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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Handouts for property developers are worsening the housing crisis
Apr 11th 2024, 14:44

The post ( Handouts for property developers are worsening the housing crisis was curated by ( information for practice.

( The extension of social health protection to refugees
Apr 11th 2024, 13:54

The target populations to be covered in this article on the extension of social protection coverage are refugees, as defined by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Our approach to their coverage is based on the pillars of public health and social protection, which together provide the rationale and legislative basis for coverage. The social protection benefits to be covered are comprehensive health services, providing entitlement to services without conditions such as prior contributions or duration of residence. Refugees are vulnerable since they come from conflict areas or go through persecution and personal threat. They carry grief from the loss of family members and friends, property and livelihood, and social and cultural support. Some have sustained injuries before rescue and evacuation and need additional care. They may have chronic diseases and need medications they can no longer access. Some may have communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis, and children may have missed scheduled mandatory vaccinations. Refugees are vulnerable to new and re-emerging infections, as seen in the COVID–19 pandemic. While the focus in this article is on providing health care, the social determinants of health are addressed, including access to education, employment with decent working conditions, and safe environments. We focus on coverage by national authorities and institutions, legislative amendments to enable entitlement to non-citizens, and provide national examples. Experience has shown that coverage is feasible with the assistance and guidance of international and local organizations and associations and with an acceptance by the existing social protection institutions of the benefits of extending coverage to new members. This article concurs with the principle and pledge of the 2030 Social Development Goals of the United Nations to “leave no one behind”.
Cet article sur l’extension de la couverture de la protection sociale se concentre sur les réfugiés, tels que définis par le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés. Notre approche de cette couverture est fondée sur les piliers de la santé publique et de la protection sociale, qui en constituent à la fois la raison d’être et la base législative. Les prestations de protection sociale visées sont un ensemble de services de santé complets dont l’accès est garanti sans conditions; il s’agit, par exemple, du versement de cotisations préalables ou d’une durée de séjour requise. Les réfugiés sont des personnes vulnérables qui fuient des zones de guerre ou font l’objet de persécutions et de menaces personnelles. En plus d’être affligés par la perte de membres de leur famille et d’amis, ils se retrouvent privés de leurs biens, de leurs moyens de subsistance, et de leurs repères sociaux et culturels. Certains d’entre eux ont subi des blessures avant d’être secourus et évacués, et requièrent des soins supplémentaires. Ils peuvent souffrir de maladies chroniques et avoir besoin de médicaments auxquels ils n’ont plus accès. D’autres peuvent être porteurs de maladies transmissibles, comme la tuberculose, et les enfants peuvent avoir été privés des vaccinations obligatoires planifiées. Les réfugiés sont vulnérables aux infections émergentes et résurgentes, comme l’a prouvé la pandémie de COVID-19. Si cet article met principalement en lumière la fourniture de soins de santé, il s’intéresse également aux déterminants sociaux de la santé comme l’accès à l’éducation, l’emploi assorti de conditions de travail décentes et l’existence d’un environnement