintenance patients in Vietnam.
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( The Violence of Britishness Racism, Borders and the Conditions of Citizenship
Aug 8th 2024, 11:06

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( Latina Young People’s Perspectives on Healthy Romantic Relationships: A Strengths-Based, Qualitative Inquiry
Aug 8th 2024, 10:31

Volume 23, Issue 2, 2024, Page 79-96. 
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( Evaluating Mental Health First Aid for Illinois Agricultural Communities
Aug 8th 2024, 10:29

Health Promotion Practice, Ahead of Print. Introduction. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) was created to teach individuals how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Programs like this may be essential for agricultural communities where suicide rates have increased, and mental health stigma has been a barrier to this population. This study evaluated how effective MHFA and Youth MHFA were for participants from agricultural communities. Methods. Participants completed the MHFA (N = 38) and Youth MHFA (N = 66) programs in 2021–2022, and Extension educators offered both programs as a part of outreach efforts within agricultural contexts. Participants completed pre-, post-, and post-only evaluations as standardized by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. Results. After completing the MHFA and Youth MHFA training, participants increased their knowledge, confidence, and skills in various mental health topics. This includes early indicators of mental health challenges, the ability to have supportive conversations, and how to provide resources to others. For example, most participants felt they became more knowledgeable about MHFA (69%) and the ability to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health or substance use challenges (65%). Conclusion. This research has implications for supporting agricultural workers through additional mental health training, managing farm stress, and understanding mental health stigma within this community.
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( How to Prevent Mosquito and Tick Bites
Aug 8th 2024, 10:28

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( Governor Flanagan? Who is Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan? A ‘hard-nosed policy negotiator’ who fights for Minnesota kids
Aug 8th 2024, 10:08

Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan’s passion for children and families has defined her career in public service. She served on the Minneapolis school board, worked as executive director of the Children’s Defense Fund Minnesota, and advocated for kids as a state legislator and lieutenant governor.
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( Factors Promoting Resilience Among Mexican American College Students Who Experienced Intimate Partner Violence
Aug 8th 2024, 09:58

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Ahead of Print. The literature on Latinx intimate partner violence (IPV) among college students has tended to focus on the risk factors for experiencing victimization, with much less emphasis on the potential factors fostering resilience. This study examines the factors that promote resilience in a sample of 90 Mexican American undergraduate college students (mean age was 23.33; SD = 5.69) attending a Hispanic Serving Institution who experienced IPV victimization in the last year. The research question was: What factors are associated with resilience in a sample of Latinx college students who experienced IPV? An analysis of regression with resilience as the outcome measure showed the following were positive predictors of resilience in this sample of Latinx college students who experienced IPV: frequency of religious service attendance, intrinsic religiosity, social support, familismo, and ethnic identity. The study also found two negative predictors of resilience: caballerismo and violence severity. Results are discussed in the context of service provision and IPV prevention for Latinx college students.
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( Evaluation of Health Education Events With a Peer-to-Peer Component in Public High Schools
Aug 8th 2024, 09:28

Health Promotion Practice, Ahead of Print. Despite many improvements in childhood health outcomes, many children experience chronic health conditions and engage in unhealthy behaviors that can negatively affect the rest of their lives. School-based health education is one strategy to promote healthier lifestyles among children. Although health education is very prevalent in the United States, the methods used for this education are not well studied. Health education events such as voluntary tabling events (booths) were held by peer student educators and adult allies from the LA Trust for Children’s Health. This program evaluation studied the effects of voluntary peer-to-peer health education tabling events and a more traditional mandatory school-based health presentation. We analyzed survey responses from 343 high school students who attended 19 health education events at 8 public high schools in Los Angeles County. The results showed that health education tabling events at schools were viewed positively by students, allowing the vast majority to report learning useful information. The impact of the tabling events varied somewhat between grade levels and health topics. These findings can assist schools, health organizations, and health care providers in tailoring their programming to better disseminate health education materials and information, as well as understanding which health topics are interesting to students.
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( Can large language models replace humans in systematic reviews? Evaluating GPT-4’s efficacy in screening and extracting data from peer-reviewed and grey literature in multiple languages
Aug 8th 2024, 09:27

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( EnRICH Webinar: Unlocking the Future of Maternal Health Begins with Research
Aug 8th 2024, 09:13

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( Regional Discussion Report: Review of First Nations, Métis and Inuit questions for the 2026 Census of Population
Aug 8th 2024, 09:03

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( The eco-social aspects of the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork
Aug 8th 2024, 08:39

