Your Daily digest for Psychology Research News -- ScienceDaily

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Tue Apr 9 07:38:02 PDT 2024

Psychology Research News -- ScienceDaily


( Are lab-grown brain tissues ethical? There is no no-brainer answer
Apr 8th 2024, 22:57

Researchers offer insights into the ethical dilemmas and legal complexities surrounding brain organoids, especially those derived from human fetal tissue. Their findings advocate for thorough regulatory frameworks to ensure that scientific and medical progress in this field is conducted responsibly and ethically, with strong regulations supported by sound ethical and legal principles.

( New study highlights the benefit of touch on mental and physical health
Apr 8th 2024, 13:06

Through a large-scale analysis, researchers have uncovered the ways in which consensual touch can benefit a person's physical and mental wellbeing.

( Everyday social interactions predict language development in infants
Apr 8th 2024, 13:06

Researchers found that when the adult talked and played socially with a 5-month-old baby, the baby's brain activity particularly increased in regions responsible for attention -- and the level of this type of activity predicted enhanced language development at later ages.

( Fuelling nerve cell function and plasticity
Apr 5th 2024, 13:04

Scientists disclose how mitochondria control tissue rejuvenation and synaptic plasticity in the adult mouse brain.

Forwarded by:
Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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