sûr. Nous nous concentrons sur la couverture garantie par les autorités et les institutions nationales ainsi que par les amendements législatifs permettant aux non-citoyens d’en bénéficier. Par ailleurs, nous fournissons des exemples nationaux. L’expérience a montré que l’instauration d’une couverture était réalisable grâce à l’appui et aux conseils des organisations et associations internationales et locales avec, de surcroît, l’acceptation par les institutions de protection sociale existantes des avantages de l’extension de la couverture aux nouveaux membres. Cet article approuve le principe et l’engagement des objectifs de développement durable pour 2030 des Nations Unies de «ne laisser personne de côté».
Este artículo sobre la extensión de la cobertura de protección social se centra en los refugiados, según la definición del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados. Nuestro enfoque con respecto a esta cobertura se basa en los pilares de la asistencia de salud y de la protección social, que combinados proporcionan el fundamento y la base jurídica de la cobertura. Las prestaciones de protección social que deben cubrirse son los servicios de salud integrales, cuyo acceso está garantizado sin condiciones; se trata, por ejemplo, del pago de cotizaciones previas o de la duración de la residencia. Los refugiados son personas vulnerables, que han huido de zonas de conflicto o han sufrido persecución o amenazas personales. Están conmocionados por la pérdida de miembros de su familia, de amigos, de propiedades, de medios de vida y del apoyo social y cultural que tenían. Algunas de estas personas también han sufrido daños antes de ser rescatadas y evacuadas, y necesitan una asistencia adicional. Algunas pueden tener enfermedades crónicas y necesitar medicamentos a los que ya no tienen acceso; otras, pueden tener enfermedades transmisibles, como la tuberculosis, y es posible que los niños no hayan recibido las vacunas previstas en el calendario de vacunación obligatorio. Los refugiados son vulnerables a contraer infecciones nuevas y reemergentes, tal como se observó con la pandemia de COVID-19. Si bien este artículo se centra en la prestación de atención de salud, se analizan también los determinantes sociales de la salud, como el acceso a la educación, un empleo con unas condiciones de trabajo decentes y la existencia de un entorno seguro. Se presta especial atención a la cobertura que ofrecen las autoridades y las instituciones nacionales, y a las modificaciones legislativas para poder otorgar derechos a los no ciudadanos, y se presentan ejemplos nacionales. La experiencia ha demostrado que la cobertura es factible con el apoyo y el asesoramiento de organizaciones y asociaciones internacionales y locales, así como con la aceptación por parte de las instituciones de protección social existentes de las ventajas de extender la cobertura a nuevos miembros. Este artículo está en consonancia con el principio y el compromiso de “no dejar a nadie atrás” previstos en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2023 de las Naciones Unidas.
Die Zielbevölkerung, um die es in diesem Artikel über die Ausweitung der Deckung der sozialen Sicherheit geht, sind Flüchtlinge gemäß der Definition des Hohen Flüchtlingskommissars der Vereinten Nationen. Der hier vorgestellte Ansatz zu ihrer Deckung beruht auf den Pfeilern öffentliches Gesundheitswesen und Sozialschutz, die zusammen das Grundprinzip und die rechtliche Grundlage für eine mögliche Deckung darstellen. Die hier beschriebenen Sozialschutzleistungen sind umfassende Gesundheitsleistungen, deren Inanspruchnahme nicht an Vorbedingungen wie vorgängige Beiträge oder Aufenthaltszeiten geknüpft ist. Flüchtlinge sind gefährdete Bevölkerungsteile, da sie aus Konfliktgebieten stammen, verfolgt oder persönlich bedroht werden. Oft trauern sie, weil sie Angehörige und Freunde, Eigentum und Lebensgrundlage sowie ihre soziale und kulturelle Unterstützung verloren haben. Einige