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Tue Sep 26 12:53:29 PDT 2023

NYU Information for Practice Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Number of People With a Job
Sep 26th 2023, 15:21

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( Heightened threat perceptions and reduced stability in anxiety and fear among U.S. adults who carry handguns
Sep 26th 2023, 15:09

Publication date: October 2023
Source: Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Volume 99
Author(s): Craig J. Bryan, Samantha E. Daruwala, Jeffrey V. Tabares, Jonathan E. Butner, Emil F. Coccaro, Stephanie M. Gorka
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( Hypnosis for acquired brain injury: Four patient cases and five testable predictions
Sep 26th 2023, 14:06

Publication date: December 2023
Source: New Ideas in Psychology, Volume 71
Author(s): Jonas Kristoffer Lindeløv, Timo L. Kvamme, Kristine Rømer Thomsen, Rikke Overgaard, Morten Overgaard
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( Licensed Clinical Social Workers’ Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Interventions
Sep 26th 2023, 13:37

Research on Social Work Practice, Ahead of Print. Purpose: This article explored Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge of Complementary and Alternative Interventions (CAI). Method: We utilized a cross-sectional online survey among a sample of 193 LCSWs. Results: Approximately 60% of LCSWs assessed for and utilized CAI professionally, and 90% personally utilized CAI. LCSWs had moderately positive beliefs, neutral attitudes, and high baseline knowledge of CAI. Age and years of practice were the only significant correlates, and the only significant predictor for assessment and utilization of CAI was positive attitudes. Discussion: As the largest group of mental health providers, we found that it is vital for LCSWs to have a solid understanding of CAI to provide effective and safe services to the clients they serve. It is hoped that the results of this study will serve as a starting point for future research on CAI among social workers, with the goal of enhancing client-centered practice.
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( “It’s a preventable type of harm”: Evidence-based strategies to prevent sexual abuse in schools
Sep 26th 2023, 13:07

Publication date: November 2023
Source: Child Abuse & Neglect, Volume 145
Author(s): Amanda Lee Robertson, Danielle Arlanda Harris, Susanne Karstedt
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( Chasing the Numinous: Hungry Ghosts in the Shadow of the Psychedelic Renaissance
Sep 26th 2023, 12:42

