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NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)
( Two GOP bills putting restrictions on SNAP are headed to Hobbs’ desk
Apr 3rd 2024, 15:11
Republicans in the Arizona Legislature have voted to pass two bills that would make it more difficult for Arizonans to receive or keep government benefits to help them buy food. The bills passed through both the House of Representatives and Senate on a party-line vote but are likely to get a veto from Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs, MSW
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( Enabling factors that facilitate recovery among survivors of gender‐based violence
Apr 3rd 2024, 14:44
Accessible Summary
What is known on the subject?
Gender-based violence (GBV) has long-term devastating effects on psychological health, resulting in depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Beyond physical and mental health symptoms, GBV can affect survivors on many personal, social, and spiritual levels, impacting their ability to connect to themselves, others, and the world around them.
While most research on recovery following GBV has focused on recognizing factors associated with distress or adverse outcomes, there is limited information about how they recover.
What the paper adds to existing knowledge?
We know little about the internal characteristics that enable or support the healing journey (factors) or what the survivors do to build capacity or support for health and change (strategies). Therefore, this study discovered the main factors or strategies that GBV survivors used throughout their recovery process which included; social connection, self-care, self-understanding and spiritual connection.
What are the implications for practice?
Mental health nurses always encounter and deal with the GBV survivors as they always suffer from mental health issues related to their trauma. Therefore, mental health nurses can utilize our research findings to establish nursing interventions or psychoeducational programs with the aim of facilitating trauma recovery among the survivors.
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a severe worldwide phenomenon mainly affecting women. Little studies focus on the details of the recovery process that survivors of GBV go through.
To identify the enabling factors that facilitate recovery among survivors of GBV.
We used the thematic qualitative analysis approach to analyse 20 interviews with the women survivors of GBV.
Our study resulted in four factors that survivors used in their recovery process (social connection, self-care, self-understanding and spiritual connection).
Recovering from an abusive relationship is a social, spiritual, cultural and psychological process. Current study confirmed the positive impact of our identified enabling factors in the recovery process of GBV survivors.
Implications for Practice
The current study illustrates findings that provide a deeper understanding of the journey to recovery following GBV, which can be helpful when guiding and supporting women who have suffered GBV to start and pursue their journey toward recovery.
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( Policy Basics: Supplemental Security Income
Apr 3rd 2024, 13:54
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( Effect of food insecurity on depression, anxiety, and stress among resettled Syrian refugees in Ontario
Apr 3rd 2024, 12:49
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( Gender diversity is correlated with dimensional neurodivergent traits but not categorical neurodevelopmental diagnoses in children
Apr 3rd 2024, 12:41
Gender clinic and single-item questionnaire-based data report increased co-occurrence of gender diversity and neurodevelopmental conditions. The nuances of these associations are under-studied. We used a transdiagnostic approach, combining categorical and dimensional characterization of neurodiversity, to further the understanding of its associations with gender diversity in identity and expression in children.
Data from 291 children (Autism N = 104, ADHD N = 104, Autism + ADHD N = 17, neurotypical N = 66) aged 4–12 years enrolled in the Province of Ontario Neurodevelopmental Network were analyzed. Gender diversity was measured multi-dimensionally using a well-validated parent-report instrument, the Gender Identity Questionnaire for Children (GIQC). We used gamma regression models to determine the significant correlates of gender diversity among age, puberty, sex-assigned-at-birth, categorical neurodevelopmental diagnoses, and dimensional neurodivergent traits (using the Social Communication Questionnaire and the Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD Symptoms and Normal Behavior Rating Scales). Internalizing and externalizing problems were included as covariates.
Neither a categorical diagnosis of autism nor ADHD significantly correlated with current GIQC-derived scores. Instead, higher early-childhood dimensional autistic social-communication traits correlated with higher current overall gender incongruence (as defined by GIQC-14 score). This correlation was potentially moderated by sex-assigned-at-birth: greater early-childhood autistic social-communication traits were associated with higher current overall gender incongruence in assigned-males-at-birth, but not assigned-females-at-birth. For fine-grained gender diversity domains, greater autistic restricted-repetitive behavior traits were associated with greater diversity in gender identity across sexes-assigned-at-birth; greater autistic social-communication traits were associated with lower stereotypical male expression across sexes-assigned-at-birth.
Dimensional autistic traits, rather than ADHD traits or categorical neurodevelopmental diagnoses, were associated with gender diversity domains across neurodivergent and neurotypical children. The association between early-childhood autistic social-communication traits and overall current gender diversity was most evident in assigned-males-at-birth. Nuanced interrelationships between neurodivergence and gender diversity should be better understood to clarify developmental links and to offer tailored support for neurodivergent and gender-diverse populations.