von ihnen haben vor ihrer Rettung und Evakuierung dauerhafte Verletzungen erlitten und benötigen eine zusätzliche Versorgung. Manche haben chronische Erkrankungen und benötigen Arzneimittel, zu denen sie keinen Zugang mehr haben. Andere sind mit übertragbaren Krankheiten wie Tuberkulose infiziert, und viele Kinder haben geplante obligatorische Impfungen verpasst. Flüchtlinge sind auch anfällig für neue und wiederkehrende Infektionen, wie etwa während der COVID-19-Pandemie. Der Fokus dieses Artikels liegt zwar auf der Gesundheitsversorgung, aber es werden auch soziale Determinanten der menschlichen Gesundheit diskutiert, einschließlich des Bildungszugangs, der Beschäftigung unter menschenwürdigen Bedingungen und eines sicheren Umfelds. Beschrieben werden die Deckung durch nationale Behörden und Institutionen, Gesetzesänderungen zur Schaffung eines Anspruchs für Personen ohne ständigen Wohnsitz und Beispiele aus einzelnen Ländern. Erfahrungen haben gezeigt, dass eine Deckung mit Unterstützung und Steuerung durch internationale und lokale Organisationen und Vereinigungen möglich ist, wenn die bestehenden Institutionen der sozialen Sicherheit erkennen, dass eine Ausweitung der Deckung auf neue Mitglieder Vorteile bringt. Dieser Artikel schließt sich dem Grundsatz und Plädoyer „niemanden zurücklassen“aus den Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung 2030 der Vereinten Nationen an.
Целевой группой населения, о которой идет речь в данной статье о расширении охвата социальной защитой, являются беженцы, в соответствии с определением Верховного комиссара Организации Объединенных Наций по делам беженцев. Наш подход к распространению охвата на беженцев основан на принципах общественного здравоохранения и социальной защиты, которые вместе обеспечивают рациональную и законодательную основу для расширения охвата. Помимо пособий по социальной защите охват должен включать в себя и предоставление комплексных медицинских услуг с правом на их получение без выполнения таких условий как предварительные взносы или длительность проживания. Беженцы — это уязвимая группа, поскольку они приезжают из зон конфликтов или подвергаются преследованиям и угрозе личной безопасности. Они страдают от потери членов семьи и друзей, имущества и средств к существованию, а также от потери социальной и культурной поддержки. Некоторые беженцы получают травмы до проведения мероприятий по их спасению или эвакуации и нуждаются в дополнительной помощи. Они могут иметь хронические заболевания и нуждаться в лекарствах, которые больше не могут получать. У некоторых из них могут быть инфекционные заболевания, такие как туберкулез, а у детей могут быть пропущены запланированные обязательные прививки. Беженцы уязвимы перед новыми и вновь возникающими инфекциями, как стало видно на примере пандемии COVID-19. Хотя в данной статье основное внимание уделяется оказанию медицинской помощи, рассматриваются также и социальные детерминанты здоровья в целом, в том числе доступ к образованию, занятость с достойными условиями труда и безопасность рабочей среды. Мы уделяем особое внимание охвату, предоставляемому национальными органами власти и организациями, и внесению в законодательство поправок, обеспечивающих право на социальную защиту негражданам, а также приводим примеры из практик конкретных государств. Опыт показал, что охвата можно достичь при помощи и под руководством международных и местных организаций и ассоциаций, а также при признании существующими организациями социальной защиты преимуществ распространения охвата на новых членов. Данная статья соответствует принципу и обязательству «не оставлять никого в стороне», включенному в Цели социального развития Организации Объединенных Наций на период до 2030 г..
本文中社会保护扩面的目标人群是符合联合国难民署定义的难民。我们的扩面方法基于公共卫生和社会保护两个支柱, 为覆盖提供了理论依据和法律依据。所提供的社会保护福利是综合性医疗服务, 提供享有服务资格而不对先前缴费或居住期限提出要求。难民或来自冲突地区, 或遭受迫害和人身威胁, 属于弱势群体。他们失去家人朋友、财产、生计以及社会和文化支持, 处于悲痛之中。一些难民在救援和撤离前负伤, 需要额外照护。他们可能患有慢性疾病, 需要药品却无法获得。一些可能患有肺结核等传染性疾病, 儿童可能错过预定的强制疫苗接种。正如新冠肺炎疫情期间所见, 难民是新型传染或反复传染的易感人群。尽管本文的重点是提供医疗保健, 但也阐述了医疗的社会决定因素, 包括能否获得教育、体面工作条件就业和安全的环境。文章重点关注由国家主管部门和机构负责的覆盖面、推动非公民享受待遇的立法修订, 并提供了国家实例。经验表明, 在国际与当地组织和协会的协助和指导下, 现有社会保护机构如能接受将福利扩展至新成员, 扩大覆盖面是可行的。本文符合联合国2030年社会发展目标中“不让一个人掉队”的原则和承诺。