In recent years a renewed scientific, public and commercial interest in psychedelic medicines can be observed across the globe. As research findings have been generally promising, there is hope for new treatment possibilities for a number of difficult-to-treat mental health concerns. While honouring positive developments and therapeutic promise in relation to the medical use of psychedelics, this paper aims to shine a light on some underlying psycho-cultural shadow dynamics in the unfolding psychedelic renaissance. This paper explores whether and how the multi-layered collective fascination with psychedelics may yet be another symptom pointing towards a deeper psychological and spiritual malaise in the modern Western psyche as diagnosed by C. G. Jung. The question is posed whether the West’s feverish pursuit of psychedelic medicines—from individual consumption to entheogenic tourism, from capitalist commodification of medicines and treatments to the increasing number of ethical scandals and abuse through clinicians and self-proclaimed shamans—is related to a Western cultural complex. As part of the discussion, the archetypal image of the Hungry Ghost, known across Asian cultural and religious traditions, is explored to better understand the aforementioned shadow phenomena and point towards mitigating possibilities.
Ces dernières années, on peut observer à travers le monde un regain d’intérêt scientifique, public et commercial pour les médecines psychédéliques. Comme les résultats de la recherche ont été dans l’ensemble prometteurs, il y a l’espoir que de nouvelles possibilités de traitement voient le jour pour certains problèmes de santé mentale difficiles à traiter. Tout en respectant avancées positives et promesses thérapeutiques en ce qui concerne l’utilisation médicale des psychédéliques, cet article vise à éclairer certaines dynamiques psychoculturelles d’ombre, qui sont sous-jacentes dans la renaissance psychédélique en cours. Cet article explore si et comment la fascination collective et à plusieurs niveaux pour les psychédéliques pourrait être encore un symptôme indicatif d’un malaise psychologique et spirituel plus profond dans la psyché occidentale moderne, tel que diagnostiqué par C. G. Jung. La question est posée de savoir si la poursuite fébrile des médicaments psychédéliques par l’Occident – de la consommation individuelle au tourisme lié aux substances enthéogènes – de la marchandisation capitaliste des médicaments et des traitements au nombre croissant de scandales éthiques et d’abus par des praticiens et des chamans autoproclamés – serait liée à un complexe culturel occidental. Dans le cadre de la discussion, l’image archétypale du Spectre Affamé, connue à travers les traditions culturelles et religieuses asiatiques, est étudiée afin de mieux comprendre les phénomènes d’ombre mentionnés ci-dessus et de suggérer des possibilités d’atténuation.
In den letzten Jahren ist weltweit ein erneutes wissenschaftliches, öffentliches und kommerzielles Interesse an psychedelischen Arzneimitteln zu beobachten. Da die Forschungsergebnisse im Allgemeinen vielversprechend sind, besteht Hoffnung auf neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für eine Reihe schwer zu behandelnder psychischer Probleme. Während positive Entwicklungen und therapeutische Versprechen im Zusammenhang mit der medizinischen Verwendung von Psychedelika gewürdigt werden, zielt dieser Artikel darauf ab, ein Licht auf einige zugrunde liegende psychokulturelle Schattendynamiken innerhalb der sich entfaltenden psychedelischen Renaissance zu werfen. In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, ob und wie die vielschichtige kollektive Faszination für Psychedelika ein weiteres Symptom sein könnte, das auf eine tiefere psychologische und spirituelle Malaise in der modernen westlichen Psyche hinweist, wie sie von C. G. Jung diagnostiziert wurde. Die Frage wird aufgeworfen, ob das fieberhafte Streben des Westens nach psychedelischen Medikamenten – vom individuellen Konsum bis zum entheogenen Tourismus, von der kapitalistischen Kommerzialisierung von Medikamenten und Behandlungen bis hin zur zunehmenden Zahl ethischer Skandale und Mißbräuche durch Kliniker und selbsternannte Schamanen – mit einem westlichen kulturellen Komplex zusammenhängt. Im Rahmen der Diskussion wird das archetypische Bild des Hungrigen Geistes, das in asiatischen kulturellen und religiösen Traditionen bekannt ist, untersucht, um die oben genannten Schattenphänomene besser zu verstehen und Möglichkeiten zur Linderung aufzuzeigen.