Global Social Policy, Ahead of Print. With the publication of the European Green Deal (EGD) in December 2019, the European Union (EU) has recognised a link between environmental and social challenges and the need to tackle them together. A body of literature publishing under the umbrella concept of sustainable welfare and the term eco-social policies has acknowledged the environmental and social nexus and has been characterised by six prominent eco-social aspects namely, the integration between environmental and social policy goals, their link with economic growth, just transition, redistribution and compensation, citizens’ participation, and the state’s role. However, an in-depth analysis of the eco-social aspects contained in recent European policy documents that can be traced back to the eco-social literature is missing. To address this gap, this article focuses on two policy documents considered at the heart of the European ambition of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, namely the EGD Communication and the Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy. The article applies a document content analysis of these two documents and uses the six eco-social aspects as a heuristic to analyse and provide descriptive examples of the EGD and the F2F. The content analyses of these documents reveal several elements that advance the understanding of recent EU policies from an eco-social perspective. The study provides knowledge of envisaged compensatory and redistributive measures to the groups and entities affected by the socio-ecological transition and initiatives to enhance a global just transition. Both documents also recognise the primary role of citizens in driving the transition, complementing ongoing eco-social research on participatory processes. The EGD and the F2F reveal also some distinctions in the way the eco-social literature discusses states’ role in eco-social policy-making, the relationship between environmental and social policies and economic growth and intergenerational justice.
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( Trajectories in long-term condition accumulation and mortality in older adults: a group-based trajectory modelling approach using the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Aug 8th 2024, 08:38

To classify older adults into clusters based on accumulating long-term conditions (LTC) as trajectories, characterise clusters and quantify their associations with all-cause mortality.
We conducted a longitudinal study using the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing over 9 years (n=15 091 aged 50 years and older). Group-based trajectory modelling was used to classify people into clusters based on accumulating LTC over time. Derived clusters were used to quantify the associations between trajectory memberships, sociodemographic characteristics and all-cause mortality by conducting regression models.
Five distinct clusters of accumulating LTC trajectories were identified and characterised as: ‘no LTC’ (18.57%), ‘single LTC’ (31.21%), ‘evolving multimorbidity’ (25.82%), ‘moderate multimorbidity’ (17.12%) and ‘high multimorbidity’ (7.27%). Increasing age was consistently associated with a larger number of LTCs. Ethnic minorities (adjusted OR=2.04; 95% CI 1.40 to 3.00) were associated with the ‘high multimorbidity’ cluster. Higher education and paid employment were associated with a lower likelihood of progression over time towards an increased number of LTCs. All the clusters had higher all-cause mortality than the ‘no LTC’ cluster.
The development of multimorbidity in the number of conditions over time follows distinct trajectories. These are determined by non-modifiable (age, ethnicity) and modifiable factors (education and employment). Stratifying risk through clustering will enable practitioners to identify older adults with a higher likelihood of worsening LTC over time to tailor effective interventions to prevent mortality.

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( Who benefits? On welfare and accumulation
Aug 8th 2024, 08:38

Global Social Policy, Ahead of Print. 
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( Home care recruitment drive launched across South Lanarkshire
Aug 8th 2024, 07:51

Councillor Margaret Walker (Cambuslang West) Chair of the Social Work Resources Committee, said: “We know how important the work of all of our social care staff is right across our communities, especially to those who are vulnerable. “We also recognise the significant challenges facing social care – and that our staff continue to be critical to meeting those challenges.
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( Development and Validation of an Assessment-Driven Behavioral Intervention for Primary Complex Motor Stereotypies in Young Children
Aug 8th 2024, 07:24

Behavior Modification, Ahead of Print. Complex motor stereotypies are rhythmic, repetitive, fixed, and non-goal directed movements (e.g., bilateral flapping/waving movements of the hands/arms). Movements typically begin in early childhood and can occur in otherwise normally developing (“primary”) or autistic (“secondary”) children. Stereotypies persist, occur multiple times a day, have prolonged durations, can be socially stigmatizing, and may lead to bullying and isolation. Prior behavioral treatment studies have focused on older children (ages 6–12) and report modest reductions in stereotypy (i.e., between 14% and 33%). The current study involves the functional assessment and treatment of five children with Primary Complex Motor Stereotypy using a modified awareness training procedure, differential reinforcement of other behavior, and schedule thinning in a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design. Results suggest a 99% reduction of motor stereotypy from baseline across all participants.
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( The Emerging Landscape of Social Media Influencers in Public Health Collaborations: A Scoping Review
Aug 8th 2024, 06:28

Health Promotion Practice, Ahead of Print. Social media content creators or “influencers” are an increasingly influential voice in the public discourse generally, including global perceptions and practices related to health. In response, public health entities are increasingly embracing social media influencers (SMIs) as potential health promotion collaborators. Despite burgeoning interest in the potential of these partnerships, research evaluating this strategy remains limited. To address this gap, we conducted a scoping review to characterize and describe the current landscape of health promotion collaborations with SMIs with a focus on current practices. A search of six electronic databases (PubMed, SCOPUS, Communication & Mass Media Complete, CINAHL Plus, Web of Science, and APA PsycINFO) revealed wide-ranging and inconsistent approaches to these partnerships, including their optimal practices, data reported, and their evaluation criteria. Among the 658 articles initially identified, 15 publications met our inclusion criteria, spanning 7 countries, 8 social media platforms, 11 distinct health topics, and 21 different outcome measures. Basic information necessary for comparing across interventions was often lacking. We noted a lack of consensus on what constitutes an SMI with 53% of included studies lacking any definition or criteria. Although SMIs offer substantial promise as an emerging opportunity for health promotion, particularly for populations that may be otherwise difficult to identify or reach, this review highlights how the current lack of standardized methodologies and metrics prevents meaningful comparisons between collaborations and evaluations of their effectiveness. Based on these findings, we propose four key criteria to aid practitioners in the implementation and evaluation of SMI collaborations.
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( Aligning Interviewing with Process Tracing
Aug 8th 2024, 06:24