إن السكان المشمولين بهذا المقال الذي يتناول مسألة توسيع نطاق تغطية الحماية الاجتماعية هم اللاجئون، حسب تعريف المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين. ويعتمد نهجنا في تغطية اللاجئين على ركائز الصحة العامة والحماية الاجتماعية التي توفر مع بعضها البعض الأساس المنطقي والتشريعي للتغطية. إن منافع الحماية الاجتماعية المعنية تتمثل في الخدمات الصحية الشاملة غير المشروطة بالاشتراكات المسبقة أو بمدة الإقامة. وعادة ما يكون اللاجئون عرضة للخطر لأنهم يأتون من مناطق الصراع أو يتعرضون للاضطهاد والتهديد الشخصي. كما يرزح العديد منهم تحت وطأة الحزن الناجم عن فقدان بعض أو كل أفراد أسرهم وأصدقائهم أ وممتلكاتهم، وكذلك حرمانهم من سبل العيش والدعم الاجتماعي والثقافي. وقد يصاب البعض بجروح قبل عمليات الإنقاذ والإخلاء، لذا هم يحتاجون إلى رعاية إضافية. وقد يكون لديهم أمراض مزمنة تستدعي أدوية لم يعد بإمكانهم الحصول عليها. وقد يكون لدى البعض أمراض معدية مثل السل. أما بالنسبة للأطفال المرحلين فغالبا ما تفوتهم التطعيمات الإلزامية. إن اللاجئين معرضون للإصابة بالعدوى الجديدة والمتجددة، كما رأينا في جائحة كوفيد-19. وبينما ينصب التركيز في هذا المقال على توفير الرعاية الصحية، يتم تناول المحددات الاجتماعية للصحة، بما في ذلك الوصول إلى التعليم والتوظيف مع ظروف عمل لائقة وبيئات آمنة. ونحن نركز على التغطية التي تقدمها السلطات والمؤسسات الوطنية والتعديلات التشريعية اللازمة لتمكين غير المواطنين من الحصول على المنافع، وتقديم أمثلة وطنية. وقد أظهرت التجربة أن التغطية ممكنة بمساعدة وتوجيه المنظمات والجمعيات الدولية والمحلية وبقبول مؤسسات الحماية الاجتماعية القائمة بتوسيع نطاق التغطية لتشمل القادمين الجدد. ويتوافق هذا المقال مع مبدأ وتعهد أهداف التنمية الاجتماعية للأمم المتحدة لعام 2030 المتمثل في “عدم ترك أي أحد خارج التغطية”.
As populações-alvo que abordaremos neste artigo sobre a extensão da cobertura de proteção social são os refugiados, conforme definidos nos termos do Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Refugiados. A nossa abordagem para esta cobertura baseia-se nos pilares da saúde pública e da proteção social que, em conjunto, propiciam a justificativa e a base legislativa para a cobertura. As prestações de proteção social incluem serviços de saúde abrangentes, que dão direito a serviços sem condições como contribuições prévias ou duração de residência. Os refugiados são vulneráveis, pois provêm de zonas de conflito ou enfrentam perseguições e ameaça pessoal. Eles carregam a dor da perda de familiares e amigos, bens e meios de subsistência, e do suporte social e cultural. Alguns sofreram ferimentos antes do resgate e da evacuação e precisam de cuidados adicionais. Alguns podem ter doenças transmissíveis, como tuberculose, e as crianças podem não ter tomado as vacinas obrigatórias programadas. Os refugiados são vulneráveis a infecções novas e reemergentes, como visto na pandemia do COVID-19. Embora o foco deste artigo seja a prestação de cuidados de saúde, são abordados os determinantes sociais da saúde, entre os quais o acesso à educação, ao emprego com condições de trabalho dignas e ambientes seguros. Temos como foco a cobertura por parte das autoridades e instituições nacionais, as alterações legislativas para permitir o direito a não cidadãos, e apresentamos exemplos nacionais. A experiência vem mostrando que a cobertura é viável com a assistência e a orientação de organizações e associações internacionais e locais e com a aceitação pelas instituições de proteção social existentes dos benefícios da extensão da cobertura a novos membros. Este artigo subscreve o princípio e o compromisso dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Social 2030 da Organização das Nações Unidas de “não deixar ninguém para trás”.
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( Association of greenspaces exposure with cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Apr 11th 2024, 13:43