In anni recenti è stato possibile osservare nel mondo un rinnovato interesse scientifico, pubblico e commerciale, per i farmaci psichedelici. Dato che i risultati delle ricerche sono stati generalmente promettenti, c’è speranza per nuove possibilità di trattamento per un certo numero di problemi di salute mentale difficili da trattare. Pur riconoscendo gli sviluppi positivi e le promesse terapeutiche in relazione all’uso medico di sostanze psichedeliche, questo articolo mira a far luce su alcune dinamiche ombra psico-culturali, che sono sottostanti allo a questo rinascimento psichedelico. Questo lavoro esplora se e come la fascinazione collettiva per gli psichedelici possa essere un altro sintomo che esprime un malessere psicologico e spirituale più profondo nella moderna psiche occidentale, come diagnosticato da C. G. Jung. Viene posta la questione se la ricerca febbrile dell’Occidente per i farmaci psichedelici – dal consumo individuale al turismo legato a sperimentare sostanze psicoattive, dalla mercificazione capitalista delle medicine e delle cure al numero crescente di scandali etici e abusi per mezzo di medici auto-proclamati sciamani- sia collegata ad un complesso della cultura Occidentale. Nell’ambito della discussione, viene esplorata l’immagine archetipica del Fantasma Affamato, conosciuta nelle tradizioni culturali e religiose asiatiche, per comprendere meglio i suddetti fenomeni dell’ombra e per individuare possibilità di armonizzazione.
В последние годы во всем мире наблюдается возрождение научного, общественного и коммерческого интереса к психоделическим препаратам. Поскольку результаты исследований в целом оказались перспективными, появилась надежда на новые возможности лечения ряда трудноизлечимых психических заболеваний. Отдавая должное позитивным изменениям и терапевтическим перспективам в отношении медицинского использования психоделиков, данная статья ставит своей целью пролить свет на некоторые основополагающие психокультурные теневые динамики в разворачивающемся психоделическом ренессансе. В работе исследуется вероятность того, что многослойное коллективное увлечение психоделиками может оказаться еще одним симптомом, указывающим на более глубинное психологическое и духовное болезненное состояние современной западной психики, диагностированное К. Г. Юнгом. Ставится вопрос, связана ли лихорадочная погоня Запада за психоделическими препаратами – от индивидуального потребления до энтеогенного туризма, от капиталистической коммодификации лекарств и методов лечения до растущего числа этических скандалов и злоупотреблений со стороны клиницистов и самопровозглашенных шаманов – с западным культурным комплексом. Чтобы лучше понять вышеупомянутые теневые явления и указать на возможности смягчения их последствий, в рамках дискуссии рассматривается архетипический образ Голодного призрака, хорошо известный в азиатских культурных и религиозных традициях.
En los últimos años se ha observado en todo el mundo un renovado interés científico, público y comercial por las medicinas psicodélicas. Como los resultados de las investigaciones han sido en general prometedores, hay esperanzas de nuevas posibilidades de tratamiento para una serie de problemas de salud mental difíciles de tratar. A la vez que se reconocen los avances positivos y las promesas terapéuticas en relación con el uso médico de los psicodélicos, este artículo pretende arrojar luz sobre algunas dinámicas psico-culturales subyacentes en el renacimiento psicodélico que se está produciendo. Este artículo explora si la fascinación colectiva por los psicodélicos puede ser otro síntoma que apunte hacia un malestar psicológico y espiritual más profundo en la psique occidental moderna, tal y como lo diagnosticó C. G. Jung. Se plantea la cuestión de si la febril búsqueda de medicinas psicodélicas en Occidente -desde el consumo individual hasta el turismo enteogénico, desde la mercantilización capitalista de medicinas y tratamientos hasta el creciente número de escándalos éticos y abusos por parte de clínicos y autoproclamados chamanes- está relacionada con un complejo cultural occidental. Como parte del debate, se explora la imagen arquetípica del Fantasma Hambriento, conocida en todas las tradiciones culturales y religiosas asiáticas, para comprender mejor los fenómenos de sombra mencionados y apuntar hacia una posible mitigación de los mismos.
近年来, 全球范围内可以看到科学界、公众和商界对迷幻药重新产生了兴趣。随着研究结果总体上越发前景乐观, 可以期望有新的疗法应付难以治疗的精神健康问题。在尊重与迷幻药的医疗用途有关的积极发展和治疗前景的同时, 本文旨在照亮正在展开的迷幻药复兴中一些潜在的心理文化阴影的动力。本文探讨了多层次的集体性的对迷幻药的迷恋是否以及如何成为另一种症状, 这一症状指向现代西方心理和精神上更深层的高热, 正如荣格所诊断的那样。文章提出的问题是, 西方对迷幻药的狂热追求–从个人消费到致幻旅游, 从药品和治疗的资本主义商品化到越来越多的临床医生和自称的巫师的滥用所致的道德丑闻–是否与西方文化情结有关。作为讨论的一部分, 作者探讨了亚洲文化和宗教传统中著名的饿鬼原型意象, 以更好地理解上述阴影现象, 并指出它得以缓解的可能性。
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( The Iron Cage of Violence Prevention
Sep 26th 2023, 12:41

