Your Daily digest for Science Daily Mind & Brain

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Fri Apr 12 01:38:08 PDT 2024

Science Daily Mind & Brain


( Economic burden of childhood verbal abuse by adults estimated at $300 billion globally
Apr 11th 2024, 13:03

Childhood verbal abuse by adults costs society an estimated $300 billion a year globally, show recent findings.

( AI model can accurately assess PTSD in postpartum women
Apr 11th 2024, 13:01

By analyzing the narratives of women who experienced traumatic childbirth and women with non-complicated childbirth, researchers created an AI model that can accurately identify those at risk of childbirth-related PTSD.

( Parkinson's Disease: New theory on the disease's origins and spread
Apr 11th 2024, 13:01

New hypothesis paper builds on a growing scientific consensus that Parkinson's disease route to the brain starts in either the nose or the gut and proposes that environmental toxicants are the likely source.

( People who use willpower alone to achieve goals, resist temptation, deemed more trustworthy
Apr 11th 2024, 13:01

People who use willpower to overcome temptations and achieve their goals are perceived as more trustworthy than those who use strategies that involve external incentives or deterrents -- such as swear jars or internet-blocking apps -- according to new research.

( Newly found genetic variant defends against Alzheimer's disease
Apr 10th 2024, 16:15

Neuroscientists have identified a genetic mutation that fends off Alzheimer's disease in people at high risk and could lead to a new way to protect people from the disease.

( New origin of deep brain waves discovered
Apr 10th 2024, 16:15

Biomedical engineering researchers have uncovered a previously unknown source of two key brain waves crucial for deep sleep: slow waves and sleep spindles. Traditionally believed to originate from one brain circuit linking the thalamus and cortex, the team's findings suggest that the axons in memory centers of the hippocampus play a role.

( More than half a million global stroke deaths may be tied to climate change
Apr 10th 2024, 16:15

A changing climate may be linked to growing death and disability from stroke in regions around the world, according to a new study. Researchers found over three decades that non-optimal temperatures, those above or below temperatures associated with the lowest death rates, were increasingly linked to death and disability due to stroke. The study does not prove that climate change causes stroke. It only shows an association. The study also did not examine other risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

( Can the bias in algorithms help us see our own?
Apr 9th 2024, 18:40

New research shows that people recognize more of their biases in algorithms' decisions than they do in their own -- even when those decisions are the same.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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