The post ( Association of greenspaces exposure with cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis was curated by ( information for practice.

( Face and content validity of a mobile delirium screening tool adapted for use in the medical setting (eDIS‐MED): Welcome to the machine
Apr 11th 2024, 13:34

Following a user-centred redesign and refinement process of an electronic delirium screening tool (eDIS-MED), further accuracy assessment was performed prior to anticipated testing in the clinical setting.
Content validity of each of the existing questions was evaluated by an expert group in the domains of clarity, relevance and importance. Questions with a Content Validity Index (CVI) <0.80 were reviewed by the development group for potential revision. Items with CVI <0.70 were discarded. Next, face validity of the entirety of the tests was conducted and readability measured.
A panel of five clinical experts evaluated the test battery comprising eDIS-MED. The content validity process endorsed 61 items. The overall scale CVI was 0.92. Eighty-eight per cent of the responses with regard to question relevancy, usefulness and appropriateness were positive. The questions were deemed fifth grade level and very easy to read.
A revised electronic screening tool was shown to be accurate according to an expert group. A clinical validation study is planned.
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( National ERPO Resource Center at the Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Apr 11th 2024, 13:04

The post ( National ERPO Resource Center at the Center for Gun Violence Solutions was curated by ( information for practice.

( Bureaucratic sludge: Bureaucratic tasks and procedures leading to experiences of strain
Apr 11th 2024, 12:33

In light of the recent conceptual debate about the administrative burdens framework, this article introduces the ‘bureaucratic sludge framework’ as a complementary theoretical approach for social policy and public administration research. The framework enable researchers to pursue novel research questions about for instance the interplay between administrative procedures, informal bureaucratic practices and public employees’ experiences of strain and thus addresses a conceptual gap in the field. The article presents a non-normative conceptualisation, proposing a typology of bureaucratic tasks—information seeking, assessment, implementation, and emotional labour—that may impose cognitive-affective strain. Finally, a research agenda is outlined, and the bureaucratic task typology is proposed as a conceptual point of departure for researchers to empirically explore and audit practical instances of bureaucratic sludge in their contexts to further theorise and advance our understanding of the phenomenon. Social welfare is considered as an especially fruitful context within which to pursue this research agenda.
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( The joy and pain of being a harm reduction worker: a qualitative study of the meanings about harm reduction in Brazil
Apr 11th 2024, 12:12

Although harm reduction is highlighted as an effective intervention for alcohol and drug use, a funding gap for harm reduction interventions has been identified, mainly in low- and middle-income countries. In …
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The post ( The joy and pain of being a harm reduction worker: a qualitative study of the meanings about harm reduction in Brazil was curated by ( information for practice.

( What features of drug treatment programs help, or not, with access? a qualitative study of the perspectives of family members and community-based organization staff in Atlantic Canada
Apr 11th 2024, 11:51

Withdrawal management and opioid agonist treatment (OAT) programs help to reduce some of the harms experienced by people who use substances (PWUS). There is literature on how features of drug treatment program…
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The post ( What features of drug treatment programs help, or not, with access? a qualitative study of the perspectives of family members and community-based organization staff in Atlantic Canada was curated by ( information for practice.

( Grey Matters: A Guide for Collaborative Research with Seniors
Apr 11th 2024, 11:51

The post ( Grey Matters: A Guide for Collaborative Research with Seniors was curated by ( information for practice.

( Key Senate Republicans’ Reported Position on Child Tax Credit Would Weaken Bill’s Support for Kids and Families, Inserts Poison Pills
Apr 11th 2024, 11:39

The post ( Key Senate Republicans’ Reported Position on Child Tax Credit Would Weaken Bill’s Support for Kids and Families, Inserts Poison Pills was curated by ( information for practice.

( Should tobacco sales be restricted to state‐run alcohol outlets? Perspectives from 10 US alcohol control states
Apr 11th 2024, 11:33

Background and aims
The ubiquity of tobacco retailers helps to sustain the tobacco epidemic. A tobacco retail reduction approach that has not been tried is transitioning tobacco sales to state-controlled alcohol stores (TTS), which are limited in number and operate under some restrictions, e.g. regarding opening hours or marketing materials. This study summarizes policy experts’ and advocates’ views of TTS, including (1) advantages and disadvantages; (2) feasibility; and (3) potential implementation obstacles.
This study was a qualitative content analysis of semi-structured interviews.
Ten US states with alcoholic beverage control systems were included.
The participants comprised a total of 103 tobacco control advocates and professionals, public health officials, alcohol policy experts and alcohol control system representatives, including two tribal community representatives.
Interviewees’ perspectives on their state’s alcoholic beverage control agency (ABC, the agency that oversees or operates a state alcohol monopoly) and on TTS were assessed.
Interviewees thought TTS offered potential advantages, including reduced access to tobacco products, less exposure to tobacco advertising and a greater likelihood of successful smoking cessation. Some saw potential long-term health benefits for communities of color, due to the smaller number of state alcohol stores in those communities. Interviewees also raised concerns regarding TTS, including ABCs’ limited focus on public health and emphasis on revenue generation, which could conflict with tobacco use reduction efforts. Some interviewees thought TTS could enhance the power of the tobacco and alcohol industries, increase calls for alcohol system privatization or create difficulties for those in recovery.
In the United States, transitioning tobacco sales to state-controlled alcohol stores (TTS) could have a positive public health impact by reducing tobacco availability, marketing exposure and, ultimately, tobacco use. However, tensions exist between alcohol control system goals of providing revenue to the state and protecting public health. Should a state decide to pursue TTS, several guardrails should be established, including building into the legislation an explicit goal of reducing tobacco consumption.
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( Drug Policy and Decriminalization, Racially Biased Policing, Coalition Building – Kassandra Frederique, MSW
Apr 11th 2024, 11:26

The post ( Drug Policy and Decriminalization, Racially Biased Policing, Coalition Building – Kassandra Frederique, MSW was curated by ( information for practice.