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( Stability and change in predictors of marital dissolution in the US 1950–2017
Sep 26th 2023, 12:07

Our goal is to measure change over time in the predictors of marital dissolution in the United States.
The last comprehensive comparative analysis of predictors of marital dissolution is more than 20 years out of date. Rising inequality in the United States requires a fresh look at the predictors of marital dissolution. The Diverging Destinies hypothesis predicts greater inequality over time in the divorce rate between groups, whereas the Converging Destinies hypothesis predicts convergence in divorce rates.
We use a variety of event history models to examine the change over time in race, ethnicity, intermarriage, premarital cohabitation, education, teen marriages, and family of origin intactness as predictors of marital dissolution using data on first marriages from the National Survey of Family Growth covering seven decades of marital histories. We examine racial differences in the nonracial predictors of divorce.
In the post-Civil Rights era, Black women’s and White women’s marital dissolution rates converged. In the most recent marriage cohorts, marital dissolution rates for Black women have increased relative to White women and teen marriage is increasingly associated with divorce. Women without the BA degree appear to be increasingly at risk for divorce. We find that wives from racial minority groups have divorce rates that are less impacted by premarital cohabitation, low education, and teen marriage.
The demographic profile of women at marriage has changed dramatically, while the predictors of divorce have changed modestly. Where there are changes in the predictors of divorce, we find more support for Diverging Destinies.
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( Adult Safeguarding Observed: How Social Workers Assess and Manage Risk and Uncertainty
Sep 26th 2023, 11:17

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( Negation bias in communicating Asian American stereotypes
Sep 26th 2023, 11:08

Previous literature demonstrates how the use of negations can be used to communicate stereotypic expectations (e.g., the professor is not smart, instead of stupid). In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and increased discrimination against Asian Americans, we tested whether the negation bias is used to communicate stereotypes about Asian Americans. Participants were provided with stereotype-consistent, stereotype-inconsistent, and neutral scenarios about a subject portrayed as Asian American (Studies 1 and 2), or non-Asian American (Study 2). They were then asked to choose between two descriptions (Study 1) or to describe their impressions of the subject (Study 2). Across studies, participants were more likely to use negations when describing stereotype-inconsistent behavior compared to stereotype-consistent behavior of Asian Americans, supporting our predictions. Results suggest that negations play a role in communicating previously held expectations of Asian Americans and are used in stereotype maintenance.
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( Guidance Thematic inspections of regional adoption agencies
Sep 26th 2023, 10:39

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( Horyzons: Implementation and Integration in Clinical Practice
Sep 26th 2023, 10:08

The post ( Horyzons: Implementation and Integration in Clinical Practice was curated by ( information for practice.

( Does framing climate change policies to fit with epistemic needs for predictability reduce conservatives’ opposition?
Sep 26th 2023, 10:08

A short-term obstacle to united political action to fight climate change in various countries is opposition to pro-environmental policies among conservatives. Three preregistered studies test the hypothesis that because conservatives have a higher need for closure than liberals (Hypothesis 1), framing pro-environmental policies in a way that appeals to the need for closure, reduces conservatives’ opposition to these policies (Hypothesis 2). Study 1 confirms Hypothesis 1. Next, two studies test Hypothesis 2 and find that conservatives are less opposed to pro-environmental policies proposed by a politician (Study 2) or an NGO (Study 3) if these policies are framed in a way that appeals to the need for closure, while the opposite is the case for liberals. Across these two studies, we also test the underlying process but find no evidence for the idea that differences in need for closure mediate the effect (Hypothesis 3a). Instead, the effect is primarily driven by inferences about group membership and ingroup bias (Hypothesis 3b, non-preregistered). That is, these data suggest that framing policies to appeal to closure needs reduces conservatives’ opposition because they infer that the policy is proposed by a fellow conservative.
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( How to help teens stop comparing themselves to others on social media
Sep 26th 2023, 10:05

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( A Communitywide Collaboration to Increase Enrollment, Retention, and Success in Evidence-Based Lifestyle-Change Programs in Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations
Sep 26th 2023, 09:16

A Communitywide Collaboration to Increase Enrollment, Retention, and Success in Evidence-Based Lifestyle-Change Programs in Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations
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( Psychotic‐like experiences and adverse life events in young people. Does gender matter?
Sep 26th 2023, 09:06

Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) and adverse life events (ALEs) are highly prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa where gendered practices are also common. There is, however, a paucity of data on how the relationship between PLEs and life adversities is influenced by gender. The current study addressed this gap.
Data were collected from 1886 school-based young people (1174 females) in Ghana, West Africa using a cross-sectional survey methodology and analyzed using Chi-square, independent t-test, Pearson correlation, and multivariate regression.
The results showed that victimization experiences, school stress and having a family member with mental illness were significantly associated with PLEs in both males and females. In contrast, substance misuse and experiences of head trauma correlated significantly with PLEs in females only.
Life adversities constitute major risk factors for PLEs among school-based young people in Ghana, who could benefit from gender neutral and gender-sensitive intervention programming to remediate the effects of life adversities on PLEs.
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( The impact of visualization techniques of immersive virtual scenarios in promoting nature connectedness: A blind randomized controlled trial with mixed-methods approach
Sep 26th 2023, 08:06

Publication date: September 2023
Source: Journal of Environmental Psychology, Volume 90
Author(s): Giovanna Calogiuri, Evi Petersen, Amelia Haile, Ole E. Flaten, Fred Fröhlich, Sigbjørn Litleskare
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( Smoking Cessation Interventions Among Asian Americans: a Scoping Review
Sep 26th 2023, 08:01


Tobacco use is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the USA, with smoking rates remaining disproportionately high among Asian-Americans, particularly in males with limited English proficiency, including Vietnamese (43%), Korean (37%), and Chinese (29%) Americans. Barriers to smoking cessation in this population include high social acceptability of smoking in participants’ countries of origin, low quit intention, and limited use of linguistically appropriate smoking cessation resources. This paper aims to conduct a systematic review of studies evaluating the effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions targeting Asian-Americans.

The researchers conducted a thorough search of Scopus, Medline, Cochrane Central, and Google Scholar from 2006 through March 2022, as well as reference lists of relevant articles. The inclusion criteria for the studies were that they described smoking cessation interventions for Asian-Americans and Asian immigrants, and reported outcomes related to feasibility, acceptability, usability, and smoking-related outcomes.

The review identified 14 studies with a total of 5607 participants, with participant numbers ranging from 26 to 2277. The interventions varied across 14 distinct approaches, with individual counseling being a prominent component. These interventions were found to be feasible and culturally acceptable. All studies reported positive smoking-related outcomes, including abstinence rates ranging from 26.7 to 68% and an increase in quit attempts. Culturally sensitive components and linguistically tailored content played a significant role in promoting participant engagement. The retention rates in the studies ranged from 42 to 100%, highlighting the importance of partnership with the Asian community, cultural and ethnic congruence, and family involvement and support.

The review highlighted the lack of direct in-language treatment as a disadvantage for Asian-American smokers in accessing evidence-based treatments. Despite this, the review reported the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of a limited number of culturally targeted interventions for Asian-Americans, who are the fastest-growing racial-ethnic group. Future research should focus on exploring novel community-based and culturally adapted approaches for hard-to-reach and high-risk ethnic Asian subgroups to further improve smoking cessation outcomes in this population.

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( Heterogenous associations between Gender‐Sexuality Alliances and LGBTQ adolescents’ maladjustment across individual victimization level
Sep 26th 2023, 07:06

Gender-Sexuality Alliances (GSAs), which are student-initiated school clubs for LGBTQ youth and allies, can reduce victimization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth. This preregistered study identified heterogeneous correlates of GSAs, based on data from an anonymous survey of LGBTQ adolescents aged 13–17 years living in the United States (N = 10,588). In line with the healthy context paradox (Pan et al. [Child Development, 92, 2021, and 1836]), the presence of a GSA exacerbated associations between LGBTQ-based victimization and depressive symptoms, lower self-esteem, and lower academic grades—particularly in transgender youth. Inclusive settings, such as GSAs, might prevent increasing disparities by including tailored strategies to monitor and support more vulnerable, victimized LGBTQ youth.
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( Linguistic, affective, parental, and educational contributions to the bicultural identity development of Balkan minority adolescents
Sep 26th 2023, 06:07