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( Supporting Women of Color Experiencing Homelessness as Individuals in Los Angeles
Apr 3rd 2024, 12:19
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( Ready? Set? Go?: Examining Organizational Readiness for Change in a Quality Improvement Intervention for Youth Mentoring Programs
Apr 3rd 2024, 12:19
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( Increases in Aesthetic Experience Following Ayahuasca Use: A Prospective, Naturalistic Study
Apr 3rd 2024, 11:28
Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Ahead of Print. Psychedelic drugs are currently being investigated for their potential to facilitate a variety of long-lasting psychological changes. One area that has yet to be systematically investigated in psychedelic research, however, regards changes in aesthetic experience (i.e., one’s attitudes, perceptions, and expression of art). This is surprising given the wealth of anecdotes directly noting increased appreciation of aesthetic experiences after psychedelic use and that psychedelics have facilitated their own distinctive aesthetic (i.e., “psychedelic art”). To address this gap in the literature, participants in the current study (N = 54) completed a validated and multifaceted measure of aesthetic experience 1-week before, 1-week after, and 1-month after attending an ayahuasca retreat. We found that compared with baseline, participants exhibited increased levels of aesthetic experience at both the 1-week and 1-month follow-ups. Contrary to our hypotheses, measures of acute drug effects (e.g., mystical-type experiences, awe, and ego dissolution) did not predict changes in aesthetic experience. Although the study was limited by an open-label design, the results support anecdotal reports noting changes in aesthetic experience after psychedelic use. Further research is needed to address limitations related to the study design as well as to identify predictors and mechanisms of changes in aesthetic experience following psychedelic use.
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( Deflecting a “crisis”: the opioid epidemic in Appalachia as state violence
Apr 3rd 2024, 11:12
Volume 26, Issue 3, September 2023, Page 225-249.
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( NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (Multiple due dates
Apr 3rd 2024, 10:49
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( Housing in America: Pathways to Homeownership
Apr 3rd 2024, 10:41
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( Preparing for the bedside—optimizing a postpartum depression risk prediction model for clinical implementation in a health system
Apr 3rd 2024, 10:27
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( Key Bridge Collapse Shipowner Could Legally Skirt Liability
Apr 3rd 2024, 10:16
The opaque shipping company that owns the ship that crashed into the bridge, Grace Ocean Private Limited, filed an action in federal court using the Limitation of Liability Act, an antiquated law from 1851, to argue that the damages it owes for the crash should be capped at $43 million — the remaining value of the ship and its cargo. This is despite the fact that by some estimates, it may cost hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild the bridge. Justice in America?
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( What happens when we put mental health support teams in schools?
Apr 3rd 2024, 10:11
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( Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: Forms List
Apr 3rd 2024, 10:04
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( Turning Social Capital into Scientific Capital: Men’s Networking in Academia
Apr 3rd 2024, 09:48
Work, Employment and Society, Ahead of Print. Universities have changed in recent decades with the introduction of various performance measurement systems, including journal ranking lists. This Bourdieu-inspired article analyses three types of strategies used by male associate professors in response to journal lists: building social capital at conferences and during stays abroad; marketing of research papers to potential reviewers and journal editors; and tactical co-authorship. Drawing on 55 qualitative interviews with male associate professors in the social sciences in Denmark, the article shows that journal lists, and the forms of strategic networking they are associated with, represent a new doxa in higher education. However, it also reveals that participants are unequally positioned when it comes to acting in accordance with performance metrics. Although comprehended as neutral, journal lists are based on (and contribute to) dividing lines between acknowledged and unacknowledged research – lines that tend to pass unnoticed among winners as well as losers in the academic publishing game.
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( Supporting language diversities through story circles
Apr 3rd 2024, 09:46
Journal of Early Childhood Research, Ahead of Print. This current study shows the range of culturally-shaped, storytelling patterns present in three multicultural, multilingual preschool classrooms serving children from families with lower socioeconomic status in the U.S. Stories were collected in the context of a small group, child-led storytelling activity called story circles. Results show that story circles encourage diverse story forms and topics that reflect interdependent conceptions of self in young learners. In their stories, young children demonstrate the early emerging potential for cultivating linguistic and cultural dexterity in early childhood by surfacing and centering multiple meaning-making patterns in the classroom, rather than solely topic-centered, linear, temporal stories that predominate in U.S. schools.
