Your Daily digest for Digitial Health (Technology) Daily Digest (Unofficial)

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Fri Oct 6 16:08:42 PDT 2023

Digitial Health (Technology) Daily Digest (Unofficial)


( Adult Social Care Technology Fund awards first £3 million
Oct 6th 2023, 09:52

The government’s Adult Social Care Technology Fund has awarded over £3m to improve the use of digital technology in the adult social care sector.

( Nurturey launches Red Book digital twin across Dorset
Oct 6th 2023, 08:30

A new digital version of the traditional paper-based Red Book for child health, is now in place across Dorset, thanks to the Nurturey PinkBook. 

( Digital Health Intelligence releases NHS bed management market analysis
Oct 6th 2023, 06:25

Digital Health Intelligence’s latest snapshot report dissects the £68m opportunity in the NHS electronic bed and capacity management systems market segment.  

( Zebra proves value of barcoding in NHS but mission not yet accomplished
Oct 6th 2023, 06:00

Wayne Miller of Zebra Technologies speaks exclusively about Zebra’s healthcare solutions and how barcoding can make a significant impact in the NHS.

( Industry news in brief
Oct 6th 2023, 03:30

The latest Digital Health News industry roundup includes investment for Mobilise and more than £1m in contract wins for Kinsetsu.

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Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

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