This study investigated linguistic, affective, parental, and educational contributions to bicultural identity, in two samples of younger (13- to 14-year-old; N = 95) and older (16- to 17-year-old; N = 67) bilingual adolescents, who were immigrants or belonged to ethnic minority communities in the Balkans. While bicultural identity level was not differentiated as a function of age group, there was an age-related shift in its predictors. Bicultural identity level was significantly predicted by perceived educators’ attitudes toward linguistic/cultural diversity in the younger adolescent group, but by personal affective states (motivation and attitudes) toward the mainstream language in the older adolescent group. Implications of the findings are discussed regarding educational and family practices that would facilitate biculturalism in minority adolescents.
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( Kaleidoscopic perspectives on theorizing singlehood
Sep 26th 2023, 05:08

Journal of Family Theory &Review, EarlyView.
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( Associations between parental precarious work schedules and child behavior problems among low‐income families
Sep 26th 2023, 05:07

This study examined associations between parental precarious work schedules and child behavior problems among a sample of families with low incomes receiving child-care subsidies and tested three hypothesized mediators of these associations: work–family conflict, economic insecurity, and child-care instability.
As “just-in-time,” or on-call, scheduling practices become more prevalent among low-paid workers, working parents must balance family demands with precarious work schedules characterized by instability, unpredictability, and lack of control. Precarious work schedules may threaten child well-being by increasing parents’ work–family conflict and stress, economic insecurity, and child-care instability. Yet, few studies have been able to empirically test these relationships.
This study uses data from a survey of child-care subsidy recipients to test the associations between five dimensions of parental precarious work schedules—variable work hours and shifts, limited advance notice, unexpected schedule changes, and lack of schedule control—and child externalizing behavior problems via work–care conflict, economic insecurity, and child-care instability. Analyses use Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression and decomposition methods and control for a host of child, parental, and household characteristics.
Variable shifts were indirectly associated with more parent-reported child behavior problems via work–care conflict, whereas unexpected schedule changes were indirectly associated with more behavior problems via both work–care conflict and material hardship.
These findings add to a growing evidence-base on the incongruence between precarious employer-driven scheduling practices and the needs of families with young children.
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( ‘Camp syndrome’: exploring frontier masculinity in Alberta’s oil production culture
Sep 26th 2023, 04:42

Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2023, Page 174-190. 
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( Yearning for beastly masculinity: interrogating Japanese gay fans’ desires for ‘hard’ male K-pop idols
Sep 26th 2023, 04:42

Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2023, Page 224-239. 
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( Early mobile app training proficiency predicts how well memory-impaired individuals learn to use digital memory aids in the real world
Sep 26th 2023, 04:42

Volume 33, Issue 8, September 2023, Page 1411-1429. 
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( From Metaphor to Computation: Constructing the Potential Landscape for Multivariate Psychological Formal Models
Sep 26th 2023, 04:41

Volume 58, Issue 4, July-August 2023, Page 743-761. 
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( Dealing with death through circumlocution: disguise and prettification in J.M. Coetzee’s Jesus trilogy
Sep 26th 2023, 04:41

Volume 28, Issue 3, August 2023, Page 479-492. 
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( Death – a concept of ‘martyrology’: references from Maoists people’s war in Nepal
Sep 26th 2023, 04:41

Volume 28, Issue 3, August 2023, Page 429-442. 
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( ‘Lest we forget’: the significance and meaning of Remembrance Sunday in contemporary British society
Sep 26th 2023, 04:41

Volume 28, Issue 3, August 2023, Page 460-478. 
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( Early Childhood Teacher Narratives on Constructivism
Sep 26th 2023, 04:40

Volume 30, Issue 1, January-March 2023, Page 42-56. 
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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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