( OVC FY24 Anti-Trafficking Housing Assistance Program
Apr 11th 2024, 10:46

The post ( OVC FY24 Anti-Trafficking Housing Assistance Program was curated by ( information for practice.

( The Community Guide | Be Well™ Baytown: Reducing Skin Cancer Risk
Apr 11th 2024, 10:32

The post ( The Community Guide | Be Well™ Baytown: Reducing Skin Cancer Risk was curated by ( information for practice.

( Individualized prediction of critical illness in older adults: Validation of an elders risk assessment model
Apr 11th 2024, 10:32

The electronic health record (EHR) presents new opportunities for the timely identification of patients at high risk of critical illness and the implementation of preventive strategies. This study aims to externally validate an EHR-based Elders Risk Assessment (ERA) score to identify older patients at high risk of future critical illness during a primary care visit.
This historical cohort study included patients aged ≥65 years who had primary care visits at Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, between July 2019 and December 2021. The ERA score at the time of the primary care visit was used to predict critical illness, defined as death or ICU admission within 1 year of the visit.
A total of 12,885 patients were included in the analysis. The median age at the time of the primary care visit was 75 years, with 44.6% being male. 93.7% of participants were White, and 64.2% were married. The median (25th, 75th percentile) ERA score was 4 (0, 9). 11.3% of study participants were admitted to the ICU or died within 1 year of the visit. The ERA score predicted critical illness within 1 year of a primary care visit with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.84 (95% CI 0.83–0.85), which indicates good discrimination. An ERA score of 9 was identified as optimal for implementing and testing potential preventive strategies, with the odds ratio of having the primary outcome in patients with ERA score ≥9 being 11.33 (95%CI 9.98–12.87).
This simple EHR-based risk assessment model can predict critical illness within 1 year of primary care visits in older patients. The findings of this study can serve as a basis for testing and implementation of preventive strategies to promote the well-being of older adults at risk of critical illness and its consequences.
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( Two nonprofits have dropped out of Philly’s child welfare system. The disruption will cost the city $66M.
Apr 11th 2024, 10:08

Turning Points For Children is one of two nonprofits to leave Philadelphia’s child welfare system in recent years.
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( Sleep disorders and criminal behavior
Apr 11th 2024, 09:32

Behaviors that would otherwise be considered criminal acts, but occur in the context of a sleep disorder, pose challenges to the traditional application of legal principles of criminal responsibility. Determining the degree to which consciousness is present during such behaviors becomes a necessary step in assigning criminal culpability. Historically, legal defense theories of unconsciousness, automatism, and insanity have been raised to negate culpability for parasomnia related behaviors. Accordingly, proper assessment of sleep disorders in the context of criminal charges becomes critical in assisting the functions of the justice system. This article reviews principles related to the legal tradition, expert assessment, and elements of expert testimony related to criminal behaviors and sleep disorders.
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( Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the social sciences: summary data report
Apr 11th 2024, 09:12

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( Closing the Digital Divide
Apr 11th 2024, 08:38

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( Psychological mechanisms of the development of suicidal ideation: Longitudinal cohort study
Apr 11th 2024, 08:31

This study aimed to investigate the mechanisms of the development of suicidal ideation and its moderating and protective factors. Drawing on the Interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide, we proposed that disruptions to belongingness, in conjunction with tolerance of health risk, may influence the development of suicidal ideation above and beyond psychosocial changes such as disruptions to finances and work.
The study involved a longitudinal investigation of an Australian representative sample reporting suicidal ideation fortnightly for 12 weeks between March and June 2020.
The results indicated that participants who reported higher levels of belongingness, mastery, and intolerance of health risk were less likely to experience suicidal ideation and had lower severity of suicidal ideation. Mastery significantly strengthened the negative link between belongingness and the incidence of suicidal ideation, while agreeableness significantly strengthened the negative link between belongingness and the severity of suicidal ideation over time.
The findings suggest that supporting effective social connectedness during times of isolation and promoting self-efficacy, mastery, and regulation of risk tolerance, may be crucial for suicide prevention and therapeutic intervention.
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( Commentary: Broadening the Reach: Multidimensional Sleep Health and Cultural Diversity in Pediatric Sleep Research
Apr 11th 2024, 08:23