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( Case Study – Jamaica | Divesting from Prohibition, Investing in the HIV Respons
Apr 3rd 2024, 08:12
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( Music therapy for depression: a Cochrane Review
Apr 3rd 2024, 07:57
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( Babies, two bonds: Frequency and correlates of differential maternal‐infant bonding in mothers of twins
Apr 3rd 2024, 07:47
We assessed prevalence and correlates of differential maternal-infant bonding (i.e., experiencing a stronger bond with one baby vs. the other) in mothers of twins, focusing on aspects of maternal mental health, well-being, and pregnancy/birth that have been previously linked with maternal-infant bonding. Participants (N = 108 American women, 88.89% White, 82.41% non-Hispanic, aged 18–45, who gave birth to twins in the past 6–24 weeks) were recruited from postpartum support websites. Participants completed a Qualtrics survey assessing pregnancy/birth history, symptoms of depression and anxiety, sleep, stress, romantic relationship satisfaction, and postpartum bonding. Twenty-six participants (24.07%) reported a bonding discrepancy. These participants endorsed higher symptoms of depression and anxiety, lower relationship satisfaction, lower average postpartum bonding, higher general and parenting stress, and longer pregnancy (all ps > .05). Greater degree of bonding discrepancy correlated with more depression, higher parenting stress, longer pregnancy, and lower relationship satisfaction (all ps > .05). Mothers of twins may benefit from postpartum mental health support, stress management strategies, and interventions to improve bonding. Future work should assess the role of breastfeeding difficulties, delivery method, birth-related trauma, infant regulatory capacity, and temperament. Longitudinal studies will help test cause and effect and potential long-term repercussions of maternal-infant bonding discrepancies.
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( Federal Coal Mine and Safety Act of 1969
Apr 3rd 2024, 07:31
A 1968 underground explosion that killed 78 coal miners in Farmington, West Virginia (above), was a flashpoint for reform after years of fatalities and a growing awareness of black lung disease.
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( Missing Incomes in the UK: Evidence and Policy Implications
Apr 3rd 2024, 07:24
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( Comparing Side Effects of Prostate Cancer Treatments
Apr 3rd 2024, 07:16
“Given the similar survival rates, the choice of treatment for patients may be influenced by the adverse effects of the treatments,” says Dr. Bashir Al Hussein Al Awamlh, of Vanderbilt University, who helped lead the study.
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( Households below average income: for financial years ending 1995 to 2023
Apr 3rd 2024, 06:39
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( Digital Practices of Negotiation: Social Workers at the Intersection of Migration and Social Policies in Switzerland and Belgium
Apr 3rd 2024, 06:36
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( Spousal support and dyadic adjustment in the early postpartum period
Apr 3rd 2024, 05:46
Volume 64, Issue 2, February 2024, Page 121-130.
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( Variability in Alzheimer’s disease mortality from European vital statistics, 2012–2020
Apr 3rd 2024, 04:44
Data regarding the trends in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) mortality in the modern European Union (EU-27) member states are lacking. We assess the sex- and age-specific trends in AD mortality in the EU-27 member states between years 2012 and 2020.
Data on cause-specific deaths and population numbers by sex for each country of the EU-27 were retrieved through publicly available European Statistical Office (EUROSTAT) dataset from 2012 to 2020. AD-related deaths were ascertained when the ICD-10 code G30 was listed as the primary cause of death in the medical death certificate. To calculate annual trends, we assessed the average annual percent change (AAPC) with relative 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using Joinpoint regression.
During the study period, 751,493 deaths (1.7%, 233,271 males and 518,222 females) occurred in the EU-27 because of AD. Trends in the proportion of AD-related deaths per 1000 total deaths slightly increased from 16.8% to 17.5% (p for trend <0.001). The age-adjusted mortality rate was higher in women over the entire study period. Joinpoint regression analysis revealed a stagnation in age-adjusted AD-related mortality from 2012 to 2020 among EU-27 Member States (AAMR: −0.1% [95% CI: −1.8–1.79], p = 0.94). Stratification by Country showed relevant regional disparities, especially in the Northern and Eastern EU-27 member states.
Over the last decade, the age-adjusted AD-related mortality rate has plateaued in EU-27. Important disparities still exist between Western and Eastern European countries.
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( Editorial: We know what needs to be done to tackle the housing crisis, we just need the will to do it
Apr 3rd 2024, 04:03
Despite warnings, we seem to be drifting towards some kind of tolerance of the notion that homelessness is an issue which we can not solve. Any acceptance of such an insidious idea renders it all the easier to treat the men, women and children who have no roof over their heads, as invisible.
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