Your Daily digest for Social Psychology Psychology Headlines Daily Digest (Unofficial)

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Fri Apr 5 13:12:37 PDT 2024

Social Psychology Psychology Headlines Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Israel Using AI to Help Pick Bombing Targets in Gaza, Report Says
Apr 4th 2024, 06:59

Source: ( Google News - HealthThe Israeli military has been using artificial intelligence to help identify Gaza bombing targets, according to an investigation that cites six Israeli intelligence officials involved in the alleged program, who say human review of the suggested targets was cursory at best. One official said "human personnel often served only as a "rubber stamp" for AI suggestions and typically devoted only around 20 seconds per target, despite a known error...


( Africa and Caribbean Unite in Call for Slavery Reparations Tribunal
Apr 4th 2024, 06:58

Source: ( U.S. News and World ReportSupport is building among Africa and Caribbean nations for the creation of an international tribunal on atrocities dating to the transatlantic trade of enslaved people, with the United States backing a U.N. panel at the heart of the effort. A tribunal, modeled on other ad-hoc courts such as the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals after World War II, was proposed last year. It has now gained traction within a broader slavery reparations...


( Meta's AI Image Generator Struggles to Create Interracial Couples
Apr 4th 2024, 06:57

Source: ( Google News - HealthMeta AI is consistently unable to generate accurate images for seemingly simple prompts like "Asian man and Caucasian friend," or "Asian man and white wife," The Verge reports. Instead, the company's image generator seems to be biased toward creating images of people of the same race, even when explicitly prompted otherwise. In addition, Meta AI shows other signs of bias, such as a tendency to make Asian men appear older and Asian women appear...


( Group Launches Holocaust Survivor Speakers Bureau to Fight Antisemitism
Apr 4th 2024, 06:55

Source: ( ABC News - InternationalMore than 250 Holocaust survivors have joined an international initiative to share their stories of loss and survival with students around the world during a time of rising antisemitism following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel that triggered the war in Gaza. The Survivor Speakers Bureau was launched Thursday by the New York-based Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, also referred to as the Claims Conference.


( Idaho Lawmakers Pass Bills Targeting LGBTQ+ Citizens
Apr 4th 2024, 06:54

Source: ( U.S. News and World ReportIdaho lawmakers have passed a series of bills targeting LGBTQ+ citizens this year, including two this week that prevent public employees from being required to use someone's preferred pronouns and redefine gender as being synonymous with sex. On Wednesday, the Senate approved a bill allowing people to sue schools and libraries over books deemed harmful to minors. Another prevents public funds—including Medicaid—from being used for...


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