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( Examining Child Labour in Stone Quarrying in the GA West Municipality, Ghana
Apr 11th 2024, 07:31

Child labour is a complex social problem worldwide, affecting the physical, moral and educational development of children. A cross sectional quantitative survey research design was used to assess child labour in quarrying activities of the Ga West Municipality, Ghana. The municipality was selected due to evidence in literature of children engaging in quarrying activities. The study examined child labour occurrence and intensity, the working condition of child labourers in the stone quarries; factors influencing child labour in quarrying activities; and the impact of quarrying activities on children. Data which were analysed using probit model and descriptive statistics indicated a negative effect of stone quarry activity on the development, growth and education of the child. Significant influencers were poverty, attitude and poor perception of parents, broken homes, traditional belief systems and migration. The study recommends offering educational support, grants and essential resources to vulnerable households in order to ensure that children remain in school.
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( Barnet social workers step up pay fightback
Apr 11th 2024, 07:27

Mental health social workers in Barnet, north London, are set to launch two weeks of strikes next Monday as part of a nine‑week programme of action. The workers, in the Unison union, have already struck for 27 days as they fight for a recruitment and retention payment to reduce staff turnover and patient waiting lists. 
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( Community views on active case finding for tuberculosis in low- and middle-income countries: a qualitative evidence synthesis
Apr 11th 2024, 06:37

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( Metanarratives of visual impairment rehabilitation: the discursive positioning of disabled service users in South Africa
Apr 11th 2024, 06:31

Volume 39, Issue 2, January-February 2024, Page 381-399. 
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( Health inequity assessment in Brazil: is EQ-5D-3L sensible enough to detect differences among distinct socioeconomic groups?
Apr 11th 2024, 05:36

Multidimensional health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instruments, such as the EQ-5D, are increasingly used to assess inequalities in health. However, it is necessary to explore the ability of these instrume…
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( Globalization, platform work, and wellbeing—a comparative study of Uber drivers in three cities: London, Helsinki, and St Petersburg
Apr 11th 2024, 05:08

Globalization of platform work has become a challenge for wider social and employment relations and wellbeing of workers, yet on-location work remains governed also by local regulatory context. Understanding c…
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( What the European Social Survey can tell us about supporters of protectionist parties
Apr 11th 2024, 04:34

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( A legacy in three discourse shifts: Stafford Hood, culturally responsive evaluation, and the continual interrogation of and resistance against European/Euro‐settler colonial/capitalist hegemony in, through, and around evaluation
Apr 11th 2024, 04:34

The subtitle of this special issue, “We Know Your Name,” is as much an homage to Stafford Hood as it is to the Nobody Knows My Name oral and archival historical project he begat (2001), laying the foundation for a set of written projects that highlight the contributions of evaluation groundbreakers before the Brown v. Board of Education 1954 Supreme Court decision. The purpose of this article is twofold: (a) to historicize and contextualize the contributions of Hood and culturally responsive evaluation (CRE), and (b) to engage in dialogue about the future of CRE, including its application among those advancing critical consciousness in and around academia, government agencies, research and evaluation firms, nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations, and philanthropy. We fulfill this purpose by identifying, naming, and explaining three shifts within evaluation discourse that we attribute to Hood’s scholarship and activism within the field, with mixed results for the liberation of minoritized and otherized groups. CRE seems everywhere at the moment. Amidst its mainstreaming, diluting, and whitewashing, we see an opening for critique and resistance. Failure to critique diminishes both Hood’s legacy and the critical and liberatory roots underlying CRE. This article honors the past while catalyzing the continual interrogation and resistance against the hegemony waged within and through evaluation.
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The post ( A legacy in three discourse shifts: Stafford Hood, culturally responsive evaluation, and the continual interrogation of and resistance against European/Euro‐settler colonial/capitalist hegemony in, through, and around evaluation was curated by ( information for practice.

( Censoring offensive language threatens our freedom to think
Apr 11th 2024, 04:01

The modern obsession with textual purity stems from a misapplication of the philosophies of Wittgenstein and Derrida
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