Sociological Methods &Research, Ahead of Print. Interviews play a pivotal role in process tracing (PT) by allowing researchers to delve deep into the intricacies of agency, inter-agent interactions and relationships, and the processes underlying meaning and decision-making. These dimensions are essential for evaluating process theories connecting causes to outcomes in specific cases. Testing theoretical arguments via PT bears implications for how we conceive interviewing. We provide recommendations for scholars to design interview research aligned with PT best practices, focusing on sampling and the design of interview protocols, and being sensitive to differences between PT approaches. Aligning interviews with PT’s specific requirements strengthens the weight and inferential power of evidence. While the methodological foundations of PT and related data analysis techniques are well-documented in the literature, there is still a gap concerning data collection and generation. We aim to address this by encouraging process tracers to think systematically about their interviewing plans at the design stage.
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( Picture This: Studying the Effectiveness of Illustrated Instructions
Aug 8th 2024, 05:26

Teaching of Psychology, Ahead of Print. BackgroundResearch on multimedia instruction suggests that illustrations aid learning over straight text. Providing students with illustrated instructions may increase comprehension and retention of material.ObjectiveWe tested if students would remember the material better if it was presented as an infographic where the content was supplemented with illustrations versus reading the same content without illustrations.MethodWe randomly assigned students (N = 114) to either a text-based or an illustrated instruction condition where they learned about three types of study techniques (retrieval practice, spaced practice, and interleaving). After a brief distraction task, all students took a quiz on the material presented.ResultsA multivariate analysis of variance showed a significant main effect for the condition. Students in the illustrated instruction condition scored higher on the quiz than those who were assigned to the text-based condition.ConclusionPresenting complex material as an infographic with illustrations may aid learning.Teaching ImplicationsTeachers and textbook authors should consider the use of illustrated instructions to convey difficult material, especially bottleneck concepts.
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( Prime Minister, Minister, or Else? Determinants of Patronage Appointments and Politicization of the Bureaucracy at the Senior Level in Turkey (2002–2018)
Aug 8th 2024, 05:26

Administration &Society, Ahead of Print. Patronage appointments have been a frequently used indicator in order to gauge the level of politicization of bureaucracy in different countries. Studies tend to explain the politicization based on governmental, prime ministerial, or ministerial alternation. By relying upon a unique dataset consisting of 12.832 decisions of appointment to higher echelons in the Turkish bureaucracy during the Justice and Development Party’s uninterrupted one-party governments between 2002 and 2018, this study, however, suggests that the patronage appointments, and thereby politicization of the bureaucracy, might very well have been triggered by the within “power bloc” crisis linked to Turkey’s socio-political conditions.
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( Framework for implementing asylum seekers and refugees’ health into the undergraduate medical curriculum in the United Kingdom
Aug 8th 2024, 04:47

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( A Postcolonial Feminist Perspective on Traditional Birth Attendants and Management of Pregnancy Complications Among Indigenous Women in Rural Nigeria
Aug 8th 2024, 04:26

Affilia, Ahead of Print. The work of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in the Global South continues to be pivotal to the operations of rural healthcare services, especially as formal healthcare services often malfunction in rural communities, as in rural Nigeria, where TBAs preponderantly conduct deliveries among Indigenous women. This study examines TBAs’ management of delivery complications in rural Nigeria among Indigenous women using a sample of TBAs and TBAs’ service users. The study adopts a qualitative methodology involving focus groups of TBAs’ service users and interviews of TBAs to determine TBAs’ effectiveness in managing obstetric complications, considering their differentiation in terms of service competence. The study apprehends the phenomenon through a postcolonial feminist theoretical lens. The results show that TBAs have differential capabilities in the management of cases and their perception and interpretation of problems determined whether physical or metaphysical strategies were employed in their work. While some TBAs competently managed the presented cases, others invited either TBA colleagues or traditional resource persons to assist in such dire moments. Even though the TBAs—victims of patriarchy and colonial subjugation—continue to be marginalized and subjugated by male-dominated colonial and neocolonial power structures, they have significantly transformed their values to create a model for rural social work that provides social and emotional support to Indigenous women in rural spaces. The study therefore identifies a social policy and social work imperative for ideas sharing between different forms of Westernized healthcare practitioners and TBAs to engender the best health outcomes for rural Indigenous women.
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( Refusing to call out Islamophobia has emboldened the far right – and the current violence is the result
Aug 8th 2024, 04:23

Beginning with the British National Party – a far-right political party that had unprecedented electoral success in local council elections in the early 2000s – a similar ideological trajectory can be traced through a number of far-right street movements that emerged between 2009 and 2018. These included the English Defence League (EDL) in around 2010, Britain First, Football Lads Alliance and Democratic Football Lads Alliance among others.
These groups have couched racist ideology in the notion of “defence”. 
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